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The Cain Casey Series

Page 66

by Ali Vali

“My head might know that, but my heart doesn’t. I could’ve tried harder and a lot sooner for the kind of relationship we have now. You and our children are the most important people in my life, and I’m looking forward to bringing this little guy home in nine months.”

  “Just remember what Sam said about having to try more than once.”

  “Just once is all it’ll take.” Emma accepted Cain’s hand and sat up.

  “How do you know?” Cain dressed Emma and glanced up from putting her shoes on when she didn’t answer. “Well?”

  Still no answer as Emma took her hand and led her out of the office to the waiting car. No one on the house staff bothered them when they got home and headed for their room. When the door closed and Cain locked it, Emma stripped for her.

  The way Emma walked toward her made any curiosity about her answer fly from her thoughts. When Emma pushed her forward, the bed bounced under her as she gave in to her wishes and sat down. She was rewarded by a naked Emma straddling her lap.

  “Tell me you remember the last step in this process,” Emma said.


  Emma lifted Cain’s hand to her mouth. “Then perhaps you need a refresher course.” She took Cain’s middle and index fingers into her mouth to the knuckle and sucked on them softly. Even though Cain closed her eyes and her breathing deepened, Emma had her full attention.

  Emma opened her mouth and licked the length of her fingers, then just as quickly took them in again. “Is it coming back to you at all?” she asked before biting just the tips.

  “Vaguely.” Cain opened her eyes and wanted to keep them on Emma’s face, but when she leaned back and spread her legs she couldn’t help but admire the length of her.

  “Need more hints, huh?”

  “Just a couple.”

  Emma grasped Cain’s wrist and dragged her hand down her stomach, then back up to her left nipple. “Pinch,” Emma ordered, and Cain happily complied. She got only a brief touch before Emma moved her hand to her other nipple.

  “With me now?” Emma asked.

  “Just one more clue and I’ll be good.”

  Emma laughed deeply, sounding sexy as hell. “Then I should make this one count.” She took Cain’s hand and put it between her legs.

  The way Cain’s fingers slid easily along Emma’s sex proved just how turned on she was.

  This little tradition had started when they were trying to conceive Hayden. They’d go to the doctor, then come home and make love. Even though Hannah had been a surprise to Cain, Emma had talked Cain into an afternoon in bed. She wanted to create lives based on the love she and Cain shared.

  “Please tell me you can take it from here,” Emma said. She moaned as Cain’s fingers teased her opening and her thumb stroked her clitoris.

  “I love you,” Cain whispered in her ear. “So very much.” She pushed her fingers in all the way.

  Emma’s muscles clamped down on Cain’s fingers, but she didn’t move, not wanting to come right away. That was difficult when Cain pulled out, then just as quickly pushed all the way in. “So good,” Emma said.

  “Then come for me,” Cain said before kissing her.

  Emma did just that as she brought her hips down to meet Cain’s touch and moaned into her mouth. As the orgasm started, she pressed her legs into Cain’s sides and let her head drop onto Cain’s shoulder. Emma shuddered from the intensity as Cain rubbed her thumb over her clitoris one more time, and she grabbed Cain by the wrist again to stop any other movement.

  “You’re criminally good at that.” She held Cain’s hand in place, enjoying the way her sex was still pulsating around her fingers.

  “You get an automatic head start when you’re an actual criminal.”

  “Tsk.” Emma clucked her tongue and pulled the hair at the base of Cain’s neck. “When I get to spend time with you like this, you make me feel absolutely adored.”

  “That’s a given, Mrs. Casey, so how about cluing me in as to why today’s the day we made a baby.”

  “That’s easy.” Emma finally released Cain’s hand so she could pull out. “I’ve been to the cemetery with you every year. A new baby can’t make up for the loss of Dalton, but it’s a good way to celebrate your father’s life. I know how important family is to you, and you learned how to be a wonderful parent by following his example. He’s not here, but he’s still watching over you.”

  “I’d like to think he’s watching over all of us.”

