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Princess Next Door

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t know.” He saw her in his future. Everything he imagined always had Princess with him. She belonged to him in a way that he couldn’t even fathom.

  Strumming his fingers across the strings of his guitar, he tuned it up, and then began to play. It was a slow song, not something rock and roll.

  When he began singing about a woman who’d opened the door, she’d rocked his world, and turned him upside down. It was a song he’d written the day after he first met her. He sang about her fire, her passion, and also how she was trapped within herself, begging to get out, calling to him to be the one to unlock her.

  Glancing over at her, he saw the tears in her eyes, and he didn’t stop playing. He spilled all of his love and happiness into the song, every single emotion that she inspired within him, and he did it without guilt.

  He didn’t care if she didn’t feel the same, but the truth was, he’d fallen for her faster than anything he could ever recall.

  When he brought the song to a close, she leaned in close and placing a hand on his knee, she sank her fingers into his hair and claimed his lips.

  Cupping her face, he didn’t let her go, feeling his dick begin to ache as her kiss awakened his arousal. Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he loved her moans, and knew he wanted to hear them for the rest of his life.

  “I lied,” she said.

  “What about?”

  “In five years I know where I’ll see myself.”


  “I see myself sitting here again, listening to you play.”

  Chapter Eight

  Zane put the guitar down, and Wynter crawled into his lap. He moved back a little so that he rested against a large stone. Straddling his waist, she kissed from his lips down to his chest. It was still really hot outside, so she tugged off his shirt.

  “You’re only going to take advantage of me.”

  “You’ll love it,” she said, chuckling.

  He didn’t stop her as she trailed her mouth down his chest, stroking her fingers across his many tattoos, and then down to cup his rock-hard dick.

  She moved off his lap and released his cock. Wrapping her fingers around the length, she saw in the moonlight that the tip had copious amounts of pre-cum. Licking her lips, she flicked her tongue across it, swallowing him down.

  He groaned, and his fingers sank into her hair, wrapping the blonde locks around his fingers. She loved his touch in her hair, and she covered the whole head of his cock with her mouth, sinking it down and swallowing him up. When he hit the back of her throat, she pulled off his cock, swirling the head, and then taking him down again.

  She hummed as she sucked him. Bobbing her head, she loved the feel of his hand on her head, guiding her, getting her to increase her speed, showing her with his actions exactly what he liked.

  He tasted so good, and she didn’t want to stop. Licking the length of his cock, she glanced up at him and saw his gaze on her.

  Wynter didn’t want to think of what his friends had said, or the doubt they’d placed. She didn’t know what the future held. Her parents had always been part of her life, but in the past few weeks, she’d not missed them, or their meddling. Seeing Carey, she hadn’t been struck by guilt at not seeking them out.

  Having her own place, being her own person, she was free, and that meant way more to her than anything else.

  She was exactly where she wanted to be, and Zane, he was something special to her. He made her laugh when she didn’t think it was possible. Her days were far more exciting with him than without.

  The song he’d just played had been about her. There was no way he or she could deny it. That song was about how they first met, and what it meant to each of them.

  Sucking his cock into her mouth, she felt that slight change in his moan and the jerk of his hips, letting her know he was close.

  She didn’t stop. Taking him deeper, she moaned as more and more of his pre-cum leaked into her mouth.

  “Shit, fuck, babe, you’re going to have to stop.”

  This was about him, and she didn’t stop. Sinking onto his cock, she sucked hard, and he came, spilling all of his cum into her mouth, and she swallowed it down, moaning as she did.

  When she licked his cock clean, Zane flipped her onto her back, and began to tug on her jeans.

  She laughed. “What are you doing?”

  “You really think you’re going to get away with that? I want a taste of your pussy, and then I’m going to give you one of your wishes.”

  He had her jeans off along with her panties within seconds. She cried out as his tongue latched onto her clit, and he sucked hard. His fingers circled her pussy as he slid them inside, teasing her.

  “You’re so wet. Did you enjoy sucking my cock?” he asked.

  “Yes!” She arched up, wanting his tongue back on her pussy, but he wouldn’t do it. He teased her, making her wait, and she whimpered, desperate for more of what only he could give her.

  He thrust two fingers inside her, and she cried out, the pleasure intense as he curled his fingers around and began to stroke over that special spot that had her burning for more. The fire within her was so intense that she couldn’t think straight.

  “Please, please,” she said.

  “You want to come?”

  “Yes.” She felt that was the only word that she screamed at him, and he chuckled, nibbling on her clit, setting her alight even more.

  He licked her nub, stroking his tongue back and forth, making it harder for her to focus, to think, and she didn’t want anything else but his touch.

  She stared up at the sky as he brought her to orgasm, fucking her with his fingers at the same time, and she was on fire.

  She cried his name as she came, her mind flooding with pleasure and need, and everything in between. She couldn’t stop, and knew in that moment there was no way she could ever let go of Zane. He was inside her, in her heart and her mind, and there was no way she could ever give him up.

