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Fae Rose Academy: Year One (For The Purely Divine Book 1)

Page 19

by Quinn Ashwood

  "Yes." She nodded. "It's outside though."

  "Oh?" I looked to Rain and we both shrugged. "Sure. Let's be on our way," I encouraged.

  "You guys need boots though," Camilla instructed and snapped her fingers.

  The very items she requested of us to wear now donned our feet; Rain's being black while mine were dark red.

  "Oh. Shadow boots! How lovely," Rain teased.

  Camilla arched an eyebrow, pointing her hand to his feet. "I can let you walk barefo-"

  "I apologize," Rain interrupted.

  We laughed, and Camilla huffed, "Good. You have to be on my good side or I'll make your relationship a living hell."

  "Good to note." Rain shuffled over to hide behind me. "Remind me not to anger her."

  "Gotcha," I agreed. "Let's go see what needs our attention."

  We made our way out, taking the lead as Alicia and Camilla fell behind. We opened the massive doors to the outdoors, only for my eyes to grow wide and my magic to spark in utmost joy.

  "SNOW!" Rain and I cheered.

  "Figured you two would be too into your training to realize it snowed rather heavily in the last three hours," Alicia explained. "The first snow of our land is always the most magical. Thought you'd love to enjoy it with good company."

  "Thank you, Alicia!" I beamed and ran to hug her. She seemed surprised by my sudden affection but patted my back lovingly. "I did not do much."

  "This is a lot," I whispered, and pulled back to look at her. "Back home, I never enjoyed the snow. All it did was remind me of the cold nights I'd endure and the lack of work and warm meals. Camilla did her best to help when she could, but it wasn't a season I ever really enjoyed. This is definitely a gift."

  Alicia looked lost in her thoughts for a moment but gave me a loving smile while nodding in understanding.

  "Then go create some loving memories."

  I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I looked to see Rain offering his hand. "We better enjoy today to the fullest. It's our last full day of doing whatever."

  "True." I stepped back and gave Alicia a bow, and then placed my hand in Rain's. "I can make a stunning snowman."

  "I can make the Mona Lisa," he offered, leaving me to gawk at him.


  "This is the fae world, Sweet Rose. We don't need to waste time on simple things like snowmen."

  "A snowman is hard work!" I argued.

  "By hand, yes," he agreed and then snapped his fingers.

  The snow began to twirl around us, gathering in harsh gusts and almost blowing us back as it gathered around us. In seconds, we stood in the middle of a massive snow castle, the details carved into the structure appearing so realistic, it surely could have been mistaken for the real thing if it wasn't icy white.

  Alicia giggled while Camilla reached out and knocked on the wall next to her.

  "Oh. Sturdy," she complimented. "Build me a sleigh!"

  "Sure," he agreed.

  "I wanna learn how you did that!" I was baffled at how effortlessly he'd made the ten-foot-tall structure.

  "Anything for you," he agreed and squeezed my hand. "Let's enjoy the first sight of fae snow."

  The final day of fun with people I actually love. For once, I'm thankful to be here.

  Time To Face Destiny


  "As much as I can ever be." My voice didn't tremble like many times before.

  I was calm and determined to enjoy my official first day at Fae Rose Academy.

  My schedule started off with Fae Introductions, followed by Floral Manipulation, Lunch, Sword Play 101, and Fae Etiquette for the Purely Divine.

  It was clear from all my research that fae loved to refer to themselves as Purely Divine or Deadly Divine. Purely referred to the light within ourselves, aiding in our ascendance to the great up high and bringing us close to the very angels themselves.

  Deadly meant the darkest of the dark. Fae that could cause death at a single touch and invoke a path of chaos if they so wished it. They could reach the depths of hell's gate if they wanted to see the underworld, but very few had ever achieved such status and come back to tell the tale.

  I wore my winter uniform, today being mandatory skirt day. Whenever it was the first day or exam day, we'd have to abide by the proper dress code that gave us a respectable look.

