My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series)

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My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) Page 9

by Rae, Alicia

  He removed the hotdogs and buns from the grill, put them on paper plates. Packaged potato salad, chips, and a fruit dish came out of the bag next, and he positioned everything in the center of the blanket.

  “Do you like working in different places?”

  I opened the potato salad and dug out a spoonful for each of us. Kyle placed a handful of barbeque chips on our plates, and I added the fruit. It all looked delicious. My stomach growled in agreement.

  “Good thing I’m feeding you.” Kyle snickered. “Sometimes, traveling and a change of scenery are nice. It has taught me a great deal about real estate and how regions can vary, but I don’t plan to travel to multiple places for much longer. It gets old quickly.”

  I took a bite of my hot dog and groaned out loud.

  “Good?” Kyle took a bite of his own.

  I nodded. “Very good.” I like what you did with the bun.” There was something to be said about campfire food. I surely would not want to eat a hot dog every day, but when it was cooked outside on a fire, it was the perfect dinner.

  We quickly devoured our plates.

  Kyle scanned the blanket. “Hold on. I can definitely make this better.” He stood and walked over to the bag.

  I cleared our garbage and threw it away into a small trash bag that Kyle had set in the grass. He returned with a bottle of red wine and two small clear plastic cups in hand.

  I could not hold in my laughter at the sight of the plastic cups. Our date—complete with the fire, blankets, hot dogs, packaged foods, and wine in plastic cups—was utterly adorable and romantic.

  “Very nice.” With a smile, I extended my hand to take the cup.

  Kyle lifted his eyebrows. “Are you making fun of me, Miss Tidsdale?”

  I bit my lip, trying to hold back another laugh. “Not at all.”

  He sat down behind me, straddling either side of my legs with his own. He pulled me closer to his chest. His warm, strong body felt like heaven against mine, and I nestled in closer.

  Taking a sip of the wine, it tasted of mixed berries as it went down my throat. It was a bit dry but very smooth.

  I wanted to know more about him, especially since I had agreed to move to California with him. Just thinking about living with him made me so nervous. There is still so much we need to learn about each other. But every time I truly looked at him, it just seemed…right. Even moments ago when he was cooking us dinner, he had seemed so young and carefree working over the fire.

  I decided to ask him questions. Yes, questions. It would keep me from my worst enemy—thinking.

  “Did you go camping much as a kid?” I was still very interested to know more about his childhood.

  He pulled my hair off my cheek and leaned in to kiss my temple. “Yes. My brother, sister, and I used to camp out a lot. Usually, we would set up tents in our backyard. Then, as we got older, my mom would let us venture out to different campgrounds, but she was always worried, especially about Abbey. Abbey always wanted to be with Ryan and me.”

  It was nice to hear about his childhood. I could picture a younger version of him with Ryan and Abbey. During the short time I had spent with his family, I could clearly see their love for each other.

  I had never really wondered what it would be like to have a brother. My cousins, Annie, and I had all grown up together, so it had always felt like we were siblings.

  Kyle refilled our plastic cups and put the cap back on the bottle. The wine was surely one of the better ones I had tasted. It relaxed and soothed my wired mind.

  Kyle had answered all of my questions willingly, so I decided to keep asking him more.

  “Did you all fight a lot? Or did you and Ryan gang up on Abbey because she was a girl?”

  “Sure, we fought like normal siblings. Abbey is more of a tomboy though. She can hold her own. She was right beside us, building tree forts, tubing in the ocean, or skiing down huge hills. But being the youngest and having two older brothers, she didn’t get to date a lot. As she got older, she started to get very verbal about those feelings.” He smiled, getting lost in his thoughts.

  I chuckled. “I bet. My cousins did the same thing to me, and most of the time, I was mad about it. Looking back, I guess it was a blessing sometimes. It allowed me to focus on school instead of boys.”

  “It was a very good thing,” Kyle growled teasingly in my ear. He grazed it lightly with his teeth before smoothing it over with his tongue.

