My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series)

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My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) Page 16

by Rae, Alicia

  This has been a fucked-up day. No, I take that back. It’s been a fucked-up week.

  The waitress walked over and asked if she could bring us anything else, and Kyle politely gestured her away.

  I counted Kyle’s breaths. They were slow and steady as he caressed my back.

  “She’s okay, Lily. She made a full recovery.” Kyle sighed heavily, cursing under his breath. “I’m sorry. You didn’t need to hear any of that right now. You have enough going on already.” He pulled back to look into my eyes. “Forgive me?”

  “No.” I shook my head.

  His eyes widened, and I put a finger over his lips before he could speak. His eyes narrowed slightly, and I ignored it. Tough and sexy alpha is always close by. He just can’t seem to cage it. When a small laugh escaped me, he narrowed his eyes.

  “What’s so funny?” he questioned, gathering me at the hips and tugging me closer.

  “You,” I said simply, teasing him.

  “Do tell,” he challenged.

  Avoiding his demand, I made sure my tone sounded innocent and smooth. “I love seeing the look in your eyes when I say no…and I love to challenge you.”

  His eyes darkened slightly. He drew his upper body near, and his breath was warm on my skin as he kissed the base of my throat. I sighed as my body instantly betrayed me. Damn it.

  “I can make you tell me.” His lips tugged the corners of his mouth.

  I smiled impishly and cupped his face in my hands. I could stare at him all day. He had not shaved this morning, and the feel of his rough stubble beneath my hands made me want to devour every inch of him. I kissed him gently and forced myself to pull back.

  There was no denying our chemistry. He could touch me, and my body would instantly respond, sending every nerve on alert, but I knew we also needed to talk. I’d learned from my parents that communication was an important role in sustaining a relationship.

  “There is nothing to forgive, Kyle. I’m happy that you shared with me. Thank you. I was simply caught off guard by how much your feelings affect me. They mean so much more to me than anyone else.”

  I’d left out the part about how his pain also affected me. I didn’t want to frighten him. If he knew, I didn’t think he would continue to open up to me. Since he rarely did, I was simply not willing to give it up. I would take every bit I could get.

  His eyes bore into mine. “You have the same effect on me. To see what you have lost…guts me, Lily. I want to fix it.”

  I blinked, understanding that we felt each other’s pain. I had been told to take the good and the bad that came with a person. I had a strong notion that there was so much more to Kyle. I was desperate to know more, but with everything that was going on in our lives now, I knew this was not the time to push.

  “I don’t need you to fix it, Kyle. I love that you are there for me…and that’s all I need.”

  Kyle kissed me deeply. He leisurely stroked his tongue with mine, soothing and caressing it. His arms trapped me in his embrace as if he would never let me go.

  I parted from the kiss and sighed at the loss of contact. I wanted to lose myself in him and forget all the ugliness.

  “Ready to eat our cold food?” I asked.

  Kyle kissed me one more time. “Cold or not, I’m starved. Let’s eat.”

  I should have known he wouldn’t care if our meals were cold or not. Returning to my seat, we each dug into dinner while listening to the soft instrumental music playing throughout the speakers in the restaurant.

  After we were done, Kyle signed the check. He glanced at me, and in a tender voice, he said, “Let’s get you home…well, to the hotel anyway. We can relax and get some rest.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” I said, standing to my feet.

  Kyle took my hand in his, and I looked down at his large hand curving around my small fingers. We fit so perfectly together.


  Our hotel room was cool and dark. The small lamp glowed from the nightstand as I took off my shoes. I smiled lovingly as I heard the hot tub turn on. He knows me so well.

  I began stripping my clothes as I walked into the bathroom. I needed to feel the hot water soothe the aches deep within my muscles. I slid into the tub first and moaned in pure pleasure as I made a mental note to get one of these ASAP. I could smell lavender as the water came to the top of my breasts.

