University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 94, 95–96, 112–15
Unix, 104
US Chamber of Commerce, 239
utilitarianism, 214
Valenti, Jack, 111, 132
Van Buren, Martin, 44
Van Dyke, Henry, The National Sin of Literary Piracy, 61
venture capital, 146
Viaweb, 146
Victor, O. J., 59
Victory Kit, 258–59
Vixie, Paul, 185
voting rights, 57, 58
Voyage to America (film), 79
Walker, Scott, 233
Wallace, David Foster, 6, 159, 244
Walton, Sam, 7, 249
WarGames (movie), 218
Washburn, Jennifer, University, Inc., 212
Washington, George, 29–30, 173, 188, 191, 193, 257, 187–88
Webster, Abraham, 36
Webster, Daniel, 36
Webster, Noah, 20–25, 268
ambition of, 24, 27–28
American Dictionary of the English Language, 34, 35–37
as author, 23, 24–25
autobiography of, 29–30
“blue-backed speller” by, 23, 25, 27, 30, 33, 34, 36
and copyright, 23–24
and copyright law, 27–31, 36–40
death of, 40
early years of, 21
as Federalist, 32–33
financial problems of, 33, 36
lobbying by, 27–30, 37
public image of, 38
as public speaker, 28
as teacher, 22
Webster, William, 37
Weinberg, Martin, 254, 256
Weinberger, David, 158
Wells, H. G., 99
Westlaw database, 173
White Friars, 174
Whole Earth Catalog, 12
Wikimedia Foundation, 150
Wikipedia, 124, 173, 241
Wikler, Ben, 10, 233, 248–49, 260
and Avaaz, 203, 241, 248
and Flaming Sword of Justice, 241, 243
and Swartz’s death, 262
Swartz’s friendship with, 203, 214, 262
and Swartz’s legal woes, 202, 217
Wilcox-O’Hearn, Zooko, 125, 129, 145
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 71
Williams, Julie Kay Hedgepeth, 27
Wilson, Christopher P., The Labor of Words, 64–65, 70
Wilson, Holmes, 152, 155, 240, 241, 243, 263
Windows operating system, 106
Winer, Dave, 8, 131
Winn, Joss, 207
Wolcott, Oliver Jr., 25, 32, 33
Woodhull, Nathan, 10, 259
WordPress, 241
work as identity, 146
WorldCat, 179
World War I, 77
World War II, 78, 82, 208
World Wide Web:
anniversary of, 237–38
archiving all of, 135–36, 173
commercial potential of, 112
as infinite library, 127–28
and Internet, 98, 108–10
introduction of, 98, 108
linking capacity of, 108, 238
malignant forces vs., 238
open, collaborative, 178, 237
popularization of, 112
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 127–29
Wyden, Ron, 226, 231
Xerox photocopy machine, 87–88
Xerox Sigma V mainframe, 95–97, 113
Yahoo, 185
Y Combinator, 147
Young America, 50–53
Zanger, Jules, 44
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