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Fae Rose Academy: Year One (For The Purely Divine Book 1)

Page 14

by Quinn Ashwood

  Prince Rainer was staring back and forth between us, his eyes eventually landing on mine. With an arch eyebrow, he mouthed, "Did you not study?"

  I shook my head in defiance, hoping my pleading eyes could prove some sort of innocence. He slowly nodded, keeping in his spot, but his eyes moved to the king and queen, who were quietly observing.

  The host went right on, asking question after question, and I answered how I was taught, only to find out it was completely wrong, one after another.

  "This is pathetic," I heard someone yell.

  "She's clearly a human. No way can someone be this foolish."

  "Can we just give the winning points to Team B5 and move on?"

  "Poor Prince Xavier. Being brought down by some imbecile like this."

  I bit my lip hard, fighting the angry tears that threatened to shed any second as I tried to stay calm. I searched the crowd, and a pair of silver eyes locked onto mine.

  Camilla looked angry, and I knew it wasn't directed at me in the slightest. She was angry at my predicament.

  The queen raised her hand up, the once-roaring room of down-casting comments and laughter hushed.

  She looked my way. "Team A5. Did you not prepare for this task?”

  It was finally my chance to reveal the truth.

  "I did, Your Majesty!" I spoke up and tried to stand tall. "In fact, Ella was the one who tutored me. She gave me all the notes to study because I'm new to this world and don't have prior knowledge."

  Ella chuckled and shook her head.

  "Your Majesty. I will not lie to you. I indeed taught her from my notes from five years ago. You know, before the curriculum changed and we gained new knowledge regarding our kind."

  My eyes widened as I stared at her in disbelief while she continued, "To attend Fae Rose, you can't be completely gullible. You must trust little until one proves themselves. Isn't that one of our common morals?"

  Many cheered her on like she was preaching the scriptures of their kind.

  "I...didn't know of such," I argued. "And you never once told me."

  "I didn't, but I'm sure someone did." She looked over to Xavier, and I looked back at him, begging him to defend me in some way.

  Again, there he stood like a tree rooted to the ground, his arms crossed and his eyes looking forward and ignoring me completely.

  "It is common knowledge, really. Your Majesty, I didn't do anything wrong here. It's not my fault this human is here, trying to act like one of us. It's also not my fault that she didn't get a second opinion in regard to my notes. One should smarten up and head to the library to compare notes, don't you think?"

  The queen was silent, her face blank of emotion.

  "She is right, Your Majesty," Xavier finally spoke, and we all looked at him as he sighed. "Everyone should take this enrollment very seriously, and I only assumed my partner had gotten a second opinion and thus, the reason why I did not interfere."

  This fake asshole!

  So badly did I want to talk back and tell him how betrayed I currently felt, but I held my tongue.

  The crowd began to speak once more.

  Mocking laughter. Disparaging comments. Angry glares.

  It was as if I'd truly committed a sin in front of all of them for not knowing their culture to the T. I was given a mere week, and suddenly all my hard work, long nights, and extra effort was for nothing.


  "Get out of here."

  "You don't belong."

  "No one wants to listen to your excuses."

  "You think you low scum are better than the rest of us."


  This was my new reality, and if there were a few hopeless individuals that craved to be on my side, there was nothing to change the predicament I was in.

  Camilla stood there, unable to do anything to stop what was happening. Her hopelessness tore at my heart, and I knew once I truly took in what was happening, I'd shatter like a wall of glass getting hit by bullets.

  These scornful souls were my people. My apparent home. I'd left the life I'd known to come here with the hope of finding who I was, what my true destiny entailed, and if I'd be able to find the path I most rightful deserved to walk on.

  Their new home...a place that left me an outcast in a sea of perfectly divine individuals who were far superior to me and more successful than I could ever hope to be.

  Yet I was the low scum who thought she was better than the rest. I was the new laughing stock on the block and their harsh words and ridicule would haunt me for who knows how long.

  On the outside, I remained as still and unaffected as a wise tree in the depths of the forest, watching it all unfold as I waited for the guards to escort me away. I'm sure that was my inevitable fate, seeing as I could never fix this now.

  On the inside, though…my heart raced, my head throbbed, and I longed to cower and cry. I had been warned that this would happen, but in my arrogance and determination, I walked headlong into my fate like a drunk man who mistook fool’s gold for the real thing.

  It was stupid to think I could be one of them. I was nothing more than a weak human who’d sealed her fate in what she hoped would be a place of sanctuary and refuge.

  I had failed...and of all my mistakes, that was by far the hardest one to acknowledge. That I was an outcast, with truly nowhere to go.

  How could I return home to the place I left? Would I return just to be mocked by my own kind? All that would do was drive me further to the brink of extinction.

  Could that be my end? For the pages of my life to run out and for me to end my own fate before it began? How heartbreaking it sounded, and yet, it was currently the most inviting action to take.

  At least I'd fade away from this moment and never need to relive it in my mind again.

  "Your Majesty."

  The single voice that seemed to cut through all the hate summoned everyone's attention - including mine.

  I looked to see Prince Rainer step forward, passing Ella with her proud glimmering smile.

