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Page 9

by Glenna Sinclair

  “I feel it,” I said.

  “Then let’s not pretend we can have a deep conversation and bare our souls to one another without it leading somewhere.”

  “I’m not pretending,” I countered. “I think this should lead somewhere.”

  Now it was my turn to be honest. Katie’s head darted up. “I already told you I was risking my career for you. Do you know how close I came to getting fired just now?”

  “Because of what’s going on with Jessica. That has nothing to do with me.”

  “It has everything to do with you,” she shot back. “I can’t get you out of my head. I had to do something to block you out! Throwing myself headfirst into Jessica’s case was the only way I could do it. And even that didn’t work!”

  She was shaking her head, looking increasingly distressed. It hurt to think that something that felt so right could cause her so much anguish. To hear her say those words to me, that she was thinking of me as much as I was of her, and yet seeing her fight those feelings so passionately, was making my mind spin.

  “You don’t seriously think that I haven’t spent every second since I left this place thinking of your touch on my skin…” Katie added. “Wanting to feel it again. Yearning for it.”

  Heat raced up my neck. I could feel sweat collecting on my back. I could spend all day listening to her talk about her feelings for me. If she were attempting to put me off her, she was failing miserably. Just listening to her was making me aroused.

  I willed her to keep talking, to keep telling me how strong my power over her was. Listening to her voice was like an aphrodisiac.

  “I can’t get close to you, Harrison,” she said with finality. “I don’t trust myself around you. I don’t even recognize myself when I’m with you.”

  I could feel my heart racing in my chest. She’d confirmed to me that she felt the same intense attraction for me that I felt for her. I had to tread carefully so as not to scare her off.

  “Do you mean you don’t recognize the sexual side of you?” I said, thinking back to my therapy sessions, encouraging her to divulge more. “Because you can’t see yourself as a stunning, accomplished woman deserving of sex?”

  Katie looked away and shook her head a little as though dismissing my words.

  “Maybe,” I added gently, “you’re anxious about unlocking that part of you, knowing that once you start you’ll never be able to stop....”

  Her eyes were fixed on her notes in front of her. She sighed. “You’re going to think I’m crazy.”

  “Try me.”

  Her gaze flicked up. “It’s just that whenever I give in to my desires, bad things happen.”

  “Like what?” I pressed, grateful that she was opening up to me and hadn’t shut me out entirely.

  “Well, the night Jessica was raped was the first night I’d been intimate with anyone for over a year.” A blush crept up her neck. “Then you and me…well, you were there when I got the call saying she was in the hospital.”

  This was good. If I could get her mind back to earlier that day, to the love we’d been so close to making, maybe she’d give in and let herself experience the pleasure she deserved.

  “Have you considered the fact that those two things might just be pure coincidence?” I asked. “You know Shantelle was the first woman I slept with after Catherine, don’t you? Now she’s dead and I’m accused of murdering her.”

  “Maybe we’re both cursed,” Katie said with a wry smile. But there was a haunted look in her eyes.

  I reached forward and touched her hand. “Or maybe bad things just happen sometimes in life and there’s no rhyme or reason. Maybe we should take whatever pleasure we can when it’s offered to us.”

  Katie’s big blue eyes rose to meet my gaze. I could tell she was warring with her emotions, with the part of her that was telling her to let herself be with me and the part of her that was saying she had to put up a wall. There was no war inside of me, on the other hand. I wanted her, pure and simple. I wanted her on the desk. I wanted to be inside of her. I wanted to taste her, to touch every millimeter of her flesh. And that desire made me feel alive, fully alive, for the first time since Catherine had died.

  Finally, Katie pulled her hand out from under mine. The sensible part of her had won out. Or maybe my intensity was scaring her.

  “You only want me because you’re worried this is the last chance you’ll get,” she said.

  I raised an eyebrow. “That’s so far from the truth, Katie.”