  Kyle chuckled softly. “Feel good?” he asked, his tone soft. He slipped in behind me and pulled me onto his lap. His chest was pressed firmly against my back.

  “Too good.” I closed my eyes and savored the feelings of my tired muscles soaking in the hot water with Kyle touching my bare skin. My mind and body were lost, entranced by my surroundings. The day’s tension seeped out of my pores, and I felt lighter and at ease.

  Kyle’s hand brushed my hair off to the side. He nuzzled my shoulder as he placed soft kisses along my skin. When I wrapped my hands around his thick, muscular thighs, I wondered how he kept himself in such great shape. Neither of us had worked out in quite some time, and the thought made me miss it. Working out was one of the ways I released my daily stresses.

  Kyle caressed his hands up and down the sides of my arms. “What is going through that head of yours, beautiful?”

  I turned slightly until I could see those gorgeous eyes of his. They were tender and guarded. I was reminded of how he had opened up at dinner. I knew so little about this man I loved so much. He had strong instincts to protect, love, and take care of me. I wanted to give the same to him, but I needed him to let me in.

  His stare became more intense as if he were reading my thoughts. “Now, you’ve changed directions on me.” He brushed my cheek softly with the back of his hand. “What are you thinking of now?”

  The warm body was distracting, but I held on to my thoughts. “You,” I whispered.

  His expression turned curious. His hand made its way to my chin, and he tipped it slightly until I met his gaze. “Talk to me.” His tone was gentle but held a hint of a command.

  “I know so little about you…yet you know so much about me.” I kept my voice quiet, not wanting it to waver. I did not want to feel vulnerable or weak, but I needed to be frank. I needed him to want to let me in.

  Kyle blew out a deep breath. His arm went to my waist. He pivoted me until my breasts were pressed against his chest. I braced my forearms on his shoulders for balance, keeping our gazes locked. He gripped my waist and held me in place.

  “Lily, you know me better than anyone,” he answered carefully while making long, affectionate stokes up and down my spine.

  I tensed and narrowed my eyes at him. His eyes darkened in response. I would not back down on this one. It was becoming a serious issue for me. I’d laid my heart on the line, letting him in on my darkest secrets, and I needed something in return. It was not fair to make him confide in me, but I wanted a deeper emotional connection with him that went far beyond our sexual one.

  I had to bite my inside lip to keep a serious face during our intense stare down. He looked sexy as hell when he was mad. His jaw was firmly set. His shoulders were rigid, defining each curve of every muscle there. I desperately wanted to lean forward and lick from his shoulder down to his nipple and then back up to—

  His laughter rocked me out of my sexual fog.

  “You look so fucking sexy when you’re pissed and thinking dirty thoughts about me at the same time.”

  I gave him my best stare down. “It’s entirely your fault.”

  He pulled me closer until I could feel the faintest touch of his lips against mine.

  “I love it when you get that look in your eyes. It’s as if you cannot wait for me to be inside you, making love to you,” he breathed huskily against my lips.

  My pulse hammered in my ears while my core tightened in anticipation. He could set my skin on fire with the gentlest touch. When he drew back, my body screamed in protest.

  “But we are going to do it your way, Lily. I can see the how much this means to you, so I�
�m going to try my best and give you the answers you need. There might be some things I’m not ready to share yet, but I promise that we’ll get there,” he vowed before kissing me lovingly.

  My chest constricted at the sincerity in his voice. I took a calming breath, attempting to tame my natural desire for him. We need to talk, I reminded myself.

  “Why did you leave the Army?” I asked delicately.

  I immediately felt Kyle stiffen. I feared the reason was related to the scars I could feel underneath the few tattoos he had. I knew he noticed when I felt them because he would make a slight movement here or there, but he never elaborated on the subject.

  His deep sigh and muttered curse told me I’d hit too close to home. In that moment, I knew I would not have the answer to that question today.

  “Of all the questions you could ask me, you pick the hardest one.” He sighed again. “I will tell you someday…but not today.” He kissed me above my eyebrow.

