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The Cain Casey Series

Page 19

by Ali Vali

  The server came over with the two espressos he had ordered, and Cain spooned some sugar into hers as she smiled and thought of the best comeback she could. “I’ve always thought gloomy days were made for making love.”

  “I remember,” said a feminine voice.

  The people in the coffee shop and outside it had two radically different reactions to Emma’s comment.

  “What in the holy fuck is she doing here?” Kyle screamed so loud they all yanked their headsets off. Even a woman riding her bike near the van stopped to see who had screamed the obscenity. “Get a mike trained in there now. God help her if that little farming bitch messes this up for me,” he said. He had honestly thought when they pulled out of Ross’s yard he had seen the last of the Verde family until they addressed the question of who got Hayden.

  “I tell you, uncle, once is a moment of weakness for a pretty face from the past. Twice, though, is an act of stupidity, and that’s not like you.”

  Jarvis’s fingers, pinching the bridge of his nose, almost drew blood. Had the woman given him even five minutes, he could have ensured a much more successful outcome. “I told her to wait until we had a chance to talk.” He raised his voice just enough to show his displeasure at having Emma go against his wishes.

  “And you thought that would’ve made a difference?” Cain arched a brow at her uncle and watched the man actually blush. “What is it now, Emma? Come to make amends, have we?”

  “Please, Cain, just listen to me. Once I’m done, if you tell me to go, I will, and I won’t come back. There isn’t enough forgiveness in the world for me, I know that, but I have to try and make this right.”

  “Shut up, Emma. I don’t want to hear it. A pretty face and a pretty ass aren’t going to work for you this time. Granted, the last time I fell for that was eleven years ago. My libido isn’t what it used to be, so give it up. I gave you what you wanted, a chance with Hayden, and you blew it. He doesn’t want to see you again, and I’m sure as hell not going to force him to do something he’d rather eat broken glass than do.”

  “I already knew that.”

  “Then why waste the airfare?” She turned a little in her chair to look at the woman who had not moved closer.

  “To give you back what I stole from you.”

  Jarvis stood up so fast he knocked his chair over. “I didn’t know she stole from you, Cain.”

  “Go home, Jarvis,” she ordered the old man, not wanting to have more of a scene than they had already, given the other customers. She didn’t need to complicate the operation that night.

  “Come on, Emma.”

  “No, Emma’s staying for a while,” she said.

  Her tone told her uncle to just walk out and not argue. Jarvis left without another word, hoping Emma would be all right.

  “I just wanted—” said Emma, only to stop when a big hand went up.

  She dropped back into her chair and exhaled so loudly the women two tables over could have heard her. “Come back for round two, have you?”

  “Cain, please. I just want you to listen to me. That’s all I want. I know I screwed up, but if I ever meant anything to you, I’m begging you to listen to me now.” Emma stood with her hands out to her sides, her palms up.

  “Don’t you know you meant everything to me, and you threw it all away? That I opened myself up to you, and you ripped me to shreds without ever looking back? God, now you come back here and expect me to just forget all that?”

  For the first time ever, Emma saw the weariness that seemed to cling to her partner. Cain looked almost defeated with her forehead resting on her palm, and she felt like someone was twisting a knife in her gut because she had made Cain feel that way.

  “I love you, Cain. No time and no amount of distance between us is ever going to change that.” She took a step closer, thinking that Cain’s defenses were down enough so she wouldn’t turn her away.

  “What a joke that is. Love doesn’t exist for me anymore, except when it comes to my son. The time and the distance, they changed everything between us, and nothing will ever make me want to go back to that place. So just run home to your parents and leave me alone. Take whatever story you have to tell and save it. I don’t want to hear it.”

  Cain sounded like someone who had lived long with a broken heart, and as Shelby watched from the van she straightened up a little and ran her hand through her hair. Being a watcher for so long, she knew Cain was trying to center her feelings since they had obviously strayed too far from her normal cool self.

