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Biker Salvation

Page 17

by Ellie R. Hunter

  It wouldn’t surprise me if I found out I have long lost brothers or sisters out there somewhere from when dad was on a run.

  “If we leave now, we can get an early night and pick up where we left off this morning,” I whisper, leaning in close to Dex.

  His answer is to grab my hand and pull me up with him. He doesn’t say goodbye to anyone and before I know it, we’re crossing the street and he’s unlocking his door.

  His lips crash onto mine as he pulls me through the door, and I can’t help but giggle into his mouth.

  I vaguely hear the door shut and the lock click into place, Dex’s lips never leave mine as locks us in and moves us across the room to my bed.

  Pulling apart to strip out of our clothes, I already miss the connection with him. My mouth dries as he stands before me with nothing on. His body is a work of art, and all mine for the night.

  A deep rumble comes from him as he leans on the bed and pushes me down on my back.

  “You’re perfect,” he whispers into my ear, and then assaults my neck with his mouth.

  While he’s busy distracting me with his mouth, he’s sliding my panties down my thighs and getting rid of his boxers.

  His fingers skim over my clit and push against me.

  “You’re so wet.”

  “Hmmm,” is all I can say, and buckle under him as he thrusts straight in.

  No warning.

  Straight in.

  Oh my god.

  He doesn’t just thrust into me, in and out, over and over, he connects with me in a way I was not expecting.

  I feel his hand creep up into my hair and he jilts my head up so I’m looking straight into his eyes.

  He doesn’t look away, he stays with me until we’re both shuddering and I’m rolling on top of him and laying my head on his chest.

  “Give me a beat, and I’ll last longer next time,” he chuckles, and I lift my head to look at him.

  “I enjoyed myself,” I tell him, and I mean it.

  His chest is rock hard as I begin trailing my fingers over his abs. He shudders again at my soft touch and I have never been so turned on before. Tonight has put all the nights I spent with Baze to shame. They blur around me as I lay across Dex, his naked body against mine.

  “You killed her, didn’t you? The one who invades your dreams,” I say, looking up at him.

  Half sitting up against the headboard, he briefly closes his eyes and nods his head.

  “Is there a reason you asked after we had sex?”

  “I guess I needed you more, just because I want to know doesn’t mean it’s going to bother me.”

  For Christ sake, I saw my dad dead on the floor and felt nothing. Why would I feel anything for someone I didn’t know? Wow, that sounds harsh.

  “It might help you to talk about it,” I suggest.

  “There was this guy who kept coming after the club, he got to a couple of my brothers. He killed one and fucked the other one real bad. He wouldn’t stop coming at us, and we couldn’t get our hands on him. I was still a prospect and I knew if I brought the guy in, I’d get my patch. The guy had got hold of his sister and traded her for brothers. After that, we stayed in contact. I thought I was helping her, and she thought she was helping her brother, not the one after us, another one. Anyway, it took a while, but I led the club to him and I got patched in.”


  “Melissa was fire on the outside and a calm ocean on the inside in private. I thought I knew her better than I did, or I did, and I didn’t want to really see what was bound to happen.”

  He pauses, and I wait patiently for him to carry on. He’s finally opening up to me and I’m not going to ruin it.

  “It turned out, her brother, the one she was trying to protect, was plotting against Cas, my president. A long story short, he was trying to kill Cas and his wife, and Melissa was trying to help him get away without retaliation from Cas. I got caught in the middle. I had to choose between the guy who had given me a family and a purpose, or the woman I thought I loved. You can guess who I chose, and for the last few months, I’ve struggled to deal with it. Hence why Cas sent me out here.”

  “What happens in your nightmares?” I ask him.

  He strokes his thumb over my cheek and sorrow washes over him.

  “Sometimes she kills Cas or Alannah if I don’t pull the trigger first. Sometimes I die with her, there’s always blood. I can never get away from the blood unless I focus on her shoes.”