  I felt his silent plea to let that subject go for now.

  “Okay,” I answered, gently stroking his chest with the tips of my fingers. I decided to give him a simple question to ease his tension. “Is your business really okay with you being here?”

  His deep exhale told me that I was on a safe topic.

  “Yes,” he responded.

  I scowled at him, hoping he would continue without being forced. I needed more than yes.

  His lips curved up in amusement. “Yes, my business is more than fine. I hired knowledgeable people. I trust and pay them well to do their jobs. I wanted my business to be able to support itself with or without me in a day-to-day aspect.” His thumb caressed my jawline and then moved to trace my bottom lip. “Abbey is a very smart businesswoman. In fact, she loves it when I’m gone because she gets to boss everyone around.”

  I was glad I had spent time with her on a personal level. Seeing her full of life and in the company of her friends had shown me a whole other side of her. I couldn’t wait to spend more time with her and get to know her better.

  “I can picture Abbey dominating a room.” I smiled at Kyle. “I can even see her bossing you around,” I teased.

  “She thinks she can, but I skillfully micromanage her from afar.” He grinned. “Just don’t tell her that.” He laughed.

  He loved his sister dearly. There was nothing sexier than a family man.

  “I promise,” I agreed, chuckling. “Did you like college or the military better?” I asked curiously.

  “Hmm…” He paused for a moment as he seemed to think about his answer. “Both. I honestly had a hard time deciding which to do first. I was a total book geek in high school, and I knew I wanted to go to college and learn how to run a business, so that’s what I did first. Later, the military taught me discipline and the need for order. I like a good challenge.”

  I could see that about Kyle. He would work through a problem until he solved it.

  “Did you ever consider staying in the military?”

  “At one point, yes, but I missed my family, and I had other dreams I wanted to pursue.”

  Kyle sat up, still keeping my legs wrapped around his waist. It was an intimate position, leaving me open and bare to his gaze. He reached for the soap on the ledge. Rhythmically, his hands began to make soft circles as he slowly massaged my shoulders and arms, working the soap across my skin. It was something so modest that he did so very well. I closed my eyes and felt captivated by his every touch.

  After a moment of silence, he opened up. “When I bought my first property, I had so much to learn. College taught me what I needed to know, but I had to take that knowledge and be able to apply it to real life. From a young age, I was very determined to be successful, and I followed through with every task. I made mistakes, and I learned from them. My dad was there every step of the way, teaching and guiding me. I couldn’t have done it without him.”

  I tried to stay focused as his hands lathered my breasts and then down to my stomach before making their way to my hips.

  “When did you bring Abbey into the mix?” I asked.

  “As soon as she was done with college. She graduated at the top of her class, and she was determined to find that perfect career. I knew right away that I wanted her to work for me. It wasn’t just because she was family. She was just as driven as I was. She has made some great business decisions that have been very profitable.”

  “Do you think she’ll always work for you?” I asked.

  “I hope so. This deal she closed last week was her largest yet.” He smiled fondly. “We bought it because the CEO mismanaged money. He took large sums for his personal gain and ran it into debt. We will restructure it and make it profitable again. When we’re finished, I plan to sign it over to her as a gift.”

  I smiled warmly at Kyle. He was so kind and passionate. He thought of those he loved, and he always gave without expecting anything in return. He had a rare kindhearted soul, and I was appreciative that he was mine to love.

  Closing the distance, I snuggled in closer and locked my wrists around his neck. The water rippled out around us, and I was vaguely aware that the temperature had grown cooler. We had been lost in our own world as he had shared a part of himself with me.

  I kissed him passionately, wordlessly thanking him for letting me in. His lips were strong but gentle, warm with softness, and dominate in the most loving way.

  Kyle was not used to sharing his feelings or any part of himself with others. Neither was I, but together, we were making progress. We were slowly getting to know one another as we shared our innermost thoughts.

  “I love you,” I said against his lips.

