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I Reach Through Time and Touch the Other Side

Page 6

by Sophia Deri-bowen

  Kimi flushed, giving a half-smile. “Apparently?”

  “Eh. I think I’ll keep you anyway.” Ari kissed Kimi again, this time a loud, smacking one on his nose. For someone suffused with confidence, Kimi was just starting to show vulnerability. Ari decided that he loved him at least twice as much for it too.

  Kimi just smiled, and let Ari lead on, the two of them descending the long staircase to the front room, with its big bay window. “Living room. Dining room.” Ari named the supposed purposes as he went through, ignoring that his dining room table was entirely covered in mail, work he’d brought home, and all the knickknacks that had gathered in the time since he’d lived there and neglected to throw a single party, or even have anyone over for dinner. “Kitchen. Mudroom.” He couldn’t help but grin, walking them faster to the dark little room at the back of the house. “And the best part….” He pushed Kimi in front of him and opened the back door, then pushed the screen door open. “Yard. And garden.”

  Kimi’s jaw dropped, and then he burst out laughing, running down the concrete steps and kicking off the sandals he wore to walk barefoot in the too-long grass. “Oh, wow. Oh, Ari….”

  Ari stood in the doorway, grinning to see his lover so happy, and laughed when Kimi did a cartwheel. “Try the hammock,” he advised. “Mess around, play all you want. Food’s in the kitchen. I’m afraid my bed’s just calling me too much,” he apologized.

  Kimi ran back to him, wrapping his arms around Ari’s waist. “No, I can go with you. You’re just out of bed; you’re still getting your strength back.”

  “Which is why I’m going to take a nap. And why you’re going to explore and roll around in the grass. I wish it wasn’t autumn—I’d have a real garden for you to mess around in.”

  “I mess around on a farm every few days,” Kimi reminded him, and he hesitated. “You don’t need me?”

  “Not for the next few hours. Relax. You’ve worked hard, love.” Ari kissed him, marveling at how he didn’t really ever want to stop. “Come wake me up in a few hours, and we’ll make dinner.”

  “All right. Sleep well. It’ll be good for you.” Kimi hugged him tightly, and then made a beeline for the hammock. It was chilly outside, but Kimi was wearing long, loose trousers and a woolen shirt, so Ari reckoned he’d be all right.

  Going by the low sunlight, Ari’d been asleep a few hours when he was awakened by a pair of the coldest feet he’d ever felt in his life, pressed right along his calves. He meant to give an indignant shriek, but he settled for a sleepy grumble and rolled over into Kimi’s arms.

  The other man’s skin was cool to the touch, but not too much so, and he warmed quickly with the two of them bundled together in the big bed.

  Ari nuzzled what felt like a chin—thanks to the ever-present beard—and sighed happily.

  “I could stay here,” Kimi whispered, and that woke Ari up. Maybe the most awake I’ve ever been…. “I could,” he repeated. “I won’t get sick—I checked. We got all the same immunizations, I can eat whatever I want, drink the water, all that. I can just go over for my job, and then live here with you.”

  Ari held his breath, held his body absolutely still. This was something big, so much bigger than anything else he’d ever known. Ari Rosenberg, who’d gone through a life as smooth and dull as glass, had fallen in love. And even more amazing, someone had fallen in love with him.

  “I want to. I don’t want to sleep apart from you. I don’t know how we’ll make it work, but we will. Somehow.”

  Ari nodded, breathless, the lump in his throat making speaking beyond him. “I don’t want to be apart from you either. And I’m afraid of your world.”

  “I’m afraid of what it could do to you,” Kimi agreed softly. “And… I don’t have anyone there anymore. Not really any friends to speak of, no family, just work. You’ve got a whole life.”

  “And you’re a huge part of it,” Ari reminded him. He smiled shyly. “I’ve got me to offer you, and trees and acres of woods, all yours. I’ll go into the countryside with you, or introduce you to Ryan so the two of you can go out without me dragging you down. Anything you want, and me to come home to.”

