My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series)

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My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) Page 20

by Rae, Alicia

  Luke was just one of those people who everybody loved instantly, but only his close friends saw under that tough outer shell. Inside, he was emotionally lost. It was one of the things we had in common.

  We had both tried to help one another cope and move on. I’d only recently accepted that we were really only avoiding our problems, and in order to move on, we had to process, heal as best as we could, and then move forward.

  The waitress appeared with our bill. Kyle removed cash from his wallet and placed it on the table with the check. We all rose to our feet and started walking toward the exit.

  Brooke strode alongside of me. “I hope so. He’s so lonely without them. It breaks my heart every time I see that look of rejection and solitude in his eyes.”

  “Me, too,” I agreed. “I have high hopes this time around will be different for Luke and his family.”


  We quickly made our way to the hospital. Brooke didn’t know the way, so she followed behind us. It was a good thirty minutes from the shopping center to the hospital.

  I laid my head against the seat and closed my eyes. My mind quickly ran wild. So much was going on in my life. Overwhelming was an understatement. I craved simplicity—go to work, come home, and enjoy the little things in life.

  “Brooke and Luke are your best friends. Why didn’t you tell them what happened?” Kyle asked gently, treading carefully.

  As the car stopped, I opened my eyes to see us at a red light. Kyle had turned to face me. His eyes were tender and soft.

  I waited a second, gathering my inner thoughts, making sure this came out right. “The only answer I can come up with is…because of the same look you’re giving me now. It changes the way people look at me.”

  A frowned spread across Kyle’s forehead. “You don’t want their pity?” he asked, trying to figure out my reasoning.

  I pondered momentarily. “Yes…I guess that, too.” I gathered my thoughts as I inhaled deeply and let it out. “I don’t want to see the sadness in their eyes. It reminds me of what I feel inside.”

  His hand covered mine. He weaved our fingers together, and he squeezed as he nodded in understanding. The gesture was so sweet and loving that I needed to be closer. I shifted in my seat, rested my forearm on the center console, and leaned my head against his broad shoulder.

  I loved the way he made me feel. He could comfort me with the simplest touch, word, gesture, or even his mere presence.

  The thought of my parents’ marriage blindsided me. I wondered if this was how they had felt for each other. I was almost positive of it. My mom and dad had adored one another. I remembered seeing it in the way their eyes glowed when the other walked into a room.

  I stared out the window as we made our way down the street. I smiled, realizing I’d just had my first happy thought of my parents without feeling sorrow.

  Once in the hospital parking lot, Kyle turned off the car and reached for my hand. Brooke parked alongside our car and shifted in her seat to rummage through her tote bag in the backseat.

  I turned my head to face Kyle. He took my hand, running his over the top and bottom of my palm. He traced the outer edge of my hand with his fingertips before making small circles in the center of my palm. I was caught off guard at how attuned I truly was to his touch. It had been the gentlest touch, yet it had felt so intimate.

  Both of our heads spun around at the sound of Brooke shutting her vehicle door. We gathered our belongings and exited the car to head into the building.

  My eyes squinted at the bright hospital lights as we walked down the long corridor to head to Luke’s room.

  As we all walked side by side, I kept glancing at Brooke. Her face grew more anxious with each step in Luke’s direction. I grabbed her hand when we entered the elevator to head to Luke’s floor. Brooke’s worried eyes met mine, and I gave her a reassuring smile. I tightened my grip as we continued past the nurses’ station.

  “He’s going to be alright.” I tried to calm her.

  Brooke’s smile faltered slightly, and she sighed. “I know. I just feel bad I wasn’t here sooner. We are all so close. I should have been here.”

  I shook my head. “No, Brooke. You have a family and a beautiful little girl to care for. Luke will understand that.”

  Dropping my hand, she let out a shaky breath and entered Luke’s room first. I heard her sharp intake of air as she halted in her spot. Regaining her composure, she gradually walked up to Luke’s bedside.

  Luke awoke with a sleepy smile and attempted to sit up.

