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Demon Child

Page 15

by Kylie Chan

Martin rarely took Celestial Form. He was slim and elegant, the same size as Simone, and much leaner than John’s massive bulk. His waist-length black hair, tied in a topknot and bound in a small gold crown, did the same thing as his sisters’, floating around him. His robes and armour were black to honour the House, with green and gold trimmings that mirrored his sea turtle nature, and he had his sword, the Silver Serpent, hanging from his belt.

  I was small and felt tatty in my well-worn robes and armour. A few of the wires holding my armour plates together had worn through and there was a large chip in the breastplate that Moaner, the forge’s head demon, hadn’t had time to repair. I wore the Murasame clipped to my back, and cringed every time one of the others took a step.

  ‘Me middle, Ming right, Simone left, Emma behind Simone,’ John said. He glanced down at me. ‘Sorry, Emma, but —’

  I raised one hand to stop him. ‘I know the protocol, John. I’ve been putting up with it for more than ten years. And as a concubine, I shouldn’t even be here.’



  ‘Consort, Emma.’

  ‘I’m a concubine.’

  He glared down at me from his massive height. ‘I am the Dark Emperor of the Northern Heavens and I have decreed that you are my consort and not a concubine and the matter is settled.’

  ‘Whatever. I shouldn’t be here.’

  John dropped his voice. ‘You’re not getting out of this that easily. If we all have to put up with this formal bullshit then you do too.’

  ‘Oh look, Father’s breaking with tradition,’ Martin said, his voice heavy with sarcasm.

  ‘And I’m way too small. I’m sure one of you monsters will tread on me,’ I grumbled under my breath.

  ‘Don’t worry, we’ll be careful.’ John turned to speak to Yue Gui. ‘I’ll give you the signal when we’re settled and you can come in.’ He looked around at everyone. ‘Let’s make this quick; we all have much more important things to do. Ready?’

  ‘I hope someone has a video camera inside, I want to see what you all look like as you enter the hall. It’ll be magnificent,’ I said.

  ‘We’re recording it, ma’am,’ Cloud said. She gestured towards the hall. ‘Shall we?’

  ‘Oh, and you won’t need to touch me when the water comes,’ John said, his voice full of amusement. ‘I’ll hyper-oxygenate it and you’ll be able to breathe.’ He nodded to Cloud.

  ‘Wait, what? What water?’ I said.

  ‘Oh, that’s mean, Daddy,’ Simone said.

  The Door Gods opened the doors and Cloud escorted us through the ecstatic crowd. John floated up the black marble ramp and Simone, Martin and I strode up the stairs at the sides and behind him. The interior of the hall was much quieter, the crowd inside silent as a show of respect. The carpet stretched in front of us, black with a silver twining snake along its length.

  The four of us strode up the carpet and everybody in the hall fell to both knees. John swept up the stairs to the dais and stood in front of the black turtle throne, his dark face fierce. Martin stood behind him to the right, Simone to his left, and I stood behind and to the left of Simone and hoped that nobody could see me. Cloud took position below the dais to our right, her hands on her belt.

  The crowd outside went completely silent.

  ‘Wen sui, wen sui, wen wen sui,’ everybody in the hall said in unison, and the people outside echoed the supplication.

  John flicked his robe and sat with his legs spread wide and his hands on his knees. ‘Rise.’

  Everybody stood, and John waited for them to settle. When there was complete silence he spoke.

  ‘The Northern Heavens decree that Princess Xuan Yue Gui, the Moon Turtle, is to present.’

  Yue came in, her face fierce and her stride confident. When she was in front of the dais she fell to one knee as a senior Retainer and stiffly saluted John. ‘This small Shen is present and honoured, Celestial Highness.’

  ‘Rise, Princess.’

  Yue Gui stood with her head bowed and her hands held in front of her face in the salute as a show of respect.

  Both Simone and Martin shifted slightly. They knew their father. I remained completely still, but I knew him as well. The urge to break with protocol and do something chaotic would be almost irresistible for him.

  Don’t worry, the Jade Emperor just warned me off, he said, and all three of us relaxed.

  Yue Gui saw our reactions and smiled slightly with her head bowed.

