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Doctor's Orders

Page 26

by Deanna Ashford

  Swiftly, he pulled opened his flies, and his cock sprang from the black silk opening, looking impressively huge. Helen couldn’t tear her gaze from it and she shivered with wanting, desperate to feel it pounding inside of her. Grabbing hold of her calves, Max lifted her legs, pulling them apart so that the pink slit of her pussy gaped crudely open, and Helen heard a low sigh of anticipation from the watching crowd.

  Helen’s arm muscles protested under the strain of her own body weight, as Max held her thighs open and entered her with one smooth stroke. As he buried his cock the last few inches, Helen twined her legs around his waist, loving the feel of his silk-covered groin pressing against her open quim. The continued strain on her arms held her breasts in taut perfection, and Max fastened his lips around one swelling peak as he began to thrust into Helen. He fucked her in a smooth, unrelenting rhythm that sent the crowd wild with delight. Some joined in her pleasure, openly touching their own or another’s genitals. Helen could almost taste the purity of their lust, the strange aura that permeated the warm night air.

  Max’s powering thrusts, and her rising pleasure, combined with the strange excitement of being watched by so many, meant that she started to peak all too swiftly. Max gnawed at her breast, thrusting into her so violently that it made her entire body shudder from the pounding pressure.

  Max gave a loud grunt as he came, then pulled away from Helen, letting her feet drop to the ground. She was still trembling from the onslaught as he eased his penis back into his trousers and turned away from her, not saying a word.

  Max strode off, never looking back, leaving Helen still bound and helpless, totally at the mercy of the crowd. She gave a whimper of trepidation as a number of them stepped towards her. Helen felt confused and frightened, longing to be touched, yet fearing what they might do to her. Her mind half-numb with anguish, she felt a plethora of hands and lips touch her in her most secret places. A wriggling finger buried into her anus, while lips sucked teasingly at her open quim, and she felt herself being drawn deeper and deeper into a morass of carnal delight.

  Then someone tall and commanding stepped forwards, pushing her erotic tormentors roughly aside, employing so much force that a couple of them fell at her feet. A gentle hand supported her, while another released her wrists. She fell against her deliverer as he half-carried her through the door of the ballroom and into an ante-room heaped with bags and coats.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Colin asked, as he sat her down on the nearest couch. ‘Sorry I couldn’t get to you earlier, Helen.’

  ‘I’m fine,’ she said, still shaking slightly, feeling aroused yet appalled by what had just happened.

  ‘Here.’ Colin handed her a velvet caftan that someone had obviously used as an evening coat. ‘Put this on,’ he added, easing her trembling arms into the sleeves and wrapping it tightly around her naked body. ‘Now you’ve got to get out of this place,’ he continued, worriedly.

  ‘We’ll leave right now,’ she said, fastening the row of buttons down the front of the caftan. ‘You’ll come too, won’t you?’ Helen was so furious with Max, so amazed by his cruel behaviour, that she didn’t care what happened to him any more. She now had every intention of ensuring that Sandra, Ben, Justin and Ralph were brought to justice and paid for their crimes. If Max’s reputation was destroyed in the resulting scandal she didn’t care one jot.

  ‘I can’t,’ Colin replied very seriously. ‘I think I’m on to something, I have to stay.’

  ‘I’m on to something too,’ she said, still feeling very overwhelmed by all that had happened. ‘Look,’ she added, fishing the key she’d found out of her boot. ‘I saw Ben drop this, and I’m certain it’s the key to Justin’s office. Let’s try it now.’

  ‘We will, together,’ Colin agreed, with a thoughtful frown. ‘You go back to your place, Helen. Wait for me there and I’ll join you in a half hour or so. We’ll break into Justin’s office together.’

  ‘Why not now?’ she asked, filled with a zealous longing to get her own back on all of them.

  ‘You can’t go running about the hospital half-naked,’ he pointed out. ‘Change into jeans or something first. I’ve just managed to get one of the theatre nurses who assisted at those secret ops to open up to me. She’s pretty pissed and doesn’t seem to care what she tells me. It seems stupid not to learn all I can. Waiting a short while won’t hurt, will it?’

