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Forbidden Mates - The Complete Forbidden Mates Set: Vampire Shifter Paranormal Romance

Page 11

by Rayne Reilly

  Oroc glanced down at the floor and back to Xander. "I have known your father for most of my life. He is not one to give up easily. His heart is filled with hatred for shifters. Removing him from the Council may not be enough to stop him," Oroc said with a hint of wistfulness.

  Xander clasped his hands together in his lap as he leaned forward slightly. "We have to try to reason with him."

  "What about those who agree with him? There are at least two or three on the Council who do. There will be others in the local Pure One community who also follow him. Not to mention turned-vampires who admire and follow him. What would you like to see happen to them?" Oroc looked concerned.

  Xander shrugged. "I don't know. You are the ancient one. Has this sort of thing ever happened before?"

  Oroc shook his head. "We have had many differences of opinion over the thousands of years that we have walked the earth. What your father is doing – I have not seen this sort of blatant disregard for the treaty before. We agreed long ago to remain hidden from public life and to refrain from killing humans. Your father has already gone against that by heading his own pharmaceutical company instead of hiring someone to do it for him.

  "The shifters agreed to remove us from shifter history books if we stayed away from humanity and avoided being seen. It would seem that both sides are choosing to ignore the pact made long ago between the races. I don't feel Dimitri is alone in his plans to wipe out shifters. And I don't think the Shifter Alliance Council is innocent in all of this either."

  Xander sighed and leaned back against the sofa. "Nor do I. The S.A.C investigator Julie and I spoke to admitted that the Shifter Council know that we exist. It's clear that the elders of the Council had chosen to keep us secret until now. I don't know what has changed or why. He also mentioned a human who was caught experimenting on shifters...saying the doctor defected to the vampire council. This is who my father has working for him. I'm afraid that things look bad on each side. We have found no concrete answers as to why this is happening."

  Xander felt his body tense slightly. Things had reached a tipping point and he sensed there could be a lot of trouble ahead between the shifters and vampires.

  "Indeed," commented Oroc. "It would appear that the shifter council and some members of the vampire council are preparing for war. We cannot allow that. Nor can we allow the public at large to know about us. There are many of our kind in Portland and the United States, not to mention the number of turned-vampires. If the public were to know about us, gods know what would happen! What Dimitri is doing must be contained and the Shifter Council appeased."

  "So what's the plan?" Xander asked expectantly.

  Oroc put a hand to his chin and rubbed it.

  "First, I must speak with you about something of extreme importance." Oroc's face looked serious. "I never spoke of the 'prophecy of peace' before now because I wasn't sure that you were ready to hear about it. I can see now that it is important for you to know. I fear it is finally about to play out.

  After a few seconds Oroc got up and went to a corner of the room. Among the bookcases and desk there was a small collection of swords hanging on the wall. Xander had always thought that they were decorative only. Oroc carefully picked up a samurai sword and walked over to him. He held the sword out for Xander in the palms of his hands. Xander stood and looked at Oroc in surprise. The sword was sheathed in a leather casing; the handle was a highly polished dark wood.

  "What's this for?" Xander looked at the sword and back at Oroc.

  Oroc held the sheathed sword out in front of him but Xander's arms remained at his sides.

  Oroc spoke calmly. "You will need this sword if we are to defeat your father."

  Xander's eye's widened as he spoke. "Is this really necessary?"

  Oroc's lips were pressed tightly into a thin smile and he thrust the sword toward Xander.

  "This sword will help fulfill part of the prophecy. It has been predicted..." Oroc's voice trailed off and Xander could see that he was not pleased with the news he was delivering.

  "Predicted? What are you talking about? Why do I feel that you're about to tell me something I don't want to hear?" Xander finally took the sword from Oroc. Looking down at it, he held it carefully in both hands and noticed his stomach churning.