  Oh my god.

  That’s what his tattoo is all about on his hand. I’m dying to ask why he had them tattooed on his hand, but I daren’t ask. He doesn’t bring it up and I leave it alone.

  “You must’ve loved her so much,” I murmur, realising I’m jealous over a dead woman that he killed.

  “I thought I did, but now I’m not so sure. Maybe I did in my own way at the time, but not now.”

  “How can you know that?”

  “Because since I met you, I barely think about her.”

  That’s nice to hear and I believe him.

  “You don’t have to say that, I understand you had a life before you came here.”

  As much as I hate it.

  He readjusts his position and pulls me up his body until I’m lying beside him with my back to his chest.

  “I wouldn’t say something I didn’t want to or mean.”

  I smile into the darkness and hold onto him as he wraps his arm around me.

  “Do you think differently of me now?” he whispers.

  “No,” I tell him truthfully.

  His body relaxes behind me and he squeezes me as he gets comfortable.

  I’m lying in the arms of a killer and I’ve never felt safer. I fall asleep content and not wanting this night to end.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  If my dick enjoyed waking up to Libby sleeping next to me in her underwear, it’s ecstatic with her naked body ablaze against me.

  Last night was raw. In this shithole of a motel, I spilled my secrets to her and she accepted them.

  I shouldn’t compare her to Melissa, but I can’t help myself, the difference between them blows me away. I didn’t think I would get past what I did, I thought my love for Melissa was my world and nothing could come close. Not that I’m in love with Libby, but as I held her, and she whispered in the dark she didn’t see me any different, I couldn’t help myself, I fell hard for her. I feel like this morning is a second chance for me. I should have felt this long ago, but it’s with Libby that I feel free from Melissa and what I did.

  My phone pings, I know it’s Cas telling everyone to be ready to leave soon without having to read it.

  Gently sliding my arm from underneath her, she doesn’t wake, giving me the opportunity to have one last glance at her without her knowing. When I first saw her, huddled in the corner of the shed in an oversized coat that didn’t belong to her, I told myself I wouldn’t let her get to me, and that’s exactly what has happened.

  “What’s the time?” she whispers, not opening her eyes.

  “Coming up to nine, I have to leave soon.”

  I can hear the regret in my voice and I’m sure she can too, it’s hard to fucking miss it.

  “It’s strange to think I won’t know where you’ll be tonight,” I say, sounding like a pussy.

  “We have phones, we can check in if it makes you feel better,” she chuckles, “And, if you have anymore nightmares, you can always call, no matter the time.”

  It didn’t occur to me she won’t be here the next time I wake in the small hours of the night. I’ll be alone again, and it feels me with dread.

  I shower first and then she jumps in before the water goes cold. When I’m dressed, and she’s done drying her hair, she packs her things up and my mouth goes dry.

  “Where are you going to go?” I ask her.

  “I’ll start at home and go from there. Maybe my mom hid somewhere she wanted to go or something. If Slade finds anythi
ng, can you still let me know.”

  I don’t want her to leave. I want to help her find her mom. We’re interrupted before I can say any of the shit running through my head and I open the door to Cas.

  “Let’s go,” he says.

  Nodding, I grab my keys and smokes, a part of me prolonging my movements to slow this down.

  “You don’t have to leave now, you can go when you’re ready and slip the key under the door,” I offer, silently adding, stay and be here when I get back.

  “Go? She isn’t going anywhere, she’s coming with us,” Cas butts in.

  I thought he had left already.

  “She doesn’t have anything to do with this now, Cas.”

  “She has everything to do with it, brother, until I decide otherwise. Now, today is looking to be a shitter so I suggest we get going.”

  He walks off and I turn to Libby. She’s already dumped her bag on the bed and zips her coat up.

  “It’s starting to feel like I’m never going to leave town,” she mumbles, going to walk by me.