  "Will you sit here and continue to let our people condemn this woman because she couldn't learn our entire culture in less than a week?"

  I'm sure if he was any other person, people would be spitting the same comments at him as they did to me, but the room remained silent as he carried on.

  "From what I recall, this woman's name is Rosadette. Funny how her name reminds me of the royal family from long ago." He looked my way, meeting my eyes with kindness. "When I was but a little boy, my parents always talked about how close the Rosadette family and Rose family were, and how one time, a group of older fae was making fun of the princess of the Rose family."

  I looked at the Queen, noticing the slight lift in the corner of her lips.

  "She was being brought down, those people ignoring her rank, status, and the fact that she would one day rule her kingdom and inspire many. However, the princess of the Rosadette family came along and saved the day, using her wise words to tell those who mocked her that negative experiences like taunts and bullying cling harder than all those positive memories."

  He paused on purpose, letting the words he spoke sink in.

  "If the Princess of Rose ended up ruling, she'd remember how those particular fae treated her, and what could have happened. She could have moved passed it. Become stronger as an individual and not let their ridicule inflict her personality and wellbeing. question to many of you is, what if she'd never moved on?"

  The queen closed her eyes, her smile growing to a full one.

  "What if she harbored those memories and let it motivate her to become an ice queen within her heart? When she rose to power, do you believe those same people, if not their children, enjoy a brighter fate?" He looked around the room, his eyes meeting mine once more. "For her to not seek some type of revenge would be the human way of looking at things, but as fae, it's really a fifty-fifty debate. She could rise from the ashes and move forward, combating the demons that haunt her mind at night fro
m her experience, or she could move forward on the outside but plot a menacing future for any individual who mocked her. At the end of the day, she is queen, and what she says, goes in her kingdom."

  He crossed his arms and looked to the king and queen.

  "Headmaster and Queen Rose." He bowed his head in official acknowledgment. "I'm not a good guy, but this woman would have only been granted a chance to be invited to Fae Rose Academy if the king and queen acknowledged her potential power and fae heritage."

  The room was pin-drop silent, everyone clearly realizing that what he said was the truth.

  "My fellow men, women, children, and the students of Fae Rose and Shadow Fae Academy. Your mockery would be granted if this wasn't a true fact. However, every laugh, mocking comment, and degrading stare does not phase the one you're directing it to." He looked at me with a bit of sadness. "Yes, your words definitely hurt her, especially since she is one who could very well be fae and could rise to be someone great. However, your behavior means you are mocking the king and queen's decision. Their approval is the very reason why this woman is here today. It's a damn shame that we as fae are expecting her to study decades worth of information which has just been changed as of late in seven days. Not to forget the hardship it must be for her to leave her home, regardless of it being deemed nothing or trash to many of us. It was still home to her, and she summoned up the courage to stand up here, did her best to study the information given to her by a fellow fae, and is now being thrown under the bus."

  A few people began to lower their heads in shame, while others looked away as if they didn't want to acknowledge his words.

  Prince Rainer shrugged, letting his arms fall to the sides.

  "To me, Prince Rainer, it appears rather evil to treat someone so cruelly. Is that what our race has come down to? Using trickery against an innocent individual who just entered our world, and using old knowledge taught to us as babes against her?"

  "Why are you even defending her? She's just a stupid human," Ella barked.

  "To you, she's a stupid human, but this woman studied every page you gave her." He snapped his fingers, and floating papers appeared out of thin air.

  The familiarity of them had my eyes grow wide, and Ella shrieked and tried to get them, but Prince Rainer lifted his other hand, the action freezing her mid-movement.

  "To prove a point, why don't I entertain Your Majesty and the headmaster?"

  He quickly scanned the papers and looked at me.

  "Answer these questions as quickly as you can, Rosadette," he declared. All I could do was nod and ready my mind that felt fogged with sadness.

  "What is a fae's favorite color?"


  He nodded and immediately correct, "Gold, because it symbolizes richness, and by surrounding yourself with such you can manifest great fortune and prosperity to come."

  He smiled and kept asking me questions, all of them being wrong and corrected by him. I had no idea what he was trying to accomplish, but as he reached the last page, he looked back to the thrones.

  "As you can see, Rosadette has answered everything correctly in terms of what she has been taught. I'm sure you can sense the truth in every spoken answer, which means she studied the content given to her and would have been deemed victorious if given a fair chance." He paused. "I won't compare kingdoms because it's not my place and our families are close allies, but shouldn't the one feeding wrongful information be punished for their fraudulent behavior?"

  A few people gasped, and whatever spell that was on Ella seemed to vanish at his declaration.

  "Excuse me?! How dare yo-"

  "Silence, Ella Meldrove!" The queen's voice boomed around us, leaving Ella shaking in fear.

  The queen rose from her seat, and everyone began to kneel to the floor. Even Xavier went on one knee, leaving only myself, Prince Rainer, and a shaking Ella standing.

  "This may be an entrance competition, but let me remind you all of your place in respect to royalty." She was clearly directing her warning to Ella, who dropped to her knees and placed her head to the floor.

