Deviant Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Three)

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Deviant Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Three) Page 22

by Brenda Trim

  “What?” she challenged.

  “This is a problem, lass. I need you to climb up the vine so we can get out of here.”

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Look around you, we’re in a cave. Maybe we can find another way out of here. It’s not like we’re in a rush. We haven’t even found a way out of this realm yet.”

  “Okay. Get up, let’s go then.” He stood and walked several feet away. It wasn’t until he was a few steps that she attempted to get to her feet. She managed to get to her hands and knees when the pain sent her falling to her ass. Frustrated, she tried again and managed to get to her good knee with her injured leg out to her side, but even that hurt like a bitch.

  She sat heavily and contemplated how she was going to manage. Pip chirped at her and put a paw on her leg. She scratched his head and wondered if she put her good foot under her body if she’d be able to stand up on one leg. She decided to give it a go and made it halfway up when she realized it wasn’t going to work. Cursing, she fell, thinking it was going to hurt when she landed. She threw her hands out to brake her fall and touched hard, hot flesh. In a flash, she was swept into Kyran’s strong arms, never hitting the dirt.

  “Are you done being stubborn, lass?” He’d raised one eyebrow at her, looking rather arrogant. “You canna walk so doona even ask. I am going to carry you, so shut up and enjoy it.”

  “So sure I’ll enjoy it? I couldn’t be more uncomfortable. You aren’t exactly soft, you know. It’s like cuddling a mountain,” she blustered, when she really thought he was deliciously muscled and couldn’t wait to explore every ridge and valley with her tongue.

  “Ah, but you like me hard, Mackendra. You wouldna have me any other way,” he said with such surety that Mack laughed so hard she snorted. He smiled down at her and bent to pick Pip up, placing him in her lap and pulling her backpack over his shoulder as he began walking.

  “Do you know where you’re going?”

  “Aye, Mackendra, I know exactly where I am. There’s a bar doon this path and they have the best fish and chips on Khoth and next door to that there is a hotel where we can get a room and I can get some clean leathers.”

  She laughed again. “Ohhh, looks who’s turned all comedian on me. Don’t quit your day job. Or, your night job, blood-sucker.”

  “Wench,” he accused with a smile.

  “Suddenly, I’m not sure about going further into this cave, I can’t see shit.” She hated being vulnerable and at someone else’s mercy. Although, if she had to be at anyone’s mercy, she’d chose Kyran every time.

  She felt the heat of the mating brand under her shoulder and considered how it must torture him every time she brushed against it. She had no idea how big the mate mark on her neck was, but she’d bet that if he had his way, it would cover her entire body, given his possessiveness of her.

  “Stop using your human senses, Mackendra. I’ve told you this many times. You can see more than you think.” His tone wasn’t chastising or condescending, but she took offense to it, nonetheless. Her quick temper was her biggest fault.

  “Fine, your Highness,” she sneered as she tried to see beyond what was right in front of her. She had no idea how not to think as a human. “You need to cut me a fucking break, leech. I think I’m doing pretty damn good, everything considered. Oh, look, there are crystals in the walls,” she muttered, amazed at what she was able to see.

  He chuckled and patted her ass. He sure did have a thing about her ass. “Actually, I believe those are gems….diamonds, rubies and emeralds.”

  “Wait, stop. I need some of those. That shit could pay for my burnt down house. Aw, hell. I’m going to need more than a few. For all I know, I have nothing left.” She had been so busy running for her life and almost dying that she hadn’t thought much about what she’d lost. “I don’t even know where I’m going to go when we get back. Or, what I’m going to wear. All my t-shirts are gone. Dammit!” She wanted to hit something. She’d spent a lot of time collecting her shirts and some were irreplaceable.

  “Och, lass, calm doon. You will live with me at Zeum when you return. You are my mate, you belong with me. I’ll have Angus buy whatever you need.” He looked into her eyes and slowed when they filled with tears. No one had ever told her that she belonged anywhere.

