Deviant Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Three)

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Deviant Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Three) Page 23

by Brenda Trim

  Sighing, he glanced at his sleeping mate who was curled on her side with that fuzz-ball snuggled in her arms. Kyran? Is that you?” Something as simple as the sound of her voice had him hard as stone. He rubbed his face and crossed to her side. They hadn’t had sex since the cavern. She was injured, and no matter how much his body wanted him to complete the mating, he refused to cause her further injury. It had been a painful two days for him between his unspent lust and his burning mate mark.

  “Aye, Mackendra. ‘Tis me. I have food for you if you’re hungry.” He sat down beside her and rubbed her arm.

  “Hmmm, no. I don’t want to get up,” she grumbled and rolled onto her side.

  “You’ve become lazy and my catering days are over,” he teased. She stuck her tongue out before she flipped him off. “Is that an invitation?” he husked.

  “There’s no one here I want to invite. I’ll get up if only to get me one step closer to someone more appealing than a grumpy vampire,” she smirked, stretching her long limbs.

  She squealed when he grabbed her roughly off the ground and pulled her onto his lap. He tickled her until she was begging him to stop. She kicked at him, screaming and laughing uncontrollably. His hands stilled on her sides, spanning the width of her ribcage. Her breathing changed, becoming a pant as her eyes darkened with her desire. No doubt, she was also feeling the urgent demand that they give into mutual desires.

  “How’s your leg?” His hands trembled from the effort of holding back.

  “It’s fine,” she breathed, lifting her lips to his. When her soft mouth met his, he couldn’t stop his groan.

  He marveled at the pleasure of kissing her. He was far from a virgin, but was fiercely glad that she had been his first at that. He wouldn’t have wanted to experience this with anyone else. This was how it was meant to be, he mused, as she expertly teased her way into his mouth. Her tongue slid against his and she clawed at his clothing, lifting his shirt above his head.

  He tossed the cotton aside and had hers added to the pile before she could object. Her large breasts bounced before him, making palms itch to touch them. He grabbed them and leaned down as he murmured, “You have the best tits, Mackendra.”

  “Mmmm,” she moaned as his mouth closed over one turgid peak. She threw her leg over his lap and straddled his waist while he laved her flesh. She began to move her hips in time to his sucking, rubbing her core over his aching groin. Goddess, she felt good, even with layers of clothing between them. A noise in the distance had him freezing.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged. He clamped his hand over her mouth and shook his head at her. Her eyes widened and she nodded her understanding. He reached over and handed her top back to her while he pulled his over his head.

  Once they were dressed, he stood and helped her on her feet. She leaned down and picked up her backpack, shoving the tablet inside. Pip jumped into her open arms. They crossed to the opening and looked into the pathway. Noting the coast was clear, they quietly left the chamber.

  He took her arm and led her to the exit he’d found deep within the cave system. After he’d discovered their way out was sealed, he’d searched and eventually found another exit. He had no idea what had made the noise, or where it was, but he’d hate to have to run through these tunnels blindly. Not wanting her exposed, he pulled her behind him as he made his way through the dark. The noise had stopped awhile back, but he remained silent to ensure it wasn’t a trap. The Dark Fae weren’t especially bright creatures, but they were lethal.

  “Are we in the clear?” she whispered.

  “Aye, I think we are.” He kept his voice low just in case he was wrong.

  “What did you hear? Was there something looking for us?”

  “I’m not certain what I heard. It sounded like rocks tumbling. It could have been more cave-ins, but I’m not going to chance it.”

  “Where are we going?”

  He’d been thinking about this for the past few days, as well. They were between a rock and a hard place and he didn’t like it one bit. “Back to the dragons. Given our options, they are our best bet. It may mean our death, but if the Buggane have sided with the redcaps and other Dark Fae, then I will risk trusting the dragons.”

  They reached the exit and he lifted his hand stopping her. “Let me check things oot first. Wait here until I come back for you.”