  “Ah, now what could be better than that?” Kimi laughed softly, and their bodies twined together, starting to rock, just a little. They traded kisses, openmouthed and hungry as their limbs moved, stroking and holding.

  Ari moaned softly, feeling Kimi’s cock hot and hard against his thigh. His body was tired, but not as worn out as it had been, and his cock filled, growing just as hard. They lay together, perfect equals, hands coming down between them to grasp and pull, Kimi laughing softly, a deep sound in his throat as Ari cried out and bucked his hips, pushing up into the sensation.

  And then it was Kimi’s turn to moan as Ari pushed him onto his back, rolling over atop him, propped up on his elbows and his hips rubbing away, the two of them setting a rhythm. I feel like a teenager again, and I don’t care, Ari thought as he rocked his hips, straining for the sensation of his cock against Kimi’s, both of them trapped between their bodies, but with not quite enough pressure. Should probably feel weird for dry-humping. Don’t. Just want to be touching him all over, want this to last.

  Kimi’s hand eventually crept between their bodies, quickly coated in sweat and the beads of liquid that meant not-quite-yet, and he grasped them and moved his fist, squeezing to give the friction they both wanted, and Ari’s vision went white-hot, his hips snapping then freezing as he came, balls aching from release. A wild cry and a second spray of wetness meant Kimi had come, too, and they collapsed together in their own mess and sweat, their bodies too addled even to kiss.

  “Don’t want to go back,” Kimi slurred, and Ari just about nodded. He felt too good to talk, drained in the very best way. Better to lie still and just drift, curled up with Kimi and enjoying the afterglow that turned into sleep.

  Ari woke up first and mopped them both up as best he could with his T-shirt. The fact that Kimi’s chest was lightly furred—well, maybe not very lightly, come to think of it—was usually absolutely delectable in every way. Ari had discovered the one way in which it wasn’t.

  Kimi stirred, whimpering and trying to push his hand away, and Ari decided a shower would be much more fun and possibly actually effective. He leaned over instead, pressing soft little kisses to Kimi’s mouth and rubbing their unshaven cheeks together.

  The dark-haired man’s grumbling turned happier, and Kimi turned his head to chase further kisses down, his eyes slowly opening, still sleep-heavy and sweet.

  “Hey,” Ari whispered, and he kissed him again, pressing just the tip of his tongue to Kimi’s lips.

  The other man was smiling, and Ari noticed that his eyes crinkled at the edges. He kissed each of those little sprays of lines too.

  “Mmm. Kisses to wake up.” Kimi wrapped his arms around Ari, rolling them over onto their sides and nuzzling the little spot just under his chin that made him yelp and giggle and squirm closer. “Love you.”

  “Oh, Kimi.” Ari hugged him tightly. “You’re crazy. I love you too. And we need showers.”

  “Romance is totally not dead. I don’t know what people are talking about.” Kimi winked and kissed him. “I’m not crazy. But you’re right, we’re both awfully, ah… sticky.” He looked longingly at Ari for a moment. “Will the bathtub hold us both?”

  “Don’t know. But let’s find out?”

  Kimi chuckled softly and kissed the tip of Ari’s nose. “Deal. I’ll go back to my place and get some clothes for the weekend, yeah?”

  Ari nodded, rolling out of bed and standing cautiously, pleased to find his foot much recovered. “I’ll start the bath.”

  If he hadn’t stopped to dig through the hamper for clean towels, he would’ve been far down the corridor when Kimi shifted the piece of plywood and found only smooth, perfect wood. The small hole that had cut through to the magic room was gone, and it was as if nothing had ever been there.

  Of course, he could have been anywhere in the hous
e and heard Kimi’s cry, a raw, scared, ugly sound that had him dropping everything—literally—and taking the few steps needed to see the untouched wall and reach out, pulling Kimi into his arms without thinking.