  “Then I’m sure he’ll give us what we most want. After all, what’s impossible for a Casey?”

  “Depends on which one you ask.”

  “I’m asking this one.” Emma placed her hands on the sides of Cain’s face and kissed her, moaning when Cain’s mouth opened and accepted her tongue.

  “Then I’ll do what I have to in order to make it happen. All I want is you, our family, a new baby, and peace. We’ve started on the baby part, and later on I’m going to lay the groundwork for the kind of peace that’ll let us relax and enjoy the life we’ve built.”

  Emma had learned that, sometimes, happiness came at a price. She closed her eyes and prayed that this time the beast called fate would simply give them what they wanted and not demand the heavy tolls it had in the past. Emma fully agreed with Cain’s wish list, but a sense of foreboding made her shiver and pull Cain forward in an effort to chase away the demons that fear sprouted.

  She sensed that this time they’d have to walk a gauntlet before they received the peace and happiness they both wanted. So Emma added just one more prayer, one that Casey wives before her had recited—for the strength and perseverance to keep her partner and children free from harm, no matter the sacrifice.


  Cain buttoned her jacket as she walked downstairs and ignored the smirk on Katlin’s face. Merrick Runyon, Cain’s longtime guard who was now assigned to Emma, was sitting close to Katlin on the antique settee in Jarvis’s foyer. Katlin and Merrick’s relationship was still new, and Cain had been holding off expressing her opinion about it until now.

  “Ready to roll?” Katlin asked.

  “In a minute. I need to talk with Merrick first.” Cain passed them, continuing to the sunroom and expecting Merrick to follow.

  “Problem?” Merrick asked.

  Cain pointed to the chair across from hers and studied Merrick as she strolled across the room. Merrick was still fit and beautiful, but something in her appearance had softened. Her clothes were different—more stylish with a hint of femininity, and her hair was longer. All these subtle signs that she was trying to keep Katlin’s attention bothered Cain.

  “You look nice today,” Cain said, trying to keep her voice even.

  Merrick blinked and opened and closed her mouth several times before answering. “Not our usual conversation, but thanks.”

  “I’ve noticed a few things these past months.”

  The disjointed tapping of Cain’s fingers filled the room for a long minute. From the way Merrick’s eyes shifted from her hand to her face, Cain knew she was searching for the right words.

  “Like I asked, is there a problem?”

  “I’m not going to tell you how to live your life outside your job, but I’m concerned.”

  Merrick took a deep, explosive breath. “I’ve proved my loyalty. What’s changed to make you doubt me now?”

  “I didn’t say doubt—I said concern.” Cain stopped tapping and let loose some of her own temper. “Don’t put words in my mouth.”

  “Sorry. What are you concerned about?”

  “When I changed your responsibilities you weren’t pleased. I’m concerned that your unhappiness, coupled with your new social life, isn’t in Emma’s best interests.”

  Merrick gripped the armrests as if to keep from punching her. “First off, I know Emma didn’t tell you she had a problem, and next time talk to me before you assume anything about me.”

  Their time together gave Merrick some latitude to talk like this, and Cain laughed. “Why do you think Emma didn’t
say anything?”

  “Because we’ve come to a truce, Emma and I. I know my job and I’m happy to do it. As for Katlin, you can approve or not, that’s up to you. I’m sorry for not bringing it up earlier, but I’d like your blessing.”

  Cain stood and put her hand up to keep Merrick in her seat. “You don’t need my blessing, Merrick, but if you do, I’m happy you found someone you can confide in and be happy with.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Emma and I have started trying for another baby, though, and I’m trusting you to keep her safe. Don’t let me down.”

  “You’re going to worry no matter what I say.” Merrick stood up and took Cain’s hand. “But you have my word. Emma’s fine with me.”

  “Good, and as to Katlin, congratulations. My father always said love drives our fierceness, and Emma and our children make me realize just how right he was.” She let Merrick’s hand go and took a few steps toward the door before turning around. “I’ll have no mercy on whoever thinks to bring them harm,” Cain said, sure that Merrick didn’t need any further explanation. The statement encompassed everyone, including her, but Merrick nodded anyway.

