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My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series)

Page 5

by Rae, Alicia

  How can I say no with a speech like that? I had seriously underestimated the power of Jason.

  “Okay,” I nodded in agreement. “I’m not sure which day, but I will talk to her soon,” I offered.

  Jason tilted his head in acceptance. “Okay, that’s all I ask.”

  “So, Jason, what do you do for a living?” Kyle asked, effectively saving me from more interrogation.

  Jason turned to look at Kyle. “I work construction.”

  “Oh really? Doing what?” Kyle asked, genuinely interested.

  “Building custom homes mainly, but I can do it all, repairs, remodeling, and additions. New construction is my favorite though. Do you build as well?” Jason said.

  “Not right now. I mainly buy, fix up, and sell. I built my house recently, and I really enjoyed it. I’ve thought about expanding into that territory. Do you only build locally?”

  Jason nodded. “Yes, for now at least. I’ve thought about broadening my horizons, but it takes a lot of manpower, and insurance gets pretty crazy, too.”

  “That it does.” Kyle turned to Damon. “What about you?”

  “I’m the architect.” Damon grinned.

  “He’s the brains behind it. He even has a fancy degree to go with it,” Jason added.

  Kyle looked surprised. “So, you both work together? All the time?”

  “Unfortunately,” Damon joked, earning a punch in the arm from Jason.

  “Mostly,” Jason added. “Damon does all the plans for my buildings, but he also does other side projects on his own.”

  The waitress arrived with our food, and all three men’s gazes zoned in on her large tray as she lowered it and then passed us each our plates. It all smelled delicious.

  Jason, Damon, and Kyle all dug in without delay, and we ate in silence. Four-wheeling was a pretty vigorous sport mixed with plenty of fresh air to wipe anyone out.

  The waitress returned a few times to replenish our drinks and make sure we didn’t need anything else.

  After we all finished our plates, we sat back to relax. The waitress came back with our bill, and then she cleared the table. Kyle and Jason argued over who would pay, but the bill was closer to Jason’s reach, so he won.

  I huffed, exasperated by the two of them. I could tell they were going to get along very well when they weren’t arguing like teenagers. I laughed silently at the thought.

  I glanced around to see if Ted and Jane were nearby to say good-bye one more time before we headed out back to the trails. After I spotted them, I turned back as Jason and Kyle continued talking about real estate.

  “I haven’t decided if I want to make the big move or not. A larger city would allow for more growth, but I’m not sure which side of construction I want to stay with. I like residential as much as commercial,” Jason said to Kyle.

  Kyle nodded in understanding. “I’m having trouble with drawing that line myself. It’s not an easy decision.”

  I rose to my feet, eager to get back outdoors. They all looked up at me with questioning eyes.

  “Well, gentlemen, I would love to stay and chat with you, but a certain four-wheeler is calling my name.”

  All three of them stood in a heartbeat, ready to go. I chuckled.

  “Well then, we can’t bore you on your first trip home.” Jason dropped cash on the table.

  On our way to the front of the restaurant, I located Ted and Jane to thank them again.

  “Where to, Lil?” Jason asked.

  “We still have enough time to make the loop down by the water before circling back. That way we are home in plenty of time before dark.”

  Everyone agreed on the path as we all hopped onto the four-wheelers. When I got situated, I noticed a large puddle had formed from a running hose coming from the back of the restaurant. I thought it was odd that someone had left it on. I was about to mention it to Damon, but he had started his four-wheeler, so he wouldn’t be able to hear my warning. I saw his plan a split second before it happened. Kyle was far enough out of the path, and I barely had enough time to get down and duck behind my ATV for cover.

  Damon revved up his motor, popped the clutch, and covered Jason in mud from head to toe. A string of curse words came out of Jason’s mouth as Kyle and I laughed uncontrollably. Jason shook his head in exasperation before he let out a small laugh.

  Damon took off, and we all followed. He eventually slowed and let us catch up, but he was smart enough to stay a good distance in front of Jason.