  “I’ll sleep at the garage. I’m sure I can get the grease out of the sofa in the break room. They have a fridge and microwave and I’ve always liked sponge baths. And, with the need to conserve the earth’s natural resources it’s the responsible thing to do.” She smiled at his growl. He made it so easy sometimes.

  “I doona think you heard me, mate. You will be sleeping with me in my bed at Zeum,” he retorted. His tone brooked no further argument and had her hackles up. Apparently, he was a slow learner because she didn’t take orders. If he hoped to have a lifetime with her, he’d best learn that now. Although, she secretly beamed that he wanted her with him. She wanted to be wanted.

  “I heard you, blood-sucker. I’m just not listening. Now, carry me to the wall. I wasn’t kidding about taking some of these gems.” She squealed when he pinched her side. But, he carried her to the wall.

  “I am going to enjoy chaining you to my bed, Mackendra,” he commented as he popped a handful of the stones from the wall while she struggled to get one free. “I won’t let you free for a week and when I do you willna want to leave.”

  “Is it nice in your fantasy world? It must be because you refuse to leave it for the real one,” she countered. He placed the gems in her palm and she gaped at the size of them. One of them was as big as a walnut. “Are you sure these are real? I’ve never seen diamonds and rubies this big.”

  “Nay, lass, I’m no’ sure. The dragons could have taken the time to embed them in these walls to trick all the humans that visit. And, then concealed the entrance for good measure. You know, to distract them from finding the real ones.”

  She laughed out loud. “I must be rubbing off on you. Next thing you know, you’ll be wearing a sarcastic t-shirt. Hey, I know I’m going to make you a shirt that says ‘The Only Good Skirm is a Dead Skirm’ with the last word blowing away like ash.”

  “You are rubbing on something alright. Wanna feel?” He tried to waggle his eyebrows suggestively, but it just looked wrong.

  She patted his cheek. “Stick to the arrogance. It suits you much better. So, do you know where we are?”

  “I have no idea. I doona hear anything. The air is musty and beginning to freshen, but I doona know if it’s from the vent you added or another entrance. I do however sense magic of some kind.”

  “Is it Fae magic? Could there be a new portal here?”

  “Nay, Zanahia doesna work that fast. Time may pass differently in Faery, but ‘tis doubtful she has noticed the destruction of this portal. She would no’ have left the Dark Fae here to destroy the planet. She may be selfish and unwilling to help others, but she isna going to stand by and allow the destruction of a planet. This magic is barely detectable and similar to Angus’ magic.”

  “We should find the source of the power. We have no leads at this point and this could be the break we’re looking for.”

  “You need to rest before we go much further. Your leg still needs to heal.”

  “I’m resting in your arms. I say we keep going as long as we can. Now, tell me about the people who live at Zeum. Is it just Zander and Elsie and your other brother and sister?”

  “Nay, all of the Seattle Dark Warriors live there. You met Orlando, he is a feline shifter and works for SPD along with Santiago who is a canine shifter. Then there is Jace who is a sorcerer and recently mated to Elsie’s sister, Cailyn. Jace is our healer. Cailyn’s friend, Jessie, was turned by an archdemon and now lives with us, as well. Gerrick is another sorcerer, and last, but not least, there is Rhys, who is a complete pain in the arse cambion.”

  “Doesn’t sound like there’s room for me. Good thing you haven’t cuffed me to your bed yet. It sounds crowded enough. Why do you guys all live togeth
er anyway?”

  “There are rooms to spare. Angus and his staff live in houses on the property, but the compound can easily accommodate fifty. Many of the new trainees live in the basement during training. Supernaturals live in larger family groups because we doona do so well on our own. We wither withoot our friends and family close. The Dark Warriors are different from most supernaturals. Living together makes us a better functioning unit. I am able to anticipate what any one of my fellow warriors will do in battle withoot words. That, lass, is invaluable.”

  “With that many living there, it must be as big as a hotel. You clearly have money since you didn’t grab any diamonds for yourself.”

