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Cum For Bigfoot 8

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by Virginia Wade

  Cum For Bigfoot 8

  By Virginia Wade

  Copyright © 2012 Virginia Wade

  All Rights Reserved.

  Published by I Love Stacy

  Smashwords Edition

  Virginia Wade


  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this book is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

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  Chapter One

  We set out shortly after breakfast, walking down the steep edge of the ravine to the river below. Without the Sasquatch escort, I felt vulnerable and exposed. Being with them brought me an enormous sense of security. If another tribe attacked us, I feared the outcome.

  Mike took my hand. “Hey. Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, but…I’m scared. I miss my kid. I miss Leonard. He’s not the angry ape you saw yesterday. That’s not him. He’s loving and sweet. He’d never hurt his own kind like that.”

  “There’s a reason for his behavior, Porsche. We’ll get to the bottom of it. Don’t worry.”

  “If we come across another tribe, we’re so screwed.”

  “It’s gonna be all right. Dale and Rusty are out here. We’re not alone.”

  He’d never seen a Bigfoot club a human to death. I’d witnessed rivers of blood pouring out of cracked skulls and men dying at my feet. It was not a pretty picture. It gave me nightmares. The forest was eerily quiet, the lack of birdcalls highly abnormal. A stifling humidity hung over us, making the back of my neck drip with sweat. Perspiration dotted my forehead. Mike and I were at the front of our small procession; he was a few steps before me. The material of his shorts stretched over his ass, the view a pleasingly distracting one. I could not deny the attraction I felt for him, although I was bombarded by pings of regret and shame for having slept with him once…twice.

  He’s smoking hot. How am I supposed to resist something like that?

  “We’re getting closer, folks,” said Connor. “We might want to slow down.”

  I glanced around nervously, knowing that, if the wind was right, the Sasquatches could smell us. They had probably perceived us already. “I’m scared.”

  Mike put his arm around me. “You’re good. Stay calm.”

  We stood in the middle of the forest, with only the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves and a hawk calling in the distance. I glanced behind me, thinking that I had heard something, but there was no one there.

  “Straight ahead,” whispered Connor. “Something’s coming.”

  A taser appeared in Mike’s hands. His profile had hardened; his jaw was set, and his eyes darted back and forth. I could feel the tension coming off him, and it exacerbated my fear. A flash of brown broke through the trees; Rusty’s bloodied face suddenly came into view. His eyes bulged out of his head; and his teeth were bared.


  I don’t know what was more horrifying, the sight of Rusty, battered and bleeding, or Dale behind him, equally wounded, his eyes glinting with terror. The Bigfoots approached rapidly, Rusty grabbing me, lifting me off my feet, just as a large branch broke, the splintering sound echoing into the distance. The shape of an ape appeared, the creature emerging from the trees, his face contorted with rage, teeth bared and dripping with saliva.

  It was Leonard, but I hardly recognized him. “Grrroooaaarrr…!” he thundered.

  “Jesus Christ!” shouted Mike.

  My lover and the father of my child towered over us threateningly, his posture tense, his legs spread. A thick branch in his hands was bloodied on the end. He stalked towards us, sneering and growling, sounding like a vicious, feral animal.

  “Leonard!” I screamed. “Stop it now! What’s happened to you?” His eyes found me, staring blankly, as if he didn’t know who I was. “Leonard. It’s me! It’s Porsche!”

  “He don’t remember us,” rasped Dale.

  My heart sank. “What?”

  “Whoooaaarrrr…!” Leonard sprang forward, his branch swinging through the air.

  I screamed then because he had grazed the side of George’s face, splitting the skin open, blood pouring down his cheek. Rusty had to let go of me, and I found myself on the ground crawling, twigs and rocks digging into my hands and knees. Tears fell from my eyes, blinding me. Pandemonium erupted, and the sounds of thumps, growls, and human screams filled the air.

  I was afraid to look up. I was going to die.

  “Get him!” shouted Connor. “Get him with the taser!”

  I’d never felt such terror before in all the years I had spent with the apes. I had never seen Leonard in such a state. This was not how I had foreseen things turning out, and, as I crouched under a bush, I wrapped my arms around my knees and shook with fear. George’s face dripped blood. He held a taser, which was pointed at Leonard.

  “Tick, tick, tick.” And Leonard was hit, although it merely stunned him for a moment. “Tick, tick, tick.” The sound came from Mike’s weapon, and Leonard growled, flinging his arms around and stomping his feet. When Dr. Haynes released his, the unruly ape pivoted on one foot and swayed unsteadily.


  “Do it at the same time!” Connor shouted. “We need to incapacitate him.” Three shots of electrical streams forced Leonard to the ground, where he lay on his back twitching. “It worked! Get his hands!” He retrieved a length of rope from his backpack. “We gotta make this quick. I don’t know how long he’ll be down.”

  Mike and Connor tied Leonard’s hands behind his back; the ape looked dazed and confused and not in control of his muscles, which shook involuntarily. His feet twitched and his tongue hung out of the side of his mouth. When he was secured, I crawled out from under the bush and approached cautiously.

