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The Cain Casey Series

Page 99

by Ali Vali

  The blankets had tangled around his legs, and he glanced down to study the heap of material. His senses were heightened, like the way the sheets felt rough against his naked skin. As he concentrated on that feeling, someone banged on his door.

  He took his time, finding it humorous when the banging got louder. With a flick of his wrist he wrenched the door open, making Joe lose his balance and stumble a step forward. “Are you here to make sure I don’t oversleep?”

  “We need to talk to you so go put on some pants,” Joe said. Shelby walked in behind him and studied the front room.

  “Should I remind you that I’m not working after Annabel threw me out?” He took a seat on the sofa and put his feet on the coffee table. The position made his white briefs pull tautly against his groin. “Besides, maybe Shelby wants to see what she’s missing by sniffing around the Caseys.”

  Joe advanced on him with his fists clenched, but Shelby stopped him before he got too close. “Agent Hicks asked us to drop by and invite you in for questioning.”

  “If Annabel wants to talk to me then tell her to get her fat ass down here. I’m through with her and her fumblings. Once my suspension’s over, I’m putting in for a transfer, but not before I report her for incompetence.”

  “Why don’t you get your head out of your ass and accept why Agent Hicks suspended you? It had nothing to do with your warped view of the world,” Joe said. With the tip of his shoe he pushed a stack of magazines to the floor so he could sit.

  Anthony looked from the mess on the floor to Joe and smiled. “I’d love to come in and chat, but my dance card’s so full that I simply don’t have time.”

  “You can do it voluntarily or we can come back in a more official capacity,” Shelby added. She took a seat at the desk. “If you want to go that route, it’ll haunt you at work for a long time.”

  “You think I care about that?” Anthony wanted to scream but his head was starting to pound. “When I’m done I won’t have to worry about any performance reviews, but people like you will.”

  “I don’t know, Joe,” Shelby said, her head turned more toward the top of the desk than to her friend. “When you go in for your next review do you think you’ll have to explain why you were seen leaving the airport with a known drug dealer?”

  “Not to mention that dead guy in the bathroom. It would take quite a story to convince people you were nowhere near.” Joe took up where she left off.

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” Anthony sat up, trying to see what Shelby was so interested in. He’d heeded Annabel’s warning about money, and the cash Juan had paid him was stashed in a strongbox in the bedroom closet. “Who got killed at the airport?”

  “Shelby and I both know you’re a complete ass, but don’t compound it by trying to act stupider than you are,” Joe said. “You know damn well what we’re talking about, and it’s time to tell us what you know on the record, so get dressed.”

  “I’m not coming in without a subpoena, so fuck off.”

  “That should take about twenty minutes. Why not take a shower and be waiting on us when we get back, because I can promise you, if you’re still in your tighty whities, that’s how I’m taking you in,” Joe said as he got up and brushed off his pants.

  The two agents left and Anthony immediately got off the couch and stripped to shower. If Joe and Shelby mentioned the airport, the questioning Annabel wanted to engage in wouldn’t be friendly. There was most likely a collage of pictures of him and Juan leaving the airport and essentially the scene of a crime that’d play well to a jury.

  He was dripping on the carpet in the bedroom a few minutes later, not caring if the phone was bugged. “Get ready to move,” he told Juan. “The net’s in place and the feds are getting ready to close it.”

  Shelby snapped her fingers in the van and rearranged their surveillance to make sure Anthony didn’t spot them. “Are you calling Agent Hicks?” Joe asked.

  “Eventually, but right now we’re going to stick to Anthony and see where he leads us. Make sure the guys know he’s one of ours and, though he’s been out of his mind lately, he’s been trained to spot us.”

  “You think he’ll trip up enough to give you something?” Joe asked. They were halfway to his car, but Shelby stopped at the corner where their second team was parked.