  John stood and took two steps forward to stand with his hands resting on his wide belt and the hilt of Dark Heavens, which had grown to match his size.

  He raised his voice to be heard throughout the hall. ‘The Northern Heavens decree that within their realm, Princess Xuan Bei Yue Gui, the Moon Turtle, is second only to the Northern Heavens themselves in seniority. She is to be given equal distinction and merit to her brother, Xuan Bei Ming Gui, the Bright Turtle. Each of these officers are of equal stature in the eyes of the Heavens and the Celestial.’ He raised one hand towards Yue. ‘Ascend, Princess Xuan Bei Yue Gui and take your place as the Dark Emperor’s Number One.’

  Yue Gui bowed to John, put her hands on her belt and strode up the stairs, taking her place next to Martin at John’s right hand.

  ‘This matter is concluded,’ John said, his voice still carrying through the hall, then he sat on the throne again.

  ‘Pay homage to your Sovereign,’ Yue said at a similar volume.

  Everybody in the hall fell to their knees again, heads bowed, and chanted the supplication, with the crowd outside repeating it.

  John rose again. Close up, he said, and gestured with one hand for us to follow as he walked down the stairs. Don’t hold your breath.

  As we moved to follow him, a sphere of water appeared around us and we all lifted to float in it. The water glowed with John’s shen energy, glittering with rays of light that shifted and spread to shine in dots on the walls and ceiling of the hall. The water floated above the carpet and we all hung suspended within it, our hair and robes flowing around us as it carried us back out the doors.

  As soon as the doors closed behind us, John dropped the water and we landed lightly on the stone pavers of the raised platform around the building. The crowd outside the hall went wild, and we stopped for a moment to have our photos taken.

  ‘Hurry, Father,’ Yue said.

  ‘Around the back,’ John said, and walked quickly around the hall. ‘Can they see us?’

  ‘Clear,’ Martin said.

  John changed to human form, then fell face first, like a dead tree. Martin caught him.

  ‘Get him out before anyone sees,’ Yue said.

  Martin nodded and disappeared.

  Yue put her hand out to me. ‘I’ll take you back to the apartment.’ She nodded to Simone. ‘Are you okay to get there by yourself?’

  ‘I’m good,’ Simone said, and disappeared.

  ‘Don’t carry me, I’ll walk back,’ I said. ‘The travelling’s wearing me out.’

  ‘Not an option, sorry, Emma,’ she said, taking my hand. ‘They can’t see us leave without him.’

  She dropped her head and the square disappeared.

  Martin was placing John on the bed in the Celestial Palace apartment when we arrived. I took his hand and fell to one knee next to him, then ran my other hand over his forehead. He had severely drained himself with this ridiculous performance.

  I dropped his hand and went to the end of the bed to pull his boots off as his children hovered, concerned. I was right: blood stained his socks. I pulled them off. His feet weren’t gone, but they were skinless and bleeding raw.

  ‘Oh god,’ Simone said, and rushed out, gagging.

  I looked up at Yue and Martin. ‘You need to freeze this now to stop the bleeding.’

  Martin froze the ends of John’s feet. Ice formed around them.

  ‘Yue, tell the Blue Dragon that John’s feet are like this and we need his help,’ I said. ‘He’s to tell you the nature
of the item we’re holding that can fix it.’

  ‘The Dragon? Why?’ she said, and her brow creased with concentration, then comprehension. ‘Oh, I see.’

  She concentrated on Martin and he understood as well.

  ‘I’ll carry Father. Ah Yue, take Emma to retrieve the … thing,’ Martin said.

  I rose and turned to Yue Gui. She took my hand and the Celestial Palace disappeared.

  Yue and I hurried down the stairs into the Grotto to find Martin next to an unconscious John, who was lying on the ledge near the water.

  ‘Did you dismiss the fish?’ I asked Martin.

  ‘I did.’ He inhaled sharply. ‘That’s it?’

  I put the casket on the ground next to John and removed the cage from it.

  ‘We need to wake him up and make him take True Form.’ I looked up at them. ‘Grab his turtle form before it takes off and slam it into the cage.’

  Martin and Yue nodded, their expressions grim.

  ‘We should anaesthetise his feet first,’ Yue said.