  She nodded. “Be careful.” He lowered his head and kissed her before he made his way into the purple moonlight. He scanned the area, but didn’t detect any threats. The jungle animals, birds and rodents didn’t present a danger to them. He returned for Mackendra and found her several feet outside the cave.

  “I told you to wait for me.”

  “I have ears, too. New and improved ears, actually, and I didn’t hear any threat. Like I’ve told you before, I’m not some helpless woman who can’t defend herself. So stop bossing me around.”

  “Och, you are stubborn. Come on.” She was defiant, refusing to listen to the smallest instructions unless they were her own. At least she had her blade out and at the ready. And, damn, if that didn’t have his erection back and throbbing behind the fly of his leathers.

  She stomped off in a random direction, not caring where she was headed, apparently. “Where did you learn to fight, lass? You have skills few males can claim.”

  She waved her knife in the air as she responded. “I took a self-defense class from a mixed martial artist who called himself ‘The Natural’. He was a badass fighter and took me under his wing. He offered me private classes and I trained with him daily for almost a year.”

  Jealousy coursed hot and fast through his mind when he thought of another male being so close to her; especially, when she was obviously fond of him. “I bet he did offer you private classes.”

  “Oh, he wanted to teach me more than how to fight, alright, but I don’t mix business with pleasure.” He knew that about her from when he’d watched her thwart advances from one of her SOVA partners. It was no surprise that other males wanted her. She was smokin’ hot, intelligent, intrepid, and tenacious. And, the Goddess had blessed her as his. He grinned at the fact that no other male would ever have her.

  The sudden crashing of trees echoed loudly through the jungle and all other sound ceased around them. The crickets went silent, the rabbits returned to their burrows and the rats scurried off. The silence was broken by the sound of trees crashing to the floor. Mack ducked behind a large boulder while he ducked behind a tree. Pip scrambled away from Mackendra and ran up the nearest tree.

  A roar sounded before four large creatures stomped into their path. They stopped and lifted their heads, scenting the air. They stood at least ten feet tall and had green skin that was riddled with scars. Enormous tusks protruded over their bottom lips, allowing saliva to drip from the corners of their mouths. The putrid liquid hissed as it hit the ground, killing the greenery where it landed. They may not have weapons that he could see, but their claws were longer as Mackendra’s knife. He needed to come up with a plan and fast.

  He motioned for Mackendra to stay put and before he could act, the tree he had ducked behind was ripped from the ground. “What do we have here?” bellowed the creature before him, easily tossing the tree across the jungle and Kyran heard it smash into something.

  “We were just passing through,” Mackendra responded, crossing to his side. He glanced at her and saw her resolve to fight as a united front. They idea terrified him. She was a skilled fighter, but no match for these creatures.

  “You’re not dragon,” another said, sniffing the air. “I’m not familiar with your scent. Are you the ones who came through the portal? Akilam told us the portal activated. Our job is to bring back whatever came through.”

  Well that answered one question. These ugly beasts had to be Buggane. If only Nate and Rhett had told them their weaknesses. “I came through the portal, but I picked up this lass in Duamutef. She’s no one.” He prayed they were as dumb as they looked.

  “We will make that decisio
n for ourselves,” the ogre-like creature snarled.

  “I don’t think so, Shrek,” Mackendra taunted and took a fighting stance. Kyran wanted to throttle her. Why the hells couldn’t she be submissive? She was going to give him a heart attack.

  She suddenly lunged forward and sliced into one of the Buggane’s forearms. Green blood oozed from the wound, turning the dirt and surrounding shrubs black the second it hit. The smell of rotten ass hit his nose, making his eyes water. That was the foulest thing ever. He was beginning to understand why their half of the island was so barren. The Buggane were walking bags of toxic waste.

  Kyran followed his mate’s lead and attacked the one close to him. He jumped up to reach it’s back and pulled his srads from their holsters. He landed mid-back and slammed his blades into the flesh. The blood burned his skin on contact and the ogre thrashed, trying to grab Kyran. He pushed his weapon further into its skin, but wasn’t doing anything but pissing the creature off.