  Damon stayed in the lead as Jason brought up the rear. The closer we got to the water, the muddier the trails were, but we didn’t seem to mind. My cousins had always told Annie and me that we had no business being on an ATV if we were afraid of mud.

  When the trail made a big bend right in front of the water, we started curving back toward home. We weaved in between trees, went up and down hills, and flew around each bend, all in a single line. It was great to let loose and not think about anything except the trail in front of me.

  We crossed a small bridge that went over a little creek. When we were younger, my cousins had begged my uncle to help them make a bridge, so they could go up and down a large hill. That large hill was coming up, and the area was especially muddy. I grinned, knowing that Kyle was behind me.

  Hehe, it’s my turn.

  Damon started to go up the hill, and I stood and quickly picked a spot to go up the steep incline a few feet out of Damon’s path. I sat back on my seat, hit the gas, and gunned it, leaning all my weight forward to keep the front wheels on the ground while I let my rear tires spin, kicking up the soggy mud. With how loud my motor revved, I knew I was effectively covering anyone in my direct line of fire.

  With a huge grin plastered on my face, I braced my legs against the metal sides as I kept my finger steady on the throttle. I watched the top of the hill getting closer and closer.

  Can’t stop on a hill. That’s bad news.

  I got to the top and stopped behind Damon, waiting for Kyle and Jason to follow. I couldn’t see the bottom of the hill because the tree branches were overgrown, and I couldn’t get close to the edge, knowing more people were coming up.

  I stepped off the left side of the four-wheeler and shook out my stiff legs. Kyle took a moment to come up the hill. When he made it, I saw he was covered in mud, but he looked hot with how comfortably he maneuvered his machine. My eyes roamed back to his body, and I couldn’t contain my laughter when I saw the mud on the front of his shirt and legs. When I glanced back up, I saw his face and even his hair were soaked in mud.

  Jason pulled up alongside Kyle. He was laughing his ass off. “That was fucking priceless, Lily.” He continued to laugh uncontrollably. “You stopped him dead in his tracks at the bottom of the hill…and covered his ass in mud from your burnout!”

  I laughed and glanced back to Kyle once again. He was already off his ATV and stalking toward me. His eyes were dark with—

  Oh shit! I know that look!

  My instincts begged me to take a step back, but I held myself firmly in my place.

  Kyle unleashed his devilish grin. Combining that with the mud dripping down the side of his face made him look sexy as hell, but add in the view of him on the four-wheeler, and it was enough to make me shiver with need. It was a lethal combination. He was stalking closer, and I held my breath as my body hummed, the feeling getting stronger with each step he took.

  He grabbed my waist and pulled my body against his. I vaguely heard voices in the background, but my brain was already foggy. All thoughts were on Kyle…and his mouth. He pulled me in for a scorching kiss. This kiss was raw and hard and full of passion. I gasped when he pulled back.

  His breathing was hard as he looked into the depths of my eyes. “You’re the one who had your ass in the air, searching around. It distracted me. I had to stop and take in the full view.” His voice was husky as his eyes burned into mine. “Not to mention, I’ve been riding behind that ass all day, watching you manhandle a machine. It’s fucking sexy.” H
e leaned in closer, making me shiver, as he whispered, “I really wish we were alone right now.”

  “Ditto.” I was completely mesmerized with the man before me, so I didn’t realize when I began verbalizing my thoughts, and I wasn’t using his quiet tone either. “I want to strip you naked—”

  “Lily! I’m right fucking here! Do that shit later before I have to kick your boyfriend’s ass! And I really like him, so that would be a damn shame!” Jason exclaimed.

  Damon groaned with his fingers plugging his ears.

  Kyle growled and pinned Jason with a glare. “Way to ruin a moment, cowboy. Just wait until it happens to your ugly mug someday.”

  “I’ll leave those fairy-tale moments to you, Romeo,” Jason countered.

  Damon shook his head, laughing at all of us, while keeping his attention on Jason, watching him closely, knowing that Jason would deliver payback at any given moment.

  Jason started up his four-wheeler and popped the clutch into first, holding the brake down, while waiting for us.