  So this is the infamous Emma Casey who just walked away from Cain and her son. The thought took up so much of her attention, she blocked out the two other people in the van who were busy setting up the powerful microphone to capture the conversation. During all the hours she had spent observing people like Cain in cramped little places, this was the first time she had heard one of them sound so vulnerable.

  Kyle’s voice filtered up from the floor where her headset still lay. “They all turn out the same in the end. A big pussy who will fall, not because of a false move, but because of the weakness of some blond bimbo. They should study up on their history. Same thing happened to Al Capone.”

  This assignment couldn’t be over soon enough for her. “Excuse me, sir, did you say something?”

  “Women, Daniels. They fuck up in the end because they let their emotions override their brains.”

  Are you forgetting I’m a woman, numb nuts, or perhaps the Bureau’s policy against making such statements? She wanted to say her thoughts aloud, but Anthony shook his head and signaled her to focus on what they were doing. Getting into a fight with Kyle now was not in their best interests. “Interesting concept, sir. I’m sure that’ll help us out tonight.”

  Lionel never turned from the scope sitting on the tripod he was peering through, but he had had enough of Agent Kyle and his low opinion of the people around him, including those who worked for him. “Sir, the Internal Revenue Service was the organization that brought down Al Capone. As for big pussies, I guess you could’ve called him that because he was afraid of needles. He died of complications of syphilis because he was afraid of getting a shot, but in the end it was the IRS that got him. Death and taxes, sir, not emotional whims or romantic fancies. Not to mention he wasn’t Irish.”

  In the other van, three beaming smiles were testament that Lionel wouldn’t have to buy a round the next time they went out.

  “Shut up, you little geek. Who asked you anyway?”

  “It wasn’t an answer to a question, sir. More like a history lesson, in case you were interested.”

  Silence reigned after that as the five watchers concentrated on the coffeehouse.

  Emma and Cain still faced each other. “First off, Cain, I’m sorry I didn’t believe you about Danny. I brought Marie, a total innocent, excruciating pain, all because I chose to believe someone other than you. You had your faults, but you’d never lied to me about anything. I’m so sorry for Marie. If I could trade places with her, I would do it in a heartbeat.”

  “Don’t apologize for things you had no control over, Emma. Marie was my responsibility, and I’m the one who failed her, not you. And don’t try to be noble. If that’s all you have to say, consider yourself unburdened and free to go about your life. I have things to do.” She stood up and brushed past Emma without saying good-bye.

  If Emma didn’t know better she could have sworn she’d seen tears in Cain’s eyes.

  “You can leave, Cain, but you aren’t getting away from me so easily.”

  Emma walked to the counter and ordered a cup of coffee. She wasn’t anxious to go back to Jarvis and the lecture she was positive was waiting for her. The door opened behind her, letting in a cold blast of damp air and making her wish the guy behind the counter would hurry with her coffee so she could at least wrap her hands around the cup to get warm.

  “She wants it to go,” said a rough voice.

  The young man holding the large ceramic cup nodded and went to pour the c
offee into another container.

  Kyle pressed up against her back and whispered in her ear. “You say one word, and I swear on any higher power you may believe in, I’ll arrest you right here, right now.”

  “I don’t have anything else to say to you, Agent Kyle, so I suggest you get lost.”

  “Why don’t you take the bitch’s advice and just shut the hell up, Ms. Casey, or I might make good on my promise, just to brighten my day. Think of what’ll happen to poor little Hannah if Mommy’s in jail.”

  The little condescending laugh made a surge of anger shoot through her, and she

  pushed back from the counter as hard as she could so she could turn around. “You leave my family out of this or I swear, asshole, I’ll tell Cain everything you have planned.”

  “Isn’t that why you’re here? You’re going to get back in Casey’s bed by selling me and my people out?”

  “I’m here for the rest of my family, so unless you want to give yourself away by being seen with me, I suggest you walk out of here and forget we know each other.” The fact that the rest of her family included Cain was none of his business.

