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Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1)

Page 8

by P. S. Power

  Before she did anything, she held up a hand to Pet and then pulled her into place. She could kneel. They were both laying half across his lap though.

  "Take a turn? It might be important later."

  Her friend looked hesitant, as if it had never occurred to her that doing this with the King was even an option? She moved in though, because he was the King and being too slow could be an insult. Opening her lips, she sucked the head in slowly, getting a soft groan from the man.

  Her warm brown hand wrapped around the base, and then, shy or not she started bobbing her head with a good bit of effort. Almost as if hungry for him. That was good to see, since Maria had been worried that her sister in-law’s hardships might have broken her as far as men went. It seemed that wasn't the case.

  After a few minutes, Maria nudged her with a shoulder, getting her to move to the side, so that she could take her place. The head and shaft were moist, a few inches down. There had been good effort there, but feeling a bit competitive, Maria let her mouth slide further down, relaxing her throat and breathing through her nose. She didn't go as fast, but put him deep inside her with each move forward. Until her nose was buried in his pubic hair, and her lips locked around the base.

  It surprised her, but he simply held still, and didn't grab her head to fuck her that way like most men did. The noble ones at any rate. She was showing off a bit, so did that herself, bobbing on him with short movements, feeling the head of his cock hit her throat and rub, over and over.

  That actually got a small growl from the girl next to her.

  "Hmm. Move over." That sounded competitive too, so keeping her hand working while she pulled off and Petra got into place, she let her friend take a turn.

  She wasn't as good with it as Maria was, gagging on him every few seconds at first. She didn't get sick though, and kept going, forcing him deep, even as she suffered a bit. After a minute or two of this she pulled up and started moving her right hand on him very fast, looking at Maria.

  "Fine, so this round goes to you."

  Maria smirked. Of course it did. They were playing in her world now. If Pet wanted to win she'd either need a lot more practice, or to get Maria out into a combat square. Then it would be different.

  "Stand up? I want you to take my throat. Find your pleasure."

  It took a bit of shifting around, but Petra kept her hand working and followed the man, if a bit awkwardly, never letting him rest, while Maria bent at the waist in front of him and placed him back into her mouth. This angle was better, actually, meaning that he went slightly deeper. She got into place, and then took his hands and put them on either side of her head. He got the idea, thrusting, deeply, but gently, at first. After a bit he started to buck, moving faster, as her throat tried to tighten around him convulsively with each thrust. It wasn't gagging, but was close to it. She had to time her breathing, and finally just hold out as he started to find his release. He pulled back a bit, but she moved in swallowing as best she could with him that far inside. It pulled at him, as he started to tighten then let go with a warm thick squirt. Followed by several others as she took all of it inside of her.

  Then she pulled back, sucking hard the whole time, cleaning him with her tongue. She'd already had him inside her, so it would simply be rude for her not to handle that part too. To her surprise, Petra moved in and licked him too, even as he started to relax, being finished.

  Doing her part, it seemed. It was lovely to watch. Almost done with loving concern and care.

  Maria nodded, looking up at the King.

  "That should be enough, for now. Or, well, we should have fucked, too. Next time? Say in a week? I need to go and get some things from Harmony, and that might take longer, but if we start meeting each week now? I can tell everyone that I'm telling you that it’s all about trying to make peace now? In case the rebellion loses?" She paused and smiled, making that real. "Oh, by the way, we should be lovers to cover my and Marvin's behind, in case the rebellion fails."

  They all laughed, since that would get around the Truth amulets rather nicely.

  The truth could do that, every time.

  Chapter six

  Getting out of the Palace was nearly as challenging as getting in, if for different reasons. On the way in, they didn't want to be seen, but the situation had changed in mere moments. Going out, well, they had a good reason for being there now, didn't they? She'd been servicing the King, along with Petra and made a point of doing it in a way that anyone with a bit of the right magic would be able to check it out for certain. Being seen wasn't a problem now.

  It was the goal.

  Still, being too obvious wouldn't work very well either, would it? Making Petra's craft large and glowing for instance, would work, but being too obvious would be a signal to all the watchers that they wanted to be noticed.

  Luckily it also didn't matter that much.

  "Let's just leave? We can fly back to Warden directly, but leave the outside of the craft dark?" They were already in it, so it was simple enough for Pet to take them up, going with a slow movement that gave people enough time to see someone was there. Not that they'd know who was in the vehicle, even if they noticed the thing. A few hundred feet up in the air and they'd be invisible anyway. At least until they passed in front of the stars.

  The trip back took about an hour, since Petra wanted to talk. She waited too, meaning that what she had to say was important to her.

  "Do you need to go to Harmony now at all? If you have a plan to get in, and I have to admit, it's a pretty good one... Why would you need that fake Truth device?"

  Maria could see that, but there was a good reason, really. Two actually, once she stopped to think about it for a bit.