  Warmth flooded my core at the simple act. I tried to ignore the feelings he ignited in me. I was eager for more information. I shifted in his embrace, so I could see his face.

  “Do you like that Abbey works with you now?” I reached out to grab an extra blanket to keep us warm.

  Other than the fire glowing in front of us, it was pitch-black outside. Feeling a bit cold, I was grateful for the hoodie Kyle had made me wear. I tucked my hands into the sleeves and brought them up to my face to breathe warm air into them. I inhaled deeply, sneaking in the scent of his sweatshirt. His clean male scent filled my senses as I tried to concentrate on his answer to my question.

  “I do. Abbey and I have a lot in common. We have similar personalities, and I think that’s why we get along so well. At work, she is all business and professional. I am in awe of her sometimes. She was always helping Ryan, Dad, and me with whatever we would allow her to do when we were remodeling houses, but we never expected her to pick a career in it. She never even told us she wanted to pursue it until she was in college.”

  I was surprised and intrigued to hear of a woman going into a profession like that. Business and construction were brutal fields. I didn’t personally know any women who worked in those areas. It was a foreign concept to me, but it was very admirable.

  Questions just kept coming into my mind. “Does she like the traveling part of the job?”

  He raised his eyebrows at me. “You are just full of questions tonight.” He smiled and tucked the blanket around my side. “Yes. I think she does anyway. At least, she has never complained about it. She seems to enjoy sightseeing as much as I do.”

  “Where is your favorite place that you’ve visited?”

  When he gave me a soft, tender smile, I knew his answer. As I waited for his reply, my breath caught, and my stomach filled with millions of butterflies, each one fluttering wildly.

  “Florida, Lily,” he said in a low, gentle voice. “When I saw you on the beach, you looked so beautiful. You were my breath of fresh air.”

  “Oh,” I breathed. His sweet endearment derailed me. My heart was thrumming in my chest as I was processing each of his words.

  Changing my position, I spun around and lifted my legs to place them on either side of his waist. His eyes bore into mine with love and passion as I sat astride his lap. The air stirred around us, and I felt that electrical current pull between us. I did not know if this was a normal feeling or not, but what I felt for him consumed me. My body was so attuned to his. It was like he had a direct line to my central nervous system.

  His hand skimmed across my cheekbone and down to my jaw. He leaned his forehead against mine. “You saved me, too, you know,” he said softly, “in more ways than one.”

  I wondered what he meant by that, but I was too distracted by his heated touch. My breathing increased as he tipped my chin up until my eyes met his, and my heart skipped an uneven beat. Will I ever get used to this man and his touch? I didn’t know if I wanted to. I loved the way he could make me melt into a puddle.

  Needing to feel his mouth on mine, I leaned forward and crushed my lips against his. Kyle groaned low in his throat. He moved one hand to the nape of my neck, and the other dropped to my hip bone, pulling me closer.

  His tongue pushed on my lips, demanding entrance. His warm mouth devoured mine as his hand moved to the hem of my shirt and bra. He swiftly lifted each article of clothing and tossed them onto the grass. My nipples tightened as the cool air surrounded them, and I shivered. That familiar pull was forming deep in my belly.

; Kyle broke the kiss and lowered back until he was lying flat on the ground, his eyes never leaving mine. I rocked forward on my knees and undid the button on my pants. As I started to lower the zipper, his gaze dropped to my waist, and his hands ran down the side of my ribs. It was hard to concentrate on stripping off my clothes when his hands were on me.

  Kyle let me take the lead. I stood, removed only my jeans, and tossed them onto the grass. Next, I rid him of his clothing. I wanted to feel his skin beneath my fingers. I needed him inside me, stretching and filling me full, and I could see in his eyes that his thoughts mirrored mine.