  “Are you all right, George?” Blood dripped onto his t-shirt.

  “I don’t know.”

  I dug through my bag and brought out a towel. “Here.”

  “Thanks.” He patted his face. “Jesus. It stings.”

  “You should let me look at it.”

  “We’ll get to it. Just…give me a minute. I feel sick.”

  “What the hell is the matter with that ape?” asked Mike. “Rabies?”

  “I’ll run some tests,” said Connor. “It’s not safe to bring him to the tribe. He might hurt the little ones.”

  Rusty and Dale were a sight, with blood caked to the fur on their faces. I glanced at Dale. “What happened?”

  “He don’t know us,” he rasped. “Something wrong.”

  Connor knelt next to Leonard, feeling his head. “There’s a rather large contusion here.”

  “He just fell,” I said.

  “No. This didn’t just happen. He’s injured himself, badly, actually. I wonder…he might have edema.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Cerebral edema. S
welling of the brain.”

  “Would that make someone act like that?”

  “Disorientation, hallucinations, psychotic behavior, yes.”

  “So, you’re saying he hurt himself, and now he’s nuts?”

  “For the time being. We need to elevate him. He shouldn’t be laying down.”

  “Let’s prop him up against a tree,” said Mike.

  “Come on boys,” said Dr. Haynes. “Let’s move Leonard.” Dale and Rusty dragged the prone ape over the forest floor, propping him up against a thick trunk. His head dropped forward, bobbing from side to side. “That’s not gonna work.” He began pacing back and forth. “We need to make something elevated. Something he can sit against. Try to find something that’ll work. I gotta give him a sedative. He won’t be out for long.”

  “How about a pile of rocks?” Mike glanced around, frustration etched into his features. “Shit. Do you think that would even help, doc?”

  “Gravity might drain the fluid. Other than that, I don’t know. I need to sedate him.” He jammed a small needle into Leonard’s arm. “That’ll keep him for a while. Let’s find some rocks.”

  An hour later, Leonard had been positioned against a small pyramid of rocks, which we gathered in the forest. Dale and Rusty had dragged most of them over. Leonard’s hands were bound before him, although he was unconscious. Dr. Haynes examined him, lifting his eyelids, shining light into his pupils, which were hugely dilated.

  “What’s gonna happen?”

  He glanced at me. “He’s been like this for probably more than a week now. I imagine when he first hurt himself, he was unconscious for a while, maybe even days. His skull took a pounding.”

  “Shouldn’t he be better then?”

  “I worry about infection, Porsche. I wonder if we need to drill a hole to let the fluid out. I don’t have those tools on me, and I’m not qualified to perform surgery.”


  “The swelling needs to come down. He might be okay, but…”

  “But what?”

  He sighed. “I hope there isn’t brain damage. I don’t know how bad the swelling was originally. It might’ve altered him.”

  “You mean he won’t be the same?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Tears were in my eyes. “Well, at least he didn’t leave me and Lendal. He had an accident. He didn’t abandon us.” I was still worried about his recovery, but this helped lessen the pain.

  “If we had ice, that might bring the swelling down…but we don’t.”


  “The fact that he was up and about and showing aggression might be good.”

  “He was so horrible.”

  “It’s the psychosis. I might have to make a call. Get some doctors in here. I’m a primatologist, not a veterinarian. My skills only go so far.”

  Hope flared within me. “You should do that. Call for help. Please.”

  “I will. This might be more serious than any of us know.” He reached for his satellite phone. “George needs stitches. We need help.”

  Relief swept through me. “Thanks, Connor.” Oh, thank God.

  We settled into our temporary camp; a fire was built, and tents were erected. Leonard was given water, although most of it fell out of his mouth. He was heavily sedated, leaning against the rocks with his eyes closed. His chest rose and fell with his labored breathing. George’s forehead was wrapped with a white bandage. To compound matters, my breasts had filled with milk; the pressure was becoming unbearable. I was dirty and grimy, and I planned to walk to the river soon to wash off.

  Mike came up behind me. “Let’s clean up.” He had the same idea.

  Rusty shuffled towards me. “Come, Porsche.” He took my hand. His face was a mess with dried blood matted in his fur.

  “Where are you going?” Mike asked.

  “Hot water,” rasped Rusty. “Bath.”

  “Yeah? Like a thermal spring? You know where one is, buddy?”

  I glanced between ape and man with concern. I’d been with Mike last night, and we had…enjoyed each other intimately. Dale and Rusty had been in the woods with Leonard. The creatures thought of me as theirs, and they were not good at sharing. Dale approached; his look was hopeful. I was caught in the middle, and I didn’t want Mike to get hurt. The Sasquatches could easily kill him, because their strength was immeasurable.

  I needed to make my feelings known. “Let’s all go. You be nice to Mike.” I pointed at Dale. “You too.” My finger was in Rusty’s face. “He likes me. You can all share me, okay?” Jeez. Sometimes it’s like trying to communicate with three-year-olds.

