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Demon Child

Page 26

by Kylie Chan

He put his hand on my shoulder. ‘I will.’

  He stalked out, his whole frame rigid with tension, and disappeared before he was completely through the door.

  ‘Eat, Emma,’ Simone said, waving her chopsticks over the food. ‘You need to be strong.’

  I ladled some more soup into my bowl.


  He gently shook my shoulder, waking me. ‘Emma.’

  I put my arm over my eyes. The bedroom was dim and he was a dark shape sitting over me. I blinked with confusion. ‘Has something happened?’ I checked the bedside clock: it was after midnight.

  ‘No. I just came in.’

  I sat up. ‘Wait for me, I’ll be right back.’

  When I came out of the bathroom, he was sitting on the bed in his black pyjama pants.

  ‘We need to talk,’ he said.

  ‘Okay,’ I said, and sat across from him.

  He took my hands and spoke formally, as if he’d been practising this speech. ‘Emma, you — and my daughter — are the most precious things in the world to me. I know what the Jade Emperor said, and I know that you’re not sure. But your life is at stake, and this could be our last night together, so if you could —’

  I didn’t let him finish. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him hard. He jolted with surprise, then slipped his arms around me and returned the kiss. We shared the feeling for a long time, his hands roaming my body. I wasn’t even aware of the fact that we’d slid down to lie beside each other and our clothes had disappeared until he pulled back to see me.

  ‘That’s a yes,’ I said, breathless.

  His hair had come completely undone and he brushed it out of the way, then leaned up onto his elbow to see my face. He put his hand on my cheek and his eyes roamed my features, his expression intense.

  ‘Your life is so precious,’ he said. ‘Anything that will give you a greater chance of survival …’

  ‘I know. I said yes, John.’

  He snapped out of it. ‘Yes?’

  I nodded.

  He hesitated. ‘Yes to what?’

  I pushed him onto his back, climbed on top and nibbled along the edge of his jaw, making him breathe more quickly. I worked my way up the side of his face to whisper into his ear, a soft breath. ‘I want your Turtle.’

  His eyebrows creased and he moaned gently without moving.

  I moved back down to the side of his throat, covered it with kisses, and drifted lower over his chest.

  ‘Bring it out for me,’ I said into his chest. ‘I want it.’

  ‘No, you don’t,’ he said, his voice warm and low. He ran his hand over my back. ‘You’re terrified. I can feel it. I changed my mind. Go back to sleep.’

  ‘Terrified and excited. I want to make the leap.’

  ‘You’re scared, Emma, I can’t do this to you.’

  ‘I know I’m scared. But I want to do it anyway.’ I shifted further down: he was thoroughly ready for this. I ran my tongue over him, enjoying his taut silken firmness and his breathless reaction. I looked up into his eyes. ‘The fear just makes the excitement more intense. I want this so much …’

  ‘I’m not sure.’

  I moved back up to brush kisses over his face and covered his mouth with my own. He wrapped his arms around me and held me as if he would never let me go.

  ‘You were just about to ask me to do it, to save my life.’ I pulled back. ‘It’s what I want. Do it for me. I want the Turtle. Give me the Turtle.’

  ‘I can’t control it,’ he said, his voice strained.

  ‘Don’t,’ I said. ‘This is what I want. Let it out. Your Turtle can have me.’

  He made a rasping sound of defeat, rolled me onto my back and lay on top of me, his long hair a curtain around his head. He dropped to kiss me again, his whole body stretched against me. He pulled away to see me, looked me up and down, then moved his mouth down over my breasts and eagerly teased me.

  I quivered beneath him and dug my fingers into his wonderful silken hair.

  He smiled up at me, brushed his hair out of the way again, and moved further down to bury his face into me.

  I squeaked and shuddered as his tongue pressed into me, and clamped my mouth shut to stop the loud sounds I wanted to make.

  Make as much noise as you like, nobody will hear you, he said, and I let out a loud moan of pleasure.

  ‘John, stop, stop,’ I said urgently, and he raised his head, concerned. I gestured. ‘Come up here and give me the Turtle.’

  He looked down at me again, hesitating, then climbed back up.

  ‘I’m ready,’ I said.