  I straddled him again, and his already hard erection grew firmer as I reached down to stroke him. His velvety smooth skin and thick length was a heady combination. I let go of him and shifted my body. Teasing him, I hooked my finger inside the bottom of my panties and tugged the silky material over to one side, exposing my sex, as I rolled my hips along the head of his erection. He brushed along my sex, and I swayed my hips until he was pressed right against my clitoris. Ah…right there.

  With his hands grasping my waist firmly as I held on to his shoulders for support, I slowly moved in a circular motion. A deep groan vibrated out of his throat. My legs were trembling as a tingle built and intensified deep within me.

  “Lily,” he said, his voice tight. His breathing was ragged, and his jaw was tense as he strained to let me finish. His grip on my sides increased.

  I could get the release my body so desperately craved with just one little touch. Being in control turned me on even more. I rocked forward with more force this time, and I cried out and shuddered as my orgasm took over. It pulled from the center of my core and rippled all the way down to my toes. Circling again on shaky legs, I rubbed my clitoris against his erection, prolonging my release.

  Kyle gritted his teeth. His entire body was rigid beneath mine as he held back his own pleasure. His breathing was uneven as he gave me a moment to collect myself.

  He shook his head, still trying to steady his breaths. “That was…” He paused and turned his stare at me. “You almost unmanned me.”

  I laughed at his serious tone.

  His eyes burned into mine with love and passion…and determination. “My turn.”

  My breath caught. Oh shit.

  Kyle sat up slightly while holding me in place. His hands slowly caressed up my sides, barely touching the curve of my breasts, before lowering back down. My gaze followed his movements as he grasped the edge of my panties and pulled. The sound of the tearing material filled the quiet air. I gasped, and my lips parted as I took deep breaths in and out. He was making me all hot and bothered. His jaw was tight as he stayed focused. His hands moved to my other side, and he pulled again, effectively shredding my panties in two.

  “There,” he stated, his voice low and husky.

  The sound went straight to my groin. I was fired up and ready for round two.

  “Now, I can see you.” His eyes slowly traveled up my waist and stomach. His lips were separated, and his breathing was rough.

  Seeing his desire for me made me feel sexy as I sat astride his lap, completely bare before his eyes. Knowing he loved me with imperfections and all, I felt beautiful, treasured, and confident.

  His tender eyes met mine. “You’re so stunning, Lily. You take my breath away. Each and every time is like I’m seeing you for the first time, and I can’t get enough,” he said, shaking his head. “It will never be enough.”

  I wanted to tell him that I felt the same way, but I was too disoriented. The sensations filling my mind and body were overwhelming me.

  Kyle palmed my breasts gently as he kissed along my throat and up to the side of my ear. I groaned as my need for another release intensified.

  Cradling my back, he bent forward, and I braced my thighs against his legs as he supported most of my upper weight. He lowered his head and took my nipple inside of his mouth. He started sucking, drawing it in and out from between his lips. I threw my head back, arching into him, as I whimpered out into the darkness. The sensations were delicious and torturous at the same time. He kept building me slowly, being careful not to tip me over the edge.

  I was wet and ready. I sat upright, pressing my sex against his, feeling crazy with the need to get him inside me now. Right. Now. When my sex brushed along his, he inhaled sharply.

  Then, the bastard chuckled. “I can feel how wet you are.”

  I moved in waves against the tip of his erection, firm and slow, and he groaned in response.

  “Get inside me…now,” I rasped.

  He cupped my behind with each of his palms and lifted me. In one swift move, he lowered me back down and thrust inside me, stretching me wide. My name left his lips as I moaned in pure pleasure. The feeling of him filling me was simply exquisite.

  It was heaven. It was home.

  I gripped onto his shoulders for balance as I kept up with his rhythm. His movements were controlled, each one making him go deeper inside me. I felt consumed by him, and I loved it. I could feel a light sweat across his skin, and his breathing grew irregular. His hands were on my waist, pulling me down onto him.

  Suddenly, he rolled us over without breaking our connection, and I was underneath him. His hand grabbed just above my knee, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “Hold on to me, Lily,” Kyle ordered.