  Muriel was talking to Katlin when Cain came out. Even though they were all living in the same house, Cain hadn’t seen much of Muriel since she’d returned from Mexico. She needed to find out why and had ignored that conversation until now. She walked with Muriel and the others to the waiting car.

  “Another late night?” Cain asked as soon as the car door closed and the surveillance jamming equipment was activated.

  Muriel glanced up at her from the file she was reading and chuckled. “I have a parent, thank you.”

  “Is it smart-off-to-Cain day and I didn’t get the announcement? It’s a simple question.”

  Muriel closed the file and faced Cain. “Sorry, that was rude.”

  “I’m just curious as to how things are going.”

  Muriel laughed. “Don’t you mean you’re worried about how things are going?”

  “I trust you.” Cain stared out the window. “So how’s it going?” She didn’t have to look to know that Muriel’s new social interest wasn’t too far behind them. Agent Shelby Philips was beautiful, smart, and outgoing—all the desirable characteristics in a woman. But Shelby’s employer, the FBI, wasn’t exactly a friend of the Casey family.

  “We’re just friends.” Muriel put her hands up. “Before you give me any shit, I have been out late, but I’ve been working with Mano to get this contract done.” She waved the file at Cain. “We had to make sure your name and the Jatibon name don’t appear anywhere on this, but it still protects your interests.”

  “Fucking feds.”

  “True, but the Mississippi Gaming Authority won’t push this through with the name Casey or Jatibon on the deed. Not that you’ve been convicted, but…hell, you don’t need me to elaborate.”

  “No, you don’t.” Cain did turn around then, curling her fingers into a fist when the ever-present van came into view. “These guys need to either shit or get off the pot. This constant sitting on top of us is getting old.”

  “I’d get used to it, for awhile at least. They aren’t going anywhere after you caught them with their pants down again.”

  If anyone but Muriel had said those exact words, Cain would’ve missed the meeting they were headed to and opted for a more private place to finish the talk. Of course the one-sided, short conversation would’ve ended badly for the person who sounded like they knew a little too much about the feds and their operations. But this was her cousin Muriel, and Cain trusted her wholeheartedly.

  “Just a hunch or pillow talk?” Cain asked as they turned onto Ramon’s property.

  “More like observation.” Muriel put her hand on the door to prevent Lou from opening it once they stopped. “This is no time to start questioning my place in your life and in this family. You do and they’ll win.” She tilted her head in the direction of the van parked on the street.

  “I’ve just got a lot on my mind, so maybe that didn’t come out right. But you have to admit things are different now. The people I count on have new priorities it seems.”

  Muriel nodded. “You can’t blame us for wanting what you have, but just because that’s true, we haven’t forgotten what’s important.” She let go of the door and placed her hand on Cain’s knee. “I’m a Casey. Don’t think anything or anyone’s blinded me to that fact and what it means.”

  Chapter Five

  The plane taxied to a stop at the lakefront airport near New Orleans under a hangar belonging to the Jatibon family. After their bags were in the limo, Remi shook hands with Dallas.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you, and I’m sure we’ll see each other soon. I understand you have an apartment in the city, but I thought you’d enjoy a few nights at the Piquant.”

  “Thank you. It’ll be convenient since that’s where the reception is tonight. I didn’t think there’d be an available room, with all the studio brass in town.”

  Remi laughed and bent her head to whisper something to Dallas, fully aware that Bob’s eyes were trying to bore a hole in her skull. “I wouldn’t want to give you the impression that all Gemini employees are slackers,” she teased.

  “I’m sorry again,” Dallas said. “I know you said not to apologize, but the name-calling and Bob in general got out of hand. I don’t want you to think I agree with him.”

  “I’m sure Dick will learn the error of his ways sooner than you think, Ms. Montgomery. That’s an oath I’ll personally keep in the near future,” Remi said while still holding her hand.

