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Blood Wars: Book 4 (The Talisman Series)

Page 9

by Brenda Pandos

Dad gave me one look and rounded the car before I could blink. “Get out, Julia. I’m driving.”

  “I can drive—” I started to say.

  He shook his head. “Come on. Mom’s waiting.”

  After a quick shuffle of seats, I was in the passenger seat, and Dad had pulled us onto Highway 1. Then visions of how awkward it would be to have Slide following me around school tomorrow hit hard. Though the money was tempting, I didn’t want magical blood anymore.

  I sighed and turned to look out the window. Next to us, a dark skinned man with nebulous eyes watched me ominously. I gulped and stared ahead, my breath coming out shallow. I tried to find him in my peripheral vision, curious to why he was staring at me. Then he gunned his car, jetting ahead of us.

  “Drivers these days,” Dad mumbled.

  I laughed at my silliness and let the thankfulness that Dad drove settle into my bones. This was all going to be okay. Then I pulled out my phone as it vibrated a text.

  NK: You must be having a good time.

  I sighed and punched a text back.

  ME: You have no idea. You were right. I’m magical. <

  NK: What? You’re kidding me!!! That’s awesome! 3

  The < from my text and the 3 from his was from our prior life. When Nicholas disappeared without explanation after he’d rescued me, I’d carved a heart into a sliver of wood as a token. As if the universe was laughing at me, the sliver proceeded to crack down the middle. I’d taken it as an omen that Nicholas wouldn’t return, but I was so wrong. After he had, we each shared the half of the heart as a reminder of our commitment. In this life, though, there was no sliver of wood, and I missed it.

  ME: Yeah, we have a lot to talk about.

  NK: Okay. Sleep tight! ;)

  I chuckled at the code word. Sleep tight meant he was going to meet me on my rooftop outside my window. How he would do that, I had no clue. The trellis was in the front yard in perfect view of our nosey neighbor who had my parents on speed dial. Maybe he knew a trick I didn’t and some of his nimble half-vamp abilities lingered. Otherwise, I’d have to sneak outside instead.

  Slide cleared his throat as if he’d read my thoughts and I sobered up. For a brief moment, I’d forgotten about him. If sneaking out before was difficult, Slide made it impossible.

  “So, Donald,” Dad began and my head snapped up at Slide’s official name. “How does this bodyguard thing work, exactly?”

  “What do you mean?” he grunted.

  “Well, I imagine you’ll need breaks and time to sleep.”

  “I’m just starting my shift. I won’t need to sleep.”

  I smirked. Yeah, buddy. Neither do vampires.

  He continued, “I’ll patrol the house and monitor your home. What security system do you have?”

  Dad didn’t answer. He worked his jaw instead.

  Slide cursed under his breath. “Seriously? Well, that’ll be first on the list.” The glow of his cell illuminated the backseat. “I can have someone here first thing in the morning.”

  “Wait just one minute here.”

  “Do you live in a gated community?”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  Slide groaned. “You’re making my job impossible.”

  The car slowed. Dad craned his head around. “I’ll worry about my daughter’s safety. You’re only here because I don’t want to offend Horace.”

  Slide said something under his breath about working with the impossible, and Dad readjusted himself, staring forward. His bushy eyebrows pulled low over the tops of his eyes like two huge sleeper waves. I knew them well, and Slide was in for it if he didn’t watch himself.

  After a quiet drive, we finally pulled up to the house and parked out front. Mom parked the Pilot in the garage and shut the electric door.

  Slide gasped. “This is where you live?”

  Dad flung open my door, ignoring him. “Come on, Julia.”

  He helped me out, then slammed the door behind me.

  “Hey, she’s a grandma. Be nice,” I warned comically.

  Dad didn’t soften. “Let’s get inside.”

  Slide managed to open the door, and shimmy out of the back seat. He eyed the two stories with disdain before closing the door, then pulled out his cell phone again like he was going to tattle on us.

  “This isn’t going to work,” I heard him say to the caller before he moved out of earshot.

