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Doctor's Orders

Page 18

by Deanna Ashford

  The silver bars made the experience doubly delicious as he smoothly invaded her soft depths. His hot hardness, coupled with the cold bars, slid deeper, driving her wild with pleasure, while the little clit tickler buzzed relentlessly on and on.

  Helen was beside herself as Justin rode her from behind, pounding his cock harder and harder into her willing flesh. His thrusts, and the sweetly throbbing assault on her clit continued as the pleasure grew inside her, then she lost control completely.

  Colin lay on his side, knees slightly bent. Zara’s buttocks were pressed close to his belly with his cock buried deep inside her. They lay there, not moving a muscle, just savouring the sensual sensations. ‘Keep your breathing even,’ Colin whispered in her ear. ‘And try to work your internal muscles very slowly.’

  They had both read about Tantric sex, how it was supposed to enhance and extend the pleasure. Masters of the art were said to spend hours making love, turning it into an almost religious experience.

  Colin and Zara were trying it for the first time, discovering that it wasn’t as easy as it appeared to be. It took enormous control to hold back on their orgasms, yet still retain the constant heightened state of pleasure. With his dick buried inside her the need to come was driving him insane, he doubted he could continue this for much longer, let alone almost indefinitely.

  ‘Careful,’ Colin groaned as Zara tensed her internal muscles, slowly milking his cock, appearing to have far more control over her body than he did over his. Zara gave a soft laugh and continued the erotic assault on his senses.

  ‘Can’t you hang on?’

  ‘Not much longer,’ he gasped, feeling her vagina tighten in waves around his engorged penis. In the past, some of his Army colleagues had told him of their visits to whores in exotic parts of the world. Some of these women could do amazing things with their vaginal muscles, and one guy even claimed to know a girl in Bangkok who could fire Ping-Pong balls from her cunt. Experiencing Zara’s ability to arouse him just by the internal contractions of her vagina made Colin believe such amazing abilities might be perfectly possible.

  ‘I can’t hold back.’

  ‘Then don’t.’ Zara took hold of his hand, which had been resting on her stomach, and placed it between her thighs. ‘Touch me,’ she begged.

  As Colin’s fingers started to explore her quim, Zara closed her eyes, while she focused her attention on relaxing and contracting her internal muscles in rhythmic waves. Colin took a deep breath and expelled it slowly, his fingers concentrating on stimulating Zara’s clitoris, trying to give her as much pleasure as she was giving him. Zara’s constant sexual contractions were imposing such pressure on his penis that it was driving him almost insane with delight. He hadn’t needed to move a muscle himself, yet the sensations were astounding. The pleasure so all-encompassing that, almost without warning, his body was consumed by a powerful wrenching climax.

  ‘That was amazing.’ He nuzzled the nape of her neck, his body still shaking from the strength of his release.

  As his heartbeat slowed down, and his body readjusted, Colin became even more conscious of the agitated beating of Zara’s heart, and the need for her own fulfilment, as she pressed her buttocks into his stomach. He worked her clitoris harder, pulling it, teasing it just as he knew she liked it. Her body strained against his, then he felt her internal muscles spasm around his semi-erect cock shaft in wild pulsing waves.

  She gave a soft moan, and relaxed against him. Not only was Colin sated, he was utterly content. He could think of nothing better than remaining just like this for the rest of his life; wrapped in a loving embrace with Zara, while their passion slowly dwindled and strength returned to their trembling limbs.

  Zara turned to face Colin, twining her arms around his neck. ‘We need lots more practice before we get the hang of this,’ she said, smiling.

  ‘And we have all the time in the world to do so,’ he replied.

  Colin had agreed at once to Zara’s request that he work for her. He could think of nothing better than spending every moment with this fascinating woman, so he had given in his notice less than an hour after Zara had first made the suggestion. Taking into account the holidays he was owed, he would be leaving the Princess Beatrice in three weeks. Unfortunately, that didn’t give him time to go to the Bahamas with Zara, but he would be ready to greet her when she returned and they would start work on her new mini-series together.

  ‘I’ve never felt happier,’ she confessed. ‘And if you’re that keen on getting a perfect grasp of Tantric sex, then we can find a teacher.’

