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Isabel, An Independent Bride

Page 6

by Hildie McQueen

  The house remained quiet and finally after a few more minutes, he allowed slumber to have its way.

  Boom. Boom. Boom.

  Boom. Boom. Boom.

  Someone pounded on the front door and Colton practically jumped out of his skin. He grabbed for his gun and hurried to the front door. Pushing the curtain aside he peered out to find Tobias frowning at him.

  Just as he opened the door, Isabel stood at the top of the stairs. “What is it?”

  He looked up at her. In a nightgown and hair askew, she looked as if she’d just been ravaged.

  “Go back to bed, it’s just Tobias coming to wake me. I’m leaving.”

  He opened the door to find Tobias already heading down the steps. “There’s people at the jailhouse. I told them you were asleep. Best hurry before you’re spotted.”

  Colton rushed inside, put on his boots and gun belt, and raced after Tobias. “Thank you.”

  His friend shook his head. “You may as well tell her how you feel.” Tobias chuckled. “You’re done for, my friend.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Colton snapped. “It’s too early for this. I need coffee and bacon before I can even think.”

  They walked between the stables and his house and then up to the jail. Phillip Richards, Charles Walker and Frank, the deputy, looked up as they neared. No one seemed to care that he didn’t walk out the front door of his small house. “There you are.” Frank was the first to speak. “A telegram came early this morning. A wanted man was caught just outside Billings. He confessed to hanging a man here and killing a young boy. Whatever they did made him babble like a baby. Seems our murder is solved, Sheriff.”

  “And?” He eyed the men, knowing by their expressions there was more.

  Charles nodded. “A family came to the mercantile bright and early. Said they ran into a group of ten men headed east. Seems our outlaws are gone.”

  “That’s very good news gentlemen. I assume you’re here to discuss disbanding the patrols and allowing life to return to normal.”

  “Yes, it’s time. The men need to get back to work and getting sleep.” Richards spoke this time. “No need in continuing, although it’s good to know how this town comes together when the need arises.”

  Colton couldn’t help the swell of pride in how the people had banded together to provide safety for everyone. No one had complained or caused any trouble for days.

  “I agree.” He turned to his deputy. “Why don’t you ride out and let the men know. I’ll see about sending another telegram to the authorities in Billings. Need to see if they found out who the dead man was.”

  When he turned to go inside the jailhouse, Richards followed him inside. “Someone said they heard gunshots over by the pastor’s house. Know anything about that?”

  He nodded looking past the man to ensure no one overheard. “Miss Ward was frightened by a moose.”

  “Good to know the girl takes care of herself. I’ll make sure Harriett invites her to stay with us until her father returns.”

  “That is a good idea,” Colton said, wondering why the man continued to study him.

  “You have intentions toward Miss Ward?”

  He was the second person to insinuate something already and the day had barely started. Colton wanted to ignore the man, instead he shook his head. “I’m not the kind to settle down, Phillip. Don’t have much to offer a woman.”

  “You have more than most when the inclination strikes. I’d say you have much to give a woman. Every woman wants a man who’s honorable and respected. You’re the kind of man who can do anything he sets his mind to. Don’t let fear get in the way, Sheriff.” Richards walked away and Colton let out a breath.

  How many people had it in their mind he wanted to marry Isabel? It made little sense since up until yesterday he’d yet to do anything about the attraction between them.

  “How are you today?” Scarlett smiled widely when he entered the clinic later that day.

  He’d come to give the young man the news. That the man who’d planned to kill him had been caught and would probably be hanged within the week.

  Instead he hesitated at noting his friend watched him with a strange expression. It was as if he’d grown a second head and she couldn’t look away. “Why did you kiss Isabel out in the open? The talk is all over town. She’s going to be so embarrassed when she hears about it.”

  “Someone saw us then?”

  Scarlett nodded. “The worst person possible. Emmaline Johnston was walking from home across the street. I’m sure she hid upon seeing you so to watch and give a full account after sunrise prayer this morning.”