  ‘I suppose not,’ she agreed reluctantly.

  Helen almost did go back to her flat, but when she reached the passage that led to the courtyard, she had second thoughts. At present she was sure that Ben and Justin were fully occupied in some erotic pursuit or other, but the later she left it the more chance there was that one of them might leave, and her perfect opportunity could be lost.

  She didn’t come across a single soul as she made her way to the Pathology department. Fortunately moonlight streamed through the windows, and the labs weren’t as dark as they might be. She navigated the rooms without the help of a torch or any lighting, and reached Justin’s locked office without being seen. To her relief it was the right key – she opened the door and she slipped silently inside. The office had no external windows, so she chanced putting on a small desk light, hoping she wouldn’t be discovered by one of the infrequent nightly security patrols.

  The office was very tidy, which made it easier for Helen to search it systematically. She looked for any written records that Ben and Justin might have kept which could be used as evidence against them. She found nothing, only normal hospital paperwork, a few personal bills and files, plus in one cupboard a vast array of different sex toys, some of which looked incredibly bizarre. The only computer discs she found were still in a cellophane sealed box, and had obviously not been used.

  Helen’s last chance was the computers; there were two of them in this small room. As she turned them on, she discovered that one was linked to the hospital mainframe, and wouldn’t tell her anything more than she had found in the Records Department. The other was a high-powered personal computer, which seemed far more promising. Helen opened up the system and searched through the files, soon discovering that most of them were protected by passwords: one for Ben, and one for Justin. She logged in under Ben’s name and tried every conceivable sexual word she could think of, but none proved correct. Desperately she tried to think, remembering what Colin had told her about Ben’s Filofax, and the word PANDORA sprang to mind.

  Hoping that she was about to open Pandora’s box, she typed in the name. It worked, and she began to search through the protected files. Ben hadn’t bothered to conceal them with fake names, and she went straight to the one marked ‘Ampesoman.doc’. There she found everything: a list of patients, medical tests pertaining to the trials and even a rough calculation of the eventual profit Ben hoped to make.

  Swiftly she opened the fresh packet of discs, slipped one into the computer slot and downloaded all the information on to disc. Then she searched through the other files, eventually finding what she was looking for in one named ‘FK.Interface.doc’. The downloaded files from Records were there, along with other equally important information.

  Beneath the fake name of each patient, their true identities were also logged. Helen recognised the name of a Balkan who was wanted by the United Nations for war crimes; a former dictator who was supposed to have stolen millions from his poverty-stricken country; and a man who had managed to destroy a well-known bank while salting away large amounts of money for himself at the same time. All these people had disappeared and were still being sought by the relevant authorities.

  Helen turned to Mr X’s file, and there was the name Carlos Alcazar. Every suspicion she’d had was confirmed, and she knew that she had to pass all this information on to the police, after she and Colin had read through it at their leisure. That would take quite a while, she thought, as she clicked the mouse, hoping there would be enough room on the disc to also save all this information.

  The computer made a faint buzzing noise as it downloaded the fi
les on to disc. Eventually, after what seemed like an age, the download was complete and with a sigh of relief she pulled out the disc.

  She then froze as she thought she heard a sound from somewhere in the distant recesses of the lab. Helen listened intently, hearing the faint hum of machines, the strange creaks buildings always made at night, but no matter how hard she tried she could hear nothing else. Obviously her imagination was playing tricks on her senses, she thought, her ears still trained for any suspicious sounds as she turned off the computer screen.

  Tucking the disc in the pocket of her caftan, she turned off the light and crept to the door of the office, opened it and peered nervously into the dark recesses of the rest of the laboratory. It seemed safe enough, so she crept cautiously forwards, conscious only of the loud noise of her own breathing. A sudden faint creaking sound made her tense apprehensively as she glanced around trying to detect even the slightest sign of movement.

  Then her heart leaped in her chest as she was unexpectedly grabbed from behind. Helen was too surprised to even struggle as she was roughly manhandled back into Justin’s office. She heard the door slam as the centre light clicked on, blinding her for a moment with its brightness.

  Helen found herself facing a very angry-looking Ben, accompanied by Justin who was holding tightly on to her arms.