  Dad tugged on my arm. “Let’s go.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “I don’t like this guy. He’s definitely not coming in the house, that’s for sure.” Dad unlocked the front door and ushered me inside. Relief flooded through me.

  “Dad?” I asked. He turned and looked at me with compassion in his eyes. “I’ve seen him before.” Please remember, Dad.

  His eyes squinted. “What do you mean? At Erik’s?”

  “No, not work.” I shook my head. “Just somewhere else. It’s like déjà vu and he gives me the creeps.”

  “Hmmm…” Dad locked the bolt on the door. “Well, he’ll be gone by morning after I get through with him.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Mom walked around the corner and dumped her keys in the bowl by the door. “I don’t like this, Russ.”

  Dad nodded. “I know someone on the force. I’ll see what he can do.”

  Within the hour, police arrived and ran Slide off. I didn’t know whether to be relieved or worried once the police cars drove off. I kept Nicholas in the loop with a storm of texts as he waited for me in his car around the corner.

  ME: The coast is finally clear.

  NK: <

  At just before midnight, I snuck outside onto the front porch. Nicholas stood just beyond the ring of light painting the ground. Then he walked forward and encased me in his warm and welcoming arms.

  “I’m in hell,” I said through broken sniffles, and then I peered into his blue eyes. “I wish you were my bodyguard.”

  “I’ll always be your bodyguard.”

  He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. Then the kiss deepened, and I wanted nothing more than to run away with him. To be in this bliss forever. Eventually, after my lips were raw from his stubble, we snuggled together on the hanging swing.

  I curled up on his lap as he ran his fingers through my hair. An insane thought coursed through me.

  “We could, you know. Run away.”

  “What?” Nicholas laughed.

  “No, I’m serious. You should have seen the check Mr. Cruor gave my parents.”

  “Jules, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I’m here and I’ll never let anything happen to you.”

  I bit my lip. “But… don’t take this the wrong way, you’re human.”

  His hand stopped petting my hair. He grasped gently onto my shoulders and lifted me to eye level. “I will never let anything bad happen to you. I promise.”

  Guilt broke free and zapped my system. I looked away. “I know. I’m sorry.”

  He pulled me closer and pressed my body to his. All the fight left me. “We’ll figure this out, okay? Don’t worry. Horace is on our side.”

  I pinched my eyes shut. This is where we disagreed. “Okay,” I lied. “I won’t worry.”

  “Good.” Nicholas held me, and I forced myself to forget my worries while his warmth took me to another world.


  When pulling into the parking lot at school the next day, I half expected Slide to be there waiting to stalk me. Instead, Nicholas leaned against his Charger with his shades on and his brown hair fluttering in the wind. He was so adorable, I couldn’t stand not being next to him, touching him. Once I parked, he sauntered over and opened my door.

  “Hey, gorgeous. Ready?”

  I blinked blearily-eyed and closed my gaping mouth. How could he be so awake after only getting a few hours of sleep? “Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.”

  We’d stayed in each other’s arms until three in the morning. And after he’d left,
I’d thought I’d sleep like the dead, but I couldn’t. Every noise and creak of the house made me jump.

  He took my backpack, and pulled me in for a kiss before we walked hand-in-hand toward school. When everyone regarded me with the same disdain they’d always had, I questioned my assumptions. Had Katie kept the secret after all?

  In the hall, Sam walked up with Phil and gave me a withering look. Everything inside me wanted to hug her neck and tell her I missed her.

  “How’d the volunteer thing go?” she asked.

  I opened my mouth and closed it. I’d promised Phil I wouldn’t go after he found my name in the trash with the other rejects, proof Mr. Cruor hadn’t chosen me honestly. But I couldn’t handle them giving me the cold shoulder again.

  “She didn’t go,” Phil said quickly.

  Nicholas’ eyes swung to his. “Yes she did.”

  I gulped hard as disappointment colored Phil’s features. “I went, sorry, and it was okay.”

  Nicholas’ eyes squinted at me. I didn’t tell him Phil had begged me not to go and that I’d lied to him so he wouldn’t freak.