  I tightened my legs around him. My face was buried in his neck, and I could feel his erratic breaths on my bare skin. He pumped in and out of me, again and again, never faltering his rhythm.

  Lowering my hands, I squeezed his biceps. I lifted my hips in sync with his thrusts, wanting and taking all he had to give. My insides were itching closer to my release. My pulse was pounding uncontrollably throughout my body. I moaned against his throat as I came while my muscles clenched and released him, pulling him over the edge with me.

  Our breathing slowed as Kyle gently laid his forehead on the center of my chest. He was supporting most of his weight on his arms, being careful not to crush me.

  “Your heart is beating so fast,” he said with amazement.

  My chest lightly vibrated with a laugh. “You seem to have that effect on me.”

  He tilted his head up, and his lips slowly parted and spread into a full-blown boyish smile. Be still, I told my heart as it was beating frantically in my chest.

  “As do you, Lily.” His voice along with his eyes were soft and dreamy.

  Now, it was my turn to smile from ear to ear.


  After we were dressed, Kyle replenished the logs on the fire and sat behind me. I leaned back against him as he placed his legs on each side of me and pulled me into his embrace. I closed my eyes briefly as he kissed my cheek, and we fell into a comfortable silence.

  We watched the fire burn and crackle, relishing in the ease of each other’s company and the peacefulness of the outdoors. We needed a little downtime in our lives, and being with Mother Nature was the perfect way to do it. The warmth of his strong body around me made me feel safe and loved. I snuggled in closer to him.

  My heart swelled at the thought of Kyle’s overwhelming compassion today. He had realized that this was what I needed, and he had taken the time to give it to me. He always seemed to put my needs before his own.

  For such a hard exterior shell, Kyle was one of the kindest and good-hearted people that I had met. I was not sure why he felt he needed to be a rough and tough alpha even though it was hot as hell at times.

  His earlier words—You saved me, too, you know—ran through my mind. What did he mean? I wanted so badly to just come out and ask him, but I was nervous and a bit scared.

  My eyes felt heavy. I was completely drained. It had been one hell of a few days with no end in sight. I was dreading tomorrow…and the next day…and the next. I was ready to leave Colorado. There was too much heartache here. Fear and pain always lingered around me so closely, waiting to attack at any moment.

  I shook my head to block out the negative thoughts. I woul
d not let them ruin tonight. I needed these cherished moments with Kyle. He gave me strength and courage to fight the darkness that would surround me when I felt hopeless or lonely.

  “Ready for bed?” He swept my hair off to the side as he leaned in closer and kissed my cheek gently.

  I yawned before I could answer.

  He chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  He stood, and I rose unsteadily to my feet. He caught me, and in one swift move, he picked me up into his familiar arms. It felt like home once again.

  I smiled lovingly at him. “You are the only person who has carried me in many years, you know.”

  “Good, and I’ll continue to be the only person to carry you,” he growled teasingly.

  I laughed and shook my head. Rough and tough sexy alpha is back. Does he ever go far? I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly. “Thank you for tonight. It was exactly what I needed,” I said quietly.

  I rested my head against his shoulder and nuzzled my nose against his throat. His skin felt so warm against mine. While shielding me from the cool breeze, he carried me up to the house. I was dog-tired, and I was out in seconds.

  Wednesday morning started off differently than I had planned. I liked to picture waking up each day perfectly rested with no heart-stopping nightmares, no aches or pains, and no drama. I preferred starting the day with just a quiet peacefulness.

  If only such a thing existed.

  “You let her in?” I snapped, meeting his stare. I jumped out of bed frantically, my blood instantly boiling.

  Kyle took a small step away to give me space.

  Very wise.

  His expression looked guilty.

  Well, he actually looked sexy…

  My eyes took in his attire. He was still dressed in his clothes from last night. I wanted to grab that sexy hoodie and yank him against my body. I imagined running my fingers through his ruffled hair as I ravished his soft mouth, throat, chest, waist—


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