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The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2)

Page 11

by Addie Jo Ryleigh

  As would her avoidance of him.

  With thoughts of besting her at the game she’d created running through his head, he had a difficult time keeping his features fierce.

  Plotting his counterattack, he almost missed the soft voice asking for a moment of Anna’s time. He glanced over in time to see Anna standing. Then his breath caught at the subtle pull and shift of her dress, highlighting all the curves of her tempting body as she crossed to the next person awaiting her counsel.

  During the last few hours, guessing what the next person’s ridiculously embellished need for Anna might entail had become a game to Nate. From the looks of the young lady standing inside the door, he assumed she was a student and had a very detrimental fashion question only Anna could advise her on.

  “Clara, shouldn’t you be in class?”

  He grinned, thinking his first assessment was correct.

  “Mr. Hurst allowed for me to leave class so I could speak with you. I wanted to thank you.”

  Nate had a feeling assessment number two would be far off the mark. For the first time today, he was curious as to what Anna’s young visitor wanted. The girl’s eyes were bright with emotion and if her words were anything to go by, it was pure gratitude. Though what Anna could have done to warrant the deep response remained a mystery.

  The girl was on the verge of tears. As unfamiliar as he was with the mental state of young ladies, he was fairly confident they weren’t tears of sadness. After observing Anna at the school, he knew she was dedicated to the students and did her share of duties to ensure it ran properly, but he’d yet to see anything to explain the situation before him.

  Anna hurried to Clara and grasped one of her hands. “There is no need to thank me. Truly. If anyone should be thanked it is Mr. Hurst for noticing your abilities and sharing his wisdom.”

  Clara shook her head. “Mr. Hurst might have suggested me for the positon, but if not for you and the school, I would never have had the chance to become something more than some man’s wife. Do not misunderstand. I want that someday, but being able to teach here will give me the opportunity to do something for myself. Something I’d never allowed myself to think possible.”

  The glaze of tears in Anna’s eyes mirrored Clara’s. “Now I must thank you. Ladies such as you are the reason I changed the purpose of the school. Knowing the endeavor has benefited at least one person is enough to validate all the sacrifices.”

  Sacrifices? The conversation became more interesting. What kind of sacrifices did a society miss have to make? Didn’t she go to her father for everything?

  Nate remained silent as the two gushed about who was more thankful. To his regret, all talk of what Anna had given up for the school had ended, stymieing his eavesdropping attempts.

  When she finally ushered Clara from the room, he smothered his excitement. Not because he detested her last visitor, for he’d actually learned a lot from the student, but because the day was done and he could finally get Anna alone. Instead of celebrating, he settled for hurrying to her side, ready to escort her to the waiting carriage and begin his questions.

  “Ready to depart?” Proudly, he’d managed to ask without a touch of gloating.

  She turned to face him. Instead of impending doom written across her face, a twinkle of rebellion shone in her eyes. Dread waged war with his inner excitement. He had a feeling he was about to lose the game after all.

  “Let me see if Evie is ready. I invited her to join my father and me for supper.”

  There was no mistaking the triumph coating her sweetly spoken words as she confirmed his defeat, before she whirled and exited her office. He no longer needed to fabricate the scowl pulling his mouth tight.

  Since nothing short of kidnapping her would get them alone, Nate did the only thing he could and exited the school to mount the waiting Rascal where he could seethe in peace.

  Little wonder that by the time he returned to his room to prepare for supper, he was ready to do bodily harm to just about anyone. As he spied an eerily familiar white piece of paper on his bed, he feared his problems had doubled.

  Anxious and worried to learn what the latest note contained, Nate spared no time crossing the room and retrieving it.

  Same as before, there was nothing revealing about the outside. Once unfolded, the easy script contradicted the blatant threat.

  Now that you’ve had a chance to consider your fate in my hands, it is time for you heed my demands. Because of your interferences, I lost an opportunity to increase my wealth by way of your brother, Wesbrook. For that, you shall take his place and bring me what I desire.

  I will not start with meaningless requests, unlike what I demanded of Wesbrook. I want one thing from you—riches. Being a lowly Runner, you might wonder the intelligence of such a demand. Well, I have an answer for you. Lord Brodford’s collection.

  Instead of catching a thief, I require you to become one. Before you decide to be a hero and not fulfill your obligation, think on the fact that I have the power to make your job as Lady Annabel’s protector necessary.

  Nate dropped the letter to the bed and closed his eyes to block out the image of Anna’s name included in the threat, but not before he caught sight of the amount being extorted. Whoever was behind the threats had become bolder. He now demanded double what Gabe had been asked to supply for his silence—and he was a duke.

  There must be more to Brodford’s collection than Nate realized if it had the potential to pay off the blackmailer. Surely it would require the entire collection and not merely a few pieces.

  Not that he’d contemplate caving to the warning. Even though the idea of anything dire happening to Anna clenched his gut, he would never cross the line and become a criminal. He trusted his ability to keep her safe. He just needed to be more vigilant, especially with proof her safety was indeed in danger.

