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Cum For Bigfoot 8

Page 4

by Virginia Wade

  Leonard grunted and replied in Sasquatch, “Of course I remember you. Why wouldn’t I? Get this off me!”

  The smile on my face grew from ear to ear. “Leonard! He remembers us! He’s fine!” I hugged him, enjoying the unique smell of hide and musk. “I’ve missed you. Thank God. We can go home now.”

  “Porsche,” he rasped. “You good, Porsche.”

  “That’s a relief,” said Dr. Haynes. “It’s nice to have you back, Leonard. We were worried. You hit your head pretty good.”

  He held up his hands. “Grrooaarrr…”

  “Untie him.” I tried to loosen the rope, but it was knotted repeatedly.

  Mike held a pocketknife. “Let me.” His expression was stone-faced, and his posture was stiff. He was less than happy with this turn of events.

  When Leonard was freed, he got to his feet slowly, and, seeing the doctors, the hair stood up on his head. “Whooarrr…!” he protested feebly.

  “They’re nice men,” I said. “They’re doctors. They helped you. You were sick.” He looked at me blankly. “I’ll explain it to you later. You’re probably starving. Let’s eat.”

  We sat around the campfire and ate, although Leonard seemed slightly unwell. He was nauseous and struggled to keep the fish down. I sat with him, using his chest as a chair, just like old times. I was utterly at peace now, knowing that he was on the mend. Mike sat across from us; his expression was bleak. I didn’t want to feel sorry for him, but I did. I’d enjoyed my time with him, but my thoughts were on Lendal and home. I hadn’t seen my son in more than a week.

  That night, I crawled into the shelter with Leonard. The scientists and the doctors were chatting by the fire. Arrangements had been made for a helicopter to pick them up in the morning. Dale and Rusty were with Ashley, having sex in her tent. The sounds of groans and moans were like background music, and they had aroused Leonard, whose cock twitched and leaked. He wasn’t supposed to exert himself for a few days. I grasped the lengthy organ and licked the tip.

  “Good,” he rasped.

  He smelled like musky beast, and he tasted tart. I nibbled on the curved edges of the head, while clear fluid streamed out of the tiny slit on top. Then I licked down the shaft, grasping his balls and pulling them away from his body.

  “Leonard likes Porsche.”

  “If you were feeling better, you’d probably be fucking Ashley like those horndogs, wouldn’t you?”


  I laved a ball, trying to suck it into my mouth. Their testicles were enormous and heavy with semen. The other sac had my attention, and I sucked on it, leaving it dripping with saliva. The oral stimulation made my pussy damp. The need to ride him was foremost in my mind, and, as I straddled his massive cock, I sighed with bliss, feeling the tip lodge in my opening.

  “Oh, Leonard.”

  His hands went to my hips. “Porsche.”

  “I’m so glad you’re back.”

  “Good, Porsche. You make Leonard feel good.”

  “I’ve missed you.”

  “I love my Porsche.” I leaned forward and kissed him, his tongue slipping into my mouth. “Nice, nice pussy.”

  I rode him, thrusting my hips back and forth, pleasuring us both. I wasn’t able to take the entire length. It sunk deep, massaging every nook and cranny. While the scientists and the doctors talked and laughed, I rode my Sasquatch, feeling blissfully connected to my hairy lover, and the way of life I had chosen.

  “Oh, Leonard!”

  “Whooaarrr…!” He thrust upwards, reaming me thoroughly.

  “Omigod!” My breasts jiggled, brimming with milk. He grasped my nipples, setting off a thin stream of fluid, which began to spray his chest and face. “Leonard!” Beads of milk appeared in his fur.

  “Good! Good!” he rasped, his eyes half-closed with pleasure.

  He didn’t seem to mind being doused with breast milk. I continued to spray him, not having control over the emission and not caring. The bliss of release drew near, one spasm at a time, my pussy clamping around his steely organ. “Leonard!” I threw my head back, gasping, as I was pounded with the sweet thrill of climax. “Oh…ooohhh…”

  “Good.” He smiled, flashing lethal looking teeth.