  Brooke quickly urged him to stay still and relax. “If you wanted to be a drama king, I could have given you lessons with less painful repercussions,” she said lightly.

  I could see behind her teasing that it was her way of coping. It hurt her dearly to see Luke so battered.

  Luke grinned. “Now, why would I want to do that? You know me. I like to go all out.” His voice was dry and hoarse. The bruises on his face were much darker today, and his gashes were scabbing over.

  “Yes, you do.” Brooke smiled and blinked back tears as she sat in the chair next to him. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t be here sooner, Luke.”

  Luke lifted his hand and placed it on hers. “You’re here now, Brooke, and that’s all that matters.” He smiled softly and glanced over at Kyle and me as we stood still at the foot of his bed. “I’m just happy to see my two favorite girls again.”

  Just as Brooke was about to respond, two male police officers tapped on the door and entered. The first officer was very tall and lean with a kind expression on his face. The second was a tad shorter but built like a bodybuilder with a hardness meant to instantly intimate and radiate power.

  I unconsciously took a step closer to Kyle out of sheer fear and nervousness. Kyle’s hand came around my waist instinctively, and we both took another step back to allow room as the officers approached Luke’s bedside.

  “Luke Thompson?” the bodybuilder officer asked.

  Luke nodded.

  “I’m Detective Thomas Everson.” The detective gestured to the other man. “And this is Officer Sheldon Marett. We are here regarding your incident a few days ago. Would you mind having your company step outside while we ask you a few questions?”

  “Of course,” Luke answered. He sat up and winced at the movement.

  Brooke opened her mouth to speak, but then she looked in my direction for guidance. Knowing we didn’t have much choice, we respected Luke’s privacy, and the three of us stepped out into the hall.

  Brooke’s hands fidgeted in frustration at her sides as she leaned against the wall. “What could they possibly need to speak to him for?” She shook her head. Her motherly instincts seemed to be kicking into gear. “He’s in no shape for this.”

  I walked to her side and sighed. “I know. I’m not sure what they need to question him for.” I glanced at Kyle.

  Only then did I notice Kyle had stepped over to the opposite wall. He was speaking into his phone. His voice was low enough that I could not make out what he was saying. His face was tense and drawn tight. My nerves went into overdrive as I pondered over who he was talking to and what they were discussing.

  Uneasily, Brooke and I waited, and the minutes dragged on and on. Luke’s nurse, Nurse Havis, walked up to the front door, and she immediately noticed the two officers through the window. She wordlessly turned on her heel and walked off.

  I was jittery with nerves as I tried to process the situation at hand. It was an accident out on the water. Surely, he hadn’t been reckless enough to get into trouble.

  Kyle walked back over just as I was about to lose my last nerve. My eyes searched his for answers.

  He kissed me gently and pulled me in for a hug. “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine,” he said soothingly.

  His words seemed to have some kind of underlying meaning, but I couldn’t read in between the lines.

  I was beside myself, and I wasn’t sure how much time had passed. In what could have been minutes or hou
rs, the two officers stepped out of the room and made their way over to the elevator without so much as a backward glance.

  Brooke was off the wall and catching the door before it closed. I was right behind her.

  Her concern was apparent as she fired off questions. “What did they want? Are you okay, Luke?”

  Luke was still in an upright position on the bed. He waved his hand dismissively. “Of course,” he said in an upbeat tone. “They just had some questions.”

  I eyed him skeptically.

  Clearly unsatisfied with Luke’s explanation, Brooke continued to badger for more answers. “Are you sure? Why on earth would they be here? And when you clearly look like death. They should at least give you a few more days to recuperate.”

  Luke’s eyebrows rose. “Like death? Jeez, I didn’t know I looked that bad. Love you, too.”

  Brooke rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. Clearly, you were in no shape for an interrogation.”

  “They just had a few…concerns,” Luke said as if he were choosing his words carefully. “It’s nothing for you to be worried about.” He obviously wanted to end the discussion.

  Brooke sat down in the chair next to Luke’s bedside while mumbling a few words under her breath. She was no doubt cursing the officers for having the audacity to bother Luke in his current physical state.

