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Her Forbidden Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 12)

Page 21

by Carpenter, Maggie

  “I’d like to thank you, Scott,” Marianne said soberly, “for being so magnanimous, and for making my girl so very happy.”

  It was at that moment, Angel, who had been sitting on the couch next to Marianne, suddenly decided that Scott was her new best friend, and leaping on to the floor, she raced across to him and jumped up on his lap, almost knocking the drink out of his hand.

  “Looks like she agrees,” Marianne laughed.

  “We need a dog,” Cathy declared. “One just like Angel.”

  “Fine by me, but if we’re gettin’ a dog, it’s gotta be a Queensland Heeler, or an Aussie, or-“

  “A poodle!” Cathy exclaimed.

  “I think we should head into dinner,” David grinned, rising to his feet. “I can see this conversation is headed down a dark and murky road.”

  “With high winds,” Marianne joked.

  As they started into the dining room, David held Marianne back and whispered in her ear.

  “I told you everything would work itself out.”

  “It has, and I have something in mind to seal it.”

  “Uh-oh, I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

  “Then I’m not going to tell you,” she quipped.

  “I’ll ask again later, and if you don’t tell me, I’ll count to three,” he warned.

  “Oh, good grief, I might just let you. I have no idea what would happen, and it’s about time I did.”

  “Do so at your peril,” he said, giving her a look that made her toes curl.

  “Come on you two,” Cathy said over her shoulder. “What are you plotting now?”

  “I don’t know, your mother won’t tell me!”

  “Talk about a conversation headin’ down a dark and murky road,” Scott chuckled. “I think you’re better off not knowin’.”

  The dinner was a great success, and as Scott was driving them back to his home, he reached across and took her hand.


  “So happy,” she sighed. “It’s been a rough couple of weeks, but it’s sort of like, getting through that storm. We’ve come out the other side.”

  “Yep, I guess it is kinda like that,” he nodded. “Sounds like your mom is cookin’ up another surprise though.”

  “She always has something up her sleeve.”

  “She’s not the only one,” he said, lowering his voice.

  Cathy felt the familiar flipping in her stomach, and stared across at him, trying to read his expression.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I hope you have a garter belt and stockin’s amongst all that stuff you have in the bottom drawer of my dresser.”


  “Cos when we get back, that’s what I want you wearin’.”

  “I haven’t dressed up for you since you got out of the hospital. I guess you’re feeling better.”

  “You betcha, and I’ve got somethin’ special waitin’.”

  “Should I be worried?” she giggled.

  “Oh, yeah, sugar, you should be very worried.”


  “When we get home, you’re gonna go change, then come back downstairs to the guest room at the end of the hall, but don’t keep me waitin’ too long.”

  “You’ve got a really wicked glint in your eye.”

  “I reckon I do, and for good reason.”

  For the remainder of the drive, Cathy’s butterflies were dancing in overdrive, and by the time Scott pulled up outside the front door, a warm wetness had flooded her sex.

  “You ready?” he asked, reaching his hand behind her head and gripping her hair.

  “Ooh, Scott, I love it when you do that.”

  “You’d best answer me,” he said, his voice low and his fingers tightening. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, “yes, I am.”

  “After you walk through that door, it’s yes, Sir, and remember what I said, don’t be keepin’ me waitin’.”

  “I’ve missed this,” she whispered, “I’m so glad you’re back.”

  He answered her with a grin, then releasing her, he climbed from the car and walked swiftly around to open her door.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Firmly gripping her hand, he led her into the house, and as she started for the stairs, he landed a hard swat in the center of her backside.

  “OW! What was that for?”

  “That, sugar, was a promise. Now git!”

  Squealing, Cathy trotted up the stairs, her heart racing and a wide smile on her lips.

  It didn’t take her long to strip off her clothes, and don the black garter belt and stockings she’d tucked away in the corner of the drawer he’d cleared for her. He’d made a comment over dinner one night, and knowing Scott wasn’t one to make idle requests, she’d bought them the very next day. As she started down the stairs, she took a long deep breath and tried to settle her nerves. Why had he asked to her meet him in the guest bedroom? What was he up to? Tingling with excitement, she turned down the hall, stood in front of the door, then pushed it open.