  “Oh, wow. I haven’t cum like that in a while.” He was hard inside of me, thrusting aggressively. I lifted upward, all twelve inches appearing, coated in my juices. My boobs had finally stopped spraying, but milk ran down my tummy, wetting us. “Do you want me to suck you?”

  “Yes, Porsche. Suck Leonard.”

  “I will.” He was hot and sticky, and as I wrapped my lips around the bulbous end, I drew on him aggressively, sinking my cheeks with each pull. “You like that?”


  I wrapped my hand around the length, feeling wetness. His pre-cum continued to leak, running down over my fingers. I licked across the tip, leaving a wet streak. Then I followed the river of fluid all the way to the base, closing my mouth around part of his shaft. I worked the tip with my fingers, massaging and squeezing, drawing out even more moisture.


  He closed his eyes, as he erupted, the semen flying into the air, one squirt at a time, and landing on his hairy belly. It was obvious he hadn’t orgasmed in days. His groans filled the shelter, sounding more like a wounded animal than an ape having sex. I was mildly shocked by the sheer volume of jizz. It seemed to go on forever, the tip opening and squirting measured pulses of the white, creamy fluid.

  “Good God, Leonard.”


  Chapter Six

  Everyone was leaving, including George and Dr. Haynes. I hugged Mike, his arms going around me.

  “I’ll be seeing you again, Porsche.”

  “I know.”

  “It killed me hearing you…with Leonard.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I wanna kidnap you and take you with me.”

  “You’ve got work, and I’ve got my kid. We’ll see each other in the spring.”

  He sighed. “That sucks.”

  I stepped away from him. “You’re a nice man, Mike.”

  “You’re gonna want to be with me one day. I know you will.”

  My throat constricted at the look of pain in his eyes. “You’ll meet a nice woman who shaves her legs and likes pizza. You’ll forget all about me.”

  “No. But if it makes you feel better to think that, fine.”

  “Let’s go people,” said George. “It’s now or never. The chopper’s waiting.” He took off down the path.

  Mike pulled me into his arms; his mouth was near my ear. “Be safe, Porsche. Take care, honey.”

  “I will.” I watched, as he walked away, feeling inexplicably sad. It was a mistake sleeping with him. I never should have let it go that far. He waved to me, before disappearing into the trees. “Bye, Mike,” I whispered.

  The doctors carried heavy backpacks. “It was nice meeting you, Porsche,” said Dr. Johnson.

  “Thanks for coming.” I hugged him. “Thanks for helping Leonard.”

  “It was my pleasure. He should be fine now.”

  I shook Dr. Grey’s hand. “It was nice meeting you.”


  “You take care, Porsche,” said Connor. “I’ll pop back in before winter to check on Lendal and bring educational supplies.”

  “Sounds good. Tell my parent’s I said hi.”

  “Will do.”

  I stood with my hands on my hips and watched, as my only link to the outside world disappeared. The Sasquatches were fishing, and then we would go home. I was so eager to see Lendal, but I knew we would have to travel slowly because of Leonard’s injury. It would be weeks before he was fully recovered.

  Three days later, after an exhaustive hike, we emerged from the trees to our camp. Leslie was the first to perceive us. “Omigod! You guys are back!” She ran towards me, her long dark hair flowing out behind her. “What happened?”

  I hugged her. “
Where’s Lendal?”

  “With Bubba, learning how to cure cannabis.”

  “Leslie!” My mouth hung open. “I don’t want him to learn that. What the hell’s been going on? Is he rolling joints too?”

  “No, but he knows how to pack Bubba’s pipe.”

  “You better be joking!”

  She grinned. “Hey, everybody pulls their weight around camp.” Leonard appeared. “You found him. Where was he?”

  “He’d hit his head bad. He had swelling in the brain. They called in some doctors, and they helped him.”


  Rusty and Dale ambled over to the fire, sniffing something that was roasting on a spit. Leonard joined them, and the Sasquatches began to talk.

  I glanced at Leslie. “Mike was there too.”


  I sighed. “He’s cute.”

  “You like him.”