  When Luke’s eyes met Kyle’s, I could feel something pass between them. As I glanced at Kyle, his expression was masked. It left me feeling weird and out of balance. I sat down next to Brooke, trying to calm myself.

  Brooke quickly moved on to happier topics. She told Luke about how Ava was growing so fast and how she had started to babble words. Brooke explained how she loved to read to Ava at night, but she had to be careful not to get the book too close to Ava, or she would rip the pages. Brooke’s eyes glowed as she let the tension fall away.

  Luke informed us he was being transferred to a regular room in the morning. The doctor was very happy with his progress, and Luke was now expected to make a full recovery. With his surgeries, he still had a long haul ahead of him, but he would have no permanent damage. We all sighed in relief at the news.

  “Is there a cafeteria on this floor?” Brooke asked. “I just need a drink.”

  “It’s on the main level next to the gift shop,” I answered.

  Kyle turned to face me from the chair next to me. “Why don’t you show her and bring us all back some drinks?”

  I looked at him with a curious expression, wondering why he would want to be alone with Luke.

  Brooke happily agreed. “That would be great.” She stood and pulled me to my feet. “I hate to walk around hospitals by myself. They give me the creeps.” She shuddered.

  “Okay,” I answered. I had a feeling I didn’t want to miss the conversation Kyle and Luke were about to have. I kept my eyes on Kyle as Brooke dragged me past him. “We’ll be right back.”

  Something was up, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

  Outside the room, Brooke looked at me in question. “What has you all worked up?”

  I shook my head slowly. “I’m not certain. It just feels like I missed something.”

  “Something?” Brooke’s eyebrow rose as we made our way into the elevator. She turned to face me. “Like what? Are Kyle and Luke still having a pissing contest?”

  Eyes widening, my mouth opened in astonishment. “Brooke!” I let out an exasperated sigh. “No! Something just seems off. Kyle hasn’t said anything, but I can feel it.” A shiver made its way up my spine.

  Brooke’s eyes turned inquisitive and petrified. “Do you think someone hurt Luke intentionally?”

  I was quiet for a moment, sad at the thought of someone hurting Luke on purpose. “I hope not.”

  “Well, you know how wild he is out on those waves. He’s a daredevil in everything that he does.” She brushed it off as we stepped out of the elevator and headed to the cafeteria. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  I nodded in agreement, feeling anything but satisfied with that assumption. My stomach turned. If Kyle was confident that Luke’s accident was nothing, he would have come with me. Instead, he stayed to talk with Luke. I wasn’t sure what Kyle would need to say to Luke, but I promised myself that I would get my answers later tonight.

  I grabbed a bottle of water, feeling a little dehydrated and tired from our long day, and thought to get another bottle for Kyle. Brooke and I also picked up a few snacks, including Luke’s favorite chocolate chip cookies, and then we paid for our items.

  When I saw that Brooke had a Pepsi in her hand, I narrowed my eyes at her. “Hypocrite.”

  Brooke chuckled. “I need caffeine to keep up with this emotional roller coaster today.” She smirked.

  “Uh-huh.” I laughed.

  We made our way back to the elevator and headed back to Luke’s room.

  “…and then everything went black,” Luke finished. His voice had lowered as he made eye contact with me when I walked into the room.

  I frowned, knowing that Luke must have explained what had happened to him on the day of the accident. Kyle was leaning forward on his forearms, listening intently. He sat back in his chair as I approached.

  “Lily brought your favorite treat.” Brooke beamed as we sat in our chairs.

  Luke’s eyes brightened. “Chocolate chip cookies?”

  I grinned. “Of course. Just don’t tell the nurse.”

  Luke chuckled mischievously. “Oh, I won’t.” His hand reached for the bag, fingers flaring back and forth impatiently. “Come to papa.”

  I handed him the bag.

  Brooke laughed, shaking her head. “Men and food, I tell ya. I think they could live without us entirely if they were all competent enough to cook for themselves.”