  Years of training and service made the next few minutes instinctive for Nate. He pushed aside his worry for Anna, concern that hit deeper than he thought possible considering the level of annoyance she evoked, and went to work.

  He started by excusing himself from the evening meal. With Miss Harold in attendance and his men positioned throughout the estate, Anna would be safe for now. Unless the mystery person had eyes in the house and took Nate’s actions as immediate noncompliance, it would be too soon for any threat against Anna to be carried out.

  His absence from the meal taken care of, Nate returned his focus to planning his counterattack. There wasn't much to go on, nothing new since the first letter, but with Anna in danger he would stop at nothing to find the person responsible. Which included ending Anna’s game of avoidance.

  His instincts howled that the man on horseback, the man he’d seen with Anna, couldn’t be ignored. Nate paced his room, determined to take getting information from her to a new level. A mission he would deploy that very evening.

  Nothing more to be found in the letter or his room, he went in search of his men. He knew no man was an army but lucky for him, he came with a small force. Once the men had their orders, they’d lay down their lives to protect their charge.

  Something Nate was counting on. He was starting to suspect if anything happened to Anna, he’d never recover.

  Chapter 20

  “Don’t you think so Anna, dear?”

  At the sound of her name, Anna raised her eyes from the food she’d been pushing around her plate. Her mind locked on Nate’s absence, she had to ask her father to repeat his question and while doing so, she ignored the inquisitive look Evie sent from across the table.

  Her father gave a quick laugh before answering, “It is usually myself who needs to be reminded to respond within a conversation. Is something on your mind?”

  Now there was a perfectly logical question with a not-so-logical answer. After wanting little more than to be rid of Nate
, Anna couldn’t quite understand why his nonappearance bothered her. She feared it had nothing to do with the possibility of him furthering his case and more of her becoming accustomed to his company. A possibility entirely not acceptable.

  Setting aside Evie’s curiosity, Anna returned her eyes to her food. After her confession that morning, her friend might detect everything Anna wasn’t willing to admit . . . even to herself.

  “Not at all, Papa. Simply tired after a long day,” she finally replied.

  It wasn’t untruthful. To keep a barrier between her and Nate, Evie had directed countless school issues Anna’s way. All items Evie would typically have handled.

  During their talk on the way to the school, Evie herself had thought of the scheme. Pleased with how successful it had been, on several occasions Anna had to swallow her delight as Nate’s irritation had started to show through his nonchalant countenance.

  “You do too much, dear,” her father injected with a look of concern that wounded Anna like an arrow to the chest.

  How had her plans for the school gotten so out of control that she was willing to betray her own father? More importantly, how would she mend the situation? Despite how deep she had dug herself with Mr. Rollins, there had to be a way out. She simply needed to find it.

  “Because I agree, I will take my leave.” Evie pushed her chair back and rose from the table.

  Anna wanted to plead with her friend to stay longer, perhaps even take up residence here so she would have a constant shield against Nate. Thank goodness common sense prevailed. Instead, she wished Evie a good evening and sent her a silent look of gratitude for all she’d done.

  Alone with her father, the events of the day caught up with Anna. “I think I’ll retire, Papa.”

  “Good idea. I do worry about you,” he answered with a frown creasing his forehead.

  To ease his concern, she rounded the table and placed a light kiss on his wrinkled brow. “There is no need to worry. ‘Night, Papa.”

  Tears at her falsehood choked her and she didn’t pause to hear his reply. Free of the room, she wasted no time hurrying to her chamber. The only place she would be safe from Nate and his suspicions—whatever they might be.

  The moment she crossed the threshold and closed the door with a soft click, she realized she’d miscalculated.

  Her confidence that she would be safe in the privacy of her chambers was based on one erroneous fact. A fact she quickly amended as she studied the man invading her personal sanctuary, lounging in the chair by the open window.

  Nathaniel Frederickson obviously had no concept of decorum.

  “What are you doing here?” The breathlessness in her voice infuriated her.

  Why did this man and his presence fail to incite a proper response in her? Instead of flaying him with her scorn, her mind fixated on him reclining less than ten feet from her bed—which only led to her recollection of his stirring kisses.

  “Did you think you could avoid me forever?” The grin he wore set off a round of heart-flutters in her chest. Dratted man.

  He was entirely too handsome for his own good—and for her own wellbeing.

  “I presumed your chaperone would have to leave eventually,” he stated. The single candle on the table nearest his chair emphasized the spark of resolve that entered his eyes and transformed him from rakish flirt to unwavering Runner. “Your reprieve, my dear princess, has come to an end.”

  She should flee. Run, escape. But then what? She couldn’t spend the remainder of her life avoiding Nate and his questions. Anna doubted Evie’s friendship included being Anna’s personal shield for eternity.

  Nate was right. Her reckoning had come. If only she knew which one of her various sins he’d discovered.