  “Nothing like a prayer meeting to get gossip going,” Colton said dryly. “I suppose there were many there?”

  “Not many, just Gemina, Gladys and Fern. Gladys is who just told me a few moments ago. Poor Isabel, you must do something.”

  He blew out a frustrated breath. “It was just a kiss.” He raked his hand through his uncombed hair. “I should speak to Emmaline. Explain.”

  Scarlett was beside him in a flash, both hands circling his lower arm. “No. Don’t do that. It will only make things worse.”

  “You just said she is spreading the gossip. How can it be worse?”

  When Scarlett’s features tightened into a grimace, he waited for her to speak.

  “Whatever you say will only add fire to the fodder. It’s best to wait it out at this point. Hopefully a new instance will take over the talk of the town and stop this rumor about you and Isabel.”

  Frustrated, he couldn’t think of what to say. If Pastor Ward returned to the entire town talking about his daughter, it could potentially have far-reaching results. The pastor would have choice words for him and Isabel. Then there was the possibility the town’s gossips would demand the pastor retire.

  Colton knew what was best. Despite being the worst groom anyone could desire, the best course of action was to propose to Isabel as soon as possible.

  Chapter 7

  It was strange that the sheriff didn’t miraculously appear Isabel considered as she walked toward town. After two days of peace, she was glad to have received the news the outlaws were gone and the man who’d threatened Thomas was behind bars. She’d slept peacefully the night before and there was a spring to her step as she hurried to the mercantile to meet with the ladies. Today they would move forward with plans for the festivities and dole out responsibilities to who would handle what. If all went well, then the festival arrangements would be completed and the event would take place in a couple weeks.

  Thankfully, most of the booths had been saved from the year before and only a few more needed to be built. Even with the setback of the last week, everything would be ready in time.

  Upon seeing that Wilhelmina, Aurora, and Lucille were present along with Scarlett, Gemina, and the Richards women, Isabel called out an overly bright greeting. “It's a wonderful day isn’t it?” She walked to where the women sat around an oblong table on which a pot of tea and tray of cookies had been placed.

  Every set of eyes focused on her and Isabel looked from one to the other. “Is something the matter? Why did you stop talking?”

  “We heard what happened,” Aurora said patting her hand. “Are you alright? Everyone’s talking about it.”

  Isabel shrugged. “I finally found a use for the shotgun. It was loud...”

  “You shot at him?”

  Whatever was the matter with everyone? It wasn’t out of the ordinary to have to shoot at something. She supposed since her father was gone, they assumed she’d been forced to do it. “Well yes, but thank goodness I missed.”

  “Did you shoot at Colton?” A wide-eyed Gemina asked. “No.” She paled and everyone gasped.

  “No I just saw him,” Scarlett clarified. “Isabel, I think we’re speaking of two separate subjects. We’ll get back to you shooting in a moment.” She took a breath. “Emmaline is spreading gossip about you and Colton.” She gave Isabel a pointed look.

p; Isabel huffed and looked up at the ceiling. “I knew it was a bad idea for him to sleep at my house.”

  The collective gasps made her eyes widen.

  “” Scarlett leaned forward as if by studying her closer would clear things up. Or perhaps change what she said. Isabel’s own eyes widened and she covered her mouth. “What were you ladies referring to?”

  Gemina frowned. “That you and the sheriff kissed in plain view.”


  Isabel turned to scan the mercantile. The only customer there was an old man who could barely hear. Yet he gave her a disapproving look.

  “Oh my goodness.” Isabel shot to her feet. “He slept downstairs on the floor, in front of the fireplace. I didn’t see him really until in the morning when Tobias came to fetch him. I suppose Tobias knows where he slept. Not that he walked inside.”

  She stopped babbling because the women watched her with different horrified expressions. “I’m sure once everyone understands exactly what happened, this entire thing will be cleared up,” Isabel finished weakly and slumped back down in her chair. “Father will never trust me again. He loves his trips to California, and now he won’t be able to go without worry.”

