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Page 12

by Alyssa Clark

  I couldn’t help but glare at her, even after being untied I wasn’t getting my way. I shifted onto my knees, and without anymore teasing I took my cock in hand so that I could aim properly. I thrust into her hard, making no move to allow for adjustment. I started with a hard pace, pounding into her. I made an effort for it to be punishing, revenge for the way she tied me to the bed. For denying me what I want. For making this a parting gift.

  I took hold of her shoulder and she arched back against me. Despite my efforts it was clear she was still enjoying herself; her head fell back, and she groaned aloud without any concern about the volume. Irritated, I used my free hand to slap her ass soundly. She jerked and shot a glare at me, but there was no other response. Seemed like the perfect opportunity to get her back for everything she had done to me.

  I held onto one hip to keep the rhythm steady, and I used my other hand to slap her ass until she shone a bright red. I didn’t hear any complaints; if anything she made more noise. I could see why she was into this, the rush was heady and I was that close to busting it. There was just one more thing to do.

  She didn’t go into me dry, so I’d give her that respect. I sucked my thumb into my mouth, trying to get as much saliva on it as I could. Satisfied that I was at least being thoughtful, I pressed my thumb against the puckered rosebud between her cheeks. I got a look, surprise maybe, but she didn’t say a word.

  I teased that tight entrance like I might toy with her clit before I pressed my thumb into her. I heard her breath hitch, but I was too intent on watching my thumb disappear into her ass. She whined, and I started to mimic the pace of my hips with my thumb.

  It was tight, the ring of her anus squeezed my thumb as her pussy flexed and hugged my cock. I suddenly wanted to see how it felt to thrust into that ass. She only used her fingers on me, I didn’t like the idea of her putting more into me. I wasn't going to give her a reason to try to.

  Not that there’d be another opportunity for this.

  I swallowed my wants and decided the longer I entertained this, the worse off I would be when it was done. Already I could feel the spasms of her orgasm starting, I wouldn’t be able to ride it out. Her cunt strangled me until I erupted. It blinded me for a split second, all the thoughts I had were blown out in favor of focusing on the explosion of each nerve ending.

  I thought the last time I was with her was the best I had ever had. This time just topped it.

  I pulled out, gave her ass one last slap before I sat back on the bed. I needed to get dressed and get out, but there was no chance of me standing up without losing my footing. She seemed to be in the same position because she hadn’t moved much. She melted down so the view wasn’t as good, but she was leaning against the wrought iron footboard.

  “That was good.” It sounded dreamy. A compliment I’d carry with me.

  “Thanks,” I turned so I could sit on the edge of the bed. I looked at the pile of clothing that was my suit, it was getting wrinkled and would need to be pressed. I decided I wouldn’t bother going back to the office. I shucked the condom and without a better place to put it dropped it on the floor by the bed. I found my pants and fished my boxers out of them.

  There wasn’t anything sexy about getting dressed. There was no good feeling from getting up right after an orgasm to get ready to leave, my heart was sinking down into my stomach, and I focused all my attention on the act. I couldn’t look at her again. I had my undershirt on before I noticed her get up.

  She had plucked up the soiled condom and went into the bathroom. When I heard water cut on I went back to getting dressed. I didn’t bother to tuck in my shirt, and I put my jacket over my shoulder before I got ready to walk out. That’s when it occurred to me, I hadn’t paid for this. I had asked for the meeting, I was supposed to pay for encounters with her. Did that include sex?

  I didn’t know how to feel about that.

  I went to the bathroom and I saw her there standing under the spray. There was no curtain. No tub. It was similar to a gym room shower. It gave me a perfect view of her nude form and damn near gave me a second wind. Water cascaded down her body and all I could think about was joining her. That’s probably why she noticed me. She turned to give me a view of her wet tits, and I couldn’t help but groan.

  “Join me?” It was an offer that was hard to resist, but somehow I managed.

  I gave a slight shake of my head, and I saw disappointment shine back at me. I had to calm my heart, “What do I owe you?”

  Her brows went together and she actually looked confused, “Owe me?”

  “For that?” I gestured back towards the back room.

  She looked angry then, I had a feeling that if I had decided to make another appointment with her that this would warrant a punishment. “Mr. Clarke,” Her voice was hard and commanding, it wasn’t at all derailed by the fact that she was nude and wet. “I said that was a parting gift,” it came out as a growl. “It was never my intention to charge you.”

  “Thanks,” I sniffed and got one last look at her. Damn, I was gonna wish I hadn’t later. I turned then and walked out.

  I’d made it to the door that led into the lobby before her voice stopped me. “So, that’s it. You get what you wanted and walk out?”

  “If I can’t get what I want then I might as well,” I shrugged, I couldn’t look back at her. I wouldn’t leave if I did. Willpower wasn’t something I ever found myself lacking before, but I had to summon every bit of it to make myself walk out the door. I forgot about the lock on the front door until I got to it. With a growl, I unlocked it and found my way to my car.