  Stepping inside, she found herself bathed in a soft golden glow, the light coming from overhead, recessed, low wattage bulbs, and in the center of the room was a bizarre piece of furniture. She knew immediately it was, the chair, but it was unlike anything she’d ever seen, and completely captivated, she moved slowly forward to take a closer look.

  Scott was in the bathroom watching her through a crack in the door. She looked stunning, her long legs encased in the black stockings, her bottom beautifully framed in the garter belt, and her long hair falling around her shoulders. She was approaching the chair almost reverently, and when she straddled the bench, then leaned forward to grip the pole that ran across the front, he caught his breath. It was exactly how he would have positioned her had been standing there. He was wearing only a robe, and his cock surged to life. Wrapping his fingers around himself, he rubbed for a moment before entering the room to join her.

  She had sensed his eyes on her, but had felt no need to search out his hiding place, and as she’d placed her knees on the ledges that sat either side of the bench seat, then leaned forward to grip the bar half-way between the bench and the floor, she knew she was performing for him. When he stepped into the room, she didn’t look up, thinking she should keep her eyes lowered.

  “Very good,” he purred. “I’m pleased with you.”

  His hand was roaming over her bottom, and she closed her eyes, relishing the feel of his palm, knowing his slaps would soon deliver a delicious sting. The thought had barely formed when the first one landed, and biting her lower lip she waited for the second, then the third, and the fourth. The slow, hard spanking continued, her fingers gripped the pole, and when he finally stopped she was gasping, her skin was stinging, and she knew her pussy was drenched.

  Fingering the satin blindfold in his pocket, he stared down at her reddened cheeks. It was a glorious sight, and her glistening sex, peering out from behind her thighs, was calling to him.

  “I’m gonna fuck you so hard,” he muttered, touching his fingers to her dripping slit.

  She moaned and wriggled her response, and moments later, when she felt the blindfold slip across her eyes, she sucked in the air. Shackles were suddenly around her wrists, and when she tried to pull up her hand, she found she couldn’t. When the leather straps closed over her ankles, she realized she was completely helpless and totally at his mercy.

  Standing back and gazing at his bound beauty, he dropped his robe and began to massage his hungry cock. While they’d had soft, warm sex a few times since his accident, his itch had not been scratched. To finally have her bound and blindfolded, her pussy open and his for the taking, to view her backside once again red from his hand, was sending the blood rushing through his body.

  Cathy had never been blindfolded, and it was a strange sensation. She found herself listening, trying to figure out where he was and what he was doing. When she sensed him approach
ing, she held her breath, the anticipation almost overwhelming her.

  “There are all kinds of ways I can tie you on this chair,” he murmured, trailing his fingers down her spine, “and I’m gonna explore every one of them. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, sugar?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s my good girl, my good little kitten,” he crooned, “and because you’re so good, and because this is your first time on a chair, I’m gonna tell you what I’m gonna do. Don’t expect me to do that in the future though. I might, if I feel like it, but most often I won’t, you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’m gonna lube you up real good, and put a little plug in your backside, then I’m gonna fuck you and tease your clit until you’re beggin’, but I might stop a few times and spank you.”


  “You wanna ask me somethin’?”


  “Go on.”

  “I’ve never, uh, had a plug.”

  “I know, sugar,” he grinned, “and you’re gonna learn to love it.”

  Crouching down, he softly kissed her and stroked her hair, then moving across the room, he opened a drawer and picked up the small plug and plastic bottle of lube.

  Cathy could hear him. She knew exactly what he was doing, and while she was filled with trepidation, she couldn’t deny the intense erotic excitement pulsing through her body. She knew the position had her spread and ready for what was to come, and when he applied the lube, and began to push the plug home, she felt no desire to reject it.

  “Oh, sugar, you are so good,” he said softly. “You’re gonna get rewarded for that.”

  His cock was suddenly thrusting inside her, one hand was holding her hip, the other was against her clit, and as he began to stroke, she sank into the joy of it all. The depth of her exposure, the feel of her binds, the sting in her backside, the fullness inside her, and his cock pumping her pussy, all joined together in perfect harmony, and she let out a wail of bliss.

  Scott paused, not to tease her, but to feast upon what he was seeing, and buried inside her, he thought the vision alone could make him explode. He could feel her walls gently pulsing against his cock, and unable to stand it a minute longer he resumed his thrusting, knowing he wasn’t going to stop until they’d both fallen over the edge.

  Cathy sensed it, she knew he would be riding her to her release, and as she felt her orgasm build, she gripped the pole.