  “Call it a hunch, but yeah. Cain and her crew are still important, but Anthony’s playing a dangerous game with an unstable partner.” She leaned against the panel van and crossed her arms over her chest. Staying here would also keep her from having to stare at Muriel all day, but she wasn’t about to admit that to Joe or anyone. “You stay with the Caseys and we’ll meet up later.”

  “I’ll send Lionel back to help you,” Joe said, “and don’t take any chances. Like you said, Juan’s not stable, and unlike our friend Cain across town, he’s not going to respect that you’re an agent.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll keep my head down. Call me when your shift’s done and we’ll touch base.”

  Joe started walking but turned before Shelby could open the door to the van. “Remember to be careful, Shelby. Juan’s one part of this, but something’s really off about Anthony. Getting the bad guys is important, but it’s not worth getting hurt over.”

  “That goes for you too, Joe. Now get out of here before our boy starts his day.” Shelby was getting comfortable in her seat when Anthony strode out and headed for his car. The van parked close to his car was Shelby’s decoy, and she laughed when he flipped them off. He peeled out of his parking spot, obviously in a hurry to get to wherever Juan was.

  Shelby sat back and closed her eyes as they started at a much slower pace, confident that the three cars she had following Anthony wouldn’t lose him. He was up to something that could only help their investigation, but she figured Anthony wasn’t aware it would trigger his downfall. You didn’t cross a certain line unless it was the FBI’s idea, and he’d done it. Now there was no going back.


  Cain sat at one end of the table with her family stretched out between her and Ross. When he got back, they’d picked Vincent Carlotti’s place to celebrate and were waiting for the main courses.

  “Daddy, I think the tycoon persona looks good on you,” Emma said of his suit and tie. “The cows won’t recognize you.”

  “I’m having so much fun I might leave the cows to Jerry and his guys.”

  “Then our brilliant plan worked,” Cain said, lifting her glass of iced tea in his direction. “I’m sure if we give these guys a vote, they’d tell you they want their grandpa to stay,” Cain said about the kids. “Then there’s the other reason.”

  “The first one’s pretty good, Cain,” Muriel said. “I’m not sure there’s a better reason than grandkids. At least that’s what Da keeps telling me.”

  “Two grandchildren are a great reason,” Emma said, “but three might be the clincher.”

  “You’re having a baby?” Hayden asked. “You are, aren’t you?” He slid his chair back and sprang to his feet and wrapped his arms around Emma before she could do the same. When he turned to Cain he slapped hands with her before giving her a bear hug. “Hannah, we’re getting a brother or a sister.”

  “I want both,” Hannah said as she stood on Muriel’s legs.

  The doors to the private room opened and Vincent carried in a bottle of champagne and the right number of flutes. “Are you going to tell me now why I’ve had this on ice all day?” he asked Cain.

  Cain popped the cork and poured while Vincent did the same with a bottle of sparkling grape juice. “To my beautiful wife,” Cain raised her glass to Emma, “to our children and our family. Those who’ve come before us, those here with us, and those yet to come.”

  “Cheers,” the group said before they drank. The rest of the night was filled with laughter that Nunzio didn’t ruin when he arrived and tried to muscle his way in to see her. The celebration started again when Lou and the others drove them home. Ross had worked hard with a handfu
l of Cain’s men and repaired the damage to the walls.

  The place was spotless and contained only a fraction of their personal belongings, but Cain had wanted it to be a surprise. They’d worry about their clothes and other things in the morning. All Cain wanted was to make love to Emma in their bed.

  “Do you want a boy or a girl?” Emma asked as she lay in Cain’s arms trying to catch her breath.

  “We’ve got one of each now, so this one, whatever it is, is lagniappe. What matters is that it’ll belong to us, a part of our little clan.”

  “Was it the clan chieftain who Nunzio Luca wanted to do business with tonight? He was pretty adamant about wanting to talk to you.”

  “Nunzio’s a shit who needs to learn some manners, and tomorrow’s going to be his first lesson.” Cain yawned and Emma rubbed her hand in a circle on Cain’s stomach, trying to get her to fall asleep.

