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Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1)

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by P. S. Power

  Young Ancients: Erotic Thoughts

  Countess of Desire

  P.S. Power

  Orange Cat Publishing

  Copyright 2014

  Warning: This is a book of erotic fiction, based in the world of The Young Ancients. This work is not intended for all audiences and holds frank and graphic discussion of sex and related matters. If that offends you, please stop reading now. The first portion of this book develops story, so that no one should be taken by surprise, but this is all the heads up we can give you.

  Thanks you.

  Chapter one

  Countess Maria Ward looked at the scene with amusement. At least that was the expression she schooled her rather well made up face into. A man being humbled in front of her, against his will, wasn't a thing that she actually enjoyed seeing. Some might disbelieve that, she knew, but it was the simple truth. Maria was far too young to waste her days watching a grown man grovel for his life.

  Especially when he was both a thief, and a liar. Worse, he didn’t even realize that his existence was on the line.

  Baron Klepter, from the northern section. Riven Klepter, as if that wasn't an unfortunate name right off the start. One of the leaders of her own county. Her husband's County, of course.

  Being his wife afforded her some small power, but she didn't rule there. Just in the bedroom. Even at that, Marvin was no pushover. A little staid as to what he wanted from a woman that way, perhaps, but gentle and sweet. Gorgeous too. His dark skin and black hair was the envy of the noble circuit.

  Honestly, he'd picked her to be his bride seven years before because her mother had, as she so delicately loved to point out at less than optimal moments, sucked his cock for years first. Laying the groundwork. It was, Maria knew, actually pretty close to the truth. Not because her husband was that easily led, but simply due to the fact that sitting Counts were a prize, and fourteen year old girls, no matter how lovely, had very few chances to be introduced to them.

  So Carol, her mother, had gotten Maria in to meet with Marvin a few times, which ended in them getting married. It hadn't been that hard to set up, either. The man was truly a marvel, in his own right. Good looking, but keen of mind, too. Few saw that, but those people were, as often as not, taken by surprise later, when County Ward stole the march on them.

  The Baron, on his knees begging at the moment, had done something that bordered on unforgivable however. It didn't cross into that state, perhaps, so they functionally couldn't do anything except take his word that he was sorry now.

  He hadn't even dressed up for the groveling he was doing, coming in rich finery. It was a nice enough outfit, but when you were accused, rightfully, of using County property for personal gain, it was probably best not to point out how wealthy you already were.

  That was what the man had done, too. Stolen from his own.

  The magical devices that had been sent to them from Harmony were meant to feed people in their time of need. Not to produce things for sale, to drain every gold and copper from each little village in the land. Klepter had figured out that by keeping his allotment for himself, and selling the food the huge magical constructs made, rather than giving it freely, he could make a killing.

  He did too. Both in coin, and in the deaths of hundreds of his own people, who were too poor to pay his blood price. A quiet rage filled Maria at the very thought of it. The vast storms had caused three full growing seasons worth of crops to be lost already, and there was nothing left, except for what the Wizard Timon Baker and his family provided for them.

  The only thing that they'd asked of anyone was that they share the food evenly. So that everyone could be fed. It wasn't unreasonable. It was in fact, one of the greatest kindnesses that anyone had ever done for the world.

  Of course the very worst part of the whole thing was that Maria and Riven had been good friends for a long time. Not that close personally, but there was a bit of truth in the idea that you tended to trust people that you had sex with. Even if they turned out not to be worthy of it.

  He wasn't bad looking either. Twenty-eight years old, so within six years of herself that way. His face was a nice tan color, just a bit darker than hers was, and while he had brown hair, his blue eyes were rather dazzling.

  At least when they were attached to a smile.

  Right now they were looking at her closely, as if she were the one that would be needed to forgive him? He'd stolen from everyone. Each person of the County had a right to hold him in contempt. Except that the Baker family hadn't actually written any rules down for how the devices they'd lent were to be used. That meant that simply killing the Baron wouldn't work. That might be a bit of a shame, since Maria was fond enough of him in general, but they really couldn't afford to let the rest of their Barons and Baronesses think that kind of thing was a good plan. He had to be punished, and well enough that no one else would ever have reason to think that what he’d done was an allowed thing.

  His eyes kept looking at her, as if she were going to get him out of the mess he’d made for himself?

  It normally wouldn't be happening, but as she locked eyes with him, it was clear that he was trying to pass her a message. His right hand was crossing his body, with three fingers held out, the smallest folded under. It was the rebellion sign they used to show they needed to pass a message.

  She'd known that Riven was involved in that kind of thing, of course. After all, she was one of his contacts. Normally the information flowed the other direction, but it wasn't impossible for even the lowest in an organization to pick things of use up. Maria was a bit more entrenched in the intrigue than the Baron was, naturally. A well placed person like herself was always far more of an attractive individual to invite into such things than those with less social standing. For a moment she tried to let herself feel a bit snooty about the whole thing, but knew that the truth of the matter outweighed that sort of concern by too much for her to feel good about it.