  “Ready to ride?” Jason grinned from ear to ear.

  Kyle, Damon, and I agreed at the same time, and we hopped back on the four-wheelers. We took off together and raced through the rest of the trails with a need for speed. All of us were laughing, kicking up mud, and weaving left and right as if we were putting our machines to work on a private racetrack. This was the best trail of the three for the very reason that it was not boring in any way.

  When we made it back to the house, we parked in the backyard near the hose. Nearly every inch of all our bodies was covered in mud. My wet riding pants were clinging to my thighs.

  Jason stopped beside me and affectionately put his arm around my shoulder. “Lil, you still got it.”

  I chuckled and leaned into his hug. “Good to know I’m Jason-approved.”

  “You know it.” Jason grinned, and then it slowly turned into a warm smile. “Right now, you look like how I remember you most, smiling from ear to ear and covered in mud.”

  Kyle smiled, his gaze fixated on us.

  In that moment, I realized how much I had truly missed this part of me. “Thank you for today.” My voice rang with emotion.

  “Anytime, Lil. We’re always here for you,” Jason assured me.

  The four of us hosed down our rides and gear before storing them back in the garage. We were all beat. Four-wheeling was work, especially when riding for miles on uneven terrain. It’d made me use muscles I had forgotten I even had, but it was well worth every ache.

  Jason walked out to his truck and came back with two large suitcases that I recognized as Kyle’s and mine. I stared at Jason in bewilderment before I recovered my expression. It was very thoughtful of him to bring them by.

  “Here.” He stopped in front of me, his face soft. “I thought you might need these. I figured you weren’t coming back to the house either way.”

  He was right. On good terms or bad, I needed a bit of space right now.

  I smiled up at him. “Thank you, Jason. I appreciate it.”

  Kyle approached Jason with an outstretched hand. “Thank you, for today and for also bringing our belongings.”

  Jason shook his hand. “No problem, man. Always happy to help in any way I can.” He turned to face me again. “Let me know what you decide, Lil. Okay?” he asked tentatively.

  “Of course. I’ll call you sometime tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good.” He pulled me into a big hug. “Thanks for inviting us, Lil. We’ve missed our little firecracker.” He looked over at Kyle. “It’s good to know she’s not alone.”

  Kyle nodded. They were having a silent conversation with one another right in front of my eyes.

  I shook my head. Must be a guy thing.

  Kyle rotated to face Damon and extended his hand. “Thank you, Damon. You’ve been a great help.”

  “That’s what family is for.” Damon smiled, shaking Kyle’s hand. “We were just happy to spend some extra time with you guys while you’re here.”

  After our good-byes, my shoulders sagged from exhaustion. I was wiped out. I silently watched as Damon and Jason climbed into Damon’s truck and made their way down the driveway.

  Once they were out of sight, Kyle turned his head in my direction with a teasing look on his face. “Firecracker, huh?” he asked with humor in his voice.

  “Yep.” I had to laugh. “I was the tomboy, and the term firecracker was used a few times.” I grinned.

  “I see. So, I have an idea.” A small smile spread across his face. “Don’t freak out, okay?”

  I eyed him apprehensively. “Okay…”

  “Since we are alone…in your parents’ house…” Kyle stalked closer to me and then gathered me in his arms. “I think we should have a sleepover…in your bed, firecracker.” Kyle hesitated, gauging my reaction while letting the thought sink in. “Well, if it’s big enough.”

  I had never had a boy in my bedroom when I lived at home. For one, I had never had a serious boyfriend, and two, my dad would have buried him in the backyard before the boy had made it up the stairs.

  I smiled, thinking it would be kind of fun. “Do you not want to sleep in the hammock again?” I was intrigued by his idea, but I wanted to tease him a bit first.

  “I will if that’s what you want to do, but I thought it would be fun to break a few house rules while we’re here.” He unleashed his gorgeous panty-melting grin.

  And I was toast.

  Desire bloomed from deep within me. I walked over to the door, shut the garage door, and pulled my shirt over my head.

  Kyle slowly walked toward me. He watched my every move, his expression darkening.