  He pulled the blades free and climbed higher. He reached the thick base of its neck and struck quickly. The ogre dropped like a stone, but didn’t stop moving. Kyran stood up, weapons in hand and saw his mate fighting for her life. He ran to her side, not paying attention to the two that were coming at him.

  The feel of a wrecking ball smacking into his side sent him flying. His head hit a tree and then the world went black.


  Mackendra heard the ungodly roar of one of the green monsters. They smelled as hideous as they looked. She hadn’t allowed herself a second of doubt as she rushed in and attacked. She had never faced an opponent so big and if she allowed it, she’d become paralyzed by fear. But, not Kyran. He was amped and ready to fight whatever came his way. She envied that confidence and was impressed by his strength. It gave her hope that they’d make it through this fight.

  A meaty fist hit the side of her head when she didn’t duck fast enough. She stumbled, but didn’t fall. She danced to the side, fighting nausea. Actually, throwing up might at least even out the odds on who had the worst odor. She was pretty sure she had a concussion, but couldn’t focus on that right now. She slashed out and went low, cutting into its thigh. She’d been aiming for the groin because that brought all men down. Unfortunately, she missed. How the hell she’d missed a target that big and nasty, she had no idea.

  She came back through its legs and noticed that Kyran was headed her way and unaware that two other creatures were coming at him. She opened her mouth to call out a warning when one of them swung, sending Kyran flying into a tree. She heard his head hit and saw blood bloom at his temple before he fell to the ground. Her blood iced when he didn’t move.

  She immediately panicked, wondering if he was dead, until she felt him at the end of their bond. He was still alive and she needed to focus and save them both. The odds were against her, but that was nothing new. The odds had been against her since the day she was born. Before she could get to Kyran’s side, one ogre pulled a large cloth from its waistband and scooped Kyran into it, throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  The giant beast turned and trampled through the jungle with another following, leaving her to fight the last two that remained behind. She chanced a look to the one on the ground and was assured he was dead. She looked up and up into the snarling face of the one who’d been using her as a punching bag. Saliva dripped from one large tusk and landed on her knife hand. Her flesh immediately blistered and cracked, making her cry out. Her fingers began to go numb, threatening her hold on her only weapon.

  “Asshole,” she snarled, running away from it. She feinted left and tried to run behind it, but the thing was faster than it looked.

  “We have the one we came for. I don’t need you, but I’ll have some fun before I kill you,” it threatened. Bile rose in her throat at his threat. She had no idea what he had in mind, but no fucking way was she going to allow that thing to touch her.

  “Bring it, ugly,” she motioned it forward by curling her fingers.

  Two earth-pounding steps later and her ribs exploded in pain when she was batted to the side. She landed in the dirt and rolled several times before she got to her knees. She struggled to get to her feet and swayed when she stood. She pretended she was more injured than she was and lured it closer. It wasn’t all that difficult an act since she was precariously close to passing out from pain.

  She bent over and placed her hands on her knees and waited until it was feet from her. Knowing she’d have one chance, she jumped forward, while at the same time, she swung out and lopped off the grotesque organ hanging between its legs.

  A shout of outrage echoed through the jungle a second before flames engulfed the pissed off Buggane bleeding above her. Strong hands pulled her free of the creature as it tried to pat out the flames. She looked up into familiar orange eyes.

  “Rhett, thank God! They took Kyran! We need to follow them!” She tugged his arm, trying to get him moving.

  “The others are long gone, Mack. Word went out days ago that Akilam had sent out search parties with specific instructions to find whoever had crossed the portal. I volunteered to help the Máahes search for you guys. I’m so sorry that I didn’t reach you sooner, but I heard the commotion and came as fast as I could.”

  “He can’t be gone, Rhett. I have to find him.” She refused to believe he was gone to her. The damn blood-sucker had somehow become her everything. He was controlling, domineering, and arrogant, but she wouldn’t have him any other way. Despite the fact he could be downright mean at times, he’d shown her he was capable of so much more. He’d taken better care of her than anyone in her life. Many would hate him for his history, but she believed in redemption and he’d more than paid his dues.