  ‘I said it must be that bitch who found my key,’ Ben said angrily.

  ‘You shouldn’t have lost it, you idiot,’ Justin responded, running his hands over Helen’s body. ‘You were just bloody lucky that Kirsty thought she saw Helen pick it up,’ he added, grinning when he found the disc in Helen’s pocket. ‘What have we here now?’ he asked, holding it aloft.

  Helen said nothing, just stared anxiously at Ben as he grabbed the disc from Justin. ‘You think she downloaded our files?’ Ben asked.

  ‘How could she?’ Justin replied sarcastically, pulling Helen towards the computer, holding on to her with one hand, while turning on the screen with the other. At once he discovered that Helen had made a great mistake in failing to both exit the file and log off. The proof of her perfidy was right in front of his eyes. ‘If she didn’t know either of our passwords, then would you like to tell me how she managed this?’ Justin asked Ben, as he pointed to the name Carlos Alcazar.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Ben muttered, stepping forwards to examine the screen himself. ‘It should be impossible. She’s no hacker; she couldn’t have done this.’

  ‘She must have got the bloody password from somewhere,’ Justin snapped. ‘Perhaps from someone stupid enough to write it down?’

  Ben blanched. ‘There’s no way she could have seen it,’ he stuttered awkwardly.

  Justin’s fury was cold and merciless as he glared derisively at Ben. ‘I told you yesterday to download everything on to disc and put it somewhere safe, then wipe the records from the hard drive. Why didn’t you do it?’

  ‘I just didn’t get around to it.’ Ben looked uneasy, as if he was scared of what Justin might do to him.

  ‘You’re a fucking idiot!’ Justin growled, unconsciously relaxing his hold on Helen as he glared accusingly at Ben.

  Helen took the opportunity to tear herself from Justin’s grasp and dart towards the door. She pulled it open, intending to run for her life.

  ‘Oh, no you don’t,’ Justin roared, lunging towards her. He grabbed a chunk of her hair and her arm, and yanked her back into the room.

  ‘Ouch!’ Helen exclaimed as he swung her round to face him. ‘That hurt.’

  ‘That’s nothing in contrast to what I feel like doing to you,’ he growled, pulling her closer and pressing his thumb against the pulse that beat agitatedly at the base of her neck. ‘Ben, find something to tie her wrists together. I don’t want her trying to get away again.’

  ‘What are you going to do with me?’ she asked, trying to hide her fear as he pressed his hand harder against her throat, as if he wanted to squeeze the life from her body. The way Justin was looking at her made Helen more scared than she’d ever been in her life.

  ‘Make damn sure you keep your mouth shut, of course,’ he said with an evil grin, as Ben rummaged through the cupboard containing all the sex toys they’d collected.

  ‘Will these do?’ Ben stepped forwards, holding a pair of handcuffs with fur-padded wrist restraints.

  ‘Fine,’ Justin said, holding tightly on to Helen while Ben pulled her hands behind her back and confined her wrists.

  ‘Now what?’ Ben asked.

  ‘You do what I told you to do,’ Justin replied curtly. ‘Download everything, then wipe the hard disc. I’ll take Helen back to my place. We can decide what we do with her later,’ he continued with a cruel smile that made Helen’s blood run cold. She had thought she might be taking a chance coming here, but it had never crossed her mind she might be putting her life in jeopardy.

  Suddenly she heard a noise from the adjoining lab. Helen turned her head just as the tall, commanding figure of Max appeared in the doorway. Her past anger was forgotten in an instant, and she’d never been more pleased to see anyone in her entire life.

  ‘Helen!’ Max sounded as surprised to see her as she him.

  Twisting away from Justin, Helen ran towards Max. ‘We’ve got to get out of here,’ she said agitatedly, as Max put his arms around her and held her close. ‘We’re in danger,’ she urged, unsure what Ben and Justin might do next. Max was a strong guy, but it was still two against one.

  ‘It’s all right,’ Max said comfortingly, as he held her trembling form close.

  ‘No,’ she insisted. ‘Please get me out of here, Max. It’s not safe.’