  ‘You’re joking, surely?’ he exclaimed. ‘Do you really think we need someone to teach us how to have sex?’

  ‘Perhaps it would just be better to keep practising a lot,’ she said teasingly. ‘On the set I’ll have a very comfortable motor home, and there’s loads of sitting around to do between takes . . .’

  ‘I wish we were there right now.’ Colin glanced at his watch. ‘I really should be leaving. I’m on duty in a quarter of an hour, and I’ve a number of urgent matters to deal with.’

  ‘And I wish you didn’t have to go,’ she said, pouting slightly.

  ‘I’ll second that.’ He was conscious of Zara watching his every move as he stood up and stretched.

  ‘You really do have a beautiful body, Colin,’ she said, watching him slip on his underpants and trousers.

  ‘So do you, my sweet.’ Colin blew her a kiss, then stepped over to the dressing table to smooth back his ruffled hair. ‘I haven’t time for a shower. I hope I don’t smell of sex.’ He turned and grinned at her. ‘Do you know I think some of the other nurses suspect something is going on between us.’

  ‘They’d be pretty stupid if they didn’t. You spend ages in here, even during your shift. Far too much time probably.’ Zara sat up and leaned forwards to pick up her robe. Colin paused to admire the firmness of her breasts and the soft curve of her belly. ‘Use some of my cologne,’ she suggested. ‘It’s on the dressing table.’

  ‘Won’t I smell a little too exotic?’

  ‘Not if you use the bottle on the far left, it’s designed for both men and women,’ she replied.

  Colin went to pick up the cologne, but hesitated when he saw the brown plastic container sitting beside the assorted perfumes. ‘Pills?’ he queried with a frown, picking up and shaking the bottle. On admission, patients were required to hand in all medication. Every hospital, public or private, had exactly the same policy. Any medication needed was written up by the doctor in charge and dispensed by the nurses. ‘Didn’t they tell you to give these up when you checked in?’

  ‘I didn’t have those pills when I checked in,’ she replied, fastening the front of her robe and walking over to Colin.

  ‘Where did you get them?’ he asked as he checked the label. It wasn’t an official hospital prescription, and he didn’t recognise the name Ampesoman.

  ‘Is this the third degree?’ she asked.

  ‘I’m only concerned for your wellbeing.’

  ‘I know that.’ She put her hand on his arm. ‘Don’t worry. It’s all above board. Dr Taylor gave them to me for my depression.’ She gave a soft laugh. ‘They are some sort of miracle cure. Not that I’ll need them in future, I’ve never been happier. But I thought I ought to try them just to please him.’

  ‘Dr Taylor shouldn’t have left them with you, Zara. He should have given them to the nurses to dispense.’ Colin put down the pills and pulled Zara into a loving embrace.

  ‘So he went against hospital protocol? Perhaps he had his reasons. Who cares anyway?’ She looked up at him. ‘Does it really matter?’

  ‘No,’ Colin lied. ‘Of course it doesn’t.’

  ‘Then forget about the pills.’ She kissed his cheek. ‘I don’t want to push you away but you should be on duty in five minutes.’

  ‘Yeah,’ he agreed, reluctantly pulling away from her, and slipping on his top.

  Helen couldn’t even remember how she got back to her apartment, or into h
er bed. Her memories were pretty hazy from round about the time she had ended up in bed with Sandra, Justin and Ben. Somewhere along the way she’d had a couple of drinks and after that everything was blank. She could recall brief snatches – tangles of naked limbs, male and female bodies pressed close to hers, licking, sucking and fucking. Truthfully she preferred to forget it had ever happened, despite the fact she had found it all amazingly pleasurable at the time. On reflection, it had all been a little too extreme for her peace of mind and had a dreamlike quality about it that didn’t equate with reality.

  She was more than certain that Justin had planned the entire thing, perhaps thinking that as she became more involved in their devious sexual practices, she would give up poking her nose into matters he considered none of her business. However, Justin had no idea how stubborn Helen could be at times.