  “No, no, no, no. Fuck that. No.” Kimi wasn’t even crying, not really. Shaking hard enough that his teeth chattered, those green-brown eyes wide, but not crying, despite the raw sobbing sounds coming from his throat.

  “Oh, God. Oh, Kimi… it’ll be….” Ari trailed off. What the hell was he going to say, that everything would be all right? It wouldn’t be; how could it? And more than that, who had been so cruel to give them each other, and then to destroy Kimi’s life?

  Ari just watched, his arms still around Kimi, as the other man folded in on himself, shuddering as he fought for control. He hugged his lover tightly, rocking him, hoping he was doing the right thing. There was a pile of papers he didn’t recognize on the floor, and he wanted to examine the wall more closely, and on top of that his foot was starting to hurt, but that was the least important thing in the world right then. And Kimi, the most important.

  Finally the other man stilled, and then gently pulled away, unfolding his compact, muscular body. He leaned over gracefully, holding a hand to Ari and helping him to his feet.

  “I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “I need some time to myself. May I use your garden?”

  Ari nodded. “It’s… you can be alone, for as long as you like. I’ll be inside, if you need anything.” He squeezed Kimi’s hand cautiously, but the other man didn’t even smile, just nodded and turned and walked down the corridor.

  Ari let out a long sigh and glared at his closet. What was the rhyme or reason? But then, why should magic, a miracle, or science beyond even imagining have a reason? he reminded himself.

  Well, the magician, saint, or scientist who had brought them together and then gave them no choice had at least been practical. The sheaf of papers proved to be everything Kimi would need to establish himself in the year 2010: birth certificate, social security card, a passport—even certification proving he’d earned an MSW. Ari smiled a little, noting the birth date on the certificate—apparently they now shared a birthday, and even the same year. November 23rd was going to be something this year.

  Ari sighed, arranging everything in a neat pile and slowly making his way downstairs to the cozy kitchen. He’d make tea, have it ready for Kimi when he came back indoors.

  The simple ritual of preparing the tea was soothing, staving off heartache for a little bit. Sitting down finally and cradling a cup of the fragrant brew let it all come back, and Ari sank into thought, planning and hoping, and expecting the worst as was still his wont. Kimi hadn’t transformed him completely.

  The illness caused by his lover’s world was still with him too; Ari was exhausted. His foot throbbed, even after he propped it up on a chair, and he finally gave in and curled up right at the table, his head pillowed on his arms, intending just to rest his eyes. He grumbled a little at the infection that had ravaged his body, and fell immediately into a deep sleep.

  “Ari? Oh, God, I’m sorry, please….” Whatever else Kimi was going to say faded away as Ari jolted awake, startled by the worried voice and the hand rubbing his back.

  “Unh? God, sorry, I didn’t mean to…. Oh, hell, the tea is cold.”

  Kimi stared at him, and burst into laughter that was only a little bit hysterical. “The tea?”

  “Yes. I’d made some, if you were… well, if you needed it.” He glared at the clock, which along with the crick in his neck spoke of a catnap that had gone on for a good three hours. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” He rolled his neck and made to stand, only to be gently pushed down, as Kimi began to rub his shoulders.

  “The hell with the tea. I came in and saw you all collapsed on the table and thought….” Kimi trailed off, and Ari just reached up, touching his hand, stroking the rough knuckles. “Never mind. Oh, and you drooled on yourself.”

  “Thank you, I love you too,” Ari said dryly, swiping at his mouth. “How’re you doing?”

  “Honestly? Holding it together by making fun of you.” Kimi laughed again, raw and scared. “Ari, what am I going to do?”

  “Learn your new birth date.” Ari moaned as Kimi hit a particularly tight knot and soothed the soreness away. “Whoever it was… doing all of this, at least left you enough to get started in this world. You can even find work.”

  “Really?” Kimi didn’t stop the massage, peering over Ari’s head at the documents arrayed on the table. “Same birth date at least, just a new year.”

