My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series)

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My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) Page 19

by Rae, Alicia

  Again, I wondered what had bothered Kyle so much to wake him in the middle of the night. It was time for him to open up to me.

  “Talk to me,” I repeated the words that he had said to me many times.

  I needed him to let me in. I couldn’t handle secrets between us. I knew he had been honest about his reasons for waiting to tell me about Aaron’s physical descriptions, but I didn’t want Kyle to willingly leave me in the dark, especially about something that caused him enough stress to make him restless at night.

  Kyle took a deep breath. “This Aaron character is like a ghost. He keeps himself far enough in the distance that I can’t get a decent lead on him. The hotel security surveillance showed a teenager dropping off the note. The young kid didn’t even stop to ask questions about which room we were in, and I couldn’t make out his face in the video. The kind of determination used to set this up doesn’t come from someone who is harmless, Lily.” His voice was so strained. “It comes from someone who is lethal and obsessed, and that’s the worst kind of criminal in my books.”

  My hand stopped moving. I took a moment to take it all in. Lethal, obsessed, worst kind of criminal—all those words kept dancing in my head, repeating themselves over and over. Who would want to do this to me? Who did I make that angry? What did he want from me? If only I could figure out the who or what myself, we could catch him faster.

  “His messages are personal,” Kyle said after my silence continued.

  I thought I could almost hear fear in his voice.

  “It’s someone you know,” he added quietly.

  “But who?” I tilted my head up to look at him even though the room was still pitch-black. “You know my friends and my family. I know few people, and I’m very private. That doesn’t leave many options.”

  He let out a deep sigh. “That’s what I’m afraid of,” he said gently.

  After pulling me up his chest, his hands wrapped around my lower back, each traveling outward until reaching either side of my waist.

  I pondered, feeling my quickened pulse beat in my chest. “Would you tell me if you thought you knew who it was?”

  Kyle hesitated as his grip on my waist tightened fractionally. “Yes, but understand this. Protecting someone I love will always come first, Lily. No matter what else happens, my main goal is to keep you safe. Whoever I’m protecting you from will have no significance to me.”

  I held my breath as I absorbed his words. I knew I wouldn’t want it any other way. I gathered my hands around his neck, feeling his soft skin beneath my fingers. The intensity of his words held strong, front and center in my mind. His strength and courage were two of the many things that I loved about him.

  “I know,” I replied with understanding. “Your love for those you care about and the profound lengths you’d go for them to shield them from harm’s way are a couple of the many reasons why I love you,” I confessed softly.

  His love was so intense that it consumed me and took over. But it was real. Kyle loved with his whole heart and without reservation.

  His mouth was extremely close to mine, so I could feel when his lips parted as his breath caught.

  “A couple of the many?” he asked.

  “Yes.” I laughed quietly.

  “What are the others?” he asked with amusement in his voice.

  I could tell by his tone that he was grinning. Those grins of his were so sexy. And I was missing out on the sight of it because it was still pitch-black at this ungodly hour.

  “Hmm…let me see…” I sighed playfully, stroking a path down the center of his chest and back up again, pretending to be in deep thought. “Well, definitely not your bossiness…or curtness…or grumpiness, which makes you frown—”

  I yelped in surprise when Kyle flipped me onto my back. He lowered his head until his teeth clamped over my left nipple, and desire shot straight to my groin.

  He barely lifted his head. “Reasons why you love me,” he demanded while taking my right nipple between his fingertips, and gently rolling it.

  I pretended to ponder again. “Shit…I can’t think of any.” I turned my head from side to side. “You know what they say—negative thoughts always come before positive ones,” I teased.

  “Think harder,” he threatened. He dropped his head and carefully bit my nipple.

  “Still nothing!” I squealed, wiggling in an effort to escape his wrath. “Damn, I’m really shooting a blank here,” I added for a superior effect.

  Kyle barked out a predatory laugh. “Oh, they will come even if I have to pry them out of you…until you are writhing beneath my hands for mercy.”

