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Scandalous Deception

Page 24

by Rosemary Rogers

  “Quite the opposite,” he easily agreed. “Vanya Petrova is well known to entertain with lavish style. It is rare that her home is not overflowing with guests.” He wrapped a scarf about his neck, covering the lower half of his face in the process. “Which means that the addition of two more will hardly be noticed.”

  “What of the other guests?”

  He shrugged. “The crowd that attends her literary salons is discreetly kept confined in the public rooms, and she has promised to rid herself of all but those who can be trusted to remain as houseguests. They will not breathe a word of our presence.”

  Brianna turned back, her lips parted to inform the ridiculous man that spreading gossip was the favorite sport of every houseguest, when she was struck by a sudden realization.

  “Oh…this Vanya Petrova is one of your associates, is she not?”

  He paused, clearly considering how much of the truth to reveal.

  “Actually, it would be more accurate to say that I am one of her associates,” he at last replied. “Vanya has been one of Alexander Pavlovich’s staunchest supporters since he took the throne. She approached me after my arrival in St. Petersburg to assist her in her efforts to keep the jackals at bay.”

  Brianna discovered her annoyance melting beneath a tide of fascination. Good heavens. What would it be like to know that the fate of an entire country was dependent upon your efforts? That each day you made a difference in thousands and thousands of lives?

  For so many years, she had been obsessed with her own needs and desires, while Edmond had devoted himself to others. Who could ever have suspected?

  Of course, the fact that he would be the last gentleman suspected of caring about his fellow countrymen was no doubt precisely why he was so successful.

  “Why would she approach an Englishman to help protect the Czar of Russia?”

  Warmth glowed in his eyes, his affection for the older woman clearly evident.

  “She was a close friend to my mother when they were young.” He gave a wave of his hand. “And perhaps unwisely, Alexander Pavlovich has always preferred to surround himself with foreign advisors. It made it a simple matter for me to earn a place among those most intimate with the Emperor.”

  Brianna grimaced. She had always envied those in power. To a young girl who was too often at the mercy of others, it seemed nothing could be better than to be in a position of command with no need to bow to the authority of anyone.

  Now she realized that power came with a terrible price.

  “Do you know, I feel sorry for the poor man.” She shivered. “How could anyone bear to exist with the knowledge that there were traitors lurking in every shadow just waiting for the opportunity to take his place, or even kill him?”

  “It is a burden he wears with a heavy heart. There are times that I fear…”

  “Fear what?”


  Knowing Edmond would reveal no more, Brianna glanced toward the lavish mansion, her courage suddenly elusive.

  “What have you done with Boris?” she demanded, wishing for the steady companionship of the silent warrior. Over the past weeks, she had come to rely upon his steadfast presence.

  “He is remaining on the trail of Viktor Kazakov. I presume that his destination is St. Petersburg, but I will not be caught off-guard again. I intend to keep a vigilant watch on the traitor.” His lips twisted. “Besides which, I am weary of his incessant complaints of being denied the company of Janet. Your maid has a great deal to answer for.”

  “I did warn you to bring her with us.”

  “And be denied the pleasure of helping you undress? Do not be a fool.”

  Her cheeks reddened. “Edmond.”

  Reaching out, Edmond pulled the veil of her bonnet over her face and shoved open the door to the carriage. “Come, Vanya will begin to worry.”

  THEY ENTERED THROUGH THE front door, but they had barely stepped into the marble foyer when a uniformed servant was whisking them toward a side staircase and up to the top floor of the vast mansion.

  More surprisingly, Brianna was firmly escorted to a set of private chambers, despite Edmond’s protest.

  With a smile, Brianna closed the door in his outraged face and explored the beautiful rooms with a sense of pleasure.

  The parlor was decorated with a hint of European influence in the satinwood furnishings that included a brass inlaid library table and armchairs embroidered with velvet covers as well as lilac wall panels, but the Russian love for lavish excess was obvious in every gilded cornice and jewel-encrusted figurine.