  “And I love you. You are my forever, Lily.” He met my eyes, and his gaze glowed with love and affection.

  I inhaled deeply and nodded in agreement. Too many emotions were coursing through me to speak. His firm hands came around my neck to hold me close.

  “Never forget that,” he breathed before sealing his lips over mine in a scorching kiss.

  His kiss demanded my love, my surrender, my everything, and I gave these to him without thought. Inexplicable energy stormed between us, pulling us closer together. It was sensational.

  Endless moments passed as I sank further into the kiss. His tongue ravaged my mouth, driving deep and stroking mine. When he pulled away, he nipped my bottom lip and gently tugged on it while his hands assaulted each of my nipples with the same force. I groaned a helpless sound as my core contracted. An orgasm was brewing from within me, begging for release.

  He repeated the gesture, but this time, he sucked on my tongue as he tugged on each of my nipples with the same pressure. I cried softly into his mouth as my climax rushed through me. Pulsing vibrations broke past an invisible barrier in my core. My heart thudded against my chest, beating wildly.

  Kyle stood with me gathered in his arms as he stepped out of the tub onto a large floor mat. He held me firmly with one hand as his other hand reached for a large bath towel, and he attempted to singlehandedly wrap it around the two of us.

  Once he realized it was never going to work, he set me on my feet directly in front of him, swaddled it around me, and swooped me up into his arms once again.

  As he walked over to the bed, he kissed me again as though he could not stand the distance between us. His mouth was greedy, taking everything I was willing to give. He touched me like he hadn’t for weeks. His mouth made trails of hot kisses down my throat. My skin heated beneath his every touch, silently pleading for more. As I felt the familiar yearning spread throughout my body, I dropped the towel when he lowered me gently to the bed.

  Kyle leaned back on his heels, and his gaze roamed from my face all the way down my body before slowly coming back up to my eyes. “You are so beautiful, Lily,” he murmured in a raw voice. His soft brown irises burned into the depths of mine. “Each time I look at you, I think that it will get easier, but it doesn’t. Your beauty takes my breath away. Every. Single. Time.”

  His words hit me hard. He had spoke
n them many times, but each time, they still resounded with awe and truth. I felt the same way about his natural masculine beauty. I was still surprised that he’d picked me. With his stunning looks, he could clearly have his choice of any woman.

  I swallowed hard. “You do the same to me,” I replied in an uneven tone, overcome with emotions.

  Desire for him simmered through every nerve in my body. Not wanting so much as an inch between our bodies, I pushed up onto my knees while never breaking eye contact. Our passion for each other was always there, and I never wanted that to change.

  Kyle’s hands firmly gripped the curve of my waist, and I felt his pure primitive need radiating off of him like rapid fire. The effect was strikingly hot, making the ache between my legs throb. My avaricious hands traveled up his chest and throat to cup his jaw. His lips parted on heavy breaths. It was the simplest act but extremely erotic. His lust empowered me, urging me on.

  I teased his bottom lip, biting it softly, and then I soothed the sting with my tongue. He growled, and the sound was rough. I could tell he was fighting for control. Wanting him to let loose, I bit his lip again, harder. With a mind of its own, my sex rocked against his erection. I wanted him in me and around me.

  Kyle took my mouth with such fierceness that all I could do was hold on. Positioning my hips, he impaled me with one deliciously slow thrust as he lowered me down to the bed.

  It was sweet, heavenly, and pure torture. I gasped. I was already so close. The slightest movement would push me over the edge.

  “God, Lily,” he breathed roughly, his voice intense. “You were made for me.”

  His hands guided me up, momentarily increasing the distance between us. An orgasm stirred deep within my core. My breath caught as the muscles in my thighs clenched. A light sweat glistened across my naked body. As I sank back down around him, my orgasm broke free, exploding and rippling outward in waves. My cries of pleasure echoed in my mind as his thumb softly caressed across my clit, causing another wave of pleasure to spread all the way to my toes. I was breathless and dizzy.


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