  “That’s it,” he panted, thrusting with gusto, “you’re gonna come with me, you’re gonna come real hard.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered, “yes, I am.”

  “You ready?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Let me hear it.”

  A high-pitched series of howls lifted in the air, and erupting inside her, he clutched her bottom cheeks, holding the soft flesh between his fingers until he was completely spent. Her cries had stopped, but he could hear her gasping, and carefully removing the plug, he swiftly released her from the cuffs and straps, and pulled off her blindfold.

  “Scott,” she whispered, “I need you to hold me.”

  “I know, baby.”

  Helping her from the bench, he helped her across the room to the love seat against the wall, and cradled her in his lap.

  “This room needs a bed,” she panted.

  “Won’t fit, I measured.”

  “Then let’s knock out that wall and make room.”

  “Ssh, you just catch your breath. We can talk about remodelin’ later.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  In the Coleman house, Marianne was also gasping, but it was due to the hot hand landing on her naked backside. With bated breath, she’d decided to see what would happen if her husband counted all the way to three. He hadn’t been sure either, but it had come to him in a flash, and as he watched her bottom turn bright pink, and listened to her promises to behave, he knew it wouldn’t be the last time she’d find herself over his lap. He just wished he’d thought of it sooner.


  It was late morning the following day, and Cathy was just about to leave when she heard a truck coming up the drive.

  “Scott, I think you’re have a delivery.”

  “I’m not expectin’ one,” he remarked, walking in from the kitchen and heading for the front door.

  Moving quickly to join him, she watched the driver walk around his truck, open the back, and lower the panel.

  “Must be a big box,” she mumbled.

  “Must be,” Scott agreed, walking outside.

  “Scott Sampson?” the driver asked, walking up to him with a tracking pad.

  “Yep, that’s me.”

  “Sign here, please.”

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s big and it’s heavy,” the driver replied. “Be right back.”

  “I just had a thought,” Cathy said as she watched the delivery man lower the box to the ground and put it on a dolly.

  “What’s that?”

  “My mother. Remember last night, she made some comment about plotting something?”

  “Lord, I bet you’re right.”

  The huge box was deposited on the porch, and as the delivery truck disappeared down the driveway, Scott ripped open the tape, pulled back the flaps, and let out a low whistle.

  “Holy crap,” Cathy exclaimed, staring inside.

  “Can you hold the box while I pull it out,” Scott asked. “It’s the only way this is gonna happen.”


  Pulling away all the packing, Scott reached inside and lifted out a handmade, silver laden saddle.

  “Damn, it’s a beauty!”

  “Look, a card,” Cathy declared.

  “Open it,” Scott said, placing the saddle on the porch railing.

  Tearing the flap off the envelope, Cathy pulled out the card. It showed a cowboy riding into the sunset, and opening it up she began to read out loud.

  “Dear Scott,

  I know this can’t come close to making amends for what I did, for the hurt I caused, and for my inexcusable rush to judgment, but I do hope it will show you how truly delighted I am that my daughter has found such a wonderful man with whom to spend her time. I know she is in the best of hands. My door is always open to you, and I am greatly looking forward to getting to know you.

  Warmest regards and many hours of happy trails,


  “Amazin’,” Scott muttered, running his fingers over the intricately carved leather. “What should I do about this?”

  “Write her a thank-you note? Honestly, I have no idea, but you’d better not refuse it. She’ll have your head.”

  “We sure have come a long way,” he smiled, stepping back and hugging her against him.

  “We sure have. You’ve gone from being my forbidden cowboy, to my adored cowboy.”

  “I’ll take it!”

  On an isolated beach near Tuscany, Renaldo Cavalleri had pulled off his designer leather loafers, and was walking barefoot across the warm sand towards a woman wearing a one-piece bathing costume and dark sunglasses. She was stretched out on a beach towel, and when he approached and stood over her, though he was blocking the sun, she didn’t move. Realizing she was taking a nap, he sat down next to her and gazed out at the ocean. He had all the time in the world. He had quickly learned she had married and divorced, but it had taken days to track her down, and he wasn’t going anywhere. Many years before he had been a foolish young man, and with the false pride of youth, he’d thrown his hands in the air and walked away. Now he was back to claim the woman he’d wronged, and the only woman he’d ever loved.

  T H E E N D


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