  "I'm sorry, Your Majesty!" she apologized.

  The queen looked unimpressed as she glanced around below.

  "I've decided to take witness of this year's entrance exams to see who would be worthy of being taught by me. You all know I am picky of who I waste my time on, and I'm rather disappointed in the foul play that has commenced."

  It felt like everyone was trembling, and I didn't blame them because whatever heaviness that was in the air was making me shake uncontrollably.

  "Rosadette Campbell."

  I went on my knees and bowed my head. "Yes, Your Majesty."

  Keeping my head low, I waited for my sentence, the atmosphere feeling like I was in a courtroom, awaiting my results from the jury.

  "Rise," she encouraged, and I scrambled to my feet once again. She smiled slightly, looking pleased with my effort to show respect to her.

  "I, the queen of this kingdom, apologize for one of my people's actions against you."

  That set off a wave of shocked gasps. Even the king looked baffled.

  "It seems my husband and I have overlooked some common faults with the changes implemented a few years ago. This has resulted in you being a victim of circumstance, and I will not hide behind my crown and ignore such. I'm ashamed that my people have shown a hateful welcoming without seeing both sides of the story. We are not the kind to verbally crucify fellow individuals without enough facts, but alas, this was done publicly, and I will not ignore such shameful tactics."

  Anger laced the last sentence, and it felt like the entire arena was trembling.

  "My husband may be the headmaster who has to watch without judgment until everything is completed, but if he was in his role of king, he would not put up with this."

  The king rose up, nodding his head in agreement.

  "That is true," he declared, affirming the queen's words.

  "I will not sit and let this continue. Thank you, Prince Rainer, for addressing this issue like a true man and future king should," the queen emphasized, and Prince Rainer bowed in acknowledgment.

  I side-glanced at Xavier, seeing his seething anger that he was struggling to cover up. I'm sure that was a strike in his pride, especially coming from his mother in public.

  "Team B5, you have failed due to foul play. Be lucky this isn't a true exam, or there would have been consequences to follow."

  Prince Rainer sighed dramatically. "Darn. My parents are going to be furious with me," he jokingly declared. "Oh well. I'm sure once I explain the circumstances, they'll be happy I did what I did."

  "Every entrance exam will come with a report full of the details of what has occurred. Feel free to present that to the king and queen," the king spoke up in reassurance.

  "Delightful." Prince Rainer had the biggest grin on his face as he looked back at my way. "Congrats, Rosadette of Team A5."

  With him singling me out in the congrats, I could conclude that he wasn't on good terms with Xavier in the slightest.

  The queen cleared her throat, catching our attention once more.

  "I've lost my interest in these exams. The remainder of tests will be done without my presence. Let this all be a valuable lesson of what we expect of our people. We do not take advantage or do undermining attacks to our own kind within the walls of this kingdom. If you cannot respect that, you are more than welcome to find another kingdom best fitted for you all. And I can assure you, Prince Rainer's kingdom is not welcoming of such behavior either."

  "That is true," Prince Rainer voiced with pride.

  "W-What about the chosen apprentice?!" a bold soul questioned in shock. The queen moved from her seat, rose petals appearing out of thin air and creating a path towards our platform.

  The queen walked down the pathway. The angry energy around her was enough to keep the place silent until she was standing right in front of me. She looked me up and down for a long moment, then spoke loud and clear. />
  "Rosadette Campbell of the human lands. You've unexpectedly taken a harsh blow from your fellow fae, and regardless of the pain you must be feeling, you stood tall, defended yourself, and proved your seriousness in attending Fae Rose Academy. I can sense your desire to find out more about this world and to learn the best you can. Therefore, I've made the executive decision to train you. As of today, you are officially my apprentice."

  No one said a word as she offered me her hand.

  "If you accept my utmost apology and vow to ensure that all content in every library in our lands are updated with the latest information, I'll happily train you, so you'll avoid being in this situation ever again."

  I was speechless, but I knew this was the one shot I'd have to redeem myself. I wanted to make a comeback, a strong enough one that would leave people gasping and wishing they had remained neutral instead of treating me like a piece of dirt.

  No one deserved to go through what I'd just experienced, but I knew without a doubt that it could happen again.

  To another innocent human who merely wants to learn about themselves.

  I stood tall and held my head high as I looked up to the queen's eyes. Staring into those beautiful jewels told me that with her help, I could become something I've always wanted to achieve.

  With her guidance, wisdom, and kindness, I'd rise from my past of ashes and dirt, and become someone people respected.

  I'd prove my worthiness and make those who mocked me feel sorry.

  It was bittersweet revenge I looked for, and I'd do it by improving myself and finding a level of happiness no one could ever shatter.

  Rising my hand up, I placed it in her offered one.

  "I accept, Your Majesty." I turned her hand around, bowing my head and kissing the back of it. Where the idea came from was a mystery to me, but it ignited a single clap, which multiplied with magnitude until the entire room was booming.

  The same people who fought to push me away now applauded like I'd won a championship.

  Xavier's words were right. From now on, I'd have to watch who was my friend and who was my foe...including him.

  Unexpected Vistor And Questionable Future


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