  “While you’re dealing with him, I’ll get us moved back in here and get Hayden’s party squared away.” She kept up her soft touch and felt Cain’s breathing even out as she fell asleep. Once she was sure, Emma dropped her hand and kissed Cain’s shoulder.

  Emma remembered their first night in this room, but that timid girl who wasn’t sure of her place was gone. This time around, the woman she’d become accepted and welcomed how Cain had dealt with the killers who had destroyed their home.

  Again she whispered a quick prayer to keep her family safe and to protect the life she carried. As long as God granted her that, she’d bear the rest the best she could, no matter what sacrifice she had to make personally.


  “The bastard’s gone too far this time,” Juan said as he paced the new hotel room Anthony had checked them into on Airline Highway, right outside the city limits. It was one of the only places that didn’t rent by the hour to the dozens of hookers walking the strip made famous when televangelist Jimmy Swaggart was caught in a sex-for-hire sting.

  The ranting was starting to get old, and Anthony contented himself with another small taste from Juan’s box. It still surprised him that he’d stumbled on to the one thing in his life that had triggered the addictive part of his brain. He was convinced he was still in control, but he felt so good nothing much bothered him.

  “It was lucky for me you called when you did and I got out before Carlos saw me,” Juan continued.

  “What was he doing at the hotel and how’d he locate you?”

  “My uncle sent him, and I don’t know how the old bastard found out I’m back. But if he sent Carlos—he wants me dead.”

  Anthony unbuttoned his shirt and lay back on the bed. “I saw how he was with you at Ramon’s place the night he first met with Casey. Rodolfo doesn’t want you dead. You’re like a son to him.”

  “You don’t know how Rodolfo Luis works. He isn’t a forgiving man, even if it’s his family, when someone goes against him.” Juan checked the parking lot again before he took the other bed. “I need to get out of here until I can put my own network together, but I want you to do something first.”

  “Are you keeping it to yourself, or are you going to share?” Anthony asked, fighting to keep the eagerness out of his voice.

  “You’re the only one I trust,” Juan said, and told Anthony his plan. After Anthony gave him some ideas, Juan opened up and became more animated.

  “Get some sleep then, because what you want is possible, but it won’t be easy.”

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  The next morning Cain took time to have breakfast with Emma and the kids, then walked Emma to the car Merrick was driving. “Remember, you just point and direct,” Cain said. “No lifting of any kind.”

  “That’s the fourth time you’ve said that in the last ten minutes.”

  “I’d say it again but I told your father, so I think I’m covered,” Cain said as she opened the back door to the car. “Take care, and call me if you need me.”

  “Please be careful today. I don’t like this guy, and I don’t trust him to keep his word about anything.”

  The cameras across the street, Cain was sure, captured how she felt about her partner as she kissed Emma as passionately as if they’d been alone. More than anything she wanted to forget about business and spend her time holding Emma’s hand. The pregnancy caused the over-protectiveness, she guessed, but whatever it was, her heart was screaming much louder than her head for Emma to stay home.

  “I love you,’ Cain said, her lips close to Emma’s ear. There was only so much she was willing to share with the world. “And I’m having a hard time letting you go.”

  “See, when you say things like that you make me think you’re a fraud, mobster.” Emma put her hand just inside Cain’s shirt against her skin. “I love that you show that side only to me, and tonight I’ll prove to you how much. Right now, though, I need you to be the devil I know. No mercy, love, because I’m selfish and want you home more.”

  “Merrick,” Cain said as she still had Emma in her arms. “Make sure the guys keep their eyes open today.”

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “I feel like we’re standing in the eye of a hurricane, and the stillness makes me antsy.”

  “We’re moving, Boss, what could happen?”

  “Whatever does, make sure you get out of it free and clear.” Cain kissed Emma again and watched the car until it disappeared down the street.