  Dale, seemed to understand my meaning, growling, “Ggggrrrrr…”

  “Stop that, now.” He quieted, staring at me. I almost wondered if he was pouting. Give me a break. “Show me the spring. I’m beyond dirty.”


  Chapter Two

  The four of us wandered through the woods in a single file. Shadows expanded around us because the sun was on the edge of setting. Dale and Rusty were up ahead; their eight-foot statures were impressive. Seeing Sasquatches in their natural habitat was frightening and awe-inspiring. Mike held my hand, which was sweetly reassuring. After the horror of being confronted by Leonard and his psychotic behavior, it was a relief that things were calm and peaceful for the moment. We might be able to survive the night, if Dr. Haynes had enough sedative to keep Leonard in a deep sleep.

  The smell of something foul indicated a sulfur spring, but the water would be clean and hot. After a long, stressful day, a relaxing soak was just what I needed. My only concern was Dale and Rusty accepting Mike, who I felt an attraction to that disturbed me. The way his hand held mine made my tummy tingle pleasurably.

  “Good water,” rasped Dale. “Nice and hot.”

  We climbed over rocks, some of them slippery with a greenish type of algae. There seemed to be a small path through a dense assemblage of trees, the foliage rustling over our heads. Having lived in the great outdoors for several years now, I could hold my own hiking and climbing in adverse conditions. This being summer in the Cascades, I enjoyed the warmth of the air and the smell of pine and honeysuckle.

  The thermal spring was in a crack between boulders stacked more than fifty feet tall. The smell of sulfur was pungent, but my need to be clean outweighed that unpleasant reality. The Sasquatches stepped into the water, sinking to their chests. Rusty dunked his head and washed his face, while Dale submerged completely. I removed my shoes, shirt, and shorts; my breasts were so full I thought I might burst.

  “Oh, man.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  I glanced at Mike, enjoying the sight of his toned chest. His tummy was coated with a smattering of dark hair. “My boobs ache.”

  His grin was enormous. “I’d be happy to help.”

  “I’m sure you would.” I stepped into the water. “Oh, thank God. This is so nice.” I stayed near the shallow edge, where my feet encountered rocks. The Bigfoots were in deeper, their faces dripped with water. It smelled like rotten eggs with a hint of wet dog. I dunked my head under, scrubbing my scalp. I had learned to go without soap and shampoo. My body odor was something that didn’t bother me anymore. After a visit home, I brought back bags full of razors, but they would eventually run out, and I would roam around au naturel. The Bigfoots didn’t mind at all.

  Mike swam to the other side. “This is awesome.”

  Rusty grabbed me, taking me into the middle. “Hey!”


  “You naughty beast.”

  His arm was around my belly, my breasts floating in the water before me. The heat softened the nipples, and they began to leak. He lifted me, exposing the globes entirely. The dam burst, the pressure was too much, and I sprayed milk. Rusty growled, his cock pressing into my thigh. He closed his lips around a nub. Not to be outdone, Dale drew near and began to suckle the other one.

  Mike smiled wistfully. “Damn, I’m jealous.”

bsp; “I’m relieved.”

  “I bet you are. Would they get mad if I tried?”

  “I don’t know.” I was in the middle of the letdown reflex, feel-good chemicals relaxing me. The sensations had the muscles in my pussy clenching and releasing.

  Mike drew near; his expression was expectant. My Sasquatch lovers continued to suck, my breasts having produced more than enough milk for both of them. Leslie was taking care of Lendal, and she would feed him, but I missed my little boy.

  “Can I get in here?” The water was up to his neck. Rusty growled, but refrained from making any further aggressive overtures. Dale released a nipple, and Mike, taking the bold initiative, latched on, drawing the little nub into his mouth.

  The fact that the Sasquatches were sharing me with a human was a surprising and pleasurable turn of events. I’d been satisfying three males at once since the night I took Rusty’s virginity, so I knew I could handle multiple cocks. I loved being the object of lust among the tribe. There was nothing I’d rather do than please my boys. They were always so attentive and talented when it came to sex, and they never left me unsatisfied.

  Mike’s hand drifted to my belly and lower, rubbing my pussy. “Ooohh…” Dale’s lips were on my neck, biting gently and sucking. Rusty drew on a nipple; the sensations were so incredible, I tingled and throbbed, the muscles clenching in my lower anatomy. “Oh, guys…” Three sets of cocks were harder than railroad ties. The apes were more than ready to take things to the next level, and I was suddenly lifted out of the water and carried to the edge of the spring. “What are you up to?” Rusty held me on his lap; I was naked and wet, yet heated to the core. Mike and Dale approached, their members jutting out. I shivered, knowing wicked things were about to happen to me, and I couldn’t wait. The fact that the Sasquatches were allowing Mike to join in the fun was thrilling beyond measure. I was growing fond of the sexy forest ranger.


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