  “I’m sure it will be resolved shortly,” Scarlett said with a forced smile. “I spoke with Colton and he is prepared to make amends.”

  Isabel’s chest tightened. “What do you mean by “amends”?”

  “Emmaline is spreading rumors. She saw you and Colton kissing quite passionately,” Fern finally clarified what everyone had been talking about when she’d walked in.

  “He doesn’t have to amend anything. I kissed him first at your house, Scarlett.” Once again Isabel covered her mouth. Whatever was wrong with her that she was sharing every horrible detail?

  Wilhelmina giggled while Aurora and the others tried to hide their amusement. Finally Gemina cleared her throat. “To the subject at hand, I do think the sheriff needs to settle this situation at once.”

  “He is an honorable man,” Gladys said with an approving nod. “Rest assured.”

  Whatever the women continued to say eluded Isabel, who silently berated herself for volunteering information. If they’d consider a kiss scandalous, now they probably thought her a harlot.

  “There is no need for amends. I’m fine. Nothing happened.” Isabel wiped her hands as if the problem was solved and looked around the room. “We should get started. There is much to do before the festival.”

  Wilhelmina shook her head. “Isabel look at me,” she said waiting for Isabel to meet her gaze. “Sheriff Blake is going to ask your father for your hand in marriage.”

  It was hard to swallow the bark of laughter that threatened to erupt. “Sheriff Blake is not the kind of man to get married. Just because trivial gossip is spreading about us doesn’t mean he’ll allow it to control his life.” Although she couldn’t help but picture him lowering to one knee, Isabel pushed away the annoying fantasy that would never come to pass.

  By the somber expressions of her companions, it seemed no one believed her so she insisted. “I’m sure once Father understands that the kiss was sheer impulsiveness, he will forgive it. As far as him staying at my house, I trust that secret will remain here, between us.”

  After a few moments everyone nodded. It was easy to see they didn’t give much credence to what she’d said by the way they kept exchanging looks.

  “For goodness sakes, can we please begin the festival planning?” Isabel pleaded reaching for the teapot. “I am famished. The cookies look delicious.”

  Instead of heading home after the meeting, Isabel decided it was best to face the beast head on. Once she set Colton straight about any nonsense having to do with marriage, she’d go home and make strong tea. She had half a mind to visit Emmaline, but that would be useless as the woman wasn’t exactly spreading lies. If only they could take back the second kiss. If they’d kept it to the one in Scarlett’s house, there would be no witnesses and no gossip.

  Now Colton was in the unfortunate position of having to do the honorable thing. The last thing she wanted was for any man to feel pressured into marrying her. If he were stubborn enough to go through with it, which she knew he was, Isabel planned to tell him she would never marry him. She’d either convince him that she loved another or that she planned to join a convent.

  Just a few steps away from the jailhouse, she stopped still not quite sure who to say she loved. The only men who’d gotten her attention in the last few years were now married. There was Liam O’Connell, the blacksmith, who although quite handsome, was always dirty and sweaty. Besides, Liam was much too burly and she barely understood him through his thick Irish accent.

  Next she considered Nolan who worked at the stables. The stable hand wasn’t unattractive, however, she’d barely spoken to him. As far as she knew he wasn’t married.

  She let out a sigh. Instead of divulging a name, she’d act as if keeping the information to herself. If the subject of a name came up she’d sidestep it.

  Finally with one last deep breath, she pulled the door open and walked inside. The only person in the office was Colton whose eyebrows rose at seeing her. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” The smoothness of his voice made her wonder if perhaps the rumors hadn’t reached him.

  “I came to talk to you about the talk about town spread by that gossip, Emmaline. You don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll speak to my father. I’m sure he’ll be forgiving once I explain it was me who kissed you, not the other way around.”

  He stood from behind the desk, rounded it and sat down on one corner. When he crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a pointed look, she returned it with a flat gaze of her own. “I mean it. There is nothing to worry about.”

