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Scandalous Deception

Page 35

by Rosemary Rogers

  Gathering her courage, Brianna forced herself to pull away from his warm, comforting touch. She could not think clearly when her body was trembling with the joy of having him so near. And it had never been more vital in her young life that her wits be unclouded.

  “Very well.” She tightened her muscles, almost as if fearing a sudden blow. “If it is not pity that has prompted your proposal, then what precisely has occurred in the past three days that has altered your absolute conviction that you did not desire me to be your wife?”

  With a ruthless determination, Edmond stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and hauling her against his hard body.

  “What occurred was a long overdue acceptance that you are a fever in my blood that I will never be rid of. A fever I do not want to be rid of.”

  A heady burst of heat flooded through her body, melting away that numbing cold that had held her in its grip for the past three days. Abruptly she realized just how much she had missed sharing her bed, her body, with this man. It was little wonder that she had been unable to shake off the gray lethargy. She had been denying herself the one thing certain to make her heart pound and her blood rush with joy.

  “You have never made a secret of the fact you desire me in your bed, Edmond,” she said, unable to completely disguise her pain. “That is considerably different from wanting me as your wife.”

  With a smile, he cupped her chin in his hand and forced her to meet his steady gaze.

  “You are determined to make me say it, are you not?”

  “Say what?”

  “That I love you.” His lips twisted at her stunned disbelief. “There. Are you happy?”

  Brianna struggled to breathe, uncertain if she were more astonished at his blunt confession or the inelegant manner in which he had tossed the words in her face.

  “Not when it so obviously makes you unhappy,” she muttered.

  “Oh, Brianna.” His soft sigh was rueful. “It is not that it makes me unhappy. It has simply been difficult to put aside my fear.”

  “Fear of what?”

  “Fear that I am destined to destroy anyone I love. After my parents…”

  “Edmond,” she interrupted his anguished words, her arms lifting to encircle his neck as she pressed closer to his tense body.

  “No, allow me to finish,” he whispered, his hand skimming up the curve of her back to tangle in her curls. “After my parents drowned, I blamed myself.”

  Her heart squeezed in sympathy. “It was nothing more than a tragic accident.”

  He absently rubbed his cheek against the top of her head, his whiskers tugging on the silky strands of her hair and his male scent clinging to her skin with familiar warmth.

  “Logically, I understand that, but a part of me will always believe that, if I had not gotten into trouble with the Magistrate, they would still be alive.” The fingers at the curve of her back tightened with a flare of painful emotion. “And that I do not deserve to care for another.”

  Brianna buried her face in the hollow of his shoulder, unable to endure the thought of the endless years he had punished himself.

  “And now?”

  “And now, I realize that I am far too selfish to deny my need for you. Perhaps I should be condemned to hell for my past, but I am desperately hoping that I am to be blessed instead.” Pulling back, he regarded her with a wistful smile that could have melted a heart chiseled from granite. “Brianna, say that you will be my wife.”

  The heady, intoxicating joy that flooded through her body was nearly her undoing. She wanted to say yes. For all her bold determination to become a woman of independence, she was learning that being utterly alone was a rather high price to pay for peace.


  She slowly shook her head, schooling her features to hide the longing that clenched her heart.

  “I cannot answer in this moment, Edmond. I need time to think.”

  He stilled, his gaze boring deep into her wide, wary eyes. But instead of anger, his eyes slowly darkened and his hands tightened as a wicked smile curved his lips.

  “If my words will not sway you, my stubborn beauty, then perhaps I can find another means to convince you.”

  With a soft tug on her curls, Edmond angled her head backward, his smoldering gaze lingering on the color blooming beneath her cheeks and the soft curve of her lips as they parted in silent invitation. Only when she arched restlessly against his hard body did Edmond at last lower his head and kiss her with a sweet yearning that made her heart melt.

  He kept kissing her for a long time, one hand threading through her loose curls while the other splayed over the curve of her bottom. His lips moved lingeringly from her mouth to sweep over her face, nipping at her earlobe before he buried his face in her hair.