  One thing she did know: she now totally distrusted all three of them. Justin was a strange, eminently sexual guy, with the unique ability to reach a part of her she hadn’t known existed before. Justin was like a vampire preying on his victims, seducing them, clouding their perceptions with promises of mind-blowing sex. In future she would have to fight much harder to resist the temptation. Deep at the heart of this hospital was a swamp of sexual promiscuity that lured people towards it, and then swallowed them up completely.

  There was only one answer, she decided, as she walked around the hospital the following morning, ever conscious of her sore muscles and aching pussy. She had to concentrate hard on discovering exactly what was going on around here, what dark secrets lingered under the facade of normality.

  ‘Dr Dawson,’ someone called out, just behind her.

  Helen recognised the voice of Colin, one of the senior staff nurses. She liked Colin; there was something very straight and trustworthy about him. ‘Is something wrong?’ she asked, thinking he looked concerned, as she turned to face him.

  ‘There is,’ he confirmed in a low voice as if not wanting to be overheard. ‘Could I speak to you in private?’

  ‘Sure. Let’s go into the staff room,’ she suggested. ‘There’s unlikely to be anyone there at this time of day.’ They found the small sitting room, which was set aside for staff, empty. Helen waited until Colin shut the door. ‘Well?’

  ‘This isn’t easy for me. I don’t like to question a doctor’s treatment,’ Colin said cautiously. ‘I know if I have any problems I should theoretically go to a senior sister or matron.’ He paused, and frowned. ‘But I feel I. can trust you, Dr Dawson, so I decided to come to you first.’

  ‘I’m flattered.’ She smiled encouragingly. ‘Feel free to tell me anything you want, Colin. To be frank, I can understand why you don’t want to approach your supervisors in an instance like this. I’m more than happy to give you some guidance if I can. Anything you say to me will be in the strictest confidence, I promise you that.’

  He nodded. ‘Thank you, Dr Dawson. I want to ask you about a drug Dr Taylor has prescribed for Miss Dawn. It’s supposed to be a new treatment for acute depression but I’ve never heard of it.’

  ‘There are new drugs coming on the market all the time, Colin,’ she told him. ‘The pharmaceutical companies sometimes come to us before they make any effort to publicise a new drug.’

  ‘I appreciate that.’ Colin stepped closer. ‘But this is far more complicated. Not only is the drug unknown to me, but Dr Taylor has disregarded all hospital procedure.’

  ‘In what way?’ Helen asked in surprise.

  ‘He has given Miss Dawn a supply of the tablets to keep in her room. There’s no record of the prescription in her notes. As far as the hospital is concerned she’s not even on any medication.’

  ‘No record,’ Helen repeated thoughtfully, wondering what Ben was up to. She had no intention of saying so to Colin as yet, but such behaviour by a physician was unforgivable, and extremely dangerous. ‘Do you know what this drug is called?’

  Colin removed a piece of paper from his pocket and passed it to her. ‘I wrote it down.’

  ‘Ampesoman,’ she read, ‘I’ve not heard of it either. But I can easily make some calls, contact a few colleagues,’ she said, having no intention of speaking to Ben as yet. ‘I’ll find out more about it, Colin. Will that at least put your mind at rest at present?’

  ‘I’m sure it will,’ Colin said with a grateful smile. ‘I don’t want Miss Dawn to come to any harm. You may not be aware of it, Dr Dawson, but Miss Dawn and I are involved. In fact I’m leaving the hospital to work for her,’ he explained. ‘She’s a very special lady, and she is of paramount importance to me. Dr Taylor’s behaviour really has me worried.’

  Helen nodded. ‘To be perfectly honest, Colin, there are a number of things going on around here that trouble me too.’ She paused, then took a chance and decided to confide in Colin. Helen was certain that if he’d had any part in the conspiracy he wouldn’t be questioning Ben’s actions. ‘Have you heard any rumours about a patient being lodged in the West Wing annex?’ Colin looked at her in surprise. ‘No – nothing. I was told, like everyone else, that there were some construction problems, and that the area was off limits to staff and patients alike.’ He frowned. ‘But then the West Wing is a pretty weird place. The staff keep themselves to themselves. They rarely mix with the rest of us. At times it’s almost like we were two different hospitals.’