  Sam’s eyebrow pushed upward. “Really?”

  Phil’s eyes lingered on me a moment longer, making my stomach squeeze. I was the worst friend ever. Then he turned his attention to Sam.

  “Come on, baby.” Phil grabbed her PE bag and tugged on her arm. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Hold on a sec,” Sam said, fishing for something in her locker.

  I sucked in a breath and turned to Nicholas, hoping for consolation. Once Phil and Sam found out I’d donated my blood after I’d fought so hard for us not to, they’d kill me. And the magical part? I had no clue how to tell them about that.

  “What was that about?” Nicholas whispered.

  “Uh… I. It’s stupid, really. Phil found my name in the reject pile for the volunteers—”

  “There she is,” Katie said as she pushed through the crowd, a happy tone to her voice. “Ms. Royalty in the flesh.”

  I whipped my face toward hers and gave her a death look. “That’s enough.”

  She wrinkled her nose and winked. “Where’s… you know who?”

  “Stop it,” I mumbled, hoping no one would hear as everyone gave puzzled looks.

  Her long mascara laden lashes fanned over her cheek as she blinked slowly. “Want to go to Horace’s together after school?”

  My chest heaved. I wasn’t prepared for this. She was supposed to keep quiet about everything. “Uh… I have other things going on.”

  “What could be more important than, you know?”

  Sam studied me in confusion. “What is she talking about?”

  Katie looked left, then right, then leaned in. “Don’t play dumb. You know she’s a match.”

  “Katie!” I said harshly. “Stop.”

  “Oh, puleaze.” She watched me with a smirk. After my glare didn’t budge, she huffed. “Well… how was I to know?”

  Phil blinked at me. “You’re a match? For what?”

  The warning bell rang, and I snatched my gym bag. “It’s nothing.”

  Katie busted up laughing. “As if. This humble thing looks good on you, girlfriend.”

  “Katie.” I grabbed her arm, and pushed her into the lockers. “I swear to heaven and hell, if you don’t close your freaking mouth, I’m going to—”

  Her eyes widened in fear. “Geez, Julia. It’s just a joke.”

  Behind us, whispers grew as a crowd gathered around and gawked. I dropped her arm, and she laughed nervously. “I swear, if I knew you’d freak, I would have never borrowed your hairbrush.”

  “Come on, Jules,” Nicholas whispered close to my ear. “Let’s get to class.”

  My heart sped, making my limbs shake. All I saw was red, and I wanted to once and for all pummel Katie for all she’d done to me.

  Nicholas’ hand wove into mine and he tugged me from the crowd. I almost felt his peace smooth over me as he escorted me to the gym. “Ignore her.”

  “How? She’s telling everyone.”

  Nicholas gave me a look. “I’ll handle it.”

  I studied him, wondering what that meant. His reassurance comforted me. “Okay.”

  Once I changed and headed to the gym, I watched him pull Katie aside and exchange words. After a few moments, they broke apart and took their separate spots in the gym. From that point on, Katie avoided eye contact.

  The rest of PE, Katie kept her distance, and after working off some steam in volleyball, I felt better. Sam, though, kept questioning me with her curious stares, and I wasn’t sure what I’d tell her. Then, the dread that History was next, hit my stomach.

  Nicholas met me at my locker after class. “Feeling better?”

  “Yes,” no.

  He gave me a sympathetic look, like he could read my emotions. “Katie won’t say anything further.”

  I sighed loudly. “How do you know?”

  “I just know.”

  Tempted to ask what he’d threatened her with, I decided to let it go. I leaned into his side. “It’s not just her. I don’t want this to change things. I want to be anonymous like a ghostwriter, or something.”

  Nicholas smiled. “I thought Horace promised you anonymity.”

  “He did, but…”

  “But what? If they don’t know you’re the source, you’ll be fine.”

  “You think?”

  He smiled broadly. “Sure.”

  Relief flooded me. “Alright, then let’s get to class early. I want to double check with Mr. Cruor.”