  For Fae Rose, that meant white knitted tights, the gold-and-red plaid skirt, a white long-sleeve dress shirt during the winter, and a golden blazer with white trimming and red embroidery of a rose on the pocket that had FAE ROSE above it and ACADEMY below.

  My hair was up, braided in a crown, and Camilla had added tiny little rose hair ornaments that glimmered when the light twinkled on it. My striking purple eyes shone as brightly as ever after having the most perfect ten hours of sleep I'd ever had.

  It could have also been whatever Rain had sprinkled onto me when I voiced my sleeping struggles. Within seconds, I was yawning and being tucked in by Rain, and I drifted off after he gave me a soft kiss on my lips.

  Yesterday was a blast, experiencing the first fae snow and enjoying an evening of fun and warmth. It reminded me of how far I'd come with the people who stuck by me when life felt like it would end.

  Four months of training, reading, and working on myself. Hours dedicated to becoming a person people could look at and not belittle simply because I came from a human background.

  With the reassurance and proper training from the queen herself, I knew where I stood and who I wanted to be, and today would prove to all those who doubted and mocked me that I'm here to stay.

  Surpassing the nerves would be the hardest challenge, but to seek the vengeance I wholeheartedly deserved seemed even more delightful.

  With Rainer being by my side when he can, I couldn't wait to see what Fae Rose had to offer me. The universe must have something waiting for me. I just needed to figure out exactly what it was and how to claim my destiny.

  I only had one main concern.

  "What are you thinking about?" Rainer inquired, walking over to stand in front of me. His soft hands brushed away a few curly strands that hung on the side of my face as he held my cheeks tenderly.

  Those eyes of his filled with tenderness and love as he searched mine deeply. I'm sure he knew what I was thinking about, and the circumstances we'd be thrown into as we both started what was basically our "second" semester.

  I guess I should have been grateful to be able to get a chance like this, a golden opportunity that was blessed to me, and I was, but in the pit of my stomach, I worried about being partnered with Xavier.

  "Nothing," I mumbled, trying to dismiss my premature anxieties.

  I almost felt ashamed of even thinking about it - yet again. The thoughts were enough to make me tear my eyes away from Rain's.

  "We may have different partners, but it doesn't mean I'll be so far away that you can't rely on me," he whispered, drawing my attention once more as my eyes returned to gazing into his.

  How those orbs could comfort me with just a gaze.

  I didn’t know whether it was his magic that made his emotions blossom like an open book or his genuine ability to express his emotions so openly, but it was a very rare trait, especially in a world where men had to be of one stereotypical standard.

  It was just another thing I'd learned about the fae culture, especially in the way women would be attractive to fae men.

  Xavier and Rain were at the top of the popularity scale, and yet people gravitated to Xavier more because of his cold attitude, lack of emotion, and overbearing confidence. Looks weren't even playing a strong role in their perception of the two princes.

  I did understand it in a way, falling for the same trap of his coldness and dismissive nature as being something I deserved. I believed that I had to fight to redeem myself among the masses of females far stronger, more attractive, and more talented than I.

  Yet, getting the opportunity to learn more about Rain and his way of expressing his feelings on different levels proved
that there were many ways of rulership, and that the perception of a king could go one way or the other.

  There were two paths: a path towards being a kind king, and a path towards being a merciless one.

  It still amazed me how the kingdoms were able to preserve their elemental identities, making it impossible to know what exact element defined each kingdom. To my perception, Xavier was of light or so he hinted, but his attitude was a little too cold for that. It made me intrigued as to whether Rainer was also of light.

  He didn't appear to be of darkness, but I couldn't confidently say that either.

  For now, he was of course light fae and attending Fae Rose Academy and not Shadow Fae Academy, but did it truly matter? Camilla was my best friend and a dark fae, but she still treated me better than a good chunk of the people who had come and gone from my life.

  Maybe I was simply overanalyzing everything.