  Leaving this alone would be harder than any punishment she gave me.



  I didn’t think I would be bothered by it. It wasn’t the first time someone had wanted more. Mr. Franklin was an example of that. He had made multiple attempts to romance me in the first few months that we had begun this arrangement and I didn’t have a single issue rebuffing his pursuit. That wasn’t what any of this was about. It was rougher on him than it was on me to keep the relationship we had as business.

  That’s what this was. This was business. There wasn’t supposed to be any feelings or attachments here. It was supposed to be an exchange. I only offered an out for dark desires, I didn’t actively stimulate or arouse my clients.

  Mr. Clarke, Matt, was the only exception to that. It had been a week since we last had sex.

  In that week I had seen Mr. Franklin twice and Mr. Middleton once. I avoided taking either man to the bed. I don’t know if it was a conscious decision. But it seemed as if I was avoiding it, finding other places to put them. I didn’t bother to analyze it until I found myself sitting on that bed.

  I remembered the feel of him in me, the shot of excitement when he suddenly sat up and surrounded me with his arms. I inhaled sharply, searching for the smell of sex that had hung out back here for so long only to come up disappointed. It smelled like disinfectant and sweat.

  I don’t really know why I was disappointed or what was bothering me for that matter. I had gone without sex for a good while. Damn near a year. Why was this one man getting to me? What was the difference between him and Mr. Franklin that left my mind wandering back to him at every opportunity?

  Franklin wasn’t the challenge that Matt was. Franklin wanted rewards, so he was pliant and ready to do anything to please me. He has been that way since the beginning. While I got some enjoyment from it, it wasn’t enough for me to want to fuck him. I never had the inclination to, there was no attraction there.

  Was that it was? Attraction? That was why I was sitting here stuck on the man?

  I didn’t know what to do about it. It was beyond clear that this wasn’t a lifestyle that he would enjoy. This was what I did to make a living, I highly doubt that he would want any sort of relationship with me while I continued to do this.

  I’ve never questioned myself so much in my life.

  It was another two days before I decided to do somethin
g out of my norm. It was a dangerous thing, something that was going to put my income into question. But with the retrospection I had been on, I decided to do a thorough check on one of my clients.

  I knew both of my regular clients’ situations. I was intimate with Mr. Middleton’s because he did check up with his doctor for me. He kept me in a loop of what his doctor was against in this sort of experimentation. His wife wasn’t completely aware of what he was doing, she thought I was a massage therapist. She and I spoke once, she never assumed there was something more perverse that I did with her husband, but she was grateful for what it did with their personal life.

  Mr. Franklin wasn’t as open as Mr. Middleton. When it came to his life outside of what we did together in my office, or a hotel room he paid for, he didn’t share details. I knew he was married, it was one of the reasons when he made his initial advances on me I had been appalled. It was also the reason why I tried to get him to pursue more adventurous tactics in the bedroom with his wife. I had never spoken to her. I was going to change that now.

  Linda Franklin wasn’t a hard person to track down. While they weren’t people that appeared in the papers, she was someone that took her husband’s wealth and made a grand attempt to give back to the community. There was a small article pointing out where she had done charity work with a struggling art center.

  It was something I could appreciate.

  When it came to calling her, I had to swallow my doubts. I knew what the outcome might be, I was well aware that I was the ‘other’ woman even if I’ve never had sex with her husband. But, this was I initiative I needed to take.

  “Hello,” Her voice was light and gentle, I could tell with the way she spoke that she came from a high-class education.

  “Mrs. Linda Franklin?” I asked to verify, I didn’t want to forge through an awkward conversation with the wrong person.

  There was a noise, and I knew I had her full attention then, “This is she. How may I help you?”

  I took a deep breath and decided to just rip it off like it was a band-aid, “I’m Angela Winters.” I waited for a beat, not sure if she would be familiar with my name. Depending on how close an eye she kept on her husband’s bank accounts she would. “I have been working with your husband for the last year,” I clarified without being specific.

  “You are the Angela Winters he’s been spending quite a bit of money on,” there was a hint of anger in her tone. “Ten thousand or more a month. Please tell me what I can do for you?”

  Was it really that much? I couldn’t think of how often I saw him in a month, I didn’t have my planner with me to look at my schedule. Nor could I look at all the extra appointments he had made. So I had no real way of knowing how much I had made in a month off of him. “I was hoping that you would allow me to treat you to lunch so that we could talk about your husband.”

  “You want to talk about my husband with me,” she chuckled, and I knew then that she assumed the worse. If only she knew.

  “I can only imagine what your thoughts are,” I started struggling with how I could convince her to meet me. “But allow me this, and I will do what I can to clear any kind of misconceptions you might have.”