  ‘It shouldn’t be something you have to be ready for. It should just happen.’

  I smiled slightly and touched his cheek. ‘Then let’s make it happen.’

  He closed his eyes and looked down for a moment, concentrating, then up into my face. ‘Let me make sure I have control.’ He took a few deep breaths as he lay with his hands on either side of me. ‘Are you truly sure?’

  I gazed up at his noble caring face and somehow managed to fall in love with him all over again. ‘I truly am.’

  ‘Tell me to stop any time and I will.’

  I stroked his cheek. ‘I won’t need to.’

  ‘I haven’t done this before, I’m not sure …’

  ‘Just tell me what you need.’

  ‘This.’ He put his hand under my shoulder and gently levered me over so I was on my belly, then pulled me up to my hands and knees. He brushed kisses over my back and spoke into my skin. ‘Oh yes. This.’ He shifted closer, moved into position and pushed his hips against me without entering. He filled his hands with chi and swept them up and down my back, and the energy flickered over my skin, cool and electric. I couldn’t help myself; I gasped in response and pushed back against him.

  ‘This is wonderful,’ he said, moving with me, and I leaned back into him, wanting more. He bent so that his chest was against my back and ran his hands over me, trailing energy that flickered from warm to cool, sliding like water over my skin.

  ‘Just say stop and I’ll stop. I promise,’ he said.

  ‘I’m okay.’ I dropped my voice. ‘You’re driving me crazy.’

  ‘Good. Because the idea of doing this with you, like this … what’s the word? Fantasy.’ He took an audibly deep breath, then straightened and put one hand on my lower back. ‘Okay.’

  I went completely still, waiting for him.

  ‘Can you drop down slightly?’ He made a soft sound of appreciation. ‘Nice. Spread your legs a little wider.’ He made another low sound in his throat. ‘Yes.’ His voice grew husky. ‘Oh, that’s very good.’

  He backed off slightly to glide his fingertip down over me, firm and teasing and touching exactly the right spots, making me quiver in response. He slid his finger inside me and touched me with energy and I collapsed forward to grasp the pillow, breathless and panting.

  He ran his hands up to my shoulders and shifted back into position. ‘I can’t hold off much longer if I’m to keep control of it, having you like this is just too … damn … good. Are you absolutely sure?’

  ‘I’m absolutely sure,’ I said, panting against the pillow and desperate with need. ‘If you don’t do this soon …’

  His voice was next to my ear. ‘Just say stop and I will. Any time. I promise I will stop if it’s too —’

  I gripped the pillow, ready for his weight. ‘Stop asking and do it.’

  He was poised against me and I moved to let him in.

  He jerked back. ‘Don’t.’

  I froze.

  ‘No, I mean … relax,’ he said, running his hands over my back. He spread over me again and rested his cheek on my shoulder. His hair covered both of us as he spoke very softly, almost a breath, into my ear. ‘Let me inside as Turtle.’ He panted a few times, his chest moving against me. ‘Let me … as Turtle. Let the real me inside?’ He wrapped his arms around me. ‘Will you?’

  I raised myself slightly and freed one of my hands so I could take his hand and
kiss it. ‘I love you, Xuan Wu, and I will give you anything you ask of me. Your Turtle can have me. I am yours.’

  A sharp hoarse sound of pleasure escaped him and he released my hand to hold my shoulders. I dropped back down to all fours, his weight shifted and there were flippers. I panicked at the sight of them and nearly told him to stop, but he pressed and then slid into me and hit every pleasure point with a vibrating delicious touch. He flooded through me, huge and cool and soft and hard, and my brain exploded. I was as big as the universe and the stars spread around me. I dropped lower to give him purchase, my vision sparkling with brilliant lights.

  ‘Are you all right?’ a voice whispered in my ear.

  ‘John. John?’

  ‘I’m here,’ he said, and I relaxed. It was him.

  Then my body responded and I moved with him as he slid cool and smooth across my back. The lights across my vision encompassed the world, and the energy surged into me until I thought I would pass out. Time stood still, the pleasure slowly building and his voice in my ear, saying words I didn’t understand as I was lost in sensation.