  He brought her down from her peak, and she watched him tear into a condom, rolling it down his already stiff cock. When he moved between her thighs, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she actually loved this man.

  The man with the tattoos all over his arms and down his chest. The man who loved rock music that she couldn’t stand. Who worked in a bar, and had the cheekiest smile on his face, who’d never look right in a country club, or even in a tux.

  She loved him, and she didn’t care what anyone thought, because he was hers, and she belonged to him.

  No one, not his friends or her parents, could ever take that away from her.

  He slowly slid inside her. She felt every single inch and gasped as he filled her, seeming to touch her in places that took her to the stars and back.

  Zane took hold of her hands, pressing them either side of her head, and staring into her eyes as he began to make love to her.

  She felt … everything.

  The passion within him that he kept at bay as they made love.

  The love in his eyes as he stared down at her. She felt everything, and she didn’t want him to stop or to let go.

  Once again, he took possession of her lips, and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was addicted to Zane, her sexy neighbor, the man that at times drove her crazy.

  Thrusting up to meet his cock, she took him deep, hoping that he at least felt something for her.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world to me, baby. I don’t give a shit what anyone else says. You and I both know that the moment I claimed your virginity you became mine.”

  She didn’t confirm it, nor did she deny it.

  After having an overload of emotion, she couldn’t focus on anything other than the pleasure he inspired.

  He brought her to another orgasm and kept her poised at the peak, desperate and begging for more. He didn’t give in, and only when he was ready for her to release did he come, and they came together, crying out each other’s name. His cum was inside the condom,
but he filled her deeply as he thrust.

  She felt each wave and every pulse of his cock as they came.

  When it was over, they lay on the blanket, and she stared at him, tracing her finger up and down his arm.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “I don’t want to leave this moment.”

  “You don’t have to. We can stay here forever.”

  “You promise?”

  “Haven’t you realized yet that whatever you wish for, I’m going to make sure comes true?”

  “Are you my guardian angel?” she asked, teasing him.

  “Nah, I’m a man who wants to give you the world.”

  She didn’t deserve him.

  He was so good to her.

  “I want to give you everything you desire as well.”

  He took her chin and kissed her lips. “You already do just by being you.”

  They stayed curled around each other on the blanket. As the night wore on, a chill began to fill the air, and it wasn’t long before they had to move on.

  “I’m not going to have you getting sick on me right now. Come on, I saw a hotel just a few miles back.”

  Getting dressed, Wynter knew they’d come to a turning point in their relationship. They’d known each other a matter of weeks, and still thinking about how short a time they’d known each other, she was in shock. She’d never felt this way about anyone, and she couldn’t deny it either.

  Whatever happened, she’d given her heart to Zane, and there was no way she saw of her ever getting it back, nor did she want to.


  “What are you wanting, Princess?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. There’s so many to choose from.”

  Zane watched as she scanned all of the walls of the tattoo parlor he’d taken her to. The guy, Ray, was an expert, and had done most of the work on him, which was why he’d brought his woman in. He trusted the guy to do a good job, to not hurt her, and to not fuck it up.

  “Where did you find her?” Ray asked.

  He’d been standing by Zane as Princess stared at the walls.

  “She’s my neighbor.”

  “It must be special for you to bring her here. I don’t recall ever meeting one of your bitches before.”

  “She’s not a bitch. She’s my woman.”

  Ray held his hand up. “Okay, fine. You’re protective of this one, I get it.”

  She stood on her tiptoes looking at the highest rose across one wall. The flower was blue, and he didn’t ever recall seeing a blue rose before. It looked beautiful as the main rose was blue with red flowers coming out of the stem.

  “I like this one,” she said.

  “I’ve not had any woman or man ask for that one.” Ray moved toward his books and opened one up, showcasing the design so that she could get a good look at it.

  Another customer came in, and Zane stood beside Princess as she stared at the strange design.

  “You like it?”

  “I know it’s weird, but I don’t know. It just … it’s really striking, don’t you think?”

  He stared down at the book, and saw the intricate design of each flower.

  “It’s beautiful.” He didn’t lie either. The flower didn’t have any real design on an actual rose, but it stood out, the colors, sharp, vibrant.

  “You sure you want to do this?”

  “I’m totally not sure. I’ll probably cry like a baby, but we only live once, right? I want to do this. It could be a whole lot of fun.”

  Resting his arm across her shoulders, he kissed her temple and waited as Ray finished dealing with another man before coming back toward them.

  “You’re sure this is the one you want?” Ray asked.

  “Positive.” She held the book out and gave him a big smile.

  “Where would you like it?” he asked.

  She turned to the side and lifted up her shirt. “Could you do it trailing from my hip up to underneath my breast?”

  “Are you sure about that?” Zane asked. “It’s pretty big for your first time.”