  "Your role in the next chapter of the Pure Ones is of vital importance," Oroc stated cautiously. He took his seat once more and motioned for Xander to sit down. Xander sat and placed the sword on the sofa next to him. Oroc looked into his eyes.

  "The legend says that long ago the gods and demons of heaven and earth created the first vampires. In doing so,they created a male and female so that each original vampire had a mate. All of the couples were able to have children then. But because of problems within our race that have since been forgotten, the offspring of those original vampires were punished.

  "We were no longer able to enjoy the warmth of the sun on their skin without intense pain. Nor would we ever again live off the food that the earth supplied. Forced into eternal darkness living off the blood of humans was our penance. Eventually, we also learned that we could not create children. The first vampires were the only ones who could. Over time, we told ourselves that the gods who created the first pure vampires didn't want them to overrun the earth and create an imbalance. And that was why they had made the female children of the first Pure Ones barren.

  "There are those among us who remember the first ones clearly. Others have chosen to wipe their parents' existence from their memories and feel that they, themselves, are the first true Pure Ones. Perhaps it has been a way to cope with what has happened to us. My parents are no longer alive but I know of some first Pure Ones that are still alive. It is through one of those that is called a prophet or seer, that I heard of the 'prophecy of peace'."

  "So there are Pure Ones that can see the future?" Xander asked inquisitively. He knew that Pure Ones had various abilities but he had not known that some could also see the future.

  "It is a rare gift that is not common among our kind. In fact, I only know of two that still exist today. They could inexplicably foretell things. I know of one such seer that lives in Europe. He hides from the Pure Ones as much as from Humans. He is the one who spoke of the 'prophecy of peace'."

  "Why would he need to hide from our kind? And what does any of this have to do with me? Why am I important in all this?" Xander asked.

  Part of him wondered how Oroc could have kept so much from him about the history of the Pure Ones. He had asked many questions over the years and at no point did Oroc share what he had just told him.

  Oroc continued patiently. "He hides because of those Pure Ones that would have him denounce the prophecy or lie about it. What I know of the prophecy states that a son will be born of a human mother and a Pure One father. That son will go on to create a great change in the world that would one day allow shifters and vampires to live alongside one another in peace."

  Xander felt himself tense, his eyes widened.

  Oroc nodded once. "When your father found out that your mother was pregnant, he was of course mystified at how this could be. I reminded him of the prophecy and he stated that he did not believe it. He knows about it and that it states that the son will bring about the death of his father to fulfill the prophecy. I believe this unsettled him greatly and that's why he chose to let others raise you, under his watchful eye."

  Xander shook his head then ran a hand through his hair. This can't be?

  "No wonder he has always hated me. It's a surprise he didn't kill me when I was an infant."

  "You were taken away from him until you had matured a little. I do not understand it fully myself. Perhaps he couldn't bear to kill you because you looked so much like your mother."

  "So he did care about her?" Xander's voice was filled with emotion.

  "Yes. Very much. He took her death very hard." Oroc gave a slight nod of his head, his face remained somber.

  Xander looked at the sword and back to Oroc.
  "So this prophecy, does it say why I have to kill my father to bring peace?"

  "I only remember it stating that you will take his life. This sword is how you will do it. The details around the prophecy have been kept a secret and only the seer knows the whole of it. I have told you what I know."

  "But how do we even know this prophecy is true?" Xander asked.

  Oroc held his outstretched hands palms up toward him. "Because here you are. The son of a union between human and Pure One. Nowhere else in the world is there another like you."

  Xander closed his eyes. He wasn't sure he could do it. Regardless of the terrible things his father had done to him, he could not imagine taking his life.


  The sky was filled with shades of burnt orange and ribbons of crimson. Xander stood alone outside staring off into the distance. He needed to clear his mind. The last few hours had been filled with life-changing information.

  He and Oroc had gone on to discuss how things would unfold once they got to the vampire council headquarters.