  ‘I already did,’ Martin said.

  ‘You try waking him, Emma,’ Yue said. ‘He’s been with you the longest.’

  ‘You’re his children,’ I said, and stopped. That didn’t mean as much to a reptile. ‘He’s been with both of you for thousands of years.’ I knelt next to his head anyway, and touched his cheek.

  ‘John. John. Wake up.’

  His eyes snapped open, unseeing, but not black. It was the Turtle, not the Serpent.

  ‘John,’ I said, brushing his cheek. ‘You need to take True Form. Your feet are damaged again. We have to put you into the cage.’

  ‘I’m slipping into True Form,’ he said, his eyes wide. ‘Simone, Emma, are you there?’

  ‘I’m here, John, just let the form take you.’

  ‘Simone,’ he said, his voice hoarse with emotion. ‘Emma … Yue, Ming, Leo, I’m losing it.’ He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, his brow creasing. ‘I can’t hold it. When I rejoin, don’t try to pull me out, just leave me there. It’s too dangerous. Emma?’

  ‘I’m here, John,’ I said, still stroking his cheek.

  He grabbed my hand and held it so hard it was painful. He spoke with fierce urgency. ‘Emma, this is only temporary. Even if the Heavens fall, I will be back for you. Simone, I am so damn proud of you. Ming, Yue, Leo, you are all magnificent. This is a direct order: nobody is to attempt a rescue. Stay away from me. It’ll be a massive trap and they’ll be waiting. You are needed on the Celestial. Huh? Mei Mei?’

  Yue dropped her head, her eyes wide and concentrating.

  ‘I’ll try my best,’ he said, and grunted with effort. ‘You have no idea what you’re asking here.’

  ‘He may not be able to take a small enough form,’ Yue said from a million miles away. ‘Help me, Di Di.’

  Both of them concentrated on him.

  ‘Look after each other. I love you all,’ John said.

  He shimmered into True Form and Martin grabbed him. Yue helped him to put John in the cage and I slammed the lid on it. We all fell back to crouch on our heels and breathed a sigh of relief. He was too exhausted to fight being in the cage and sat with his eyes half-closed.

  ‘He’s worse than even he realises,’ Martin said.

  ‘I’ll stay with him,’ I said. ‘You guys have stuff to do.’

  ‘You’re as exhausted as he is.’

  ‘Simone will come down and relieve me later. I’ll be fine.’ I sat on the stone floor next to the cage. ‘Both of you need to attend the investiture banquet and keep up appearances.’

  Yue and Martin shared a look, then rose.

  Martin patted me on the shoulder. ‘Call us if you need anything.’

  ‘I have everything I need right here,’ I said, and settled myself to wait for him.


  I was woken by his voice next to me. ‘What happened? Emma?’ He banged his head on the lid. ‘I can’t get out!’

  ‘Relax, John, you’re in the cage again,’ I said.

  I opened the lid and he floated out to land on the platform next to the lake.

  ‘What happened?’ He saw my blanket and inflatable mattress. ‘How long have I been out?’

  ‘You’ve been here for nearly six hours. It’s 1 am.’

  ‘Last thing I remember is leaving the hall …’ His face filled with comprehension. ‘I overdid it.’

  ‘Your feet lost all their skin.’

  He winced. ‘I remember.’

  I put the cage back into the casket. ‘Are your feet whole?’

  He nodded. ‘Being in the cage the first time helped me to grow my tail back, but it wasn’t complete.’ He shifted slightly, checking. ‘I still need to completely regrow the scales, but this is much easier to hold. It’s more like a mild burn than a complete loss. Has anything major happened?’

  ‘No. All’s quiet.’

  ‘Good.’ He took the casket from me and put his arm around my shoulder. ‘Are you hungry?’

  ‘No, just tired. Simone and I took turns watching you while we ate dinner. I just want to go to bed.’

  He yawned widely. ‘Me too. That’s so strange; I just had a six-hour nap and I still feel exhausted.’

  ‘So do I,’ I said, leaning into him.

  The stars blazed above us when we climbed out of the Grotto; the black banners had been furled and taken in. The chill wind made me shiver and he pulled me closer to him, sharing his warmth. Lights bobbed on the battlements as the Disciples on sentry duty walked along the top of the wall.