  She was, along with Marvin her husband, a spy for King Richard. It had taken years, but they'd reached into the very highest portion of the rebellion finally. It hadn't been easy at all, and much care had been taken not to let anyone see what they were really doing.

  Both of them had done their part, too. It was a matter of honor, even if betraying anyone was too much to ask of them. Even those in the rebellion that called them friend deserved better. Many of them were their friends, true ones that had been with them for decades in Marvin's case. They'd offered aid back and forth when things had become hard, starting a few years prior, for instance.

  One of the things that had really helped though, was that Prince Gerent was a friend of hers, and had gotten both healing amulets and food making devices for the rebellion. It hadn't been too hard to have it put around that it was because Maria had begged them from Queen Tiera, the Wizard Tim, and Prince Gerent himself. The implication being that she'd done much of that begging on her knees, with her head bobbing and jaw getting sore.

  It was a lie. While she would have gladly serviced any of them that way, none of them had ever even hinted at that kind of thing. It was a bit of a shame, because she could have used the connections there. Sex really was a wonderful way to bring things, and people, together. One of her favorite techniques, in fact.

  Which was, she understood, probably what Baron Klepter was trying to use at that very moment. Otherwise he would have tried to make eyes at Marvin. It wasn't like the Count didn't know the secret hand language of the rebellion or anything. The thing there was that he'd never taken Riven inside of himself, or done the opposite, since he wasn't that into men, as a rule. So
the man, knowing he was in trouble, was seeking her aid.

  As if a little bit of dick was really going to make everything better?

  She sighed, and looked at her husband, who really did seem pretty close to furious. As a Count he could order anyone of his county be killed. That, or stripped of all goods, or even taken out into the common market and raped publically. That Marvin wouldn't let any of those things be done in the main made him a wonderful, and well loved, ruler, but also meant there wasn't a lot he could do to punish a Baron that was misbehaving by that much. Letting the man beg, poorly, for forgiveness was about all they could manage, without setting off all the others of his rank. Many of whom were actually openly with the King, and seeking a way to push their Count away from them a bit.

  She grinned though, suddenly, a wicked enough idea coming into her head. Well, more than one, but she wouldn't act on the second set of things yet. That could be done later, when Riven passed along the message he claimed to have.

  The Countess spoke instead, her voice still sounding young, she knew. A bit breathy, as if she never had enough air really. It was part of an act, so that people would tend to underestimate her. It worked, about half the time. The intelligent people tended to see through it easily enough, but most others just accepted what she showed them, and went with it. That made it easier to get her spies into place, to be honest.

  That, and pilfer their desks, while they were busy being serviced.

  Running a hand down the side of her soft blue gown, which ran from throat to hip, even in the warm weather they were having, she stopped, touching the outside of her right thigh delicately. Her index and middle finger were raised, giving the sign that she understood the one that he'd given her. Plus it would also get him thinking about her legs. She was well provided for that way, being shapely under her gown. It was a rather heavier thing than she would have normally worn, but one of the amulets she had on, a gift from the Wizard Tor, kept her temperature steady all the time. It really made things pleasant in bed for her, since she never got too hot, no matter what she was doing. It was actually rather pretty as well, glowing brightly, but right now it was hidden, since the thing changed its color as her mood shifted about. She didn’t really want anyone to know what she was feeling at the moment.

  "Not to interrupt, Baron, but I think I... Misplaced the thread here? Were you just saying that you agree that all the food should be delivered for free now, and that any transport cost will be covered from those funds you've already collected from your people?" What he'd been saying wasn't that at all, and his face tightened.

  No one wanted to lose that kind of coin, but short of proclaiming him a thief publically, there was no way to take it back, either. Shaking his head a little, and letting himself scowl, he took a deep breath.

  "I was rather hoping that I could ask you to use your contacts in Harmony to provide some of those little Tam-craft for the task? They’re faster than horses, and..."

  It was Marvin who smiled then, catching on to what she was playing at. People imagined him slow at times, if pretty. They were only half right.

  Reaching out, her giant of a husband took her right hand, and held it openly.

  "Oh? Well, I think we can arrange for you to speak to the Wizard Taman about that. I can see why you'd wish to go through us on that. Harmony doesn't have use for gold or riches, so to get those vehicles, which are very handy, you'll have to perform some service for her personally. I hear, even though she's but nine years old, that she's already been proclaimed the Ancient of Soam? Perhaps you have some service in mind to aid her projects there? I'm sure that if you offered to spend, say a year, seeing to that for her, she'd be more than pleased to make certain you have what you need in trade to protect your people."

  It was cutting, and worse than that. Marvin had basically just suggested that Riven remove himself for a full year, in a way that would be hard to claim was a punishment. The truth was, the value of even a few of the magical craft he wanted would make that more than worthwhile. Not that they could speak for what the Ancient would be doing with her property.

  The truth was though that the girl would very likely have offered to simply give the things to the man for free, so that his people would have an easier time of it. Her entire family was like that. Giving things away to others, simply to help them.