  It seemed like forever until we grew more urgent, losing ourselves into each other and abandoning control. The pleasure became a tiny point of intensity within me, fierce and ice-cold, driving me to seek reassurance that he was still there for me.

  ‘John? John?’

  ‘Emma!’ he shouted, and the exhilarating cold surged into me and we tumbled over the edge together, moving fast and hard and leaving no more room for words. The energy resonated between us and my head filled with light, then our movements slowed as the light faded and I collapsed onto my stomach, unable to see, his weight reassuring above me.

  His hands returned, his fingers dancing over my shoulders. I jerked and quivered, still experiencing feedback from what he’d done. I lay on my belly on the bed and his human weight was on top of me, his breath panting in my ear.

  He flopped onto his back next to me, then turned his head to see my face, his expression full of concern. ‘Talk to me. You seemed to enjoy it, and you never said stop, but if it was painful or too strange …’

  ‘I nearly said stop. Then it changed from freaky to … wonderful.’

  He relaxed back onto the pillow with a soft sound of relief.

  ‘I can’t move,’ I said, still twitching with small spasms of pleasure. ‘Give me a moment.’

  He nodded. ‘Neither can I.’

  We both lay gasping for some time, then he took my right hand and raised it. ‘Look.’

  My arm was healed. The muscles that had wasted away after the demon essence was removed from my right forearm had returned. I turned my hand over, rapt; my skin was perfect and without a single freckle or blemish. I used his hand as a lever and he helped me to flop onto my back. I looked down at myself. I was glowing with good health and I looked twenty years younger; firmer and more muscular again. The rawness of my skin, a leftover from the burns I’d suffered, was gone and my many battle scars had disappeared. I was dying to see myself in a mirror but I could barely move.

  I turned my head to see him. He looked about twenty-five. I’d never seen him so young.

  I managed to wrap myself around him. ‘How do you put up with doing it in human form after experiencing that?’

  He ran his hand over my face, his dark eyes studying me. ‘Pleasure is pleasure. Love is love.’

  I raised myself on one elbow to see him. ‘I’m surprised other Celestials don’t seek out turtle Shen …’ I saw his face. ‘Oh. They do.’ I bent to kiss him. ‘It was wonderful. It was worth taking the chance.’

  He sighed with relief.

  I smiled slightly and ran my hand over his chest. ‘That was the most intense climax I’ve ever experienced.’

  ‘Just one?’ He winced. ‘I’m losing my touch.’

  ‘I was nervous. Next time I won’t be.’ I fell to lie next to him and stroked his skin. ‘I very much won’t be.’ I raised my head slightly. ‘How many times is usual?’

  ‘Oh, eight, nine … most lose count.’


  He smiled and his eyes crinkled up.

  ‘You can stop watching now, stone,’ I said.

  It didn’t reply.

  ‘Talk to me, stone. I know you were watching.’

  ‘I was shut down. I never watch, you know I don’t.’

  ‘Stone, I know you were watching to make sure I’d be okay,’ I said.

  The stone hesitated, then said, ‘Perhaps.’

  ‘I asked it to,’ John said. ‘Emma, I —’

  ‘Sorry, Emma,’ the stone said, its voice small.

  ‘To be honest, I’m glad you were keeping an eye on us,’ I said, interrupting both of them. ‘I wanted to ask you to supervise, but couldn’t bring myself to say the words.’

  John let his breath out with even more relief.

  ‘Threesome,’ I said.

  ‘If it was a threesome, you’d be unable to move for very much longer,’ the stone growled. Its voice grew sly. ‘Turtle …’


  ‘It comes out of your tail?’

  I turned to see John’s face. His expression went completely blank.

  ‘Seriously?’ I said.

  His face was still blank.

  ‘Damn, I really must see that as soon as you’re able,’ I said with enthusiasm, and he relaxed. ‘But why?’

  John shrugged. ‘The mechanics are complicated.’ He smiled slightly. ‘Just be very glad that the Turtle isn’t the one in the cage with its tail cut off.’

  ‘You have a point,’ the stone said. ‘Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in my bunk.’

  I sighed and flopped back to cuddle into John. ‘God, I feel wonderful. Exhausted and satisfied and wonderful.’