  There was a moment of silence and I had to check to make sure she hadn’t hung up on me. I hoped curiosity would work in my favor, that’s what I was betting on from the moment I first decided to do this. I never really gambled before and I didn’t have an alternative plan if this didn’t work. I didn’t know what she would do after I called her, if she would use my call as evidence and reason to file for divorce ... which was something that wouldn’t end well for me.

  “When shall we meet,” she said at last. “Hopefully it won’t be at one of these dingy fast food places that people like you frequent.”

  I didn’t let the jab bother me, but I decided to treat her to a favorite restaurant of mine, one I was sure she would be familiar with. It was a five-star place on the upper end of town, a place where I was sure Mr. Franklin would take her or her high-class friends would meet for brunch.

  I didn’t have friends, but if I did, I would meet them there for brunch. I ate out often and I was always alone when I did. I had taken it with a grain of salt, but now I suddenly felt lonely.

  Good or bad, I was looking forward to meeting Linda. I craved it about as much as I craved Matt. Just without the sexual overtones.

  I made sure that I made a professional impression, going for a subtle look with my makeup and an outfit that made it look like I belonged uptown. Like I wasn’t the ‘other’ woman taking advantage of her husband. It was a picture that I tried to paint.

  But as I approached her, knowing without a doubt that the woman in her late forties to early fifties seated by the fountain had to be her, I saw those crystal blue eyes narrow. There were light wrinkles on her face, but it didn’t take away from her classic beauty. Her hair was pulled back in a chignon that did nothing but accentuate her delicate features. I was struck because she truly was a beautiful woman.

  Why wouldn’t he get her to take my place?

  “Linda Franklin?” I asked, just to be sure.

  She stood and I thought for a moment that she would offer me her hand, so I went to offer her my own. I didn’t expect with the fine dining restaurant that was fairly full at lunchtime that she would do something that would draw attention to us in such a way. Apparently, a full restaurant didn’t keep her from slapping me.

  I couldn’t help but analyze the sting, it was light, and there was no throb to it. She didn’t hit me hard. I doubt that there would even be a mark on my face. The only possible redness would be the uncontrolled flush of embarrassment.

  “I am,” I straightened as best as I could given that all eyes were now on us both. “Going to take that as a yes,” I took a breath and offered her my hand again. “I am Angela Winters, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

  My reaction ruffled her, but she took my hand and shook it. There was a begrudged look on her face, “Why did you want to meet with me? Haven’t you done enough damage?”

  I raised a hand to my face to tap the cheek she had struck, “I have done no damage that I am aware of. You, also, did not put enough force behind that. Shall we sit, so we don’t have the complete attention of the entire restaurant?”

  She looked ready to argue, but with a dignified huff, she went back to her seat. She sat down like she hadn’t struck me and straightened herself like she was used to having the attention of a room. I didn’t know if she was an actress or an heiress or maybe she had been someone that led a boardroom. I didn’t know anything about her, and I wanted to.

  I sat down in front of her and picked up a menu, I appeared nonchalant for the people watching curiously. “Shall we pretend that didn’t happen?”

  “And save face for who?”

  “It doesn’t bother me that you slapped me,” I told her honestly as I began to leaf through it. “It was unexpected,” I admitted. I knew she would be angry, but I didn’t think she would be angry enough to hit me. It gave me hope that this might work. “I can’t begin to explain to you how happy it made me that you did,” I gave her my brightest smile. “Can I recommend the tenderloin? It is divine.”

  “I prefer salads for lunch,” her voice was quiet when I looked at her I saw her confusion, it made her look so much younger. “Anything heavier feels as if it weighs me down for the rest of the day.”

  “I suppose you have a point,” it disappointed me that she’d say that. Now I felt obligated to have a salad, too. I was hoping for something more substantial since I was paying for this.

  “Could you get to yours?”

  A waiter came over, eyeing us cautiously. He filled our water glasses and asked if we would like wine with our lunch. I allowed Linda to make her selection and opted for just water. Once he was gone I made a show of looking at my menu, “I am not trying to take your husband from you. I do not want him.” I glanced up at her, “I have not slept with him.”

  She started to look rel
ieved before she thought better of it, she leaned back in her seat and leveled a skeptical glare at me. “If that’s the case why is he sending you so much money. I know you are not an illegitimate daughter. So please, do explain your relationship with my husband.”

  “I would like to show you,” I paused to take a sip of my water. “It would be so much easier,” then I sighed and recalled the first meeting I had with Matt. It would be easier to show her, but then it could also fail and make this a bigger disaster than it needed to be. “Though, I do suppose some explanation is necessary,” I sat my menu aside and gave the room a cursory glance. It looked as if we had lost the attention of the other diners. “I am a Domme,” I brought my attention back to her, looking to see if there was any recognition on her expression.

  “A domme?” her well-defined brows went up, and I felt disappointment.


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