  "Yes. Look, getting in to see the King for a secret meeting like we just had is one thing. There's no harm involved in sucking his cock for him, is there? Going in to try and kill him is totally different. I know that I'm not planning that, but I don't want the rebels to get that too easily, do I? Also, if I follow their plan, more or less, I can try to meet with some of the people involved in it. See what they had in place to get the girl entry into the Palace, that sort of thing. Find who their poison master is? It may not work, because it really isn't needed, but making arrangements to visit people would be a good idea. I really need to get my own craft like this. Do you think Queen Tiera will hand one over if I beg hard enough? I couldn't justify buying one, even if I have the coin for it. That gold is for our people in the county, not play things." She dropped her hand to the warm and soft seat arm. It was white and felt like kid skin. Soft and velvety under her fingers.

  Petra snorted at her, and let her head come up enough to show she was fighting a real laugh.

  "Not too likely. This is a war ship. She'd give one to you about the same time that she wanted the Earth destroyed. No, Tiera has a new set of builds though, which she might be willing to part with one of. I still don't know if that would work for you, but you can try for that? She likes girls well enough, I hear, and you aren't exactly hard on the eyes."

  Feeling damned with faint praise Maria started to scowl, but then thought about how things were there, in Harmony. A lot of women were much better looking than her there. Some on a level that almost defied description. Compared to that, she was almost plain, wasn't she? Not that it was a real thing. Her looks still turned more than a few heads, day to day.

  Farm boys and Dukes all stopped to appreciate her, when she passed.

  "That sounds like a plan then. I'll try to drop some hints about that? I should also send a letter to Tor. Ward needs some of his floating rivers, I think. Honestly, we all do, along the outer coast on the East. Possibly the West, too. That's going to be hard for me though." She looked out into the dark, seeing very few lights at all. There was enough moonlight that she could tell there was water to their right, since it glinted a bit, but that was all. How Pet managed to hold their course was amazing, really.

  Skillful, and a sign of much practice. If Maria could get
such a vehicle for herself... Well, she'd learn then, wouldn't she? Others managed it, which meant she probably would be able to as well. If not, she'd hire it done.

  Smiling, she tried not to think about what a mess making a deal with Torrance Baker could be for her, but Petra huffed a sigh that seemed long suffering. As if it were her, not poor Maria that had the problems there?

  "That's the truth. It's like you two are fated to be enemies. No matter what either of you do, isn't it? It's your fault, of course, at least to the stress between you two now. How you managed to not fix things with a person as kind and gentle as him, I don't understand. I can see things taking time with me, or Karen, but Tor? I've seen him forgive people that had tried to kill him. Literally. He let the Larval go, after they were subdued and fixed, did you know that? Really, the biggest part of the issue belongs to Prince Alphonse, but try blaming a Prince for a thing like that. At the very least he should have strung you along for a while, just in case you really were a good marriage candidate." She shook her head a bit, but smiled. It was a strange little thing though, not her normal proud grin. "He told me that when Princess Karina found out about him telling you that he loved you, which he didn't mean, she beat him. Hard enough to knock him from his chair, too. Just wailing on him until he couldn't stand. Left bruises for two weeks, if I heard right. I think he told me that to keep me from doing the same thing to him. That was pretty low. Everyone knows you don't say the words like that, if you don't mean them... Did you really love him?"

  That... It was a hard thing to admit, because she'd let herself turn to rage for so long about the matter after that, taking what petty revenge she could for it. That way she could claim to herself that it wasn't about how she'd felt to start with, just the insult that had been perceived, right or wrong. The truth was hard to admit, but she let herself do it anyway. Petra had been there for part of it, hadn't she? If anyone deserved to know, it was her. Well, perhaps Tor Baker had a better claim to that, but back then Petra had been a friend of hers, hadn't she? It was hard to remember now, after everything, but the truth.

  "I think so. I really did, back then. The idea that he wouldn't want me as a wife... Well now I know that it wouldn't have worked out, in the end. I'd thought myself the perfect offering, but there were better. Princess Abby or even Countess Thomson. Even at school there were girls that would have made the mark before me. I... Really, I don't think I would have been so mean to Tor if not for that. If I hadn't really felt something pretty strongly for Alphonse. It wasn't my thought at the time, I don't want to claim that kind of thing. Nothing was that clear to me back then, but... How likely was it that those two weren't lovers? Tor is perfect, and Alphonse is a Prince. I should have accepted the date and turned it into a three-way. Well, the problem of youth is that we're all so young when it takes place. Untried, and unlearned. If we could but come at it with more knowledge and acumen, we'd never do all those stupid things..."

  Rather than scold or judge her, or even tell her that she was wrong, Pet just laughed a bit.

  "That could be fun. Getting those two in bed. They're both pretty wonderful. Not for me, since the bloodlines don't work, but I could see you setting that up. Get with Ali on it, if you're serious. She's a bit too related to Alphonse for that kind of thing, but she's good about making sure other people make connections. Really, given your shared hobbies, you two should consider being friends."

  That was a nice thing for Petra to be considering, since it was clear she actually liked one of the women involved. So it seemed like she was trying to be good to her word and be that way with Maria too. She smiled, taking it that way, at any rate. No one wanted to be doubted, and doing so was counter to what her plans were.

  She clapped, making a sharp noise in the small space of the pilot’s area.