  Her pupils had dilated. I realized then that she wanted me to convince her. She wanted me to tell her all the thoughts that were going on in my mind about her.

  “I want you like I haven’t wanted a woman since Catherine,” I said. “Your mind, your body, your soul, everything about you turns me on. I want you because of the lengths you went to in order to get me here, because I know you want exactly the same thing I do, Katie. Why don’t you let me give it to you?”

  My eyes fell to her plump lips as she licked them. I was getting to her, wearing down her defenses. Mine were as good as eroded by our encounter earlier. All I wanted now was Katie. All of her. I wanted to plunge myself inside of her warm, inviting body and make her cry with pleasure.

  “I…” Katie stammered. “I don’t know. Something’s holding me back.”

  “Yes,” I said. “Yourself.”

  I stood, pushing the office chair back, and walked around the conference table towards her. When I reached her chair, I swiveled it so she was facing me. My erection was clear to see, straining against my pants. I could see her heart fluttering beneath her sexy crimson dress. She was trembling, and her breath came in little puffs.

  I dropped down so that my face was level with her crotch. I put an index finger on both of her knees and gently guided her legs apart.

  She gasped and began panting.

  “Let me give you the pleasure you deserve, Katie,” I whispered.

  I ran my hands down the length of her legs, along the sheer fabric of her pantyhose. She tipped her head back, exposing the ridges of her throat. From this angle, I could see the mounds of her breasts and wanted nothing more than to unleash them. But gently, slowly. I had to coax her from the shell she’d put around herself.

  I tiptoed my fingers up her legs again, tracing them along the curve of her calf muscle, then slowly up her inner thigh. She cried out and grasped my hand, stopping me from going any further.

  I looked up to find her staring down at me.

  “Harrison,” she said, and hearing my name was enough to make the blood flow to my cock. “I want you so much it scares me.”

  She let go of my hand. I took it as a sign to proceed. I stroked up her inner thigh as I had done before, all the way up to her crotch. She gasped as my palm skimmed her vagina. I kept going, up under the skirt part of her dress, until I reached the waist of her pantyhose. I began to gently tug them down.

  Katie wriggled in her seat so that I could slide them seamlessly off her. The only thing between me and her cunt now was her panties. I fought the urge to rip them off, knowing that taking it slow would give her the maximum pleasure.

  I lightly pressed my fingertips against the fabric. Katie squeezed her legs together, overpowered by the sensation. I guided her legs apart again, coaxing her, gently, to let go of all her inhibitions.

  She relaxed into the motion of my fingers stroking the silky fabric, playing with her clit beneath. Then I ran them along her thigh, where the elastic met the skin, and finally slid them beneath the fabric.

  She rewarded me with a moaning noise.

  Inside her panties, she was warm and moist. My fingers roved over the flesh slowly, inching towards her clit. Her legs were widening involuntarily now, inviting me in. Finally, I reached my destination, pressing my thumb into her hot clitoris. She cried out.


  I glanced up. Her head was tipped up again. She was gripping the armrests of the chair. I could see the flesh on her chest was red. I was makin
g her hot.

  I began massaging her clitoris, and reveled in the sensation of her wetness. She was so hot for me, so aroused by me, it took everything inside of me to hold back.

  I removed my hand and began to peel off her panties. As she shuffled in her seat, letting the panties slip to the floor, I pushed up her dress so that the fabric bunched around her waist. I now had a clear view of her gorgeous cunt.

  I kissed her knee, her inner thigh, then finally brought my lips to her vagina. She tasted amazing, and I lapped up her wetness, loving that I was the cause of it. She ran her fingernails through my hair, a sensation that aroused me more than just about anything a woman could do to me.

  I pulled away, and she glanced down. Her eyes were shining and her cheeks were red. There was a film of sweat on her top lip. I stood, cupping my hands around her chin, and licked it away.

  “I can’t do this, Harrison,” she gasped.