  “Make no mistake, you will be my wife, Brianna,” he said huskily, his breath hot against the curve of her neck. “I will never let you escape me. Never.”


  London, England

  Three months later

  LADY ABERLANE’S LONDON town house in St. James’s Square was a long, narrow building with a profusion of Corinthian pilasters and marble floors and elegant Venetian windows. Despite the rigid elegance, however, the older woman had managed to create an atmosphere of comfort that instantly made Brianna feel at home.

  Which would perhaps explain why she was still happily settled with the older woman rather than seeking out her own establishment, Brianna acknowledged, nibbling on a piece of toast as she awaited her hostess to join her in the pale blue breakfast room decorated with rare silver furniture.

  When Edmond had grudgingly given in to her demands to return to England, it was at his insistence she stay with the noblewoman. He pointed out that Brianna was far too weary from the grueling journey to adequately deal with the tedious business of purchasing a house. And since she truly had been exhausted by the frozen, at times dangerous, travel from St. Petersburg to London, Brianna had not protested.

  Now, however, she was fully recovered, and a part of her knew that she had no further reason to linger. Nothing beyond the pleasure of Letty’s charming companionship and the incessant attentions of Edmond.

  She had expected the gentleman to quickly weary of his pursuit once they had returned to England. Not only were there any number of beautiful women to distract him, but her residence beneath Letty’s roof meant that they were unable to exchange more than a chaste kiss. She, better than anyone, knew he was a man of strong passions. It would have been a simple matter for him to discover another to replace her.

  But far from wearied, Edmond seemed more determined than ever to convince her that his attentions were sincere.

  Each morning, a prettily wrapped gift was waiting her on the breakfast table, and every afternoon at the precisely proper hour, he called to pay his respects, always bringing her favorite pink roses until they threatened to consume Letty’s front parlor.

  It was…well, it was romantic.

  Brianna barely managed to hide the idiotic grin that had spread across her face as Lady Aberlane swept into the room, her fluff of white hair pulled into a simple knot and her dark eyes snapping with excitement.

  Taking the seat the footman held for her, Letty pressed her hands together and leaned forward.

  “So, my dear, has it arrived?”

  Brianna could not resist a bit of teasing as she reached for the nearby teapot. “Good morning, Aunt Letty. Will you have some tea?”

  The older woman gave a flutter of her hands, ignoring the steaming brew that Brianna poured.

  “Now, do not be so cruel as to leave me in suspense. You know how I look forward to your little baubles.”

  “Baubles?” Brianna laughed with rueful humor, recalling the emerald drop earbobs, the diamond bracelet, the sapphire necklace and a dozen other pieces of jewelry that had been delivered. “Only a ducal family could consider the gifts that Edmond sends to me as little baubles.” To prove her point, Brianna pushed the velvet-
lined box that sat next to her plate across the table. “That little bauble must be worth a fortune.”

  With a happy twitter, Letty tugged the lid off the box, her expression becoming one of stunned disbelief as she lifted her head to meet Brianna’s suddenly wary gaze.


  Brianna’s pleasure at the brilliantly flawless ruby ring surrounded by diamonds faltered at the sight of her companion’s strange reaction.

  “I should return it.” She wrinkled her nose. “Even to my untrained eye it is obviously far too generous a gift.”

  Letty cleared her throat. “It is rather more than generous, my dear.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This ring belonged to Edmond’s mother.” Closing the lid of the box, Letty slowly pushed it back across the table. “Indeed, it is an heirloom.”

  Brianna’s heart slammed against her ribs, whether from panic or giddy excitement impossible to determine.

  She should have suspected, of course. Such a perfect gem was not the sort of thing a man strolled into the shop to purchase for his passing fancy. For God’s sake, the diamonds that surrounded the ruby could feed half of London for a year.

  No, such an object was intended to be passed from one generation to another.