  He grunted at her and adjusted her in his arms. Her wince of pain escaped before she could stop it. “You’re holding my gems, lass. You didna manage to get any for yourself.”

  “Possession is nine-tenths of the law, Kyran. They’re mine now. Better go back and get your own. Girl’s gotta eat.” He grabbed for her hands. She had no pockets and he had her backpack, so she shoved them down her top.

  He grasped her breast and leaned into whisper in her ear. The deep, husky timbre sent tingles down her spine. He had the sexiest voice, with his Scottish accent. “That willna keep them away from me. These belong to me, Mackendra,” he emphasized his words with a squeeze, making sure she understood that he wasn’t talking about the gems.

  “That’ll cost you more,” she quipped, realizing her bladder was full. “I know there isn’t a bathroom close by, but I need to go…badly, which makes me wonder if you leeches pee.” She squirmed in his arms.

  He glanced around and hurried down a side tunnel. “Och, you are something else...”

  “Something wonderful,” she interrupted, cutting him off.

  “Aye, that you are, Mackendra. To answer your question, yes, we pee. We function like most beings with the exception of drinking blood. You will have some privacy in this area. Do you need me to help you?”

  “No,” she snapped at him, but she had to admit that was thoughtful of him. “I think I can manage on my own.” She gazed around and saw that he had put her down in a small chamber. She hurriedly peed in a corner while hovering awkwardly and did the best shimmy and drip-dry she could before the pain became overwhelming.

  “Okay, I’m done,” she called out to him.

  He returned and carefully picked her up. They continued to walk and talk about the Tehrex Realm. She was amazed to learn that such an intricate society existed beside the humans without their knowledge. “I can’t believe you have realm banks. I get the other businesses, but banks. That’s a shocker.”

  “Of all we have faced in the past days, it’s a financial institution that surprises you most. You are an odd female, lass.”

  “A blood-sucker calling me odd, that’s rich,” she chuckled. “I need that big diamond over there. Hey, don’t look at me like that. I’m planning for my retirement,” she explained.

  “Mackendra, you will need a lot more than that diamond to plan for your retirement. Remember, you will live for eternity now. I made you immortal. Doona frown, lass, I will take care of you for the rest of our days,” he replied even as he worked at prying the diamond from the wall.

  As soon as the jewel popped free from the stone, a rumble sounded in the cavern. Before she identified where it was coming from, Kyran had run back to the chamber she had used as a restroom. The sound of rocks falling and the ground shaking made her cover her head with her arms. Dust clouded the air and Kyran turned against the far wall, using his body as a shield, protecting her.

  When the sound stopped and the dust settled, Kyran turned and they both looked around. Rocks were piled about two feet high in the doorway. He easily made his way over the rocks while keeping hold of her. Once they were in the hallway they’d been standing in, she saw that one of the walls had crumbled.

  “You had to have that diamond?” he asked with a smirk. “This is what happens when you mess with nature.”

  “How was I supposed to know that thing was holding the wall up? I mean, how can one tiny diamond be that important to the structure of an entire wall?” She was about to ask another question when he held up his hand halting her words.

  She trusted him enough to stop and listen for what had captured his attention. He made his way to the new opening and stopped with his back against the wall. He gestured to the ground and placed another finger over his mouth. Understanding, she nodded and he set her down before he retrieved his srads. He stuck his head around the new doorway and his body relaxed then picked her up before venturing into the room beyond.

  When he carried her into the chamber, she gaped in awe at what surrounded her. Countless gems dotted the walls of the cavern, so many that it appeared to be wallpapered with the precious stones. There were markings in various spots around the room that almost looked like hieroglyphs, except they weren’t pictures of people or animals, but symbols. She recalled a book she’d read one time that had runes in it and thought these closely resembled runes.

  “What is it?”

  “I doona know, but I sense power in this room.”

  “I hate to tell you this, but this room is empty. Unless those large, shiny, expensive diamonds are magical, there is nothing here.”

