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The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2)

Page 22

by Addie Jo Ryleigh

  “Have you heard from your brother?”

  That got his attention. “I’m not one of your students, Anna. My problems aren’t for you to fix.”

  His slight grin might have taken the bite out of his words but she still felt his warning to leave it alone. Fortunately for her, she’d yet to do as he asked.

  “Surely you’re wondering what he is thinking. Wouldn’t it be better to just ask him? Be the one to go to him?”

  “To what avail? So he can wash his hands of me sooner?” The grin remained but his eyes cooled. “Sorry, sweet, I’d rather live in denial on this one. Gives me time to fool myself into thinking I haven’t lost the only family I have left.”

  “You don’t know that for certain. I’ve never met the duke, but the man you’ve spoken of would not turn his back on his brother for having a career. For being successful.”

  The sliver of icy blue remaining in his eyes melted. “You might not see it but that would be worse. I won’t be responsible for hindering Gabe’s attempt to change public perception of the Wesbrook line.”

  Her eyes flickered from his and landed on the bell. Even if she succeeded with using the relic to make Mr. Rollins go away for good, her betrayal guaranteed whatever she and Nate shared would end. She couldn’t face him again knowing what she’d done.

  Her sad fate didn’t mean she wouldn’t try to help him. “Since you refuse to see it any other way, I’ll leave your brother’s actions to speak for him. Don’t think I won’t gloat when he not only supports your career but chides you for not including him in your life.”

  He chuckled. “I would not expect less.”

  “Nate, what are we doing?” The question flew out of her mouth. She wished for nothing more than to shove it back in.

  “Well, as usual, you are trying to argue you are right and I am wrong.”

  His features remained smooth—without a speck of understanding—and she didn’t know if he elected to be intentionally obtuse or if he truly didn’t comprehend the full meaning of her question. If she had any common sense she would take his cue and not push the issue. However, since Nate had entered her life, her common sense had vanished.

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Hardly what I was referring to. And I think you know it.”

  When his eyes reflected uncertainty, she wagered he understood. “I do know, sweet. I’m just not sure how to answer.” Instead of remaining on his feet, he dropped onto the chair across from her, placing his arms on his knees as he gave her his full regard. “I know I want you, that despite our turbulent beginnings, I enjoy being with you. As for the rest, I’m not certain.”

  Her body at once heated and cooled. His blunt declaration fed the hunger that surrounded her whenever he was near. Knowing he was also torn felt comforting. In contradiction, the thought of her affection for him amounting to nothing sent chills through her.

  To at last find a man she enjoyed, yet she’d essentially made it impossible for them to be together. In fairness to him—and to prevent her deeper heartache—she should stop this romance from furthering. Like most events lately, she didn’t possess the power to keep from being foolish.

  “I want you, too.” Her admission provoked a wide grin and the flash of his white teeth.

  “If you keep looking at me with passion in your eyes, I’ll have a new memory of the sofa to add to my collection.”

  Despite all he’d done to her body—and how she’d explored his in return—she couldn’t prevent the heat that overtook her.

  “The rosy flush of your cheeks isn’t helping matters. Just makes me want to see how far the color goes.”

  Dratted man. Her skin tingled in reaction and he still sat a good four feet from her.

  Nate gave a slight shake of his head and the burgeoning desire she’d begun to feel suddenly cleared. “Anna, we have to be sensible. I’ve already been entirely too reckless. You could be carrying my child as we speak.”

  His decree successfully drained the heat from her face. She might have been innocent before Nate but she knew where relations between a man and a woman led. She’d been too swept away by the emotions he’d stirred to give proper thought—or likewise care—about the consequences.

  He kept to his chair yet shifted closer. “I knew what I was doing, love. I never forgot the risk. I was—am—prepared to face whatever may come. You won’t be alone.”

  She quietly studied his words. Each one spoke of his duty and should have destroyed their moments together. What woman would want a man who thought of her as an obligation?

  However, the sincerity behind his assertion told a different tale. Even if he hadn’t said it, she understood enough of his past to know he wouldn’t abandon her or his child. Maybe a silent fragment of her had counted on it. If he had gotten her with child, it would create an unbreakable link between them.

  Nevertheless, she wasn’t some silly miss who’d place the blame on him. She took full responsibility. Even if she hadn’t stopped and weighed the consequences, the risks had been clear. She ran her eyes over his broad form and remembered how gently his strong arms had held her. Any uncertainty had been worth it.

  Adrift in her thoughts, Nate’s crinkled brow alerted her to her silence, and his need for her response. She met his gaze squarely. “Nate, you weren’t the only one partaking in our lovemaking. I am as accountable as you. I trust you. If not, I never would have shared my body with you.”

  She hadn’t considered she could be so blunt, but when the lines on his forehead cleared, she was thankful she had been.

  “You’ll let me know? Promise that no matter what happens, you will inform me if you are with child?” he asked.