  “You can’t go after them on your own. Hell, the two of us together can’t go after them. I’m taking you to Legette and the Máahes. They are the only ones who have a hope of freeing Kyran.”

  “Do you think the dragons would kill him? Kyran had said he was going back to ask for their help, but I won’t let them harm him.”

  “I have no idea what the Buggane want with Kyran, but the dragons want to help. Trust that, Mack.” He put his arm around her shoulder in comfort.

  She shrugged off his touch. “You’d better be right, Rhett, or I will slowly gut you,” she promised and called out to Pip. No one on this planet would be safe if anything happened to her mate.


  Mack gazed over at the tall, fire demon. She didn’t know what it was about his skin, but she wanted to touch it and see if it was as silky as it looked. It had a translucent quality to it. She looked up at his face, marveling at the perfection of his looks. He was too perfect for her tastes. She preferred her men a bit more rugged. Rhett was a total metro-sexual man. He belonged in designer clothes and fancy shoes in a high-rise downtown.

  She tripped over a tree root she hadn’t seen because she’d been busy ogling the fire demon. She flushed with embarrassment and caught herself before she fell. She needed to keep her eyes on the trail and not his face. He stopped and caught her arm, helping her stand.

  “You okay? The jungle is tricky, especially when you have your hands full,” he explained, pointing to Pip. She set Pip on the ground and he took off running. She trusted that he wouldn’t venture far.

  “I’m good, thanks. So, what’s your story anyway?” She pushed a branch out of her way and ducked under.

  He tucked his silky, dark-brown locks behind his ear. “Not much of a story, really. I live in Duamutef and work for one of the business owners as a personal assistant.” He shrugged his shoulders and kept walking.

  “Wait a minute. You told me life was an adventure. Mr. Fun has to have more to his story than that.”

  He laughed and helped her over a tree limb. “My last big adventure was a few moments ago when I saved your cute butt. It’s all in how you look at life, Mack. Take now, for instance. No telling what this little trek will bring us,” he winked.

  “I can tel
l you what it won’t bring us, and that’s sex, so if that’s what you’re implying, you can scratch that off the list.” She laughed at his pout and punched him in the arm. “Seriously though, how did you come to Khoth?”

  “Fire demons go on a walkabout when they become adults. It’s a rite of passage for us. Usually, we plan our trip and pick the realm we go to with care, but being Mr. Fun,” he smiled down at her and tweaked her nose playfully, “I decided to pick a portal at random and jump through. I ended up here.” He kicked a rock, sending it into the brush.

  She imagined him standing in a room full of doors, saying I’ll take number three, and poof, he was in Khoth. She couldn’t imagine being so carefree. “You mean you just jumped through a door and went wherever it took you? Are you crazy? How the hell have you survived?” The guy was reckless, if nothing else.

  “It wasn’t a door, actually, more of a ring of stones that I leaped into. I took some money and clothes with me. Honestly, I never gave it a second thought. I wasn’t uptight like all my other brothers, needing to plan every last detail of the trip I was going to take. I’d rather have my eyes gouged with a spoon. Anyway, when the portal here closed, I was forced to adapt. The dragons helped with that.”

  “Aren’t you lonely here without your kind? Did you have a girlfriend back home?”

  “I had many females back home,” he waggled his eyebrows. “I was much too young to have a mate. Life is only lonely when you let your happiness depend on others. You have to be happy with yourself and I am. I’m fantastic company, as you well know.”

  She laughed at him. “That’s so true. Where I’m from, people run around searching for that one person to complete them and then they are always disappointed when they end up miserable. Their problems began when they didn’t spend the time to figure out who they were. I will never understand how someone expects to find their soul mate when they have no idea who they are. So, do you have a girlfriend now?” Oddly, it wasn’t difficult for her to open up to Rhett.


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