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Doctor's Orders

Page 11

by Deanna Ashford

  Helen had never witnessed two men having sex before; had never imagined it in her wildest fantasies. The sight was so arousing, so erotic, she was filled with the need to quell the steadily rising pressure building in her own sex. She pressed her hand against her aching pussy, grinding her palm against it, while her ears were assailed by the soft sounds of licking and sucking, interspersed by deep moans of bliss.

  Straining forwards, not wanting to miss a moment, she slid her fingers inside her pants burrowing into the hot dampness. Eagerly she stroked her clit, then slipped her fingers inside herself, feeling the moist velvety flesh embrace the invading digits. It felt good, but rather insubstantial and she wished she had access to the generously sized dildo hidden in her bedside drawer. Suddenly Justin pulled away from Ben, making him groan with frustration, and she got her first full glimpse of the cocks in all their naked glory – both standing stiffly erect, both shining slickly in the subdued light.

  Justin swung round as he moved down the couch, then kneeled between Ben’s open thighs. ‘Oh, yes,’ Ben gasped, lifting his pelvis up towards Justin.

  Reaching to his left, Justin picked up a tube of lubricating jelly. Reverently he smoothed it around Ben’s anus before sliding a rubber over himself, while Helen waited with bated breath. Leaning forwards, Justin grasped the base of his penis and began lovingly to rim Ben’s anal opening, slowly easing the swollen head inside his friend, stretching the tender flesh until Ben gave a whimper of painful bliss.

  Helen burrowed her own fingers deeper, urgently rubbed her aching clit, as Justin gave a sudden unexpected thrust, burying his cock fully inside Ben with a satisfied grunt. He jammed his pelvis hard against Ben’s cheeks. Then, not moving his hips, he ran his hands gently over his companion’s stomach, being extra careful not to touch the rigid cock that cried out for the caressing pleasure of his fingertips.

  Placing his hands either side of Ben’s slim hips, Justin began to thrust, gradually increasing the pace, settling into an unrelenting rhythm, with movements so violent that Ben’s twitching cock beat a rapid tattoo against his stomach. Justin was arse-fucking the man who had made love to her last night, and Helen’s entire body tingled at that thought. Her head spun and she was filled by the pain of wanting as she watched the thrusting heap of male testosterone straining towards a mutual climax.

  Then Justin curved his hand around Ben’s prick, wanking it roughly in time to the movements of his hips. The most primitive of emotions stirred within her as she heard Ben’s cry of total abandonment. She saw both men shudder as a fountain of white spunk spurted from Ben’s prick, covering his chest and neck in a sparkling array of creamy droplets.

  Helen frantically rubbed her burning clit, straining towards her own climax. She was agonisingly close but no matter how hard she tried it just wouldn’t come. Shivering with frustration, wanting to scream aloud in vexation, she saw the two men disentangle their bodies and relax on the couch together in a loving embrace.

  Envying them their satisfaction, she turned away and hurried quietly towards the shelter of the pool. Trying not to even ripple the still surface, she moved down the steps into the cool embrace of the water. It brushed tantalisingly against her throbbing breasts, and her inflamed pussy as she forced herself to swim the length of the pool with smooth regular strokes. The harmonious movements gradually began to soothe her, and calm the agitated beating of her heart, but still the aching sexual hunger remained.

  Somewhere along the way she felt the insubstantial bikini top slide from her breasts. She was past caring, and actually the cool water brushing against her erect nipples felt surprisingly good. She continued to swim up and down, her long blonde hair splaying out behind her in the water, willing the fire in her loins to subside. Gradually she allowed herself to become mesmerised by the repetitive movements, as she concentrated on swimming length after length. She never heard the splash of someone else diving into the pool, never realised she was no longer alone.

  Helen came back to reality with a start as she felt strong arms grab hold of her. She was pulled back against a hard male body and dragged to the shallow end of the pool. Stunned by the assault she struggled to pull away from her captor, splashing agitatedly around in the water.

  ‘Don’t panic, Helen,’ she heard Ben say, just as she blinked the water from her eyes, and saw him swimming towards her.

  Helen now knew without a doubt who was holding on to her. ‘Let go of me, Justin,’ she shouted furiously. ‘Leave me alone.’