  Since mention of the thief destroyed her ability to articulate, she could only nod in agreement. How could she have forgotten? The possibility of carrying his child would result in a link binding him to a woman who’d lied and deceived him.

  Unaware she was dying on the inside, he continued to speak. “As much as I don’t want to, I think we should take a step back. Forgo additional intimacy. At least until things are resolved with the stolen items and we have less to consider.”

  She nodded again.

  “Just because I can’t touch you, doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy each other’s company in a less sensual sense, though. I meant it when I said I enjoy being with you. You are a beautiful, caring woman who has dedicated herself to others. Despite being demanding and willful.” He winked at her. “I find myself looking forward to our verbal skirmishes. Since you are essentially stuck with me until I can establish you are not in any danger, we might as well carry on as friends.”

  Oh, dear Lord! I love this man.

  Somewhere between him calling her beautiful, and confessing his enjoyment of their bickering, the little pulse that beat in her chest whenever he was near, and craved him when he wasn’t, had become far more than simply tender feelings.

  She had foolishly fallen in love with Nathaniel Frederickson.

  From the corner of her eye, Anna peered at the bell as her happiness died. She’d fallen in love with the man she was about to betray.

  Perhaps it wasn’t too late to change things. Maybe she could still fix it. Find another way.

  Thoughts of Clara and all the young girls like her slipped into Anna’s head, ending her last flicker of hope. She took away what might be the only chance for some of those students to have a more secured future, if she and the school failed.

  The bell her only choice left, Anna blinked away the tears burning in her eyes and answered, thankfully without a crack in her voice, “Friends it is.”

  Chapter 35

  With his plan set to commence, Nate couldn’t dwell on his earlier conversation with Anna. Not now. He might have the thief in custody before the morning. He could agonize over Anna later.

As supper concluded, his muscles twitched and years of training kicked in. Lawson would be proud of how Nate’s instincts could rule at a moment’s notice. He stifled his smile. His supervisor would more likely produce some well-worded, but equally indecipherable riddle, to fit the situation.

  The servants cleared the last of the supper plates as Brodford and Thomas left the table to finish their work before Thomas returned to Egypt. Nate regarded Anna from across the table. Delightful distraction aside, he couldn’t ignore the subtle changes in her since they’d agreed to keep their relationship out of the bedroom. She’d remained friendly, but if forced to explain these alterations in her behavior, he’d say she’d dimmed. As if a light had gone out.

  He vowed once he closed the case and Jarvis was dealt with, he’d find a way to return the shine to her eyes. For now, he had to steer her to the library where his plan would play out. He wished he could leave her to her own devices until the thief took the bait. He couldn’t risk her safety, on a chance The Viper revealed himself somewhere near the estate.

  “I’m in the mood for some reading. Care to retire to the library, or do you have something else planned?”

  Toiling with her table napkin, she startled at his question, emphasizing her odd distraction.

  She recovered quickly. “I have nothing planned. The library will do fine.”

  The matter settled, with the ubiquitous Bes bell in hand, they retreated to the library.

  Once in the room, surrounded by shelves of books, Nate made a point of placing the box containing the bell on the most centralized table. Anyone either entering or passing the room could see it. He also avoided glancing in the far left corner of the room—

  The one dark in shadow, cloaking Foxmoore’s presence.

  When Anna had been preparing for supper, Nate had taken a quick detour to the library to confirm Foxmoore had established his position and they were prepared for what the rest of the evening would bring.

  “Were you planning on reading anything particular?”

  Still focused on getting everything in place, her question caught him off guard. Luckily he was prepared and had a book in mind, even though he would have only about fifteen minutes of imaginary reading before Grant sounded the alarm. Nothing must go wrong.

  “Actually, I do. One caught my eye the other day.” He crossed to the self and retrieved the book. “How about yourself? A gothic novel perhaps?”

  Aware Foxmoore observed the entire scene, Nate struggled to keep everything professional. He’d already endangered Anna’s reputation to the point of ruin.

  A full smile curved her lips with such enticement, he yearned to lick along its upper bow. Hopefully the distance he kept would prevent Foxmoore from noticing the erotic tension flaring between him and Anna.

  “You’ve found my secret. Not many know of my obsession with gothic novels. I’m afraid it doesn’t appear very scholarly,” Anna replied.

  Why did everything she say have to sound sensual? He’d be more successful keeping his hands off her if she didn’t continuously do things that fascinated his cock.

  To keep his sanity, he steered clear of her and found a comfortable looking chair set off to the side, ensuring Anna remained out of arms’ reach, yet close enough to the door to be ready for the next phase of his plan.

  Each with book in hand, the room fell silent and Nate somehow remembered to casually turn the page every so often to further his ruse. In truth, he wasn’t focused on a single word, enabling him to study her under his lowered lids. Her eyes remained on the book in her hands, but she hadn't turned a page, either.

  If only he could read her as easily as a book. To ascertain what went on in her head. Nothing was so simple, otherwise he’d have been able to determine the contents of his own head days ago.