  Even in the bedroom, there were dozens of enameled snuff boxes and gilt bronze clocks set upon the marble mantle. Any one of them would have fed most families for an entire year.

  Removing her cloak and bonnet, Brianna was standing before the porcelain stove warming her chilled hands when the door was pushed open and a tall, curvaceous woman with silver hair and striking features stepped into the room.

  Brianna dropped a hasty curtsey, realizing this must her hostess.

  “My lady.”

  Attired in a gown of apple-green silk with silver stripes, the woman moved to take Brianna’s hand, leading her to one of the small sofas before she at last spoke.

  “Please, you must call me Vanya,” she murmured in perfect English, her pale blue eyes studying Brianna with an unnerving intensity. “I hope that the rooms are to your liking?”

  Brianna smiled. Although the lilac and gilt décor was rather flamboyant, it possessed a stylish elegance that had been decidedly absent in Thomas Wade’s home.

  “They are astonishingly beautiful,” she said with absolute sincerity.

  Vanya chuckled, obviously pleased with Brianna’s response. “Ah, a woman of exquisite taste. Edmond, of course, is furious with me. He insisted that you share his bedchamber, but I informed him that a woman has need of her privacy upon occasion.”

  A blush stained Brianna’s cheeks. “I suppose you must wonder why I…why I am traveling alone with…”

  “Sacre bleu, what is there to wonder?” Vanya interrupted with a charming smile. “Edmond is an uncommonly beautiful man. If I were ten years younger, I would be battling you for his attentions. Of course, my bed is quite full at the moment, and while there is something to be said for a young, virile lover, I have come to appreciate those older gentlemen who are not nearly so inclined to desire exclusive rights. Variety is, after all, the spice of life.” A twinkle entered the blue eyes as Brianna’s blush deepened. “Have I shocked you?”

  Brianna swallowed a nervous laugh. It was not the thought that the older woman kept a string of lovers that caught her off guard. The ladies of London society were rumored to enjoy the attentions of any number of gentlemen once they had produced the necessary heir. Indeed, Brianna would not be at all surprised to discover her own mother had indulged in affairs.

  But no matter how questionable their morals, an English woman would never dare to reveal her peccadilloes.

  “No…” Brianna cleared her throat. “No, of course not.”

  Vanya patted Brianna’s hand. “You will discover, ma petite, that while I am considered unconventional and eccentric, I am no hypocrite. I live my life as I choose and I never judge others.”

  Brianna found her embarrassment melting beneath Vanya’s firm assurances. There was such ease and charm about the woman that it was impossible not to feel comfortable in her presence.

  It was obvious Vanya Petrova had a life filled with freedom and adventure and a rare purpose. Precisely what Brianna had always desired for herself.

  “Thank you.”

  “And even better, I am a woman of the world who is quite willing to tutor you in the best means of handling a difficult man such as Edmond.”

  “Does the best means include a horse whip?”

  Vanya heaved an exaggerated sigh. “A tempting thought, but it would no doubt only make him more stubborn. It is best to use a more subtle approach.” She waved a heavily bejeweled hand. “Which is p
recisely why I insisted that you have your own rooms.”

  “I fear I do not understand.”

  “It never does to allow a gentleman to take you for granted,” the older woman explained. “If Edmond wishes to join you in these chambers, then he must ensure he does nothing that will persuade you to lock your doors.”

  Brianna gave a sudden laugh at the thought a mere lock could keep Edmond out of anywhere he wanted to be.

  “You are presuming that he would not simply break down the door.”

  Vanya paused a long moment, as if considering Brianna’s words. “I will admit the thought did not enter my mind. Edmond is hardly a man to go to such an effort for a woman.” A slow smile curved her lips. “Not until you, ma petite. He has never allowed a woman to travel with him. Nor to stay beneath the same roof. I do believe he might charge through any number of locked doors to be at your side.”

  Brianna’s heart gave a dangerous flutter before she was sternly quashing the reaction.