  ‘Calm down,’ he said soothingly, holding on to her determinedly as she wriggled about, trying to get away from him.

  He clamped a hand over her right breast, holding her even closer so that she could feel the hardness of his belly against her upper buttocks and his nipple chains grazing her back, while the agitated movements of the water made his balls slap loosely against her thighs. Judging by the hardness of his dick, digging in the groove between her bottom cheeks, her struggles were arousing him no end.

  ‘And you get your bloody hands off me,’ she hissed, trying to ignore the rising tide of lust which threatened to consume her senses.

  ‘You don’t really want me to,’ Justin said, just as Ben reached them and stood up, the surface of the water lapping lazily around his chest, the droplets on his gold nipple ring making it sparkle.

  ‘How did you know it was me, Helen?’ Justin added huskily, his warm breath brushing her water-splashed cheek.

  ‘It was bloody obvious.’ She gave up the fight, relaxing against him, secretly enjoying the feel of his hard body, and the sensation of his fingers rubbing and squeezing her nipple.

  Ben stepped closer, so that she was neatly sandwiched between two naked male bodies. ‘Did you see us together, Helen?’ he asked, cupping her chin with his hands, forcing her to look deep into his eyes.

  ‘So what if I did?’

  She could still detect the odour of spent sex clinging to him, even though it was half masked by the smell of the chlorinated water. Helen shivered as Ben leaned forwards and ran the tip of his tongue over her damp cheeks and the trembling fullness of her lower lip.

  ‘Did it turn you on, seeing us fucking?’ Justin said softly as his teeth closed around her ear-lobe, nibbling and sucking, while he continued to stroke and caress her breast.

  ‘Maybe,’ she gasped, as Ben plunged his hand inside her bikini bottom, cupping her pussy, putting pressure on her aching sex.

  ‘Now you’d like to play too, wouldn’t you, Helen?’ Justin growled.

  Helen didn’t answer, just moaned softly and closed her eyes as Ben slid beneath the water to ease off her bikini bottoms. The garment fell away from her as Ben slowly raised her legs, until they were floating on the surface, her thighs splayed wide apart.

  Justin whispered filthy words of encouragement as he cradled her shoulders with one arm, letting her half drift on the surface, the water lapping gently at her bare flesh. Ben moved closer, forcing her legs wide apart, while Justin stroked her breasts and took possession of her mouth. As Justin thrust his tongue between Helen’s lips, exploring the interior with strong stabbing movements, his tongue stud clicked around her teeth. Ben lifted her buttocks out of the water and pressed his face to her open quim.

  Ben’s mouth eagerly explored her, his lips tugging at her clit, his tongue lapping and probing before he pushed it into the wet slit of her vagina. The sensation was familiar, yet like nothing she’d ever known – two sets of hands on her body, two men kissing and devouring her with tongues and lips, while she floated on the cool water in this exotic semi-tropical cavern.

  She savoured the delicious feel of Ben’s tongue as it burrowed into her, while Justin pulled one of her nipples into his mouth rubbing the tiny metal ball over sensitive flesh. The sensations were gloriously wicked, and she abandoned herself to the bliss, the soft sounds of her moans echoing eerily around the pool. The pleasure was inescapable as it built swiftly, and Helen bucked her hips, thrashing around in the water as her climax consumed he
r senses.

  Before she had time to recover, she was pulled to the edge of the pool and lifted from the water to be deposited on a soft white towel. Naked, apart from the crumpled remains of her bikini top, she shivered, feeling suddenly cold, her hair plastered wetly around her shoulders and back.

  Justin stood over her, his cock now hard and ready. Helen stared up at him, overcome by the fact that she’d so enjoyed being pleasured by two men at the same time, eagerly waiting for Justin to crouch down and thrust into her with his magnificent dick. Helen wanted to climax again, this time with a firm cock powering boldly inside her.

  She was destined to be disappointed. At that moment Ben distracted Justin by touching his shoulder. Immediately Justin lost interest in her and turned towards him. The two men embraced, running hungry hands over each other’s bodies, and as she watched them kiss Helen was consumed by jealousy. It was obvious that they wanted each other far more than they did her. She felt deflated, used; they had both been playing with her emotions, toying with her senses, nothing more. Disappointed with Ben, and resenting Justin, she struggled to her feet. Wrapping the towel around her naked body, she hurried towards the changing rooms. She looked back only once. Ben and Justin hadn’t even noticed she’d left, so engrossed were they in each other. Ben was kneeling submissively in front of his companion, just about to take Justin’s cock into his mouth.