  “Very well,” she sighed. “What is so important you felt the need to cross every conceivable boundary of respectability and enter my chamber?” With no way to avoid him, the faster he concluded whatever this was, the sooner she’d be able to collect the pieces of her life and push on.

  His eyes narrowed as he held her steady gaze, clearly unprepared for her cooperation. She reaped a small victory.

  As he continued to study her, whatever poise she’d retained, wavered. She might have become accustomed to dealing with this particular man, but men in general remained a foreign concept to her. Having a very captivating specimen relaxing so comfortably next to her bed was something she had never thought to prepare for.

  In all fairness, how did she go about preparing for the day when a man, who was not her husband, would appear uninvited in her bedchamber?

  His smooth voice interrupted her thoughts. “You surprise me. I thought for sure I’d have to tie you to the bed to keep you from escaping your own chamber.”

  Her eyes widened at the vision he conjured in her mind. The man certainly had no principles.

  Before she finished processing the image of herself—bound and at his mercy—Nate’s regard turned predatory and his next words only increased the heat enveloping the room. “Make no mistake, I would have done it and enjoyed every moment.”

  The man hadn’t so much as shifted in his chair but Anna felt him surround her. Somewhere between his words and the desire burning in his eyes, he’d managed to pull a sensual response from deep inside of her. The worst of it, she was afraid she never wanted it to end.

  How could she conceive the feelings Nate provoked in her? Passion and desire were two things she hadn’t foreseen in her future. Instead, she’d become resigned to someday sharing a cordial and hopefully friendly companionship with her husband—if she managed to acquire a spouse at all.

  Now she longed to further examine that passion and desire. And not with simply anyone. With the very man fueling the flames within her.

  Either receptive of her struggle, or oblivious to it, Nate stood. Without breaking the connection between their gazes, he eliminated the space between them.

  “The way I see it, there are three ways this can go.” He spoke low and unhurried, as if concerned he’d startle her.

  Only when he was close enough for her to feel his body’s heat sink into her, did he continue. “Option one, I can pursue my original course and ask the questions you’ve been dodging, which will essentially return us to adversaries.”

  He paused to give her a moment to contemplate the choice she had no desire to accept. Not because she was afraid of what his questions were and what he’d do with the answers, but because she wasn’t ready for them to be at odds again.

  Without waiting for an answer, he outlined her second alternative. “Option two, you can once again dismiss all insolence on my part and explain to me my purpose and place here. In effect severing any connection and giving me no alternative but to uphold my duties, forcing me to evoke the first option.”

  He broke off only long enough to close the final distance, until mere inches separated their bodies, all the while keeping his hands at his side. “Or option three. My personal favorite. You forget every reason why I shouldn’t be here and I’ll forget your privileged tendencies and we simply enjoy the moment . . . and each other.”

  Oh, dear heavens! How was it she hadn’t melted into a heap at his feet?

  His options explained—in rather exquisite detail—Nate fell silent, waiting. She knew he wouldn’t force a decision on her. It only made her want what she shouldn’t all the more.

  She understood which option she should pick, yet feelings she’d never experienced, coming from places she’d never heeded before, pulled her in a different direction. Decision made, Anna slowly raised her hand to skim her fingers over the scarce whiskers along his jaw.

  And accepted the fact of knowing, even though she’d chosen a few moments of bliss, he’d eventually get the answers he craved.

  Alas, the moment she slid her hand to the back of his head and tugged his l
ips closer, she couldn’t find it within herself to care.

  Chapter 21

  Nate might have yearned for her to pick the more pleasurable of options. Might have desired it with every shred of his being . . . but he never believed it possible. The moment her tender lips caressed his, she proved him delightfully wrong.

  The question now, where to proceed from here? She was an innocent, and her decision to enjoy the moment didn’t mean her loss of virtue would be a forgone conclusion. As her sweet tongue darted out and danced with his, he could easily have forgotten why that was.

  Allowing his hands free rein to trace over her delicate curves, until they came to rest on her backside, hadn’t been his intention when he’d stolen into her room. His only focus had been to learn the identity of the man from the garden and what he’d been doing on Brodford’s land. Regrettably, no matter what option she’d chosen, he would still need those answers. Soon.

  Until then, he wasn’t above bestowing limitless pleasure on her . . . Well, perhaps not limitless. He would most likely not be finding his release tonight.

  Instead, he would focus his attentions on her.

  Foolish as it might be, before he could continue he needed to gain her explicit permission. Her actions might scream she'd decided on a moment of indulgence. But with her limited experience, he would ensure she understood what it all entailed.

  He bestowed another deep kiss before he eased away a bit, leaving their bodies touching from chest to hip. “Princess, look at me.” Her eyes fluttered open and he sucked in a breath at the depth of desire mixed with the blue-green. It took all of his will to keep from tumbling her to the floor.

  “Sweet mercy, Anna, you are going to be the death of me.”


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