  The feeling of unease didn’t leave Cain as she arrived at the office. She stood outside longer than usual, staring at the row of windows across the street. “Here I am,” she said softly, barely moving her lips. When she walked in she kept heading toward the back. Lou and Katlin followed her as they walked close to the buildings for more than a mile. Unless Shelby had thought to cover the river, which from their own surveillance she hadn’t, they were free to leave.

  They weren’t going too far, though. Simon was waiting at the door of another small warehouse that belonged to another dead man, but Cain paid the bills.

  “Did you have any problems?” Cain asked.

  “Nunzio’s bitched about what he called the cloak-and-dagger shit, but he’s here. Everyone’s waiting inside.”

  “Let’s not keep them waiting then.” Cain entered and quickly made it through the building and into the next one. As they entered the empty space, Nunzio walked over to Cain with his finger up and came close to poking her in the chest. He stopped when Lou grabbed his wrist.

  “Call this fucker off, Cain,” Nunzio said, his voice loud enough to echo against the metal walls. “I came here at your invitation and I’m not going to put up with being treated like this.”

  “What you’re going to do is shut up before I cut your tongue out,” Ramon said as he crossed his legs. “Did your father really give you the go-ahead to kill my child? I’m curious to know if you’re just stupid or if it runs in your family?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Nunzio stepped away from Lou and stood closer to Kim. “I’m here to offer my support and help you through this, Ramon. What happened to Remi is tragic, but we had nothing to do with it.”

  “You know that’s true, Cain,” Kim said. “None of our people touched Remi.”

  “I didn’t realize we were on a first-name basis, but I believe you.” The way Kim exhaled made Cain take a seat next to Ramon and touch his hand briefly. “None of your people took that shot because I’m sure the only one who could’ve pulled it off was you, and you didn’t do it. Did you?”

  “I didn’t have anything to do with it,” Kim said, sounding like someone trying to distance herself from Nunzio.

  “I believe you too,” Remi said, stepping out of the shadows. “Nunzio kept his hands clean by hiring outside talent.”

  “What’s going on?” Nunzio asked, slumping against Kim at the sight of Remi standing there. “I saw you die.”

  “You saw me get shot, there’s a difference.”

  Cain watched as Kim started to draw her gun. “Simon didn’t disarm you, but if your hand
goes up any higher I’ll have Lou cut it off.”

  “Cain…Ramon, come on,” Nunzio said, his palms up. “You touch me and my father’s going to come after you, and that should scare you. Our business has increased his power.”

  “He has the bigger dick, huh?” Cain asked, making Remi and the others laugh. “You took your shot, Nunzio, and now it’s Remi’s turn.”

  “I came here in good faith,” Nunzio said.

  Remi got close to him as Simon moved behind them. “You think we lured you here to kill you?” She laughed and shook her head. “No, I want the answer to the question my father asked you. Who ordered the hit on me?”

  “How can I tell you something we had nothing to do with?”

  “Nunzio, have you met Jorge Cristo? Or have you just talked to him on the phone?” Cain asked. “If you haven’t, you were missing out. We talked to Jorge and he was very forthcoming about who gave him his latest half-million-dollar deposit.”

  “It was business, Remi. I’ve got nothing against you, but me and my father needed Cain and Ramon to come back to the table.” He backed up some more and ran into Simon. “You and Ramon would’ve done the same thing.”

  “That’s true, Nunzio, we would’ve done the same, but ask yourself this. If we’d missed, what would’ve it cost us?” Remi asked, but Cain wasn’t watching Nunzio. Her eyes were on Kim as she again tried to reach for her gun, only to have Katlin stop her. Cain knew why she was starting to get nervous.

  Cain had known that kind of fear only one time—when she was on the floor of her warehouse after Kyle shot her. Death was something they were familiar with, but Cain would never consider it a friend. Watching Emma’s face fade from her consciousness had terrified her. Even though on that night they were still estranged, what she felt for Emma and her children was what had made her fight back. Did Kim have that kind of motivating force in her life?

  The phone in Remi’s hand rang and only Nunzio glanced down, looking as if the thing was about to blow up.


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