  My muddy jeans were clinging to my hips, and I had to wiggle slightly to get them off. Kyle’s breath roughened as he gripped the stair handrail and walked up the two small steps to the door.

  I stood before him in my bra and panties, which were wet and sticking to my skin. “It’s a queen-size bed. You’ll fit…” I turned and looked over my shoulder at him. “If we snuggle.”

  “We’ll definitely be snuggling,” Kyle said in a low voice.

  “But first, it’s time for a shower,” I added.

  He knelt on the step before me. He placed his hands on the sides of my waist and turned me back around to face him. With his right thumb, he rubbed small circles, trying to remove a wet patch of mud on my skin. A shiver raced down my spine. Slowly leaning forward, he kissed me just below my navel. I closed my eyes, and a moan escaped my lips.

  He tipped his head back. His eyes were glazed over with pure primal need. “You are so beautiful, Lily. You take my breath away…every time.”

  Captivated by the love in his eyes, I threaded my fingers into his incredibly soft hair. “You do the same to me,” I whispered, trying to control my voice.

  His hands tightened on my waist as he picked me up into his arms. His hands moved to hold me firmly underneath my thighs. He kissed me fervently as he walked us into the house. My hands found the hem of his shirt, and I tugged it over his head while I braced my legs tightly around his waist for balance.

  My breathing accelerated when my eyes traveled up and down his bare chest. He had dry mud on the side of his neck, upper shoulder, and forearm. I did not realize how sexy a man could be covered in mud. My mouth watered at the anticipation of washing it off of his glorious wet body.

  Kyle carried us to the living room threshold and stopped, waiting for my direction.

  “Stairs,” I breathed heavily. Not allowing my eyes to be distracted from the sight before me, my finger pointed in the direction of the stairs. My hands went back to caress up and down his firm chest, admiring the definition of every muscled curve.

  As we reached the top of the stairs, I pointed again. “That way.”

  He set me down to my feet and grasped my chin gently with his hands. I could feel his heart beating rapidly beneath my hands, and it matched my own.

  I did not need fancy cars, outlandish gifts, or a castle. I just needed this, ri
ght here. His eyes told me everything I needed to know. He made me feel like I could conquer the world. I wished that every day in life could be like this.

  “I love you,” I said gently while looking deep into his eyes, needing him to know how I felt in that moment. “You have changed me in so many ways.”

  My hands glided down his sides, and his gaze never left mine. His eyes were filled with the same emotions I felt.

  “You make me feel so much,” I whispered.

  Kyle’s eyes softened with a warm glow as his lips parted into a smile. “I love hearing you say how I feel.” His voice was gentle and loving. “And I love you…more than you’ll ever know,” he vowed. Closing the small distance, he pulled my chin up and took my mouth in a tender kiss.

  His lips parted, and his tongue brushed along my bottom lip, silently asking for permission into my mouth. I parted my lips as I anticipated the feel of his tongue against mine. His kisses turned urgent, need and desire racing through each one. His firm hands touched me in all the right places. He ignited and awakened every part of me from deep within.

  My body hummed with desire. Each nerve felt like a live wire ready to explode. I took a small step back to strip him naked, and then I followed with another step to admire the view. Oh. My. God.

  Kyle’s eyes had a feral look about them as he watched me step back. His body was tense, not wanting the distance between us. He looked like a panther, ready to strike at any moment. His intense stare made my nipples harden as a jolt of lust spiraled down to my belly.

  He took a small step forward and grinned. “Are we playing cat and mouse?” Kyle asked seductively.

  I bit my lip and shook my head, letting the silence linger briefly. The quietness further charged the air around us. Our chemistry was palpable. I smiled to myself, wanting to work him up a little. It was then that I realized there would never be a dull moment between us. I wanted him like I needed air to breathe.

  I reached around to unclasp my bra, and I let my breasts fall free. I hooked my thumbs into my panties, and I slowly lowered them off, one hip at a time. Kyle’s chest rose and fell with each breath as he patiently waited for me to undress, his eyes never leaving my body.


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