  A hot shiver raced down my spine, feeling the thrill of a challenge. He moved up my body and sealed his lips over my mine before I could reply with a sassy comeback. He gave luscious licks with his tongue, caressing mine with his.

  He made love to me a second time before the sun rose. This time was not sweet and gentle. It was rough and hot and filled with passion, and it lasted until after sunrise.


  “Do you know how many calories a can of pop has in it? It’s going to go straight to your ass!” Brooke admonished.

  I was opening my second…okay, maybe third can of pop today. But who’s counting anyway? After my early extracurricular activities, I needed the caffeine to keep me awake.

  “It’s worth the sacrifice,” I replied jokingly.

  Brooke and I planned a shopping day, and then we were going to visit the hospital this afternoon to relieve Luke’s parents for a few hours. Brooke had already had us in and out of three different stores, and she had many more on the list. I had picked out a few new outfits since I had not brought many with me. I had also found a cute pink-and-gray handbag to go with one of my new summer dresses. Brooke had insisted on getting the matching sandals to go with the sundresses, so I had added those, too.

  With Brooke as my editor, we had quickly formed a friendship outside of work. I was thrilled to see her because we had not hung out since before I left for Colorado. With everything that was going on, I needed her uplifting spirit. Brooke and Luke were my two best friends.

  I quickened my steps to keep up with Brooke’s fast pace around the shopping mall. Kyle easily managed to stay on my right while holding a few of my shopping bags.

  After a heated debate in the shower about his need to stand guard at my side until my stalker was caught, I’d had no choice but to cave. The perseverance in his tone to keep me safe and protected, combined with his hot, wet naked body had been too much to resist. The image was forever seared in my mind. Just thinking about it got me all hot and bothered.

  Brooke quickly pulled me out of my private thoughts.

  “You’re going to slip into a caffeine coma and ruin our shopping trip when you have to have an IV stuck in your arm,” she whined. Slowing her speed and turning to face me, she gave me a quick look over. Her frown was replaced with a wicked grin. “Maybe it’s not the caffeine you’re craving…maybe you just need to get laid.” She shifted her gaze over to Kyle. “Are you slacking in the sack, buddy?” she bluntly teased Kyle.

  Kyle eyes widened as he choked back a laugh.

  My mouth hit the floor, completely mortified. “Brooke!” I screeched and smacked her on the arm. “Oh my god, put your damn filter on!”

  She stopped abruptly with a questioning look on her face. “What the hell is a filter?” she asked.

  I let out an exasperated sigh. “You know, a filter. When you sometimes think, ‘Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t say that out loud. I don’t want to embarrass, offend, or hurt anyone’s feelings, so I should keep my mouth shut.’ That was one of those moments that you seem to have missed,” I said, pointing my finger at her. “No…no, you definitely don’t have a filter.” I laughed and shook my head in defeat. “You’re hopeless.”

  Brooke giggled, and in the reflection of a glass door outside of a popular candy store, I watched Kyle shield his own laughter.

  “And you say I don’t have a filter?” she excla
imed good-humoredly. “What the hell do you call what you just said?”

  “I call that selective filtering.” I smirked innocently. “Some of us can turn ours off and on.”

  Unable to hold it in anymore, Kyle let out a roar of laughter, and I lost my poker face.

  Brooke narrowed her eyes at me. “Well, in that case, I like you better with yours on,” she snapped.

  I snickered. “Okay, okay.” I gestured to my lips as if I were sealing them tight. “I put it back on. Let’s go get those manis and pedis, and then we can find a place to eat.”

  Kyle was a trooper in the salon while Brooke and I got manicures and pedicures. He kept to the side and responded to emails on his phone. He even made a few short phone calls. He checked in with Caroline, and he told me that Luke had made even more improvements since yesterday. They were small but improvements nonetheless.

  I had a feeling one of the phone calls was to Officer West, but asking Kyle about it would have to wait until later. I would not let some crazy stalker ruin my precious time with Brooke.

  Afterward, we stopped at a quiet burger shop for an early dinner. The entire place was covered with road signs and maps of all different areas. A few men were seated at the bar, watching a baseball game on TV.

