A First-Rate Madness
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Page numbers beginning with 277 refer to notes.
Abramson, Lynn
Acheson, Dean
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Addison’s disease
Adenauer, Konrad
Agronsky, Martin
bipolar disorder and
Alexander II, tsar of Russia
Alloy, Lauren
Ambrose, Stephen
as antidepressants
Churchill’s use of
Hitler’s use of
Kennedy’s use of
mania worsened by
antibiotics, Kennedy’s use of
and bipolar disorder
antisocial personality disorder
biological purpose of
see also neuroticism
Arendt, Hannah
Army and Navy Gazette
auditory hallucination
Autobiography (Gandhi)
Bakunin, Mikhail
Baldwin, Stanley
Churchill’s use of
Hitler’s use of
�s use of
Beauregard, Pierre G. T.
Beaverbrook, Lord
Belafonte, Harry
Bennett, Lerone
Bevel, James
Binion, Rudolph
bipolar disorder
abnormal personality and
alcohol abuse and
amphetamine interaction with
antidepressants and
course of illness of
creativity’s enhancement by
dangers of
diagnosis of
genetic component of
leadership and
lithium treatment of
psychoanalytic view of
and resilience
sexual behavior affected by
steroid interaction with
stigma attached to
treatment of
type II
see also depression; Hitler, Adolf; mania; Sherman, William Tecumseh; Turner, Ted
Black Power movement
Blair, Cherie Booth
Blair, Hazel
Blair, Leo
Blair, Tony
crisis leadership of
early political career of
hubris of
mental health of
youth of
Blake, William
Bonanno, George
borderline personality
Bracken, Brendan
Bradlee, Benjamin
Brain, Russell
Brandt, Karl
Brinsteiner, Joseph
Brown, Bertram
Brown, Gordon
Brown, Montague
Bullitt, William
Bullock, Alan
Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs
Burkley, George
Burnside, Ambrose
Burton, John
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
alcoholism of
crisis leadership of
early career of
inflexibility of
intelligence of
mental health of
morality of
youth of
Bush, Jeb
Bush, Laura
leadership in
see also entrepreneurialism; Turner, Ted
Busse, Thomas
caffeine, Hitler’s use of
Campbell, Alastair
Carmichael, Stokely
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Rosalynn
Chamberlain, Austen
Chamberlain, Neville
Charcot, Jean-Martin
Cheney, Dick
depression in
resilience in
Chiles, Lawton
Chotiner, Murray
Churchill, Diana
Churchill, Pamela
Churchill, Randolph
Churchill, Winston
career of
course of illness of
family mental health history of
realism of
symptoms of
treatment of
Cincinnati Chronicle
Citizen Sherman (Fellman)
civil rights movement
Gandhi’s influence on
Kennedy’s position on
Civil War, U.S.:
contrasting military leadership in
Lincoln’s depression in
Lincoln’s leadership in
McClellan failure in
mentally ill leaders in
Napoleonic strategy in
Sherman’s service in
Sherman’s strategy in
Clay, Henry
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Bill
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
cognitive reappraisal
Cohen, Eugene
Connor, Bull
Coolidge, Calvin
Corcoran, Thomas
cortisone, Kennedy’s use of
course of illness
aspects of
bipolar disorder and
in business
depression and
hyperthymia and
mania and
Dallek, Robert
Darwin, Charles
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
Davis, Daniel
Davis, Jefferson
Davis, Lanny
Decision Points (Bush)
Delano, Sara
deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA), Kennedy’s use of
abnormal personality and
benefits of
causes of
in children
concealment of
course of illness of
creativity’s link to
drug treatments for
elements of
empathy and
genetic component of
gradations of
mania’s link to
parental death and
political stigma and
stigma attached to
stress and
suicide and
symptoms of
theories about
treatment of
see also bipolar disorder; Churchill, Winston; Gandhi, Mahatma; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; Lincoln, Abraham
depressive realism
Dilthey, Wilhelm
divergent thinking
Douglass, Frederick
for depression treatment
for mania treatment
in mental illness treatment
psychiatric interactions with
resilience enhanced by
see also specific drugs
DuBois, W. E. B.
Dukakis, Kitty
Eagleton, Thomas
Ebaugh, J. J.
Eden, Anthony
Edison, Thomas
Edward VIII, king of England
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight
electroconvulsive treatment (ECT)
El-Hai, Jack
Elizabeth II, queen of England
Emancipation Proclamation
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
emotions, positive
depression’s effect on
lack of
leadership and
measurement of
neurobiology of
psychological distinctions in
psychological study of
see also nonviolent resistance
epidemiology, clinical
Erikson, Erik
Evers, Medgar
Exner, Judith Campbell
Exploration of Presidential Leadership, An
Eysenck, Hans
Fanon, Frantz
Fellman, Michael
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fitzgerald, John F. “Honey Fitz”
flight of ideas
see also creativity
Fonda, Jane
Ford, Henry
Forster, Edmund
Frank, Jerome
Frankl, Viktor
Freeman, Walter
Freud, Anna
Freud, Sigmund
see also psychoanalysis
Freudian psychology
Fritzsche, Hans
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Galton, Francis
Gandhi, Harilal
Gandhi, Mahatma
civil rights movement influenced by
course of illness of
death of
depressive symptoms of
empathy of
family mental health history of
bsp; medical treatment of
political philosophy of
suicide attempt of
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Garner, John
Gates, Bill
genius, theories about
George V, king of England
Giglio, James
Gingrich, Newt
Gladstone, William
Goebbels, Joseph
Goering, Hermann
Goldwater, Barry
Gore, Thomas
Gore, Tipper
Grant, Ulysses S.
alcoholism of
Great Depression
Greenberg, David
Grinker, Roy
Gulf War, post-traumatic stress disorder following
Gunther, John
Haig, Alexander
Halleck, Henry
Kennedy’s use of
as performance enhancer
Hamilton, Ian
Hamilton, Nigel
Harris, Lou
Havens, Leston
Heidegger, Martin
Henry, Anson
Herbst, William
Hersh, Seymour
Hess, Rudolf
Heston, Leonard and Renate
Himmler, Heinrich
Hiss, Alger
history, psychological evaluations in
Hitler, Adolf
behavioral changes in
bipolar symptoms of
Chamberlain’s appeasement of
course of illness of
drug use of
early political career of
family mental health history of
Gandhi’s communication with
obsessionality of
post-traumatic stress disorder of
psychiatric evaluation of
psychotic symptoms of
rage of
suicide of
young adulthood of
Hitler, Alois
Hitler, Alois, Jr.
Hitler, Klara
Hitler, William Patrick
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
complex thinking in
dangers of
effect of failure on
and religion
see also mental health
Hood, John Bell
Hooker, Joseph
Hoover, Herbert
Hubris syndrome
Hume, David
Hunt, Al
Hutschnecker, Arnold
creativity enhanced by
genetic component of
resilience and
risk-taking and
sexual behavior affected by
steroids and
traits of
see also Kennedy, John F.; mania; Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Ibn Saud, king of Saudi Arabia
depression and
mental health and
independence of