  I step in front of her and block her way. When we step outside, there won’t be any privacy and I need a few more moments with her, especially if she’s going to scatter at the first chance she gets.

  “Before we join the others, I want to tell you last night wasn’t just a fuck to me. I…”

  Shit. How do I say the right words?

  “It was more than I’ve ever had with anyone else, and I don’t know how I’m going to let you go.”

  Her eyes widen, and her mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out.

  “Come on, let’s get this over and done with and then we can talk some more.”

  The ride to the Mercy Chapter clubhouse is tense. Our formation is tight and not one machine is out of place. Libby holds on like she already knows this will be the last time she holds me, and I fight to swallow the lump in my throat when we pull up outside the clubhouse.

  I cut the engine, and neither of us move. Her arms stay linked around my waist and I brush my thumb over hands.

  “Don’t leave my side in there,” I say, keeping my voice low.

  “I wasn’t planning on it.”

  This makes me smile and she unlinks her hands around me. The only solace I have letting her climb off my bike, is knowing she will be riding back with me to the motel.

  I don’t want to think past that, but for now, she’s here with me.

  Gabe and Zander are the first ones out the door at our arrival, and I can sense the tension already. Cas can too.

  “Cas, I wasn’t expecting you,” Gabe calls out.

  “Twenty-six bikers ride into your town and you weren’t expecting us?”

  “It’s different up here, you’re not in Willows Peak anymore. What brings you here?”

  As if he doesn’t know.

  Sparky follows Cas as he makes his way towards Gabe. Pope and Ricky follow close behind and the others linger closer than usual too.

  I hang behind with Libby and my body tenses when Baze shows his face. Libby steps half behind me when she sees him and the urge to shield her completely takes over me.

  Before I can, she steps out and comes to stand beside me. She tips her chin up and smiles at him.

  I smile with her. I smile for the fact she is still here and that she isn’t letting him scare her.

  “We’re here to discuss Cameron…”

  Zander pounces forward ready to spew a load of bullshit and Pope slithers like a snake in front of Cas.

  “Back the fuck up,” he growls.

  Zander holds his hands up and steps back.

  “Let’s take this inside, it’s fucking freezing here, and I need a drink.”

  We all follow inside and the bar is crammed with brothers from the mother chapter and the northern chapter.

  It’s hard to believe they weren’t expecting Cas, when I’ve seen for myself that our northern brothers aren’t awake at this time. Yet, this morning, they’re all awake and ready for visitors.

  Libby and I are the last ones to walk inside and Baze’s eyes narrow at our closeness. If there wasn’t so much laying on the line, I’d wind him up and put my arm around her. I can’t have brothers thinking I’m blinded by a woman again and no one believing her.

  These men are our brothers, yet, it’s one club one side and their club the other. There’s no unity here. The divide is clear.

  I tug on Libby’s coat to get her attention and she follows closely as I lead us across the bar and next to Slade and Sparky.

  Cas walks into the middle of the bar and puts his fingers to his mouth. An ear-piercing whistle hits our eardrums, and everyone falls silent.

  Standing in front of Gabe, Cas looks ten times the leader he is. Gabe knows it too.

  “You called asking for my help and I sent you a brother who is telling me a lot of shit I don’t like hearing.”

  “It’s bullshit, Cas.”

  “You might wear the president patch for this chapter, but I am your president and when a brother tells me you haven’t been as welcoming as you should, and you call him out as a liar, it makes me want to rip your patch clean off.”

  “I understand you’re closer to Dex than you are to us, but I’m telling you, Baze didn’t take out Cameron.”

  Pulling out his smokes, Cas takes his time lighting a cigarette and blows out the smoke.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen,” he says, turning to face everyone, “We’re going to have a Lost Souls trial.”

  Ayes, float around the room and excitement grows.

  “Baze, a Lost Souls brother, you stand accused of the murder of another brother. Sit the fuck down.”

  Sparky kicks out a chair into the middle of the bar, but Baze doesn’t move.