  By the time Helen had showered and changed ready for the evening ahead, she had managed to push her interlude with Ben and Justin to the back of her mind. She had to admit that she’d enjoyed the unusual pleasures, regardless of how it had all eventually ended. There was certainly something very erotic about watching two men make love, and she would like to witness it again. The hospital was saturated with a sordid sensuality that was quite addictive. She felt she should try and keep her distance from Ben and Justin in future. She didn’t want their behaviour to affect her emotions or her judgement, but she feared she would not be able to resist their powerful pull on her senses.

  Filling her mind with images of Duncan, she dressed carefully in a form-fitting black crepe dress, sheer black hold-up stockings and high black court shoes. She decided not to pin up her hair and instead wore it in loose waves around her shoulders.

  When she arrived at the Rochester Suite, Duncan looked pleased to see her. He was sitting in the lounge area in a large leather armchair, wearing a black silk robe over his pyjamas, his cast-covered ankle resting on a low stool.

  ‘Hi!’ He smiled warmly. ‘Glad you could make it.’

  Duncan was the famous movie star, a fantasy figure for most of his fans, yet tonight he seemed so ordinary and conventional in comparison to Justin and Ben.

  ‘So am I,’ she said, sitting down in the chair opposite his. To her left a table was elegantly set with delicate china, silver cutlery and tall crystal glasses.

  ‘I’ll call for the food now that you’re here. I hope you don’t mind, I took a chance and just ordered a variety of different things. This place isn’t quite as flexible as a normal restaurant; they needed to know what we wanted in advance.’ He pressed the call button at his side. ‘I’m famished, how about you?’

  ‘So am I,’ she agreed. Her eyes drank in his perfect physique, and handsome face, hardly ably to believe she was here with the man she most desired. ‘Absolutely famished,’ she added, pressing her thighs together, all too conscious of the heat still simmering inside her quim.

  The door opened and a waiter carefully pushed in a heavily laden trolley. ‘Do you wish me to serve, Mr Paul?’ he asked, placing the trolley beside the table.

  ‘Just the champagne for now. We can serve ourselves later.’ Duncan looked enquiringly at Helen. ‘You can drink, can’t you?’

  She nodded. ‘I’m off duty tonight, and not on call.’

  The waiter handed Helen a tall glass. ‘It’s good,’ Duncan announced as he took a sip of his champagne. ‘I wasn’t sure how comprehensive their wine list was here, so I sent for a supply from my own private cellar.’

  ‘Are you a connoisseur of wine?’ Helen asked as the waiter departed.

  ‘I try to be.’ His dark eyes were compelling as he stared thoughtfully at her. ‘Of many things,’ he added in a low husky voice, which sent shivers of desire spiralling up her spine.

  Helen took an extra large gulp of her champagne, all too conscious that her earlier climax had left her feeling surprisingly unfulfilled. She lusted after Duncan, fancied him like crazy, and she didn’t think she was misreading the signals he was sending her. She was certain he was feeling as horny as she was. It appeared that she could have everything she had ever desired, sex with the leading man in her own perfect fantasy. She found the thought of what was to come stimulated her senses even more. Her breathing quickened and her skin tingled with excitement.

  ‘That was delicious,’ she said, putting down her glass, as Duncan placed his half-finished drink on the floor beside his chair. The food on the trolley was all cold – fresh lobster, cuts of meat, salad, fresh fruit and a couple of luxurious desserts. ‘Do you want to eat now?’

  ‘Do you?’ His eyes slid downwards until they were resting on her bosom.

  ‘You did say you were famished.’

  ‘I did.’ Duncan grinned. ‘But famished for what? One could interpret the remark in a number of different ways.’

  Helen enjoyed flirting, but she was determined not to give in too quickly to his considerable charms. He couldn’t move about easily with his cast-covered foot, which left her in virtual control of the situation. ‘I’ll dish up yours. You aren’t supposed to be putting any weight on that leg just yet. Lobster and salad, OK?’