  “Good lord, whatever is he thinking?”

  Letty arched a knowing brow. “He is thinking that he desires his wife to possess his most prized possession.”

  “But…” Brianna licked her suddenly dry lips. “Surely this should go to Stefan’s bride?”

  “Stefan was given the Huntley jewels, as is only fitting for his position. Edmond was given his mother’s property to pass along to his wife and daughters.”

  “His wife.”


  “He truly is the most stubborn, intractable man I have ever encountered,” she muttered, her fond tone belying her words.

  Sipping her tea, Letty watched her over the edge of the china cup. “He is not the only stubborn one, I think.”

  “You surely cannot be referring to me?”

  “I may be old, but I am not yet entirely blind, Brianna. It is obvious that you love my nephew.”

  There was no point in denying the accusation. For all her determination to pretend indifference, even the most addlebrained fool could deduce she was utterly, completely and hopelessly in love with Lord Edmond Summerville.

  “Yes, I love him.”

  Letty tilted her head to a puzzled angle. “Then why do you continue to refuse his proposals?”

  Brianna shrugged. “At first, it was because I believed that he was only acting out of guilt and a healthy dose of pity. I could not bear the thought that he would eventually come to regret his impulsive proposal and blame me for his unhappiness.”

  “And now?”

  “Now?” Brianna grimaced, a hint of color touching her cheeks. “I am embarrassed to confess the truth.”

  “Tell me, Brianna,” the older woman urged.

  Brianna hesitated before giving in to the inevitable. For all Lady Aberlane’s sweet charm, she could be like a hound on the scent of a fox when she desired.

  “To be honest, I am enjoying having Edmond dance attendance upon me.”

  There, it was said. Brianna squared her shoulders in expectation of Letty’s anger. Edmond was, after all, her nephew and it was hardly kind of Brianna to toy with him as if he had no pride.

  Instead, Letty merely gave a slow nod of her head. “Ah.”

  Her mild reaction only increased Brianna’s guilt, and she could not halt her need to explain her less than commendable behavior.

  “Because of Thomas Wade, I was never allowed a London season, or even so much as a soiree, as other girls enjoyed,” she said, biting her lower lip. “I spent my days alone at home fantasizing about handsome gentlemen who never came to call.”

  “I understand completely, my dear.” The older woman reached across the table to gently pat Brianna’s hand. “You wish to be courted.”

  “I suppose that’s rather silly, considering the circumstances.”

  “Actually, I think it is very wise. Every woman deserves to be properly wooed.” Settling back in her seat, Letty offered Brianna an encouraging smile. “And in truth, it is probably best for Edmond as well.”

  Brianna’s lips twitched as she recalled the smoldering glances and lingering touches that revealed that Edmond was far from satisfied with their platonic courtship.

  In truth, she was not entirely satisfied herself. Oh, there was an undoubted pleasure in having Edmond dance attendance upon her, and to know that he could enjoy her companionship outside the bed. But the desire that pulsed between them was not entirely Edmond’s, and the nights of lying alone in her bed were becoming near unbearable.

  “I fear he would not agree with you.”

  “That is because he is accustomed to women falling over their pretty feet to capture his attention,” Letty said tartly. “Edmond is a gentleman who appreciates having to fight for what he desires. And, my dear, he very much desires you.”

  “His desire is something that I have never doubted.” Brianna glanced toward the box lying on the white tablecloth. “It is his heart that I seek.”

  “You have that as well,” Letty assured her. “Never have I seen him so implacable. I do believe that he intends to spend the rest of his days sending you gifts and shadowing my doorstep if necessary.”

  Brianna’s heart gave a painful jolt. The need that she had kept so tightly contained was threatening to break free and drown her in a dangerous tide of hope.

  Even worse, she no longer desired to battle that hope.

  “I did think he would be weary of it by now,” she admitted, her voice so soft it barely stirred the air.