  ‘I thought I was imagining their attitude towards me,’ Helen admitted. ‘I always feel that they consider me an intrusive outsider when I go to see a patient there.’ She gave an awkward laugh. ‘And that in itself is a pretty rare occurrence. So the two sets of staff don’t mix at all?’

  ‘Not even socially,’ he replied. ‘Haven’t you noticed that in the restaurant and staff bar?’

  ‘I’ve never really thought about it,’ she said, shrugging her shoulders. ‘I haven’t spent much time in the bar since I’ve been here.’

  ‘Even the annual staff parties are held apart. We’re having a barbecue in the grounds next Wednesday, while they are holding some elaborate fancy dress do. Rumour has it they are holding it in the ballroom, but they keep their plans pretty hush-hush,’ Colin said.

  ‘How strange,’ Helen exclaimed. The ballroom of the former mansion was on the ground floor, situated directly beneath the West Wing annex. Helen had heard it hadn’t been in use for years. ‘Another thing, Colin. Did you know that Mr Kalowski operated on a patient late last night, round about midnight?’

  ‘Midnight?’ Colin echoed. ‘All the theatre staff only work day shifts. The operating theatres close about six. Only a few emergency operations have ever been done here; the last was the one on Mr Paul.’

  ‘And I suspect that this operation was no emergency.’ Helen absentmindedly drummed her fingers on the files she was holding. ‘There must have been a full compliment of theatre staff – any idea who might have been called in?’

  ‘The regular theatre sister is on annual leave at present. Her usual replacement is matron’s friend, Gillian Clark. She’s one of the sisters from the West Wing. There’s normally no crossover of staff; matron doesn’t allow it. Yet funnily enough Gillian had been put on our rota to provide temporary cover in the East Wing last night. Then there was a last minute reshuffle, because Gillian was unavailable for some unknown reason.’

  ‘Perhaps she’d been reassigned to theatre?’ Helen suggested. ‘Is there any way you could find out?’

  ‘I can try.’ Colin appeared confident. ‘I recently went on an aromatherapy course. Fran, one of the former nurses from the West Wing, was also there. She left about six months ago after some sort of altercation with matron. Fran’s boyfriend Jack is a theatre technician here, and I know for a fact that she still harbours some resentment about being forced to leave. I’ll phone her, she may be able to tell me something.’

  ‘Helen, there you are.’ Duncan smiled at Helen as she entered his room. As usual the place was knee-deep in papers, and there were a couple of men with Duncan, presumably discussing the movie he was making. Judging by
the description Duncan had previously given her, one of the guests was Paolo Barsini, the excitable director of his current project.

  ‘We must leave.’ Paolo spoke with a strong Italian accent. ‘Is this your beautiful doctor?’

  ‘Yeah,’ Duncan confirmed, giving Helen a conspiratorial wink. ‘Helen Dawson, may I introduce the great Paolo Barsini.’

  ‘A pleasure,’ Helen said as Paolo made a great show of kissing her hand, while he reeled off a long sentence in Italian which sounded enormously flattering.

  ‘In his usually effusive way, Paolo is telling you how beautiful and charming you are, Helen,’ Duncan explained as he stood up.

  ‘Ciao, bellisima,’ Paolo said, then waved his hand at Duncan.

  ‘Ciao, Paulo,’ Duncan said, adding a few more words in fluent-sounding Italian. Helen, who had never been much good at languages, was impressed. ‘He’s actually a nice guy,’ Duncan remarked, after Paolo and his companion had left. ‘But so excitable, it’s quite exhausting.’ He paused. ‘What’s wrong? You look worried.’

  ‘I’m not sure.’ Duncan pulled her into his arms, holding her close for a moment. ‘There are some pretty strange things going on around here Duncan, and they worry me.’

  ‘Sit down, tell me all about it.’ He led her to the sofa, brushing a pile of papers on to the floor so that he could sit beside her.

  Helen started by telling Duncan about the patient lodged in the annex, and Ralph’s secrecy about the operation. Helen was certain the man he’d operated on had been Mr X because she’d checked up and none of the official patients in either wing had been taken to theatre last night. She knew that some of the other staff must be in on this as well, but apart from the sister Colin had spoken of, she had no idea who as yet.


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