  His mind still reeled at the disclosure of the prophecy. Xander wasn't quite sure how he felt about what he was meant to do. His memories of his father were painful at best. There had never been a love between them and he found it hard to accept that his father felt anything for anyone – including the mother he had never known.

  It troubled him that the prophecy had never been shared with him but he also understood why. If his father had chosen to ignore it and pretend it wasn't real, he would not be expecting Xander to know about it. Therefore, he would not expect to die at his son's hand. Xander hoped that an alternative would be offered to spare his father's life. But his heart told him otherwise.

  Xander's phone rang and he pulled it from his pocket, hoping it was Julie. I would love to hear your voice right about now. He frowned as he stared at the call display.

  "Hi, Jake," he said into the phone.

  "Hi," replied Jake, "I haven't heard from you or Julie so I wanted to check in. We've not had any luck getting the location of the experimental lab. I'm worried that Dimitri will know we've raided last night's lab and get rid of the missing shifters –"

  Xander stopped listening to Jake as soon as he mentioned not having heard from Julie. He quickly interrupted, "What do you mean you haven't heard from Julie? I left her a couple of hours ago. She said she was going to call you."

  "She hasn't. Is everything okay?" Jake's voice took on a concerned tone.

  Xander tried to shrug off the feeling that something had happened to Julie. He had to gets Jake's help with bringing down Dimitri. "I'm not sure. I'll try to reach her myself. Meanwhile, you're just the man I need. I know where Dimitri is going to be tonight. We need to question him. He will have to tell us where the lab is and if a team of us show up, we may have more luck. My friend Oroc and I are heading over there soon. We could use back up. Do you think you and a few of the task force shifters might be up for it?"

  Without hesitation Jake responded. "Sure thing. If it helps us find this damn lab and put an end to the experimentation and murders, I'm all for it," Jake announced.

  "Great. Before I fill you in, I should mention that my friend Oroc is a Pure One like Dimitri. You need to know a few things about them before we meet up," Xander mentioned as he headed back into the house to explain everything over the phone.


  After hanging up with Jake, Xander called Julie. There was no answer.

  He had called at least twenty times with each call going direct to voice mail. He knew she had found her phone because he had helped her do it. She had dropped it last night when she was abducted but it had fallen under the driver's side of the car. It had worked fine when she tried it out.

  His insides were twisted up with worry and he knew that the only way he would be able to focus on tonight's confrontation was if he went to her house to see that she was okay.

  Xander informed Oroc of his plans and sped all the way to Julie's apartment building. He prayed she would be fine and her phone battery dead or just turned off. He tried to ignore the feeling of dread that rose in him every time he thought about where she could be.

  When he arrived at her building, he had to wait until someone let him in and then he raced to her apartment. When he arrived and knocked on the door, it opened as if it had not been shut properly. He was sure that he had closed it firmly behind him earlier. Pushing the door open he peered inside.

  "Julie? Are you here?" he asked.

  There was no response. He looked around, the faint scent of vampire caused his nostrils to flare. He ran both hands through his hair and cursed out loud. "Dimitri!" he said as he left, closing the door behind him. His father would have a lot to answer to when he saw him – starting with what had he done with Julie?


  Somewhere in Portland

  The Vampire High Council headquarters were situated in a small building on the outskirts of downtown Portland. The driveway just before the parking lot was obscured by trees. The building did not stand out in this older part of Portland. Jake and his team of four other male shifters parked outside the entrance so they would not be seen by the guard that protected the front door of the building.

  Xander pulled up in his car with Oroc in the passenger seat. They got out and approached Jake. Xander noticed a slight grin forming on one corner of Jake's mouth.

  "Nice sword, Bachman," Jake joked when he noticed the weapon attached to Xander's belt.

  Xander lifted his eyebrows and looked down at the sword quickly. Placing a hand on its hilt, he spoke firmly. "Thanks." He gave a quick smile.