  "I know," I finally answered him, closing my eyes for a moment as I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I repeat in my head over and over again that I'm not alone in this. I have you and Camilla, and even the queen's support. This is my time to shine and prove them all wrong. To redeem myself and walk down whatever path I'm destined today."

  I paused and opened my eyes, letting my walls fall as my emotions swarmed to my eyes. "Then why am I still afraid? Why do I tremble at the idea of walking out of this room and facing this new reality? I'm about to redeem myself. To re-enter the community that I thought I'd never feel the burning desire to belong to after the fiasco that happened four months ago, and yet...I'm afraid. Frightened of the backlash. The hateful words that still cling to me in the depths of my nightmares. I’m afraid to hear the echoing of voices that called me demeaning slurs and made me feel like an outcast in a sea of my own people. This is a place where I should have felt safe and supported, but it still makes me shiver in my spot...and yet I now have to gather enough courage to return and prove to them that I'm here to stay. That I'm here to claim the destiny I've been praying to obtain for many years."

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and blinked my eyes as a tear rolled down each cheek. "I'm ready for this, Rainer. Prepared to face the music and fulfill my calling. I finally have a purpose, a reminder that every breath I take will bring me closer to what I've always dreamed of. I should be rejoicing, or be filled with so much confidence it bursts through the walls of doubt and fear. Yet, here I am, shedding tears at the idea of walking out that door and not having you right next to me the entire way."

  Rainer smiled and pulled me into a hug.

  "Sweet Rose. You're confusing fear and weakness, my dear."

  "I am?"

  "You're afraid because you want this so bad that the idea of not fulfilling the path you're destined to walk on leads you astray. You fear returning to an environment that cast you away not because you're weak, but due to the potential hate that will follow." He pulled back to look into my eyes, pride and determination flickering in his eyes.

  "You are not simply the naive woman who accidentally punched her way into this reality," he began, the comment making me smile just a smidge. "Those who spat those negative words could see the potential in you. We're all fae. Experienced ones can see auras as easily as they can see the bright sun's rays. You believed you were a mere human standing in an arena full of supernatural creatures that you felt you had no similarity to. You couldn't see what they saw, the bright, magnificent aura that burned with passion until they began to throw negative words to belittle you."

  He pressed his forehead to mine, taking a deep breath and letting it out.

  "They know your worth and the strength hidden inside you, and they know that that power can overcome many of them, and you know what that does? It makes them insecure about their own magical power, their own magic. And that makes you a threat to their confidence."

  His lips brushed mine for just a fraction of a second before he stepped back and took a long look at me.

  "The woman back then was lost. You had so much power swirling around you, but didn't know how to use it, nor did you see your self-worth. Maybe to you, these last four months of training, reading, and learning to love the true person you see in your reflection were mere steps, but I can see the significant difference within you. When you walk out that door, you will prove to them that you are worthy of every bit of success you obtain from this day forward. You put all those who doubted and spread rumors about you to shame while you lift your head high while that dazzling aura dances in victory. You conquered something many would have never been able to, and it proves that you are not a quitter. You are a force to be reckoned with and are now happier, stronger, wiser, and more determined to enjoy your rightful place as a student at Fae Rose Academy."

  With a nod of confidence, his eyes softened, and he whispered, "No matter the distance, near or far, I will always walk by your side. Remember that, Rosadette."

  "No matter what?" I shyly inquired. "Even if things don't go the way I want them to?"

  "Regardless. Rain or shine, darkness or light. Whatever path you decide to take, you simply say the word and I will follow."

  "I don't deserve your utmost devotion," I whispered.

  "You're right." He bobbed his head, but took a step closer and reached for my left hand. "You deserve even more."

  His lips pressed against the back of my hand while his eyes remained locked on mine. "Only royalty can tell a royal from one look, and I know that one day, you'll be confident enough to achieve anything you put your mind on. You may struggle now, because this is only the beginning of the journey, but I promise you, have faith in yourself, Rosadette, because your confidence is exactly what's going to help you fulfill your true purpose in this universe."