  She smiled at him. “I may never do this again. Go big or go home, right?”


  Zane didn’t like it as Ray stepped forward and looked at her side, his fingers pressing against her skin. Ray wasn’t doing anything untoward, but it pissed him off that another man had his fingers on her skin.

  “I don’t see a problem with this. Do you want to get started?”

  “What do you think, Zane? Do you think it will look good?” She held the design of the book against her, and he thought she looked so cute.

  “It’s going to look epic. No backing out though. Now is your last chance.”

  “Why do you keep thinking I’m going to chicken out? I want a tattoo.”

  Following Ray into the room, Princess was adamant that he join her.

  She got comfortable on the chair, moving so that she was on her side, and she held his hand as Ray prepared the area.

  “It feels so weird being here,” she said.


  “I never thought I’d get a tattoo. The rebel inside me is totally winning. Do I look hot right now?” she asked.

  He chuckled and kissed her lips.

  “No sexy time in my office. I have to keep everything clean.”

  “Sorry, Ray,” she said.

  “I’ll be good and keep my hands all to myself.”

  He took her hand, which she squeezed a little tighter when Ray began to work. Throughout the work, she’d close her eyes, and he watched her as the ink marked her skin. Neither of them spoke, leaving Ray to work without any interruptions.

  Staring at her hand, he kept their fingers locked together. Her fingers were much smaller and paler than his. In his mind, he saw their hands getting older, and still, he kept on holding them, keeping her against him, binding her to him for the rest of his life.

  He’d never really known what love was.

  His family had disowned him, and the women over the years just wanted to screw him. Nothing and no one besides his friends had stood out to him.

  Princess was the only exception to that.

  They were the complete opposites, and yet, they matched somehow. She was his fire, his passion, his inspiration. He knew he gave her strength, and helped her to live her life rather than just existing.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “You seemed to disappear on me there.”

  He waved a hand. “Just thinking about a song.”

  “You need to call your friends.”

  “I will.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. You can call them. Please, Zane. You know you want to.”

  Ray nodded at him, and he left the room, heading outside. Pulling out his cell phone he saw several missed calls from the guys.

  He dialed Silas’s number, waiting for his friend to answer.

  Zane didn’t have to wait long.

  “Man, we’ve been trying to call you all night.”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry. I … I was with Princess, and we decided to get away for a few days.”

  “We’re worried about you. We’ve never seen you this devoted to one woman, and it’s you we’re thinking about. We don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “I get it.” He turned so that he stared at the wall. “You’re right. I do love her. She means more to me than anything else I can remember.” Just saying the words gave him a sense of peace. “I shouldn’t have attacked you like that though, Silas. I shouldn’t have attacked you at all. I know you guys are worried, and you’re going to have my back, but I can’t give her up. I won’t.”


  “She may not want me forever, and that’s fine. I know she’ll be my girl forever. Stepping out when we had to play was wrong. I’ll handle everything so that we play this Friday, okay? We’ll meet up in a few days.”

  “You don’t want us to come out to you?”

  “No.” He
wanted a couple of days with just him and Princess.

  Saying his goodbyes, he called his boss next, and lied about not being able to do the show. He arranged everything so that on Friday the guys would be playing again. When he got back inside, a great deal of her ink was completed.

  She smiled at him, holding her hand out, which he took. “Did you resolve everything?”

  “As much as I could over the phone.” She didn’t ask him anything more, and within an hour, Ray was done. He covered the ink and gave her some ointment, along with a list of instructions on what to do over the next few days.

  He paid for her tattoo and they left the parlor, heading toward the hotel room that they’d booked. They stopped for some food before heading inside. Sitting on the floor, he opened up several boxes of takeout food, mostly burgers and fries.

  “I’m not going to go back to my family,” she said, making him look at her.


  “I know your friends are worried, and they think I’m going through this little rebellion that will lead me back home, but it’s not like that. I’m not sad or angry with them for being worried and carrying about you. I care about you, Zane. I’ve always been a little different from my parents, which is why my grandparents set me up in their will and allowed me to live my own life. They saw something different inside me. I’m not going to go back to them.”

  “They’re your family, Princess.”

  “So? I like to think that family can be the ones we choose to have, not the ones we’re forced to have.” She took his hand. “I love spending time with you, being with you. Nothing is ever going to change that.”

  “Even my awful taste in music?”

  “I’m not sure about that yet. That seems a little touch and go for me.” She laughed. “Don’t be angry at your friends for caring, Zane. They’re your friends, and you always need them in your life.”

  He gripped the back of her neck and pressed his lips to hers. “I won’t. I promise. We’re going to play on Friday night. Do you want to come and watch?”

  “Yeah, totally. I’ll be in the front, jumping up and down.”

  They finished their food and he brushed his hands off, standing up. “Now, show me that tattoo. I want to make sure it totally looks awesome.”


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