  “You can,” I murmured softly. “You just won’t let yourself.”

  “I need to taste you,” she said.

  The words were enough to make my cock harden even more. I let her unzip my fly and gently take my penis out from inside my pants. She looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes as she began to press delicate kisses along the shaft.

  “Oh God,” I said. “That feels amazing.”

  As she licked and sucked my cock, her hands roved around my waist, inching my pants off. They fell to the ground, and I stepped out of them. We were both naked from the waist down.

  I wished we had a proper bed to go to, rather than the small camp bed that she had had delivered to one of the empty offices, but it would do. I would still get to lay her gently down on its sheets and make love to her for hours.

  I gently guided her mouth away from my straining cock. She gave me a panicked expression, like she was worried she’d done something wrong. I smiled at her and beckoned for her to stand.

  As soon as she was standing, I hooked one arm beneath her thigh and began to lift her. She squealed and wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “Harrison, what are you doing?” she cried.

  I lifted her onto the table. Once there, I unzipped her dress, just as I had earlier that day, and peeled it off her clammy skin. I stood back, gazing adoringly at her stunning body. Then I reached forward and unhooked her bra. I slid the lacy fabric away from her breasts, revealing the most beautiful milky white mounds with neat, pink nipples.

  I removed my own top, and now we were both naked. I remembered that she kept condoms in her purse, and took one out, rolling it along the length of my penis. Then I held my cock in my hands and inched towards her.

  We had been here before. I pressed the tip of my shaft against the opening of her vagina. It was so wet, and I slid just a millimeter inside. Katie gasped and reached forward, grasping my ass with her hands as though trying to pull me all the way into her. I removed her hands, and gently pushed her so that she was flat on her back, her arms out to the side. She thought she wanted all of me inside of her, but little did she know how much more pleasure she would feel if I gave it to her bit by bit.

  I pressed a little more, going just a tiny bit farther inside of her.

  “Oh God,” she moaned, her hand flying over her eyes as though she could barely cope with the sensation.

  I used my hands to guide my cock in a circular motion, pressing around the entrance to her vagina like I was working a mortar and pestle. Katie gritted her teeth. Her eyes were squeezed shut, and little noises of pure pleasure escaped her throat.

  I began inching farther and farther into her. Each millimeter that I went increased the pleasure I was feeling tenfold. I had to take it slow, feeling like I could come at any second just from the sheer gorgeousness of Katie and the amazing noises she was making.

  When at last I was fully inside of her, I bent forward and collected her into my arms. She was almost floppy, delirious with joy. She slung her arms over my shoulders and I took her ass in my arms, lifting her clear off the table.

  “Where are you taking me?” she murmured, as though drugged from pleasure.

  Slowly, I took my precious bundle from the conference room and into the office space that was to be my bedroom. Each step caused my cock inside of her to press in farther, and she gasped and moaned the whole way there.

  “You must be so strong,” she whispered, her head nestled against my chest.

  I laughed to myself and tightened my hold on her ass. It was so warm and fleshy. I could spend an hour just kneading it.

  The room was little more than a store cupboard. With no window, we were plunged into complete darkness. Something about that made the encounter all the more thrilling. I had enough mental pictures of Katie’s aroused face to keep me going.

  I reached the bed and slowly bent at the knees, bringing our two bodies down to the mattress. I lay fully on top of her, feeling her breasts pressed against my chest, and my penis slid in a little bit farther. We both cried out.

  “Harrison,” she gasped. “I can’t cope with this.”

  “You can,” I soothed her, smoothing her hair down with my hand.

  “It feels too good,” she cried, her voice strained.

  “You’re allowed to feel good,” I told her, echoing the words my own shrink had told me all those months ago. “You deserve pleasure.”

  I slid a little way out of her and gently angled her left knee up. I rested on my right elbow, my left hand holding her by the buttocks so she was in the right position. And then I began.