  Solid thuds of booted feet rushing down the hall penetrated his thoughts and Nate returned his attention to what needed to be done. Since the idea was to rouse as much of the household as possible, Nate had instructed Grant to create the loudest commotion he could while demanding of everyone he came across as to Nate’s whereabouts.

  When the ruckus got closer and impossible to avoid, Nate glanced up and caught Anna’s gaze, hoping he appeared as confused as she.

  Before either of them got to their feet, Grant burst through the doorway, effectively bringing a handful of servants in his wake. “Nate! We need you. Joseph was about to relieve Henry when he spotted someone they think could be the thief. They are heading after him now.”

  Without a word, Nate leaped to his feet and raced after Grant. As he’d hoped, the servants and Anna followed.

  Leaving the bell unattended.

  Nate and Grant continued to toss back previously rehearsed comments as they rushed from the house, gaining more servants along the way. Everything was falling into place when Brodford exited the parlor with Thomas on his heels.

  “What in the blazes is going on?”

  Barely slowing his steps, Nate threw his response over his shoulder. “My men believe they’ve located the thief. Keep everyone in the house. We don’t know what we are dealing with.”

  He caught the earl’s approval and quick nod. A stab of guilt for misleading the man hit Nate in the chest. He forced it away knowing the deception would prove worthwhile.

  With the servants essentially locked inside with the bell, Nate and Grant exited the house and turned in the direction of the stable.

  “Now what?”

  Nate had expected Grant’s question. When he’d enlisted the man’s help, Nate had shared only what Grant needed to know to make the past few minutes play out as they had. The reason behind Nate’s unusual request hadn’t been one of them. Thankfully, Grant trusted Nate enough to take him at his word.

  “Now, we stay out of sight.”

  Clear of the house and hidden in the darkness, they slowed their steps. “What happens when you return to the house without the crook?”

  Nate wanted to tell his man of his hunch but something held him back. “If everything works out as planned, it won’t be an issue.”

  Familiar with Nate’s past schemes to catch their target, Grant continued to walk in silence. Once they’d reached the side of the house facing the library, Nate stopped. From here he would wait for Foxmoore’s signal, a light being extinguished in the window. Then it would be time to return and see who he'd caught in his web.

  He didn’t need Grant to keep him company. “I can proceed from here. Just keep your head down for the time being. No one in the stable knows of the concocted thief sighting and shouldn’t affect the plan but I’d rather they didn’t see you until it is over.”

  “When will that be?”

  Nate looked to the window. “Hopefully not long.”

  Chapter 36

  Anna sorted through her confusion. Since she knew the person Nate’s man had spotted was most definitely not the thief, who could they be racing after? She paced along the windows of the parlor wishing she could see through the darkness.

  As Nate had rushed from the house, chasing an unknown stranger, she’d had to swallow her confession. The only thing silencing her was knowing nothing remotely dangerous ever happened in their section of the country.

  Nate would be safe and before long, back in the house grumbling about not catching his target. She just needed to keep reminding herself.

  Excited with the prospect of having the culprit apprehended, her father and Thomas had returned to their work believing Nate had it under control. Knowing Nate would return emptyhanded and wash the joy from her father’s face, Anna couldn’t remain and witness his disappointment.

  “Papa, I need something from my room.”

  Her father narrowed his eyes at her and she knew he wanted to object. The last few days, he’d been as determined as Nate to keep her from being alone. With the w
eight of everything pushing down on her, she had nearly given up caring why.

  “I promise to be careful.” Though she didn’t see the need since she resided in her own home. “I’ll only be gone shortly.”

  He studied her a bit longer before nodding his head. “Very well, dear, but hurry back.”

  Afraid he’d change his mind, she rushed from the room. Once out of his sight, she slowed her steps, not sure where she was headed. She just needed to escape.

  She glanced toward the front hall and knew Carson would be there physically keeping everyone in the house, just as she knew her father had locked all the doors leading outside. He hadn’t wanted to risk someone sneaking from the house and either endangering themselves or getting in the way of Nate catching the criminal.

  An hour had passed since Nate had run from the house and with every minute, her worry increased. Surely they’d discovered their error by now.

  Anna started to walk past the library, on the way to her room, when the solitary item on the table caught her eye. She froze in the hallway and stared at the box. During the commotion, Nate had forgotten the bell.

  Emotion swirled in her stomach. She was afraid she’d be sick. For the last two days, she’d wanted nothing more than to be alone with the bell. To secure her final chance to save the school. Now, after more time with Nate and admitting she would be betraying not only her father but the man she loved, she hesitated.

  As if the bell pulled her, Anna crept into the room, despite an inner voice screaming to run in the other direction. To forget she’d ever seen the wretched artifact.

  When she finally stood over the box, all the reasons why she needed to take it rumbled through her head. Mr. Rollins. Clara. Other students forced to give up their dreams of betterment.


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