  We dropped the cage in the armoury and walked through the spring-fresh gardens to our house. Before we entered the Residence, John stopped to check on everyone. He nodded silently and we went in.

  Smally was waiting for me in the entry hall with a tray of tea and biscuits and a blanket over her arm. John concentrated on her. Her face filled with understanding, and she retreated to the servants’ quarters at the back of the house.

  We held hands as we headed up the stairs to our bedroom. As we approached, John moved closer and put his arm around my shoulders so that his body pressed into mine. I leaned into him as we went into our room and closed the doors together. We turned to face each other, and I threw my arms around his neck to pull him down.

  Every time we had some private time to share our feelings, it was like the first time again. I lost myself in the fresh scent of the sea, the cool skin of his hands, the silken feeling as I ran my fingers down the side of his throat. I reached around to release his hair and he shook it out into a wild tangle. He pulled back, his expression intense, and led me past the warm glowing fire to the bed. I stopped and gently tugged at his hand.

  He nodded understanding, made his clothes disappear, and hopped up to sit cross-legged on the bed to wait for me. I stood for a moment admiring him, and he spread his hands slightly and smiled.

  Then he obviously remembered something. ‘While you’re in there, can you leave the stone for me? I’d like to ask it something.’

  A million thoughts raced through my head. ‘What do you want to ask it? Something personal about me?’

  His smile turned wry. ‘You can always see right through me.’

  I sat on the bed next to him and ran my hand over his thigh. ‘I like to think you trust me enough to ask me anything.’

  ‘This I’m not so sure about.’

  ‘Like when you told me about your run-in with the marine biologists?’ I shifted my hand to the inside of his thigh and watched his reaction with delight as I lightly traced over him with my fingertips. I grinned up into his eyes. ‘Mister porn star.’

  He sat silently for a moment, then gently lifted my hand away. ‘Similar. This is much more … difficult. I know you are very accepting, even adventurous, and that’s something I really love about you, but I know how offensive this could be, and I need to ask the stone.’


  He shrugged silently.

  ‘Your animal form,’ I said, working it out. ‘I know
the Tiger does it … You want to have sex with me as a turtle? John, that thing’s massive!’ My voice trailed off as I understood. ‘My serpent?’ I pulled away slightly. ‘I don’t think that’s a very good idea.’

  ‘No. Your human form. I don’t want to try anything with your serpent form. Our natures are too similar and I could possess you while I’m broken like this.’

  ‘But you’ll take off and join with your Serpent …’ I understood. ‘You won’t if you’re in the middle of being a Turtle. And you’ll be in True Form, so it’ll be really good for you … and I don’t just mean pleasurable.’ He waited as I thought about it. ‘Can you even do that with my human form?’

  His face remained completely expressionless: yes, he could.

  ‘Have you done it before?’

  ‘No. You’re the first human I’ve even considered asking.’

  I shifted slightly more away. ‘Let me think about it.’ I looked up into his eyes. ‘I want to be positive that it won’t hurt me. Land tortoises have huge barbed penises with nasty spikes on them. Do sea turtles?’

  ‘How do you know that?’ he said, aghast.

  ‘I’m marrying one. Well, do they?’

  ‘It won’t.’

  ‘And I know damn well that it’s half the length of your lower shell … There’s a scientific term for that …’

  ‘I have no idea.’

  ‘So that thing is enormous, barbed or not. Are you sure you won’t hurt me?’

  He spread his hands slightly. ‘I will be in control of my shape.’

  ‘And I want to be sure that you won’t take off in the middle of things.’ I shook my head. ‘I really don’t think this is a terribly good idea.’

  ‘I agree. Go and prepare for bed. I’ll be here waiting for you in one hundred per cent human form.’

  ‘Stone,’ I said.

  ‘I would prefer not to be involved in this particular discussion,’ the stone said.

  ‘If he had asked you, what would you have said?’

  ‘I would have said that he’s pushing you too far, that even you have limits to your acceptance of his strange nature, and to not even ask.’

  ‘You’re wording it as a challenge!’ I said. ‘You think it would be that good for him?’


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