  "So knowledgeable," I mumbled but closed my eyes as my lips curled up in a smile. "Thank you, Prince Rainer. I think I'm ready."

  Opening my eyes, I saw his wide smile as he nodded back at me. "You have everything you need?"

  "Think so." I looked to my book bag that sat on my neatly made bed. "Time to walk through that door."

  Rainer walked over to the bed, grabbing my bag and swinging it over his shoulder. He offered me his hand, and I arched an eyebrow at him.

  "Just because we're not partners, doesn't mean I can't walk you to our first class." He winked playfully.

  "If you do that, all the girls and guys who adore you will go crazy with jealousy and hate," I reminded, but put my hand in his.

  Rain's smile only widened, and I saw more mischief twinkle in his eye while he tilted his head slightly to one side.

  "Let them, for I'm courting a woman who may one day be queen."


  "You love it."

  "Hmph. I will not acknowledge that."

  "Ah, but you already have." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "We're courting, remember?"

  "You're fine with that being public?" I questioned. "Once we walk through that door holding hands, I'm sure the whole school will be buzzing."

  "I'm prepared and so are my parents, if it reaches fae media level. I’m not worried, though. I'm as confident as ever, and I don’t see it as a burden to walk beside you."

  "I wish I’d met you first," I mumbled.

  "Then you wouldn't have seen the darker sides of our race." He gave me a sad smile. "At least what you've learned in the past will help you pave a better future."

  He squeezed my hand and looked to the door. "Ready to begin this journey?"

  I squeezed his hand right back, looking at the door to my room and giving a firm nod at the idea of not going back.

  It's now or never, Rosadette.

  "Yes," I said with conviction. "I'm ready."

  "Then let's show Fae Rose Academy we're a couple to look out for," he cheered us on, swinging our joined hands dramatically, which made me laugh.

  "You're being too happy!"

  "And yet you're laughing hysterically." He looked back and winked at me. "A laugh a day keeps the bad guys away."

; "That's not how it goes, but sure," I said, giggling, and swung my arm with him as we walked our way to the door.

  "Rain?" I whispered as he reached for the knob of the door.

  "Yes, Rosadette?"

  "Thank you." I looked right into his eyes that moved their attention to peer into mine. "For being the first to stand by my side when I felt lost and alone in this new world. Thank you for having faith in me."

  "You're welcome, Rosadette." His smile reached his eyes, and if I thought he couldn't be any more handsome, he proved me wrong right here and now.

  He twisted the doorknob, and with a final look at my room, I took the first step into my new life.

  Time to face my destiny.

  Watching A Wilting Rose


  * * *


  My goal for this morning was to reach my classes like I had always aimed to do for the last four months, but alas, the high-pitched, obnoxious calls of my name fought to draw my attention and distracted me.

  The specific voice that called to me made me stop and look to my left. Esmeralda was walking towards me with a wide grin on her face.

  "Are you ready for another semester?"

  "You speak as if there will be much of a change from the previous semester," I mumbled coldly. I personally didn't want to think or talk about it.

  Or focus on the fact I'd have a different partner this semester.

  Due to Rosadette being excused for one semester, I'd been somehow partnered with Esmeralda. Funny seeing as my parents hated her, but I felt the decision was random and not made with their formal approval.

  Mother had forgiven me for bringing Esmeralda into the royal gardens, but I could tell she and Father hated any discussion that brought Esmeralda up. Sometimes it was a discussion that was unavoidable, especially when she was my partner and they requested to know how my day or week had gone.

  As of late, I hadn't seen Mother, which Father explained was due to her commitment to training Rosadette.

  All that told me was that it surely had to be a hassle to train someone who was so weak and knew nothing of our culture. Whatever she did know were from fable books of fairy tales and lies, and whatever was true, I'm sure she'd struggled to keep in her ditzy head.


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