  “Then, who would clean?” Luke’s voice sounded appalled.

  “With a sink and soap, I’m confident you could figure it out,” Brooke teased.

  Kyle and I laughed at their ridiculous conversation. When Kyle’s eyes met mine, my attention was immediately drawn to him.

  His expression became relaxed and affectionate as his head turned toward my ear. “Don’t worry, beautiful. I love you for your cooking and much, much more.” His sexy tone was only loud enough for me to hear.

  I bit my lip, laughing inwardly. “That’s good to know.”

  “Okay, you two,” Brooke chimed in, “no lovey-dovey stuff here. Save that for later.”

  Luke, Kyle, and I all chortled, and I leaned back, blushing. My eyes met Luke’s. His face was neutral but also full of unspoken words. I swallowed hard, feeling a bit awkward, and I wanted to fast-forward the moment.

  As I gazed back at Kyle, his stare was fixated on me. His eyes were intense, yet he didn’t speak.

  I didn’t have any feelings toward Luke in that way. It didn’t mean that I wanted to rub our relationship in Luke’s face, especially if he was still getting over his concept of thinking he was in love with me. We were supposed to be going back to the friendship page.

  Brooke came to the rescue as she cleared her throat. “So, it’s getting late, and I have a good two-hour drive ahead of me.” She rose to her feet.

  I worried about Brooke driving when she looked tired. “Brooke, are you sure you should be driving back this late?” I frowned. “Maybe you should get a room? You’re more than welcome to stay with us at the hotel.”

  I realized my mistake as soon as Brooke let out a saucy grin.

  “And impose on your parade? Nah, I can drive home.” She laughed.

  I blushed. This time, I was careful not to meet Luke’s stare.

  “And besides, I’m not directionally challenged, like some people.”

  Luke chuckled hard. “Only Lily would miss a turn and end up going two hours in the wrong direction.” He barely finished his sentence as he started rolling with laughter, holding his side.

  Kyle raised his eyebrows in question. A small smirk formed, showing off his right dimple.

  I waved my hand dismissi
vely. “He’s exaggerating.”

  Of course, Brooke had his back. “Oh no, he’s not!” She laughed uncontrollably. “I was at lunch with him when you were reading the highway signs out loud to him.”

  Kyle grinned. “No GPS, huh?”

  I bit back my own chortle. “It was not funny. I was really, really late for a photo shoot with a prestigious photographer, who was letting me observe him.”

  “Well, I hope your photo shoot ended up working out.” Kyle put his arm around me and kissed my cheek. “Don’t worry, beautiful. I have a built-in GPS for the two of us,” he said, tapping the side of his temple with his finger.

  “It’s been fun, kids, but it’s time for me to be on my way.” Brooke leaned forward and hugged Luke.

  I promised to keep Brooke and Luke updated with Colorado and my moving plans. We planned to all get together one last time before I officially moved to California.

  Now that I knew Luke would be okay, it was time to head back to Colorado and wrap up my unfinished business. I would not feel better until it was done.

  We each wished Luke a quick recovery, and we said our good-byes for the night.

  It would be bittersweet to leave my only two friends that I had allowed into my life in the past three years. I knew they had each come into my life for a reason, and I was forever grateful to call them my friends. But sometimes, I had to take that leap, knowing there were bigger and better things planned out for me in my next journey.


  Back at the hotel, Kyle and I got ready for bed. In our usual attire, I dressed in a plain tee and panties, and Kyle wore only a pair of pajama pants. As we had agreed in the car, we were planning to leave early in the morning. Together, we then packed up our suitcases. I was utterly amazed at how much stuff I had to bring along when I traveled. And no matter what, it seemed like something was always missing. Since we had left most of it in our suitcases, it took a short time to pack.

  Kyle beat me to the bed and plopped down flat on his belly. My eyes gazed over every stretch of skin across his bare back down to the curve of his waist. Without hesitation, I climbed over him and ran my hands along the sides of his spine. His groan of appreciation reverberated up through my palms. It felt so good to be this close after such a long, stressful day.


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