  “I do, but I’m here now. I really gotta see my kid. Do you know when they’ll be back?”

  “Soon. You look wiped out.”

  “I’m exhausted. I…might be pregnant. I haven’t gotten my period.”

  “You’re going home in September. You can have it checked.”

  “Yeah. My parents are dying to see me. I hate to leave Lendal. Was he okay? Did he freak out like before?”

  “The first night he cried, but he settled down.”

  “Mamma!” My son dashed out of the forest with Bubba Jr. in tow. He was the spitting image of his father, with tufts of brownish, tan fur and sparkling black eyes. “Mamma!”

  “Hey, baby.” He flung himself at me, nearly knocking me over. I hugged him, smelling honey. “You’re sticky.”

  “I ate bees.”

  “There’s a couple of dead ones in your fur.” I tried to pry a bug out, but it squished between my fingers. “Okay, that’s gross. You’re gonna need a bath.”

  “I miss my mamma.” He kept hugging me.

  “I missed you too. Your dad’s here.” I pointed towards the fire. Lendal took off like a shot and propelled himself at Leonard, who caught him, holding him close.


  The sight warmed my heart. “It’s so good to be back.”

  “You gotta tell me everything. I wanna know all the details.”

  She was referring to Mike. “Oh, boy.”

  The End


  That fall, I went home, and I was indeed pregnant. I refused an ultrasound because I knew they would find something abnormal with the baby, being a hybrid Sasquatch creation. This pregnancy was easier than when I carried Lendal. I wasn’t as sick or as tired, and my bump wasn’t as big. When I returned home, the tribe moved south to winter in the lowland valleys where food was plentiful and the weather wasn’t as harsh.

  Zelda’s mate returned along with several other Sasquatches, and we made ourselves comfortable in a series of caves lined with thick pelts and toasty fires. As the ground became white with snow and my belly grew bigger, I spent my time sewing and playing games with Lendal. Dr. Haynes had seen us before November and he had given me educational material. I was trying to teach the boys how to read, but it was a struggle.

  As the blizzards of winter gave way to the rains of spring, I prepared to give birth, knowing now what the process entailed. I didn’t fear it like last time, and when the first inklings of contractions began, I took them in stride, taking a nap, and anticipating the baby’s arrival within hours.

  “You got this one, girl,” said Zelda. She had clean towels and pair of sterilized scissors. We had emergency antibiotics and a defibrillator among other medical supplies, in case a problem arose. “How’s it goin’?”

  “About three minutes apart.”

  “That could change fast. It’s quicker with the second one.”

  “I know.”

  Two hours later, the contractions pounded me with a ferocity I hadn’t experienced before. It was worse than when I gave birth to Lendal. The labor was shorter, but the intensity left little to be desired.

  “Shit!” I paced back and forth in agony, grabbing Leonard. “Fuck me!”

  “Get on your hands and knees,” said Zelda. “It’ll take the pressure off your back.” I got down on the pelt, gasping in agony. Her fingers were on my lower back, massaging. “That’s it. You got it. You’re going through the worst, Porsche.”


  “Mamma! Mamma’s hurt!” cried Lendal.

  “No,” I gritted through my teeth. “I’m having a baby.”

  “You’re getting real close. I should check how dilated you are. Sit down, when the contraction’s over.”

  I blew air in and out, sounding like I was trying to blow out a roomful of candles. “I thought…the second…was supposed…to be…easier.”

  “It’s quicker. It’ll be over soon. Lay down.” Her hands went to my pussy, where she slid inside. “Whoa. You’re ready. You feel like you need to push?”

  A rush of water drenched my inner thighs, wetting the pelt beneath me. “My water broke.”

  “You can push anytime.”

  I pressed and felt nothing.

  “Like you’re gonna pee or poo. Bear down like that.”

  I squeezed my lower anatomy, and then I felt the urge to squeeze some more, the muscles contracting and releasing involuntarily.

  “Okay, on the next contraction, push.” She was between my legs.

  Leslie arrived, carrying a tin cup. “Does she need water?” Her belly protruded with her own pregnancy. “You okay, Porsche?”