  ‘Satisfied?’ he said, sounding disappointed. ‘I wanted to do it again.’

  ‘What, right now?’

  His eyes wrinkled up.

  ‘I think I need some time to recover.’

  ‘Weak humans,’ he said, and held me close.

  ‘Insatiable turtles,’ I said, then stiffened when I saw the bedside clock over his shoulder.

  ‘What?’ he said, concerned.

  ‘It’s 2 am.’

  ‘Oh. You’d better get some sleep then.’

  ‘We were at it for nearly two hours? It felt like ten minutes at the most.’

  ‘Then I was doing it right,’ he breathed.

  We went to the Residence dining room for breakfast early the next morning — we didn’t need much sleep. John was obviously still feeling as energised as I was from the evening’s exercise, and both of us really did look twenty years younger. We sat at the table, John concentrated, and the demons brought us a huge tureen of mushroom congee and a selection of pickled vegetables to share.

  Simone came in wearing a pair of jeans and a hoodie, and stopped when she saw us, her expression full of shock.

  John waved for her to enter. ‘Come on in. Plenty of food.’

  She spun on her heel and went out again. John concentrated, then shook his head, talking to her. His face went grim.

  ‘She’s blocking me. I’m trying to tell her it’s nothing …’ He sighed.

  Meredith stormed into the dining room, grabbed me by the upper arm, ignoring my protests, and dragged me into the living room. She sat me down on one of the couches and sat across from me.

  ‘Talk to me,’ she said, studying me intensely. ‘Are you all right? Do you need someone to talk to? How bad was it?’ She turned away and wiped her hand over her face. ‘We all knew this would happen eventually. I’m going to kill him.’ She turned back to me. ‘I should have spoken to you a long time ago, but he promised it wouldn’t happen —’

  I raised my hands. ‘Meredith, stop.’

  She watched me silently, and I felt more than her eyes on me. ‘Oh, dear Lord,’ she said softly.

  I nodded, smiling. I showed her my right arm and she rose from the couch to take it, turning it over to study it.

�Damn. That’s incredible.’ She glanced up at me. ‘You really agreed to this?’

  I nodded again.

  ‘You are so strange,’ she hissed. ‘You two are a completely matched set. Unbelievable.’

  ‘Don’t forget I’m a reptile myself, Meredith. Everybody keeps forgetting I’m a snake. I must take serpent form more often to remind you all.’

  She sat back down on the couch, obviously relieved.

  ‘Can I have my breakfast now?’ I said. ‘I’m starving.’

  She sighed and shook her head. ‘It’s great to see both of you in such fine shape. Him, particularly.’ She smiled slightly. ‘Of course, the minute you walk out the door and everybody sees you …’

  ‘Good idea,’ I said. ‘I’ll have him hide it so we look as terrible as ever.’

  ‘Brilliant,’ she said. ‘The demons will never know what hit them. Do you think you’ll be …’ She searched for the words. ‘Repeating the treatment?’

  ‘Oh, absolutely,’ I said with enthusiasm.

  ‘Good.’ She rose. ‘Go and have breakfast, and tell him to hide it. I’ll let the Celestial Masters know not to quiz you about your new energy levels. You’re so full of ching you’re close on Immortal yourself.’

  ‘He did promise to Raise me,’ I said.

  ‘I’ve never heard of this leading to Immortality, but from the looks of you it’s a definite possibility,’ she said. ‘Ask him about it; he’d know more than anyone. And now if you’ll excuse me, ma’am,’ she bowed slightly, ‘I have to supervise the disposition of our defensive forces.’

  She went out, and I returned to the dining room.

  ‘Everything all right?’ he said.

  ‘Why didn’t you come in and tell her it was okay?’

  ‘You may have wanted to speak to her alone.’

  I pulled my bowl closer; he’d already filled it with congee. ‘I didn’t.’

  He tucked into his own as-yet untouched food. ‘Excellent.’

  Simone came in and stopped. John ladled some of the congee into a bowl and handed it to her.

  ‘Don’t say anything, I don’t want to hear about it,’ she said as she sat with her bowl. ‘I. Do. Not. Want. To. Know.’

  ‘We weren’t going to,’ I said.

  ‘None of your business anyway,’ John said.


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