  I was exhausted. Shopping with Brooke was always fun, but it was like running a marathon. Kyle asked the petite waitress for a secluded booth in the back. Sensing my tiredness, Kyle took my hand in his and led the way. He knew I was ready to call it a day, but I didn’t want to give up my limited time with Brooke, and we still had a hospital visit to make.

  I scooted into the booth, and Kyle sat down beside me. I glanced up just in time to notice the cute brunette waitress fluffing her long locks as she ogled my boyfriend. I withheld glaring at her, not liking the jealousy that was quickly taking me over. I wanted to guard my man. Eyes off, lady.

  Addressing Kyle, she plastered on a large, inviting smile before asking what he’d like to drink. Kyle ordered, completely oblivious to her gawking eyes. I wanted to reach across the table and smack her, and then I almost laughed out loud at the ridiculousness of that thought.

  I was sure that Kyle had many admirers. He was beyond gorgeous, and with his broad, sculpted body. I settled on the fact that he was probably used to turning heads, and he was able to tune it out.

  I shifted my gaze to see Brooke giving me that caught-you look. I laughed silently and rolled my eyes at her. It was silly to be jealous over a complete stranger. I blamed it on my fatigue.

  The waitress took our orders and then had the audacity to wink at Kyle. Brooke threw her head back and laughed at the unpleasant expression on my face. I recovered in time before Kyle turned in my direction.

  “What was that about?” he asked me.

  “Oh, nothing,” I answered, brushing it off, as Brooke replied at the same time, “Lily was mentally retracting her claws from Miss Bouncy Brunette’s eyes.”

  I bit my lip to keep from chortling as I glared at her.

  Kyle chuckled beside me. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my temple. “Don’t worry, beautiful. I only have eyes for you,” he breathed in my ear in that sexy tone of his.

  “She was practically drooling all over you, Kyle,” Brooke chimed in. “If that were my husband, I would have bitch-slapped her ass.”

  “The thought did cross my mind,” I confessed.

  Kyle shook his head in wonder. “And you women think men are territorial.”

  Once the waitress brought our bread rolls and salad, we fell into more relaxed conversations while we ate. I asked Brooke how her family was doing. Her eyes glowed as she talked about them in such a loving tone. It made my heart swell. There was nothing more rewarding than seeing a happy friend.

  Brooke asked me how the book was coming along, and I confessed that I had not written one word since the last time I saw her. She did not say much about it, knowing that I needed a break as I worked through my Colorado issues.

  Writing was a very emotional process. If my mind was clustered or my emotions were too high, I experienced writer’s block, which essentially meant that I could not focus enough to write.

  Luckily, I was very far ahead, and I planned to finish early. I could still make it as long as I got back into my groove within two weeks or so. I had my planner engraved in my brain, so it was all good.

  As I observed Brooke, she kept shifting her eyes between Kyle and me. I felt as if she was trying to get a feel for how serious we were.

  Brooke’s non-existent filter failed her once again. “So, when’s the wedding?” she asked.

  Of all the times to ask such a blunt, scary question, I happened to have soda in my mouth. “Jesus, Brooke!” I spit. I quickly grabbed my napkin, grateful for the fact that I hadn’t had a large gulp in my mouth.

  Kyle’s eyes were transfixed on my face, searching my eyes with an intent stare, and I couldn’t help but feel like he was gauging my reaction.

  “I just need to know because I want plenty of time for planning. I can’t wait to go shopping with you,” she continued in her unfiltered way. “And since you needed a bodyguard for our only day together, he was bound to hear.”

  “Um…” I mumbled. “There isn’t a wedding…but I am moving to California,” I answered, desperately trying to deflect the conversation.

  Brooke’s eyes looked stunned, and then she turned a deathly glare in Kyle’s direction. “You fucker! Now, you’re trying to steal my best friend?” she accused with only a hint of sarcasm.

  Yep, she’s partially serious.

  Kyle turned toward my ear. “I think she missed the filter concept entirely.”