  “Make me ask twice and I’ll find you guilty right now, and put a bullet between your eyes,” he growls, and Baze sits.

  “Usually, I wouldn’t believe a brother of mine had killed another brother. But, and it’s a big fucking whooper of a but, my brother, Dex, tells me he heard Baze himself admit what he done.”

  “Cas, I didn’t…he misheard…”

  “Don’t speak until you’re fucking told to,” Sparky hollers.

  “The reason I was quick to believe Dex and ride up here, is because he has shown me the upmost loyalty, and to my family. He has shown me how far he is willing to go for our club. So, as it stands now, I’ll listen to your version of events, and then I’ll listen to Cam’s daughter, and then we’ll put it to a vote. I warn you now, if you’re found guilty, you will die today. No ifs, no buts, no fucking coconuts.”

  Libby snorts besides me, finding him amusing. If she knew him, she’d know this isn’t like him. The events of recent months have changed him, he doesn’t give many chances now. Losing Oak damaged him in a way that will never heal.

  “If his daughter is found guilty, she will die. It’s simple, whoever is guilty will die.”

  Libby tenses next to me and I wish I could tell her not to worry. Cas won’t go anywhere near her.

  I stepped between a woman and him before, choosing to save my president over someone I thought I loved. I don’t know if I’d make the same decision when it comes to Libby.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Another chair is pushed into the middle of the bar and heads turn to look at me.

  “Come and take a seat,” Cas orders.

  Dex nudges me when I freeze, and I numbly walk into Cas’s courtroom. Out the corner of my eye, I see Dex edging around the brothers and takes a seat as close to me as he can.

  Baze tuts, and my head spins around to glare at him.

  “Cosying up to the mother chapter, you’re such a fucking whore.”

  “Shaking because of the mother chapter, you’re such a pussy,” I retort, and his cheeks flame with anger.

  “Cut it out,” Gabe snipes, coming to sit closer to Baze.

  Knowing these men my whole life didn’t count for anything when they found me next to m
y dad’s dead body, and it means nothing to them now.

  “Cas, you should take my word, Baze is a brother and he didn’t kill anyone,” Gabe tries again.

  Cas sighs and his eyes darkens. This man doesn’t have much patience. He moves around at his own leisure and lights another cigarette.

  Pulling a chair out from under a table, he drags it across the bar and sits it between me and Baze.

  “I’m going to ask the questions, you’re going to answer me and everyone else is going to keep quiet. Once we’ve heard everything, everyone will vote. Got it?” He looks at Baze first and then at me, we both nod and he begins.

  “If I think you’re lying, I’ll shoot you before you can draw your next breath,” he warns us, and I believe him, Baze doesn’t look as fazed.

  “Why were you going to Cameron’s house?”

  “He’d been drinking, I said I’d pick him up.”

  Bullshit. Everyone here knows my dad drank and still rode his bike. He would’ve had to have been passed out not to ride home. No one is saying that though.

  “Did he call you, or did you call him?”

  Cas confuses him, the lines in his brow deepen as he tries to remember, or more like, think of his lie.

  “He called me,” he says.

  Cas jerks his head to someone behind us, and Slade appears seconds later and holds out his hand.

  “Give him your phone,” Cas orders.

  He must take too long, Slade pats his pockets down and retrieves the phone from his cut pocket and walks off. Over my shoulder, I watch him sit at a laptop set up by the bar.

  I wonder if that’s how he’s trying to find my mom?

  “Talk me through what happened when you arrived at the house,” Cas carries on.

  “When I got there, I noticed Rebecca’s car wasn’t in its usual spot and I parked on the drive. I knocked on the door and waited. When no one answered, I was about to leave when I heard Libs cry out. The door wasn’t locked, so I let myself in and that’s when I saw Cam lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood, and Libs sitting beside him.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “I checked for a pulse, he didn’t have one, and I called Gabe.”

  “How long after you arrived?”


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