  “I kissed you. You responded. And what if the locals demand your father step down as head pastor? What if the rumors keep you from marrying the man you love? What about if news gets out about me spending the night at your house?”

  Isabel considered the old man at the mercantile. Perhaps he wouldn’t say anything, but even if he only told his wife, the secret would be out.

  She groaned and slid both hands down her cheeks. “I think everyone is making this much more complicated than it should be.”

  “Marrying you is not complicated. I marry you, the rumors stop. What is so complicated about it?”

  “That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.” Isabel took a step back, because she was on the verge of throwing herself against his chest and crying. “I don’t wish to marry you, and if we’re to be brutally honest, you’d rather throw yourself into a pit of sharp sticks than to marry me.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not sure. Although you can be quite prickly, I bet those sharp sticks would be much more uncomfortable.”

  When he closed the distance between them and placed his hands on her shoulders, Isabel reinforced herself. If he should press his luck and try to kiss her again, it was something she didn’t want to deal with. She shrugged out of his grasp. “What are you doing?”

  “Proving a point.” He reached for her again.

  Once he pulled her against his chest, he lowered his head and nuzzled into her hair. “Isabel. You’ll marry me won’t you?”

  She pushed away. “Stop acting crazy. Why are you faking how you feel about me? Has this entire town gone mad?”

  Colton sighed, and thankfully kept his distance, shrugged and smiled at her. “No matter what you say or do, I’m going to marry you Isabel Ward. I will be speaking to your father as soon as he arrives. You may as well accept it. I have.”

  “What makes you think my father will give his blessing? I can make up my own mind. My father agrees I will only marry for love. You are only doing this because you’re being honorable.”

  “Who says love is not involved.” For a long moment they stared at each other.

  Isabel was the first one to break the standoff. “Fine, do what you want. I will speak to father first and I’m
sure he’ll see things my way.” She stormed out of the jailhouse and straight across the street to the hotel. There was little a bowl of Sharon Ellis’ chicken and dumplings couldn’t solve.

  “I can’t figure out if you’re mad or glum.” Sharon Ellis looked down at Isabel when she sat down and blew out a breath.

  This woman, like other older ones in town, had taken to mothering Isabel ever since her mother died. Sharon’s kind hazel eyes met hers. “What’s wrong? You’re on your second bowl.”

  Isabel shrugged and let out a sigh. “Have you heard the rumors?”

  “Yes,” Sharon replied with a smile. “It’s not so bad. You and Sheriff Blake will laugh about it one day.”

  Unable to meet the woman’s gaze, Isabel frowned not lifting her eyes from the bowl. “I’m not so sure. He plans to speak to father and ask permission for us to get married. It’s not that serious is it?”

  The empty chair’s leg scraped noisily across the wooden floor and Sharon lowered into it. She placed a hand over Isabel’s and waited for their gazes to meet. “Do you care for him? You must, otherwise you wouldn’t have kissed him back.”

  How did everyone know so much? A heat rose from her neck to her face. That nosey Emmaline must have been watching from the very start.

  “Caring is not enough to marry someone,” Isabel protested, her words sounding hollow even to her own ears.

  Sharon’s soft smile told that she didn’t believe for one instant that Isabel only cared for the sheriff. There was much more, the entire town probably thought it since she’d proclaimed having feelings for Colton long before she understood fully what love meant.

  “Darling, give him a chance. I know you’ve been sweet on him since you were too young for him to notice you. Sheriff Blake did consider you a girl, but I’m sure over the last year or so he’s gotten used to the idea that you’ve grown up. I am willing to bet he more than cares for you as well.”

  Finally Isabel couldn’t keep up the brave façade. “I’m scared Mrs. Sharon. What if he doesn’t love me and plans to marry me out of duty. We both know how honorable a man he is.” She gulped in air before continuing. “There’s also the friendship with my father. It could be he fears losing it.”


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