  She wanted to accept their relationship with a cool composure that would allow her to walk away with nothing more than pleasant memories.

  It was, no doubt, how Vanya Petrova conducted her affairs.

  “Only because he believes me to be a challenge. And because he cannot bear the thought that anyone else might have me.”

  Without warning Vanya tilted back her head to laugh with rich amusement.

  “Good heavens, you are innocent.”

  “Believe me, Vanya, Edmond may be…” She struggled for the appropriate word. “Fond of me, but he will never feel more than that. He would rather slit his own throat than allow anyone close to him. I might be innocent, but even I understand that lust and love are two completely different emotions.”

  Vanya’s lips parted, as if she intended to argue. Then, meeting Brianna’s unwavering gaze, she heaved a small sigh.

  “I suppose that is true enough. The poor boy. I wish that he would realize that his parents would never have wanted him to blame himself for their deaths. It was nothing more than a tragic accident.”

  Brianna grimly ignored the pang of sympathy for Edmond. He desired nothing from her but her body, and that was all she intended to offer.

  Her chin tilted in an unwitting gesture of pride. “Besides, I have no desire for anything more than a temporary affair.”

  Vanya blinked, caught by surprise by the stark declaration.


  “Yes, really.”

  There was a moment of silence before the older woman gave Brianna’s fingers a squeeze. “Ma petite, it is not often a woman is fortunate enough to earn the attentions of such a handsome and wealthy man. You would be foolish to toss him aside without giving thought to your future.”

  The advice was obviously well-intentioned, but Brianna shuddered at the mere thought of trading her body for security. It would not matter how much she might desire Edmond. Or any other man.

  “I have an inheritance that I intend to use to establish my own household,” she said, her voice soft but filled with an unshakable dignity. “I will never depend upon a man for my comfort.”

  The striking features lightened with a smile of pleasure. “Ah, a woman of independence. My very favorite sort. We really must spend some time together, ma petite. I can tell you…”

  “Perhaps it would be best if you kept your advice for your less innocent guests, Vanya,” a dark male voice intruded. “I would prefer Brianna not to be entirely corrupted during our stay.”

  Both women turned as Edmond’s tall form crossed the room to stand directly before the sofa. In their short time apart, he had changed into a plain gray waistcoat, black breeches and gleaming Hessians. The severe style emphasized the hard perfection of his body and dark beauty of his countenance.

  “Ah, Edmond.” Vanya Petrova rose to her feet and greeted him. She held out her hand for him to kiss. “I thought you were leaving to meet with Herrick Gerhardt?”

  “In time.” Brushing his lips over Vanya’s knuckles, he dropped her hand and straightened with an elegant motion. “First I wished to assure myself that Brianna was comfortably settled.”

  The older woman lifted a silver brow. “And to assure yourself that I am not busily convincing her that she would be far happier with a more considerate lover?”

  The very air froze, as Edmond’s features hardened with a lethal anger.

  “Vanya, I love you dearly, but if any of your male guests is stupid enough to try to enter these rooms, I will put a bullet through his heart.” The sheer lack of emotion in his flat tone was disturbing. “You might wish to pass along my warning. I should not desire any unpleasant mistakes to occur.”

  Brianna instinctively rose to her feet, but Vanya merely smiled. Clearly the woman possessed a taste for danger.

  “Good heavens, my boy, you sound positively stodgy.” There was a short, deliberate pause. “Indeed, you very nearly sound like a husband.”

  Brianna gave a strangled gasp. Good lord. Did the woman possess no fear?

  Or sense?

  Thankfully Edmond did no more than narrow his gaze in warning. “Do you not have need to tend to your guests, Vanya?”

  With a chuckle, Vanya obligingly moved toward the door, pausing to cast Edmond a last glance. “I will go, Edmond, but do not forget that I am mistress of this house and my sympathies will always go to my fellow women. If I decide you are not treating her with the proper respect, I will have you thrown out.”