  He walked closer to the far wall and peered at the markings. “These symbols are a key to something. If I understood them, I would be able to decipher what they say. If luck were on our side, these would explain how to get the portal working again, but I doona think we will be that fortunate. We need someone to interpret this for us. Problem is, we have no one we can trust.”

  “You aren’t a very trusting person are you? Rhett told us that the dragons are noble creatures,” she couldn’t believe she was even using that terminology, but such was her life now. There was no going back to how it used to be. “We should track down Nate and ask him to come back here with us.”

  “I do have trust issues and it isna easy for me to place you in a situation that may be dangerous. I know you doona understand the way of supernaturals, or Fated Mates, but we have a drive to protect our mate that is impossible to ignore.” She saw the truth of his statement in his eyes and felt it through their bond. She had to admit she liked having someone else want to protect her. She’d never had that in her life.

  She ran her fingers over some of the markings and felt a vibration beneath her fingertips. Her eyes flared and met Kyran’s. He shook his head to stop her, but she was already tracing another, following the pulse of energy.

  “Stop,” he ordered at the same time a crevice opened in the wall beneath her fingers. They both froze and watched the large stone recede, unleashing hundreds of black spiders. She screamed like a banshee the moment she saw the small versions of what had attacked her before. Kyran reacted immediately and ran in the opposite direction with her in his arms.

  By the time he stopped several feet away, she realized that several spiders had crawled up her arms. She swung her arms around, trying to dislodge them. Kyran looked down and brushed them from her skin, but not before she felt the sting of several tiny fangs. The burn of their venom was painful, but not like it had been before.

  His big boots came down heavily on the eight-legged monstrosities and the crunching sound they made as they exploded was disgusting, yet satisfying. She examined her arms and noticed her vision was blurring around the edges. She opened her mouth to curse her luck, but slammed it shut when it cleared just as quickly.

  “Are they all dead?”

  Chuckling he replied, “Aye, my fierce warrioress. They are well and truly dead.”

  “Don’t make me hit you ‘cause I will.” She would have been more convincing if she hadn’t been laughing with him. She noticed a glint in the now empty opening. “What’s that?” she asked.

  “It looks like gold,” he said walking closer.

  They looked into the space and she saw a glowing tablet sitting in the back corner. It was gold and covered in rune symbols that were lit up. It was the si
ze of a text book and she heard a hum emanating from it.

  “It has the same symbols from the wall. This is the magic I have been sensing. Shite, this isna going to help us,” he cursed.

  “Fuck, I was hoping there’d be a way out of here.” She reached in and grabbed the tablet, as electricity shocked her system.


  Kyran stalked back into the cavern where they’d spent the last two days while Mack’s leg healed. He wasn’t accustomed to having an injury take so long to heal. With his natural healing ability and having Jace on hand to deal with major problems, he was never down for very long. Hell, when his brother, Bhric, had his arm nearly severed, he was only down for a couples days and that was only because there was skirm venom in the torn flesh. Having to care for his mate had forced him to find a patience he didn’t think he had.

  After finding the tablet, exhaustion swamped her and she laid down to rest. He backtracked to the hole she’d fallen through, hoping to find a way out, only to find that the cave-in she’d caused must have ricocheted through the area because the hole had filled with dirt, trapping them.

  Initially, he hadn’t told her because she needed to focus on healing instead of panicking about being stuck underground. Kyran would have been more worried, but he had no doubt the hand of the Goddess was at play. He’d seen enough in his life to know she was instrumental in each and every occurrence which made him wonder why she’d sent them to this realm.

  They had spent many hours fiddling with the tablet, trying to determine if it held any clues to the portal. Once Mackendra had removed it from its chamber, the glow ceased and the hum of its magic lessened. He couldn’t translate the runes and had no idea what the tablet said, but didn’t believe it was anything important. It reminded him of how information was recorded on earth centuries ago. Mackendra didn’t agree. She was convinced that the tablet was the solution to them getting home. Either way, nothing they did gave them any answers, and it was frustrating him to no end.


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