  By the time we wove down the hall, most of the students were in class. They surrounded Mr. Cruor’s desk and begged to be the next volunteers. Unable to get a quiet moment with him, I broke apart from Nicholas and sulked over to my seat. Katie sat down without so much as a word, which was fine. But Phil and Sam slipped in just as the warning bell rang, and neither looked at me. I’d alienated myself with one stupid secret.

  Once Mr. Cruor commanded the attention of the class, my eyes lifted to find his. He watched me with contempt, but I didn’t care. Slide wasn’t going to be my bodyguard, and he couldn’t force me. The pinkness in Mr. Cruor’s cheeks and the brightness of his eyes caught my attention. Had my blood done that?

  To my surprise, he didn’t mention the volunteers and launched into his lecture. I half expected Phil to poke his pen in my back, but he did nothing. Instead, I could hear him shuffling behind me and Sam remained glued to her phone, punching in texts when Mr. Cruor turned around. Jealousy and curiosity surged through me. What were they talking about?

  Once the ending bell rang, I bolted from my seat, so frustrated with them, that I had to leave or I’d say something I’d regret. Only Nicholas understood. It would be us against the world.

  “Ms. Parker,” Mr. Cruor said as I walked passed. “A word please?”

  The ex-vamp tramps turned in unison and scanned me up and down. I smirked at them when Mr. Cruor asked them to leave. Nicholas hung back.

  “Alone,” Mr. Cruor clarified.

  “I’ll be outside.” Nicholas gestured to the door, the same door Slide leaned against. He was unabashedly eyeballing the ex-vamp tramps’ butts as they walked away.

  “What is he doing here?” I asked.

  “Julia,” Mr. Cruor started.

  “No. I don’t want him anywhere near me. And just so we’re straight, you promised me my anonymity. So if anyone finds out what I can do, I promise you, I’ll sue the pants off of you and your recent treatment will be your last. Are we clear?”

  Mr. Cruor blinked in shock for a moment, then a huge grin appeared on his lips. “I knew you had it in you. Excellent.”


  “Gumption. We’re going to need it.”

  I sucked in a breath. “There’s no we.”

  “Sure there is, and just so you’re clear, Donald is here for me.”

  My lips pressed together at my wrong assumption. “Why do you need a bodyguard?”

  “My brother found the
cure to cancer, didn’t you hear?”

  I sucked in a gasp. “You promised.”

  “I promised your anonymity, not that I wouldn’t announce we had a cure.”

  My shoulders slunk. “That’s what I implied.”

  He walked over and put his arm over my shoulder. “Embrace this, Julia. Not only will you be saving lives, you’ll want for nothing ever again.”

  Nicholas’ voice tickled the back of my mind. Why was I fighting this?

  “I don’t want anything to change,” I said.

  “Well, unfortunately, it has.”


  Leaning against Nicholas’ Charger, I hung up after a quick chat with a local towing company. Nicholas slammed my hood shut. “I think your alternator is shot.”

  “Great.” I shook my head. If it wasn’t bad enough my friends were defecting, my car had to be difficult, too.

  “Once you get it towed, do you want a ride to Horace’s house?” he asked.

  I sighed, unable to tell him that I never wanted to step foot in that man’s house again. “No. I’m supposed to go home.”

  “Maybe it’s time for a new car.”

  Tears pricked the edges of my eyes, and I stomped my foot like a little girl. “No. She’s a good car. I won’t just throw her in a trash heap because I’m… loaded.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. “I’m just saying that, you need a reliable car and now you can get one.”

  The thought of spending Mr. Cruor’s money on a car made me feel like a traitor even more. “I can’t do that.”

  “Jules. Embrace this. It’s a good thing. You’re a hero.”

  I gulped. “And alienate my friends in the process? No, it isn’t.”

  “They’ll come around. They just need time to get over the past.”

  I stared lazily into the distance, thinking that I was the one who needed time. “That’s the thing. If it weren’t Cain and all the ex-vamps that tried to kill us, I might be excited about this. Why don’t they remember?”

  “Maybe they do and they’re wondering the same thing about us.”

  I laughed. “Then that’s worse.”


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