  Xander motioned toward Oroc who was standing beside him. "This is Oroc Bestile. He's a member of the Vampire High Council. He's on our side, as I mentioned earlier."

  Oroc bowed his head slightly toward Jake but did not speak. Oroc's pale skin and white hair made him stand out among the human-looking men. Oroc towered over the men in height by a several inches. The shifter men were silent as they watched Oroc. Jake paused for a moment or two as he looked at Oroc.

  Xander noted Oroc's quiet confidence and smiled.

  "Nice to meet you," Jake said.

  "It is nice to meet you, too. Thank you for joining us." Oroc gave a thin smile.

  "Xander tells me that Pure Ones can't stand sunlight and that's why we are doing this at night? So do you have a plan on how we're going to get inside and deal with Dimitri?" Jake asked politely but firmly.

  Oroc nodded. "Xander and I will go in first and disable the guards at the front and back doors. Give us at least ten minutes to see if Dimitri and his supporters will give themselves up. After that you may enter but not in that form." He pointed at Jake's body. "It will be better for you to enter in your animal form. Dimitri will not expect it and will be caught off guard. You will be able to move more quickly that way, as well. Xander and I will deal with Dimitri ourselves. You can contain the others who try to get in our way."

  Xander interjected, "If this becomes a fight you must kill them and remove their heads. They are strong but so are you."

  Jake gave a look of disapproval. "That seems a little harsh. Are you sure we can't just incapacitate them? We need them to talk," he said.

  "I agree that we need them to give us the location of the lab. Killing them will only be a last resort. You need to know that they are immortal and will heal quickly from any wounds you inflict. Decapitation is the only way to ensure they remain dead," Xander said.

  Xander looked at Jake, his face filled with uneasiness. "I think Dimitri has Julie. She wasn't at her apartment and I've been unable to reach her. We need to find her, so no matter what happens, we don't leave here without knowing where she is."

  Jake nodded and put a hand on Xander's shoulder. "Don't worry. Julie is a strong woman. Wherever she is, I am sure she can take care of herself." Jake gave one nod of his head as he spoke.

  Xander nodded silently and turned to Oroc. "Ready?" he asked.

  Oroc and Xander got back in the car and drove into the tiny parking lot of the V.H.C. headquarters.

  The guard folded his arms across his chest as they approached.

  "Lord Oroc." The guard said without smiling.

  Oroc approached the man appearing to lean in to say something. Before the turned-vampire had a chance to move, there was a blur of motion from Oroc. There was a dull thud as the man fell to the ground unconscious. Oroc went around to the other door while Xander waited for him to return moments later.

  "All set," Oroc said without missing a beat.

  Xander followed Oroc up a flight of stairs to a small hallway. He could hear voices coming from down the hall. Oroc turned to Xander and placed a hand on his shoulder.

  Suddenly, Oroc looked shocked. Something was wrong.

  "What is it? Tell me!" Xander insisted.

  Oroc leaned down to Xander's ear, his voice still steady. "They are all dead."

  "Who?" Xander felt a rise of panic within him.

  "The council members who did not want to follow Dimitri. My friend included...I can feel it." Oroc paused and tilted his head slightly. "I think I know where your Julie is."

  Oroc held Xander's shoulder firmly as he spoke. Xander tried to pull away from Oroc's grip but could not. Oroc's large hand was inhumanly strong. Xander's mind raced. He wanted to run to Julie and save her.

  "We can't rush in there without thinking, he could kill her," Oroc whispered.

  'I can't just stand here...' Xander sent his thoughts to Oroc and looked at his mentor with anger burning in his eyes.

  "We must see if they will talk first. But be on guard. I will deal with your father first," Oroc said in a low voice, releasing Xander's shoulder and putting his arms at his sides.

  Xander felt the vampire side of himself threatening to show. The thought of his lover and mate being touched by his father made his blood burn in his veins. His fangs dropped down into view and his body began to vibrate with rage. He stormed down the hall with Oroc at his side.



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