  “Happy birthday to us, then. Soon, anyway.” Ari smiled shyly. “Kimi, I don’t want you to feel like… like you’re tied to me forever, or anything. You can stay here as long as you like, but don’t… I mean….” He stopped and looked up at Kimi, at the strong man now bowed, and met those forest-floor eyes that were red and raw from weeping, imagining he saw the love beneath the pain.

  “You’ll always have a place to stay here.” He reached up, just touching Kimi’s face. “And I love you just as much. But if you need to go off, to make your own life, to mourn, whatever—I understand. And still love you.”

  Kimi smiled, happiness sparking back into his eyes, just for a moment. He pressed Ari’s hand to his cheek, and turned his head to kiss the soft palm, just briefly. “Maybe I am blessed. I’m not going anywhere, not just yet, and probably not ever. Ari, I’ve never lived on my own, not like you do here, and I’d never want to. I need people around, and I need you around. But thank you.” He let out a juddering laugh that was more than halfway to weeping. “I’ll just be a little crazy for a few months. Years. Possibly decades.”

  “Then you’ll be crazy under my roof. And be as crazy as you want, but can it be more or less near my bed for the next few days?” Ari smiled weakly. “And I really, really wish that was the come-on it sounds like.”

  Kimi tried to laugh, but didn’t quite make it. “I’m exhausted too. Come on. We’ll get you to bed, and keep that foot up.” He helped Ari to his feet, and they went up the stairs, supporting one another.

  Kimi helped Ari to settle in bed, fussing over him to distract them both. He lay down with his head on Ari’s chest, closed his eyes, and sighed, too drained to weep. “Say we’ll always have this?”

  “Always,” Ari whispered, holding Kimi tight.

  “Then maybe I’ll make it okay.”


  Six months later

  “We’ll swing by and get you for dinner,” Kimi promised, pulling on his hat and giving his pack one last quick check. “Probably around five. It’s a pretty short hike.”

  “Ten miles. Right.” Ari smiled wryly and shoved the knitted hat over his lover’s eyes. “Have fun, freak. Don’t freeze to death.”

  Kimi laughed, adjusted the hat, and pulled Ari into a hug and helped himself to a kiss. “I won’t, promise. Have fun yourself, boring old man.”

  Ari grinned at that; considering what they’d done first thing that morning, he was hardly boring, or old. Nor was he going to be sitting on a hard surface for the next few hours.

  He poked his head out the door long enough to wave to Ryan and watch Kimi run for the little car before retreating from the March chill in the air to a cup of coffee, a book, and their sofa.

  They picked him up closer to six, and dinner turned into drinks, which turned into Ari and Kimi getting back home at nearly midnight, Ryan dropping them off after a highly successful day for everyone involved.

  Ari changed into pajamas and crawled into bed, curling up and smiling at the low light in the room throwing up shadows. Kimi had opted for a shower, and his skin was still damp and warm when he slid into bed beside Ari, snapping the light off as he lay down.

  “Awww, clothes? Really?” Ari could hear the pout in Kimi’s voice, and he laughed, snuggling close, very pleased to rest his head on Kimi’s bare chest.

  “I don’t have my own pelt. Wait ’til summer, it’ll be too hot for clothes or blankets.”

>   “Or sex.” Kimi nuzzled his hair, the two of them making the tiny adjustments that meant they’d sleep entwined together until morning. “Love you.”

  “Love you too, you insane man. How can you spend all day outdoors in this weather?”

  Kimi chuckled softly and slipped a hand up under Ari’s T-shirt, just resting it on his back. “It’s wonderful. All of it is. Your whole world. Our whole world,” he corrected himself.

  Ari nodded. Kimi was still adjusting. Maybe he would spend the rest of his life adjusting, learning his way around a world that had been forever gone. But he was adjusting while he found work, made a huge circle of friends, and went out into the wilderness every chance he got. Ari had spent the day booking them a camping trip for them in the Pacific Northwest, to be presented as a surprise… oh, the next morning would do. The things he did for this man.


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