  “I’m fucking wonderful.”

  “Oh, my. We’re having fun,” she giggled.

  “You’ll get yours, bitch. Ouch! Oh, fuck! Kill me now!”

  Leonard had been partaking in cannabis and the smell lingered in his fur. “You do good, Porsche. Good.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Push!” cried Zelda. “You’re having a contraction. Let’s get this baby out.”

  The urge to push was strong, and as I bore down, I could feel the little tyke shimmying through the birth canal, which was bizarre. “I can feel it moving! Jesus. It’s like having an alien inside me.”

  “It’s coming fast. Get ready for the next push. You might get him out now.”

  “Oh, oh-shit!” I held my breath, pushing with all my might, the head crowning, stretching me to unbelievable breadths. This baby wasn’t nearly as large as Lendal, which was a relief. There was a brief flare of pain and then the huge bulge slid free, the remainder was an easy push. “Oh, thank God.” I collapsed on the pelt, utterly spent. “I’m so glad it’s over.” The cavern was eerily silent, and I didn’t hear the baby crying. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m clearing out the mouth and nose. I gotta do the umbilical cord.”

  “Oh, okay.” The sound of crying filled the space. I glanced at Leslie, and she’d gone white. “Dude, are you all right?”


  “Let me see him. I bet he’s just as cute as Lendal.”

  Zelda had wrapped the baby in a blanket, placing him on my tummy. I reached for him and got a shock. The baby was a pretty shade of pink with a bald head, closed eyes, and a cute little…human mouth.

  “It’s a girl.” Zelda gave me a look.

  I struggled to sit. “What?”

  “WHOOOOAAARRRR…!” Leonard growled, stomping his foot, the sound reverberating through the cave. His features had twisted with ferocious anger, frightening the baby, who began screaming.

  “Shut up! You’re scaring the shit outta her!” I held my baby, trying to calm her.

  “Mamma! Why’s daddy mad?” Lendal scooted closer and sat next to me. He sniffed his sister, his black nose touching her cheek.

  “Gggroooaaarrr…!” Leonard slammed his fist into the wall, sending particles of dust floating down around us and scaring several bats into a panicked flight.

  “Go cool off in the woods, dad,” scolded Zelda. “You’re upsetting the baby. You’ll get over it. You
apes always do.”

  Spittle dribbled out of his mouth, his teeth were bared, and his gums were red. The last time I had seen him this enraged, he’d suffered a traumatic brain injury and lost his memory. I’d just given birth to Mike’s baby, and my lover was pissed off.

  Oh, shit.

  The End

  Books by Virginia Wade

  The Stacy Series


  Stacy And The Boys

  Stacy On Vacation

  Stacy Unleashed

  Stacy’s Uncle Eddy

  Total Nympho: The Stacy Collection

  Stacy’s Gangbang Wedding

  Stacy’s Sexy Threesome

  Stacy’s Wet Dream

  Stacy’s Bimbos In Paradise

  Total Nympho 2: The Stacy Collection

  The Monster Sex Series


  Cum For Bigfoot

  Cum For Bigfoot 2

  Cum For Bigfoot 3

  Cum 4 Bigfoot

  Cum For Bigfoot 5, Baby

  Cum For Bigfoot 6

  Cum For Bigfoot 7

  Cum For Bigfoot 8

  Cum For Frankenstein

  Cum For The Phantom

  Cum For The Demon

  Cum For The Invisible Man

  Cum For The Genie

  Cum For The Alien

  Cum For The Viking

  The Filthy Classics Collection


  Sense And Sexuality

  Pride And Penetration

  Naughty Emma

  Jennifer’s Anal Seduction

  Jane’s Playmates

  The Pleasure Vixens

  Archeology 101

  Sweet Melissa

  The Demon In Alice

  Crissy’s Naughty Daddy

  Maya’s Tight Pussy

  Daddy’s Little Cherries

  Daddy’s Christmas Girl

  Sexy In Stilettos

  My Daddy, The Politician

  Cream For Me

  Taken By Pirates

  In The Garden Of Snakes

  Alone With Alexa


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