  I moved in and out of her, so slowly as to be almost imperceptible. She responded with gasps and moans. Her hands grabbed hold of the flesh on my back, squeezing it as she balled her hands into fists.

  I continued to plunge in and out of her, gently, delicately, at the same time moving her ass in time to my motions. Her breath was growing heavier, her panting deeper.

  “I’m so close,” she said, and I could tell she was speaking through gritted teeth.

  She bowed her head into my chest, and I tightened my hold on her ass. She was moving her hips faster now, and I knew I’d brought her to the precipice of an orgasm. I didn’t want her to wait anymore—I wanted her to have this, a gift from me to her. I made a pact with myself that I would give her another before the morning arrived.

  So I pushed all the way in, and I sped up my thrusting, sped up the kneading of my hand on her ass, and increased the speed with which I rocked her body in towards mine. She began to yelp, to cry out, and then there was that moment of utter silence. At the same time, her vaginal muscles began to pulsate. She was coming; I just had to keep up the rhythm, to help her ride the waves of pleasure as they crashed inside of her.

  I went all the way in, hard, fast, responding to the silent needs her body was communicating to me. Once. Twice. Three times. I went in and out, following her movements, her sounds, her rhythms.

  Then she let out a huge exhalation. Her orgasm was over. She fell back against the bed and I slid fully out of her.

  “That was incredible,” I heard her say in the darkness.

  I lay down beside her, feeling the heat radiate from her body, and smiled to myself. The smell of our bodies in the air was amazing. We’d permeated the room with the scent of sex. I could have stayed here, bathing in her odor and heat for hours. But Katie had other ideas. I felt her move beside me, rising up and pulling herself on top of me.

  “Katie,” I said. “You can enjoy the moment. I don’t need to come anytime soon.”

  “Oh yes you do,” she replied. “You might not need to, but I need you to.”

  I felt her legs either side of mine, and suddenly, without warning, I was plunged back into that amazing place inside of her.

  I threw my head back and let out a carnal noise. The sensation was incredible, made all the more amazing by the darkness and the surprise with which it had occurred.

  I reached forward and found her hips. She sat bolt upright. I could touch her clit from this angle. I did, and she responded by making
the sexiest noises in the world.

  “What makes you come, Harrison Wrexler?” she asked, riding me back and forth in a way I’d never felt before. Her body was grinding down against mine.

  I slid my spare hand up to her breast, feeling the erect nipple beneath my fingertips. Katie was riding me faster than I usually liked.

  “Slow down,” I said, and straight away she obeyed my command.

  The effect on my body was immediate. I went from having the most amazing sex of my life to something I had never even known I could experience. Being inside Katie was like a dream I’d never known I’d wanted coming true.

  “You’re amazing,” I said, and my own voice sounded strange, as though transformed by the union.

  “I want you to come,” Katie gasped, her hips moving forward and back again in a slow rhythm that was blowing my mind.

  I could barely speak through my pleasure.

  “Deeper,” I managed to say.

  Katie understood what I meant, that I wanted her to bounce up and back down, bringing me almost entirely out of her before plunging me all the way back in. I needed her to be in complete and utter control of the motion. I needed to be fully at her mercy.

  Once she was moving in the way I liked the most, I said, “Slowly get faster.”

  She understood what I needed. She kept the same plunging motion but became almost imperceptibly faster. Before long, each plunge was coming sooner than the last, and I began to grunt each time my shaft fully entered her. She was completely poised, but at the same time, she was making noises that told me she was enjoying the sensation just as much as I was.

  I knew if she kept going I would come, but I wanted to make sure she did, too. I pressed my thumb to her clitoris and listened to her cry out.

  The skin where our bodies met was getting slick with sweat. Her vagina had become so wet, every movement was like gliding through water. I moved my thumb round and round in circles, pressing into her clit and making her gasp and moan.

  “I’m close,” I said, feeling the first surges of pleasure that told me my orgasm was coming.


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