  I bit my lip to keep from laughing. That would only throw fuel on the fire.

  “You do realize I don’t have that many friends, and now, you want to take one away?” Brooke ranted.

  I didn’t miss Kyle’s quiet voice as he muttered a retort to Brooke’s question, “I can see why.”

  “What’s wrong with Florida anyway? The water is warmer here than Lake Tahoe, and we don’t have bears.”

  “You have alligators,” Kyle challenged.

  Brooke waved her hand, dismissing the dig. “Nah, they’re harmless. You just have to call one of those hunter guys, and they come pick them up.”

  “Right,” Kyle replied.

  “I don’t share well.” Brooke smirked.

  “Neither do I,” Kyle countered. His hand tightened around my shoulder as he pulled me into his warmth, proving his point.

  I shook my head. They were like two teenagers going at it.

  “Stop it, kids, or I’ll be forced to put you both in time-out at opposite ends of this restaurant,” I chided.

  Our lunch came quickly, and we all dug in.

  It seemed as though shopping made me tired and hungry. My cheeseburger was grilled to perfection. I’d made sure to request an extra slice of cheese on it, too. Kyle’s cheeseburger looked large enough to feed all of us. It even had strips of bacon on it.

  I could tell Brooke’s mind was still swarming with unanswered questions. With such limited time together, we had so many topics to cover when we could actually find the time to catch up.

  “So, when are you moving?” she probed.

  That’s the million-dollar question. I set down my cheeseburger and wiped my hands with my napkin.

  Kyle obviously had other ideas. “Soon,” he answered.

  Brooke looked at me for confirmation.

  “Soon,” I agreed. “I just have a few loose ends to tie up in Colorado.”

  I felt my chest tense slightly at the thought of still having to clear out Annie’s room. It was a huge black cloud hanging over my mind. It felt so…unfinished. I blinked, forcefully pushing away the negative thoughts. I did not want to drag myself down right now when there was nothing I could do at the moment.

  Brooke’s eyes softened in understanding. “How did it go?”

  I thought to myself for a moment. How did it go? I hadn’t had much time to proc
ess my feelings about the trip that had been cut short. I guessed it had gone fairly well, considering the circumstances. It had been an emotional roller coaster. That part had been expected, but still feeling the intense emotions and processing them was a whole other entity.

  Brooke was my best friend, and I had never even confided in her. I wasn’t sure why. The only reasons I could put together were that I was a private person, and I didn’t want to see any sadness in her eyes because of me. They were not good answers, but they were all I had.

  “It was really great to see my family. It had been a long time.”

  Brooke eyed me intently, knowing it was complete bullshit. However, that was one subject she never pressed on. Kyle watched keenly, not offering any more details than I was willing to give. He respected my discretion.

  “When are you going back?” Brooke questioned.

  “Maybe tomorrow? After I visit Luke again.” I decided on the spot.

  Now that Luke was on his way to recovery, it was time for me to head back to Colorado and finish listing the house. The sooner it was done, the sooner I could move forward.

  “How is he? We’re still going to see him tonight, right? I’m not sure I can stomach it alone.” Brooke frowned.

  “Of course. He woke up yesterday. He looks slightly roughened up, and the bruises are darkening.” I sighed. “It was awful to see him so…broken and still.” I shuddered at the mental picture.

  “How are Mr. and Mrs. Stooge handling it? Have they tried to force him home yet?” Brooke asked, not hiding back any hatred for Luke’s parents.

  “I believe they have actually seen the light, so to speak.”

  Brooke looked at me suspiciously. “I find that hard to believe. Every time I see his folks or hear their names, my inner bitch wants to rip into them for what they did to him,” Brooke protested.

  “Down, girl,” I teased and sighed. “Seriously, Brooke, seeing their son severely hurt has made them do a one-eighty. Now, I can only pray it’s permanent…for Luke’s sake.”

  Brooke exhaled noisily. She looked as though she wanted to believe it. Without physical proof, I could understand her hesitation. She had formed a very close friendship with Luke, too.


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