  “No, my dear, his mind is set.” Letty attempted to appear resigned, but managed only to look as satisfied as the cat that got the cream. “I quite suspect that you shall have to wed the poor man if I am ever to have peace in this house again.”

  Before Brianna could respond, a uniformed footman entered the room and performed a crisp bow.

  “Lord Edmond, my lady.”

  “There…you see,” Letty said with a knowing smile. “Please show him in, Johnston.”

  “Very good.”

  Resisting the urge to flutter like a nervous schoolgirl, Brianna covertly slipped the jewelry box into a pocket of her gown and turned to watch as Edmond strolled into the room.

  As always, he managed to steal her breath.

  Crossing the room with long, impatient strides, Edmond was at her side and lifting her fingers to press them to his lips.

  “Good morning, moya duska,” he said huskily, his voice tingling down her spine and making her toes curl in her slippers. With a last, lingering glance at the low bodice of her lavender silk gown, he turned to flash his aunt a questioning smile. “Hmm. Why do I feel as if I have just been dissected over the eggs and kippers?”

  Much to her credit, Letty did not so much as bat an eye. “Tea, Edmond?”

  “No, I thank you.” His attention returned to a blushing Brianna. “I have actually come to invite Miss Quinn for a drive.”

  “It is rather early for a turn in the park,” Letty pointed out before Brianna could reply.

  “Then it is fortunate that we are not headed for the park.”

  “Where are we going?” Brianna demanded.

  “It is a surprise.”

  She gave a lift of her brows, thinking of the magnificent ring now hidden in her pocket.

  “I think there have been enough surprises for one day, my lord.”

  A slow smile of sheer temptation curved his lips. “Come, Brianna, I promise you will like this one.”

  “It does not include anything from the Crown Jewels, does it?”

  His eyes twinkled with amusement. They seemed to do that a great deal over the past weeks. Something she would never have believed possible in the remote, fiercely grim gentleman she had first encountered at that Courtesan Ball.

bsp; “I fear not, the King is rather clutch-fisted with his family trinkets. It is well-known he would not even share them with his Queen.”

  “Good heavens, I would hope not,” Letty said with a snort, her own lips twitching with humor. “That ugly little foreigner would have sullied them beyond repair.”

  “Spoken like a true Englishwoman, Aunt Letty. However, that ugly little foreigner did ensure that William Pitt increased the Prince’s allowance and George was most anxious to get his hands upon the fortune.”

  “A pity he was not equally willing to get his hands upon her, or there might have been more than one child.”

  “Mon dieu, I brought Brianna here because I was convinced that you would be a proper chaperone, Letitia,” Edmond chided, feigning shock at his aunt’s words. “Obviously, I would have been better served to dump her in the stews.”

  Letty shrugged. “I merely say what everyone else is thinking.”

  “Yes, and you do so with such an innocent bat of your lashes that you are never given a proper set-down. ’Tis a talent that I have long admired.”

  The older woman gave one of the twittering laughs that so easily convinced others she was a bit of fluff.

  “Really, Edmond, I haven’t the least notion what you are speaking of.”

  “You know precisely what I speak of, you sly old fox.” Edmond shook his head, but there was no mistaking his deep fondness for his aunt. “I can only pray that Brianna has not been entirely corrupted.”

  Letty turned her shrewd gaze toward the silent woman across from her.

  “Oh, I believe Brianna possesses the spirit to decide whether she wishes to be corrupted or not.”

  “She does indeed,” Edmond readily agreed, holding out a hand. “Well, my dear, will you join me?”

  “I…” With a small nod, Brianna rose to her feet. For all her fears of the future, she did not want to end up like Vanya Petrova, bitterly regretting the decisions of her past. She wanted to reach out and grasp the happiness that was offered. “Very well.”

  EDMOND WATCHED IN SILENCE as Brianna slipped on her light cloak and charming bonnet decorated with satin ribbons and cherry blossoms. His heart clenched with a familiar ache at the sight of the early morning sunlight glinting off her fiery curls and brushing her ivory skin with a golden glow.


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