  Looking a bit like someone had just grabbed his balls and started to slowly squeeze, Riven bowed.

  "I had not thought of such a thing. Perhaps I should take it under advisement? My current schedule might preclude that, but I do have some men and women who might well be willing to go, for the good of the Barony."

  He was, Maria saw instantly, a very good weasel, when it came to using his words. Still, it wasn't a bad plan really. Taman would have to make the things herself, and even copies of them would be worth more than a few people spending a bit of time doing what they all should have been anyway. The people of that far off southern land needed the aid.

  Sighing, she nodded.

  "I suppose that's the way of it. I don't want to tease you, Riven. You're too good a friend of mine for that. This... Misuse of the devices lent to us wasn’t good. You pretending to beg forgiveness won't fix things either. I hate to be so blunt, but I need to know, we need to know; are you willing to truly fix this thing or not? People have died, simply to line your pockets with coins. We get that. I'm not free of a bit of greed myself, from time to time. Most people aren't. We can't do that now though. Not if we're all going to survive. If word of this got back to the Wizard Timon..."

  Getting up from his knees, as if already given leave to, the man scoffed.

  "A little boy that I could turn over my knee and thrash if he doesn't like what I'm doing with his trinkets? I don't think to see a problem from that quarter. Even if there was one, why, a boy that age... I could just send a few pretty girls his way and he'd let me do anything I desired. That, or put the old roger to him myself. I hear that he's grown use to such, after Nora Alan and her pet Larval finished with him, years ago."

  Count Ward smiled.

  Maria looked at him and put her right hand out, seeing the change of color that preceded a combat rage. Her husband took a few deep breaths, collecting himself in time, as she held her hand up toward Riven, getting him to go silent.

  "Riven, I don't think you know nearly as much on that topic as you might think. First, Timon Baker is a Prince. Of Harmony, upon the Moon, but not a man to be trifled with, even if he were a mere shop keeper or a miller. If you think that any of us could survive a battle with him... I suggest you look at the subject more closely. When he was twelve the most fearful assassin that has ever lived was set upon him. A thing not even human, nor made of magic. No one thought that he'd survive, but not only did he do that, he defeated that same being in combat. Do not think he cannot reach you here either. The plague that keeps the immortals from Earth is of his making, and will fade in just a few years time."

  Maria could see that she wasn't having any impact on the man. He wasn't a fool, but the idea of anyone being his equal on the battlefield, or in the bedroom, was simply beyond him. That he was no more than decent in both areas was clear to her, but that was part of her job, learning those kinds of thing.

  It was her husband that saw what the Baron was thinking, and laughed at him over it though.

  It was an affront, but a minor enough one that Riven would eat it.

  He was about seven feet tall, and lean, to the Count's nine feet and muscular frame. Plus, the larger man was just a few moments from losing his composure, and going into a combat rage. No one sane would have pushed for a fight given that.

  "Plus, did you note that even as a child, Nora Alan died at his hands? That Larval, a being many times your strength and speed, was also taken with his help, as he died from blood loss. Besides that, the true danger is not that he might take offense and beat you for your insolence, which you fully deserve, but that he might simply take away the magics he has lent us. You know, the ones
that put food on your own table each night? As for loving a cock up his ass... I have not heard such at all. Not about him. Maria has mentioned that you enjoy that kind of thing however?" The look he gave was direct, and still a bit mean.

  To his credit, the Baron shrugged.

  "At times. I didn't mean to imply that Timon Baker was less for enjoying such, merely that I might sway him with my charms."

  That got a small smile from the Count, and he managed to relax a bit then.

  "Ah. Good then. I'd feared you meant to insult him, using his trauma as a goad. I will warn you of this though, do not seek him for challenge. Nor any of his family, I would hazard. Not simply because it might be the last thing you would do, either. It would annoy them, and I'd rather avoid that. We all owe far too great a debt there to even hint at playing that way."

  Wisely, Riven bowed, first to his Count, and then to her. She didn't buy for a second that he understood that these people could all kill him at need, including the little girl, but he did comprehend debt, once it was pointed out to him.

  "I understand. Well, should I get back to begging, or just go and empty my coffers in an attempt to make things right? I can't afford a war right now. I've been putting nearly everything I have into the effort against the King."

  Maria didn't roll her eyes. Hiding that kind of thing from the spies would be wasted effort. Still, a tiny bit of circumspection was useful, if only to keep habits solid.

  Her husband shook his head, slowly.

  "Fix the mess you made. I won't order it done, but it wasn't the best plan for our people. I would rather we leave here friends." That was dangerous to say, Maria knew.

  Not about them being friends, but suggesting so boldly that the Baron had made a dire mistake, and needed to repair the damage done. That kind of thing could cause wars, and had.

  Riven sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He'd just mentioned not wanting to start a massive conflict and that left only asking for a duel. That, or being sensible and realizing that Marvin hadn't ordered him to use all his coin to fix things either. All he had to do was make it right as he saw fit.


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