  "Goody. I'll see about sending a note with your recommendation then." Smothering a yawn she realized how late it must be getting. "So, in the morning? We can still go and see what we can hunt up, before I start trying to break open the last of the rebels?"

  She got a nod, but no other response.

  After all, that was going to be dangerous, wasn't it? Not so much in the doing either, but afterward.

  Once it was all said and done, Maria Ward, and possibly her husband the Count, would be hated by everyone in the land. Thought of as traitors by everyone, instead of as the heroes that saved them all from certain ruin. It always was the way of things, wasn't it? You saved the world, doing all the hard work yourself, and no one saw the contributions you made. No, it was always just the end result, and their personal hurt feelings that mattered.

  That reminded her to keep what friends she could close to her heart now. Because soon things were going to be very lonely for her. For a few moments she felt a tiny bit desperate. How would she, Maria, who leaned so heavily on her friends and loves now, make it when they all left her alone? When they sought to protect themselves from borrowed shame?

  Well, there was nothing for it. She was, like it or not, sworn to the King. At least she could probably get some attention from him later, now that she'd set that up. It was a bit strange sharing a lover with her father, but she'd done that with her own mother before. At least the Baron was a kind enough man to not make a huge issue of such things.

  Carol, her mother, had been with Marvin first, for several years. She never let Maria forget that either, though it was clear that the dalliance hadn't been all that big of a thing to her husband as all that. A good thing that had led to the two of them meeting, but nothing more.

  Her mother acted like she, personally, had sucked the marriage agreement out of Marvin's cock, and spit it out into Maria's waiting mouth. Like she was some helpless bird that never would have made it in the world without her personal aid? Maybe. Or just possibly she would have stayed in school, made up with Tor for her bad behavior and lived a very different life?

  Who knows, she reflected, perhaps it would be her that married him, instead of Gretchen Derring? Ali Baker now. That story was a good one, however. How Tor had stolen the girl away to a different land, and protected her from her monster of a father, until such time that he could marry her. Keeping the girl safe forever.

  Maria actually knew the punch line there, having some decent spies around Tor. They'd traced a shipment of gold from him to the Sorvee family. Ten thousand gold, solid. A huge magical chest, loaded into a wagon and driven from his palace to the local representative. For the death of Count Derring.

  At first it had seemed very unlikely, and she'd really thought that Patricia Morgan had simply stolen the gold for it, holding some other plan, but now she could see it. The man that she'd spurned had become so powerful that when he perceived a threat to people that he only casually knew, he’d risk war to see it fixed. Not even a Count was safe from his wrath.

  For a long time after that she feared he'd end her days in a similar fashion. It would take no more than a thought and lifting his hand to have it done, with all of his wealth. That never came though. Time and again, he'd held his hand.

  It was a bit scary, because for the life of her, Maria couldn't figure out what it meant. Did he hate her? Was he holding to some deep and lasting plan that she couldn't see? Was it simply that he thought so little of her that she, personally wasn't even a person in his eyes? He'd saved her life, but everyone that knew him had told her that he honestly would have done the same thing for anyone taken that way. It was too confusing, so she let it go, for the thousandth time, and let Petra land in front of the villa. It was dark, but they had magical lights to set the front lawn apart from the rest of the city.

  It was still suffering from the damage done years before. Storms had hit them several times, beating and battering them all, taking the lives of those who didn't have a secure enough place to hide from things. Even the villa, a thing that had stood for over a hundred years, had taken damage. That had been fixed inside a month, but not everyone had the resources they did. Marvin had set up programs to give aid in the rebuilding,
but there was just so much to do.

  It would happen, in time, but for the moment everyone was still at risk. Thankfully it seemed that the worst of the massive storms had passed for now. It was still impossible for anyone to get through a complete growing season in their part of the world without drought taking their crops, but... Well, she'd fix that. If she had to she'd go to Harmony and suck what her people needed out of the Wizards there, until her knees bled. Past that, if it were required of her.

  That she might have to humble herself was a real possibility, she knew. It was her least favorite thing, but no one would say, in the end, that she didn't love her people well enough. No one.

  They didn't speak, going in, since people would be sleeping. It was cute, really, since rather than sneak in like they were hiding something, Petra boldly held her hand. That meant they ended up in Maria's room, sharing a bed that night. It worked out, because in the morning when Marvin came to wake her, that being his habit, since Maria tended to be a bit snippy with the help that early, and not him, Petra was gotten up too.

  "Morning love!" A big kiss hit her cheek, getting her to smile, a little petulantly.

  "Go 'way. Sleeping."

  She was ready for the half hour of her refusing to get up, being tickled and eventually tugged from the sheets, but Pet put something on her bare neck. An amulet.

  Once it was activated, she felt a slight tingle, and she was suddenly awake. Not like a drug had hit her system, just some complicated magic that made it so Maria was up. Sitting, she took the thing, holding it in place.

  "All right. This is amazing. What is it?"

  Taking it back, which didn't lessen the feeling at all, Petra held it in her own hand, still on. Then she passed it to her brother, who smiled.

  Only after that, did she explain.


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