  Waiting until the door closed behind the older woman, Edmond ruefully shook his head.

  “This seemed like a good notion when we were in London. Now I begin to wonder if I have made a mistake.”

  With an effort to appear casual, Brianna wandered toward the ormolu and marble table that held a collection of jade figurines.

  “Why?” she demanded. “I like Vanya.”

  “I am not at all surprised,” he muttered. “The woman is convinced that men should be kept as trained pets that she can toss in the gutter when she wearies of them.”

  “And what is wrong with that? That is how women have been treated for centuries.”

  Without warning, Brianna found herself pressed to the nearby wall, Edmond’s hard body leaning heavily against her.


  “I was not jesting, ma souris,” he rasped, his hand cupping her chin. “I am no hound on the leash, and Vanya’s household is unconventional to say the least. Any number of gentlemen will be eager to have such a young and beautiful woman within their reach. I will not tolerate having them make advances toward you.”

  Brianna cursed her flare of satisfaction at the dark possession in his voice.

  “For God’s sake, Edmond, it is not the Middle Ages,” she forced herself to say. “I am not your chattel.”

  He covered her lips with a savage kiss, his fingers tugging at the buttons of her gown.

  “Chattel or not, you are mine,” he whispered against her lips. “Do not ever forget that.”

  Brianna gasped as her bodice was jerked open and his fingers slipped beneath her corset to tease her breasts.

  “You make it difficult to forget,” she muttered, her lids sliding downward as his mouth nuzzled a path of fire down her throat.

  “Difficult?” He pressed his lips against the frantic pulse at the base of her neck. “I intend to make it impossible.”

  THE SNOW THAT HAD BEEN threatening the entire day was beginning to fall in earnest as the elegant sleigh carried Herrick Gerhardt and Edmond away from the bustle of St. Petersburg. Not that the chill air was allowed to penetrate the heavy furs that lined the interior of the sleigh, or the slick roads to slow the dozen outriders that served as guards.

  Herrick often conducted his most confidential business far away from the prying eyes of the Winter Palace and was wise enough to ensure his guests were made comfortable.

  Leaning back in the wide seat, Edmond sipped the perfectly aged brandy and forced his thoughts from the woman he had left tucked in her bed at Vanya

  Christ. Their furious bout of lovemaking had left even him shaken. Not out of fear he had hurt Brianna in any way. Hell, she had whispered encouragement with every frantic thrust.

  No, it had been his overpowering urge to satisfy her so completely that she could think of no one but him, desire no one but him.

  As if he could actually brand her with his passion.

  Which was as ridiculous as it was disturbing.


  With a shake of his head, Edmond drained the last of his brandy and turned his attention toward the gentleman seated across from him.

  “You managed to join Boris and follow Kazakov from the ship?”

  A silver brow arched at the question. Herrick rarely made mistakes. And even more rarely had his considerable skills doubted.

  “Of course. As you suspected, he traveled directly to his cousin’s home.”

  Edmond grimaced. Fedor Dubov was a feeble imitation of his elder cousin Viktor. He would never possess Viktor’s position or wealth or even charisma, but he was a dependable toady who was readily used by others.


  Herrick held up a gaunt hand. “There is more.”


  “I have never trusted Fedor Dubov’s seeming acceptance of Alexander’s refusal to consider him a member of his council.”

  Edmond laughed sharply at the mere notion of offering the fool a position of trust.

  “Mon dieu. The man claimed that Alexander murdered his own father. Did he think that would be forgotten?”

  Tugging his fur-lined cape tighter around his body, Herrick shrugged.

  “Many others said the same, some of whom are even now in places of power among the government.”

  “They were at least wise enough to whisper their suspicions in private, not publicly announce them before the entire Russian Court. He was fortunate not to face the firing squad.”

  Herrick reached beneath his cloak to pull out a folded piece of parchment that he handed to Edmond.

  “His fortune may have just come to an end.”

  Edmond smoothed open the parchment with a frown. “What have you discovered?”


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