  “You tell her anything about what we have planned, Emma, and I’ll personally see you lose everything and everyone you hold dear.”

  She couldn’t believe he would even say that, after his lies had cost her so much. Her anger surged stronger and surprised her more than it did Kyle. “You pompous bastard. You can’t stand there and threaten me with something you’ve already done. You left my father’s place before I could talk to you and ask you why.”

  “Why what?”

  “Why did you lie to me all those years ago? What did my leaving Cain have to do with anything you had planned? You left me alone for four years before you thought of something I could offer you, but it was never about me and keeping me safe, was it? This was all about you and whatever vendetta you have against Cain. The sad thing is I gave you everything I love without a question or a fight. You convinced me Cain was evil, and I ran just like you wanted me to. What in the world did you get out of that?”

  When the young man handed Emma her coffee, Kyle pulled her next to a large display to try to keep their talk private. After he had seen Casey leave, he had jumped from the van to go after Emma, giving the rest of the team orders to keep an eye on their target and leave the blonde to him.

  “I thought your leaving would make Casey sloppy, but I guess you didn’t have the influence over her I thought you did. You may not want to admit it, but getting away from here was good for you. Your mother told me—”Kyle stopped when he saw the green eyes narrow.

  “What does my mother have to do with anything?”

  The poke to his chest following the question was so hard it made him flinch.

  “Tell me, or I swear on everything you believe in, you’ll have to arrest me to keep me from going to Cain.”

  “Carol called me and asked me to help get you out of here long before Danny Baxter came along. Your mother’s smart. She figured Casey had someone watching her, ready to pounce when the opportunity presented itself. Selling out Cain was her way of helping save your soul from the fires of hell. You should thank her for caring so much. When I found out what happened the night of Marie’s birthday party, I thought I’d kill two birds, as they say. Your mother seemed nice enough, and I wanted Casey off balance. A little white lie saved your life, so don’t bother to thank me either, since my job description doesn’t include saving souls.”

  Hot coffee splashed on Kyle’s legs when Emma dropped her cup in shock. Not once in all the time she had been home had her mother mentioned that she knew Kyle before he showed up at the farm. “Thank you? I damn you to hell along with my mother. How dare you play with our lives like that and keep us apart?”

  Emma’s voice was getting so loud Kyle was afraid he was going to have to take drastic measures and gag her with a small bag of coffee, if that was what it took.

  Just as quickly it died away, and Emma narrowed her eyes, this time in suspicion. “Wait a minute. How did you find out about what happened that night with Danny? Cain made damn sure to keep that in the family.” Emma saw Kyle’s jaw tighten slightly and realized he was uncomfortable with the fact that he had said too much.

  Shelby watched from the van with Lionel. She had hopped out and switched vehicles, knowing this was the more interesting conversation. “Yeah, Kyle, tell us how you knew about that little incident and in such vivid detail? Danny Baxter was your chance to snare Cain, but you have yet to find the body. And I’m willing to bet five years of my salary the little shit’s dead.” She asked the question as both she and Emma waited for Kyle to answer.

  “I work for the FBI, lady. We know things.” With a shrug and a laugh, Kyle was ready to move on to the next subject.

  “The only way you got into the house was by turning someone else, because we all know what a good job you did on me. God, how could I have been such a fool? Leave me alone, Agent Kyle. Don’t worry. I’m not here to ruin your plan. I’m here to try and get back something I too willingly gave away.”

  “Just remember, you tell Casey anything, and I will make you suffer.” Kyle squeezed her arm so hard that she gasped.

  “Are you all right, miss?” The young man had a bit of an acne problem and was wearing the green apron that was a standard part of the wait staff’s uniform, but he seemed willing to stand up to Kyle if Emma was in trouble.