  Dallas stared at her, obviously just noticing the unique color combination of her eyes. “Will I really see you again? I’d like to treat you to dinner to make it up to you. Please call me Dallas, and thank you…”

  Remi ignored the way Dallas had dragged out the word you, as if hoping for her to fill in the blank of her name. “You will and thank you. It really has been a pleasure, but if you’ll excuse me, I have people waiting.”

  Remi let Dallas go, heading for the three waiting Suburbans and getting into the lead vehicle. She could figure out the mystery that was Dallas Montgomery and her traveling companion later. There was definitely a story there, and she was dying to hear it.


  “Mano,” Remi called from the open window. Ramon, Remi’s twin brother, stood in front of their parents’ home waiting for the vehicles to roll to a stop. From the time they had started talking, Remi had called him Mano, an abbreviation of hermano, meaning brother in Spanish.

  “Remi, you’re looking good. Vacation agrees with you.”

  After getting out of the truck Remi hugged and kissed Mano hello, then turned to the rest of the group exiting the remaining vehicles and pointed to the house in a silent request for time alone with Mano.

  Remi was involved in, and usually responsible for, the daily operations of the family business not mentioned in their annual reports. She also controlled the muscle that kept those operations running smoothly. She did the job well, and Mano readily followed her lead, but that side of the business was seldom discussed outside the family.

  Mano put his arm around Remi’s shoulders and led her into the house. Their mother would have to wait for her kiss hello.

  As they entered the large study reminiscent of an old Cuban plantation with its muted and tasteful mahogany furniture, Remi was reminded of the tradition that had been an important part of her upbringing. The tall, imposing man behind the desk, who stood when his children entered, embodied the lessons of who she was and what her family stood for.

  “Papi, como estas? Papi, how are you?”

  “Muy bien, hija. Very well, daughter. You look good. Dwayne and Steve aren’t with you?” Ramon asked while wrapping her in a hug.

  “In a minute. I have a favor to ask before we turn our attention to the Biloxi business.”

  The three took a seat, and Remi described the trip home and the unexpected guests. “Mano, dig until you find something, but
I know Dallas Montgomery doesn’t stay with that dickhead out of love and devotion. There’s a reason, and I want to know what it is.”

  After she finished, Ramon and Mano glanced at each other. “This is new. Why do you care?” Mano asked.

  “I just want to know.” She didn’t often get upset with her family, but this was no time for Mano’s teasing. “In case you forgot, she hasn’t signed on for the sequel that starts production in two months. Call that my motivating factor.”

  “Mano, I’ll help you with this one. Consider it done,” Ramon said, which stopped the discussion. “It’ll be good to get out again before your mother finds something else for me to do. Speaking of which, go tell her hello.”

  “I’d appreciate it, Papi.”

  The three walked out to the large balcony that overlooked the pool and immaculate gardens. “Mami, the good-looking one has returned,” Remi said as she picked Marianna up off the ground and kissed her.

  Marianna held Remi for a moment before squeezing her face between her hands. “Any luck on your trip? I’m not getting any younger and I want more grandchildren.”

  “You could ask how I am first, you know.”

  “I can see by looking at you that you’re fine, but I can’t so easily detect if there’s a woman in your heart. Now answer me.” Marianna tapped her foot and waited.

  “I’m still in the sampling phase, but don’t worry. I’m ticking them off as fast as I can.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say your father carried you for nine months, you’re so much like him,” Marianna said, dripping sarcasm. Behind her, Steve, Dwayne, and their wives were laughing at the expression on Marianna’s face.

  “Hopefully that’s true.” Remi kissed her mother’s forehead. “After all, he kept at it until he got it right, didn’t he?” She knew what was coming, but didn’t duck the cuff to the head her mother delivered.

  “One day you won’t have your poor mother’s arm to pull, Remi. Then what will you do?”

  “That’ll be a sad day indeed, but remember one thing. It’s leg, Mami, leg.” This time Remi did dodge the little hand flying toward her head, seeing Marianna had swung with more intent.


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