  ‘Whatever you say, doc. After all, you’re the one in charge of me.’ His mouth twitched slightly as he tried to suppress a rather provocative smile.

  ‘If we are going to be precise, Ben Taylor is officially your doctor, not me,’ she countered rising to her feet, and filling a plate for Duncan.

  ‘Now I feel disappointed,’ he teased, watching her every movement. She turned, the crepe dress clinging to her body, the skirt riding up almost to her stocking tops, and placed his plate on the table.

  ‘I thought our intention was to discuss in more detail your thoughts about women being in positions of authority.’ She filled a plate for herself, even though her appetite had totally disappeared.

  ‘So we were.’ He grinned wickedly. ‘Although if I recall correctly wasn’t the exact wording, “women dominating men”?’

  ‘Exercise total control is the dictionary definition.’

  ‘Would you enjoy exercising total control over a man, Helen?’

  The undercurrent of sexual desire was a tangible entity, thickening the warm evening air. ‘I’ve never really tried it, yet,’ she replied, popping a fresh strawberry into her mouth. She approached Duncan, holding the choicest of the ruby-red fruit. ‘Do you want one of these?’

  Duncan gave a lazy smile. ‘You tell me. You’re the one in control here.’

  She bent forwards, so that he got a good view of her bare bosom as the low neckline of her dress gaped open, and placed the strawberry in his mouth. ‘Quite delightful,’ he said as he chewed and swallowed the fruit. ‘Speaking of control, you claim you’ve never tried it, but that’s not true. Don’t you exercise control over your patients?’

  ‘Medically, yes,’ she agreed, moving to stand astride his cast-covered foot. ‘For instance, I could arrange to prescribe a drug for you that would make you utterly helpless within seconds, unable to move even a muscle.’

  ‘Then you could do anything you wanted with me,’ he said, his voice thick with passion.

  ‘Would you like that? To lie helpless on your bed, while I assumed total control over your naked body?’ Helen ran her tongue slowly over her lower lip as she selected a long stemmed rose from the vase in the middle of the dinner table. ‘Did your girlfriend send you these?’

  ‘No.’ He gave a low, rich chuckle. ‘My fan club as it happens. I don’t have a girlfr
iend. Speaking of partners, what about Max?’

  ‘Max isn’t here, is he?’ She brushed his cheek with the sweet-smelling head of the rose, trailing it slowly downwards over his corded neck. The velvety petals caressed the narrow V of skin revealed by his open-necked robe and, as the petals became bruised, the heady scent grew stronger. ‘Our relationship isn’t that serious, Duncan,’ she said, realising that she had managed to break free from the ties that had previously bound her to Max. ‘There’s no commitment on either side,’ she added, certain that Max’s feelings were based more on a sense of possession than anything else.

  Duncan didn’t speak or move a muscle as Helen pulled apart his robe and slowly unbuttoned his pyjama jacket. She jerked the black silk apart, exposing his tanned chest to her gaze. Duncan’s pecs were well developed, the skin below it stretched taut over a mesh of hard muscle, so tight she could see the lines of his ribcage beneath the smooth skin.

  Helen felt the sudden surging pleasure of holding sway over another’s senses as she leaned forwards and took possession of his lips. She kissed Duncan, thrusting her tongue into his strawberry-scented mouth, while she ran her hands downwards, feeling the engorged hardness of his cock trapped beneath the fine silk. It was rigid, straining against the waistband of his pyjama trousers. Her clit hardened in response, and fluid bathed her pussy, as she imagined how good it would feel thrusting inside her.

  Duncan lifted his hand to touch her, but she slapped his arm with the stem of the rose, hearing his soft gasp of surprise as the thorns seared his skin. ‘You do as I say tonight.’

  He placed his hands back on the arms of the chair, clutching them extra tightly as Helen unfastened his pyjama trousers. She jerked them open, freeing his cock, and it reared away from his flat belly, deliciously hard. Ripe and juicy, ready for plucking, Duncan’s cock drew her gaze like a magnet. Helen’s head spun with excitement, but she wasn’t quite finished teasing Duncan as she slowly ran the velvety head of the rose up and down his large shaft. She heard his indrawn hiss of breath, watching his cock twitch and tighten in response.


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