  Max stared questioningly at Justin and Ben. ‘What exactly is going on?’ he asked coldly.

  ‘She found out,’ Justin replied, with an awkward shrug of his shoulders. ‘She managed to get into the computer files and download them,’ he added, as he waved the disc at Max. ‘I presume she intended to go to the authorities with this.’

  Helen tensed in surprise and she took a couple of steps back to stare in pained disbelief at Max. ‘You knew what was going on around here?’ she asked, not wanting to believe this heinous discovery.

  ‘I had hoped that when Justin tried to warn you off it would be enough to put a stop to your amateur investigations. Obviously it wasn’t,’ Max said, smiling regretfully. ‘I underestimated you, Helen. Totally underestimated you, as it happens.’

  ‘It never crossed my mind that you were involved . . .’ Helen stuttered, glancing nervously round at Justin and Ben. They were standing there looking at Max, as if waiting for him to tell them what to do next. ‘Why?’ she asked, turning back to look at Max. ‘You’re successful, famous – a brilliant surgeon.’

  ‘I had my reasons,’ Max replied, stepping further into the room, while Helen backed away from him, ‘which mainly consisted of a number of rather pressing financial problems I never told you about.’ He smiled wryly. ‘Over the last couple of years I’ve managed to sort most of them out, thanks to my people at the Princess Beatrice.’

  Helen shook her head. ‘My God! You’re running the whole thing, aren’t you?’

  ‘It’s a pity you had to find out,’ Max said with regret. ‘For a time I believed we had a future together. I never wanted you to know any of this, Helen. In retrospect I realise I should never have arranged a temporary job for you here. Sometimes we don’t truly know people until it’s too late, do we, Helen?’

  ‘It appears not, Max,’ she confirmed. ‘I was as wrong about you, as you were about me. But I just don’t understand how you could do it – these people you’ve operated on, they’re criminals.’

  ‘A lawyer doesn’t judge whether his client is guilty or innocent, so why should a doctor?’ he said. ‘And it’s amazing how many people are prepared to pay exorbitant sums to have their faces changed and start all over again with a clean slate.’ Max gave a harsh laugh. ‘If needs be we can all do that as well.’

  ‘And what happens to me?’ Helen asked, wondering if he still held eve
n a shred of affection for her. ‘Would you believe me if I said I wouldn’t talk, Max?’

  ‘Poor Helen.’ He cupped her face in his hands, kissing her tenderly on the lips. ‘Sadly, my sweet, I can’t bring myself to believe any soulful promises you might come up with. But don’t worry about the future.’ Max eased his hand inside the front of her top to fondle her breasts. ‘I’ve no intention of letting any harm come to you. I think we’ll take a holiday somewhere quiet. I’ve a friend who owns a delightful estate in the depths of Columbia. It’s beautiful and very isolated. I’m sure once we’ve spent some time together you’ll look at this matter very differently.’

  ‘Ben, get to work,’ Justin said quietly to his companion. ‘Download everything.’ He looked back at Max. ‘Shall I contact the pilot, tell him to have the helicopter ready to leave in –’

  Justin didn’t have time to complete his sentence as two men barged into the room. Colin lunged towards Ben while Duncan moved anxiously towards Helen. Justin, with a growl of fury, launched himself at Duncan, aiming a hard kick at his damaged ankle. As Duncan turned, with amazing speed, nimbly avoiding his attacker, Max grabbed hold of Helen and held her in front of him.

  Duncan was a good few inches taller than Justin and far stronger. Because of his movie career he was well versed in a number of martial arts, and his ankle barely hampered his movements as he parried a blow from Justin. Yet Duncan employed none of these skills as he grabbed Justin, jerked him forwards and head-butted him hard in a move worthy of the toughest street-fighter.

  Helen heard the sickening crack, and saw Justin crumple bonelessly to the ground as Max started to drag her towards the door. She struggled to get away from him, while Ben arched his back, his mouth open in a silent scream, as Colin lifted him and flung him against the desk. Ben fell, like a crumpled rag doll, landing on the floor in a tangle of arms and legs.

  ‘Let her go, Max,’ Duncan said, his face tight with fury as he moved towards his cousin.


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