  “I’m fine, thank you. I was just leaving.” Emma smiled at her savior and felt Kyle’s grip lessen. “You’re too late, Barney. I’m already suffering.” With a big push back, Emma broke his grip and turned to leave. If she could help it, she would never see or talk to this man again.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Anthony and Joe watched as Cain strode away from her house. They didn’t see her usual relaxed posture as she made her way down one of New Orleans’s most famous streets. The two agents had become as familiar with Cain’s gait as they had with her choice of clothes and cool head. Emma had obviously thrown her for a loop with one short conversation.

  For the first time they followed closer than was prudent, in case Cain needed them. She was still locked in a heated territory dispute with Giovanni Bracato, and a lone walk to clear her head made her an easy target. Neither man was willing to let one of Bracato’s goons get in a lucky shot just because Cain wasn’t thinking.

  Anthony reached for his ringing cell phone and handed it to his partner, who sat in the passenger seat chewing on a hangnail.

  “What’s up, Shelby?”

  “Could you hop out of the van and hand the phone to Cain, please?”

  “Are you going to support the wife and kids I hope to have one day when I get my ass fired for doing that?”

  Shelby laughed more than she had when she had dialed Cain’s cell and had to tell Merrick it was a wrong number. The juvenile stunt made her think of her teenage years when she and her friends used to crank call all the guys they were in love with that week. “Joe, you’re going to have to trust me on this one.”

  Joe thought about what they had already trusted her on and made a quick decision. “Pull over, man. I gotta hop out a minute.”

  Anthony parked at a street corner, wondering what Joe needed out of the back that was more important than keeping up with Cain, who sure wasn’t talking to herself as she walked down the street. “What in the hell are you doing?” he called after Joe, when he opened the door and took off on foot after Cain with his phone.

  “Making the book I’m planning to write that much more interesting.”

  Cain was close to the park entrance when she heard someone call her name. Seeing who it was only made her day more bizarre. “What can I do for you, Agent Simmons?”

  “You know who I am?” Having her call him by name made him totally forget why he was talking to her.

  “It’s only fair. After all, you know who I am. Or did you think I’d mistake you for the Wisconsin farmhand who likes to hang out downtown in freezing cold tem
peratures just to see if anything exciting is happening in Haywood’s local diner? Did you feel a sudden urge to confess your true identity? Because why else would you run out and flag me down? Even you have to admit that’s a little unorthodox and probably isn’t in the secret-agent handbook. Didn’t you get a copy, with the ever-handy decoder ring? Am I supposed to start confessing now so you won’t feel alone in your sudden honesty?”

  “No, ma’am. Agent Daniels wants to talk to you.” He held the phone out to her. “You were kidding about the decoder ring, right?” Joe tried to joke back. All of a sudden he felt like he was getting to hang out with the coolest kid in school.

  “Please call me Cain, and no, just ask Daniels to show you hers.” She took the phone and stepped away from him. “What a pleasant surprise. How’s your day going, Shelby?”

  “Please don’t give him any more ideas about me showing him anything. Just listen to me and do what I say. Accept a ride from the two agents with you and go home right now.”

  “Darlin’, don’t you mean the two agents trailing me? Furthermore, I’m not in the habit of getting into cars with federal agents, no matter the circumstance.”

  “Cain, please don’t argue with me. I need these guys to go somewhere with me, and I don’t want to leave you out there alone.”

  She laughed as she leaned against one of the stone pillars that marked the entrance to the park. “Shelby, you do realize the only reason we know each other is because your boss thinks I’m a vicious killer?”

  “Sure, and I don’t really have time to discuss it in detail, so what’s your point?”

  “Dismiss Mr. Obvious here and his friend, and I’ll be just fine on my own.”

  “I can’t do that. Please don’t be stubborn, and don’t ask me why I’m being so obstinate. It’s really necessary, believe me, so tell me you’ll go?”

  “Okay, you win, but I expect an explanation eventually.”

  “You got it, hellion. Now put Joe back on the phone.”


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