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Page 10

by Nina Bangs

  Without asking permission, he leaned close and slowly licked a spot of cotton candy from beside her mouth. Her skin was warm, smooth, and tasted of sugar along with aroused woman. His favorite blend. “I’ve never had cotton candy. Now I’ll never forget the taste.” He hoped she understood the thinly veiled symbolism in those two sentences, because he’d made a decision. He would have her, and he was certain he’d never forget it.

  Her eyes stayed defiantly open, but her lips parted as he slanted his mouth across hers. He traced her lips with his tongue before deepening the kiss. Kayla’s lips were soft, her mouth welcoming. Her tongue met and tangled with his—tasting, challenging, and driving him to the edge of bloodlust.

  He was the one to pull away, her heat and taste awakening feelings he’d spent centuries squashing and cramming into a shadowed corner of his mind labeled Dangerous Emotions. Well, damn.

  Thorn could see that she was breathing hard, that her face was flushed, but she turned to look out at the Gulf before he could read the expression in her eyes. He allowed himself a small smile of triumph. No need to look away if she didn’t have something to hide.

  “Is that a ship out there?” Her voice sounded breathy.

  Okay, he could play the nothing-really-happened game. For now. He followed her gaze to the ship’s lights. “Probably a tanker heading out to sea.”

  They both sat silently watching the ship’s progress as the wind blew and emotions swirled.

  Until a massive shape suddenly rose from the water. He swallowed a curse as it rose higher, and higher, and higher, a solid blackness against the night’s darkness. The ship looked like a toy beside it. “What the hell is that?”

  Kayla didn’t answer, but clasped his hand and squeezed. She could see it too.

  As they both watched, the tanker’s lights blinked off and the dark shape sank back into the Gulf.

  She sat silently beside him, but he could feel her horror, her need to scream, to demand that he explain what she’d just seen. A minute later, the waves rose and crashed onshore, signaling that something big had disturbed the tranquility of the sea.

  Kayla looked at him and opened her mouth to speak.

  His phone rang.


  Kayla took a deep calming breath. His kiss. She commanded that particular thought to sit down and shut up. She didn’t have time to think about it now.

  Concentrate. No way had she seen a ship disappear. And she definitely hadn’t seen something the size of a small island rise from the Gulf and then vanish with the ship.

  His kiss. The thought was a persistent devil, waiting to ambush her right in the middle of trying to figure out important things: like how a whole ship could just cease to exist and what the hell the huge black mass had been. Oh, and she couldn’t forget to think about how anyone could be powerful enough to create the illusion she was experiencing on this Ferris wheel.

  She turned from staring at the waves that were finally calming. Will was still on the phone, and his eyes now had all the warmth of chipped ice as he bit out an occasional yes or no. Something was wrong. Will didn’t even mention the ship as he slipped his phone back into his pocket.

  He stared at her. “That was Grim.”

  “And?” This wouldn’t be good. His expression was tight and furious.

  “Someone planted an explosive device at the base of the Ferris wheel.”

  Kayla’s heart made a mad scramble for her throat. “What? We have to get off this thing.” She peered over the side of the car. It still wasn’t moving, so they’d have to climb down somehow.

  “The security team took care of it.” His expression turned colder, if that was possible. “Is this your work?”

  “Me? You have to be kidding.” She wanted to jump from the car and storm off. Too bad it was such a long way down. “When and how would I have done this dastardly deed? While I was talking to Kel? While I was talking to you? While I was kissing you?” Okay, so she hadn’t meant to say that last thing. “And why would I plant explosives—even if I knew how—and then go for a carefree ride on your damn Ferris wheel?”

  “You could’ve planted it before you met Kel.” Uncertainty warmed his eyes a little.

  “No time. Check your security cameras to see when I entered the park.” Kayla tried to downplay how angry she really was, because otherwise she’d have to admit how much his suspicions bothered her. But she was having a tough time maintaining her “professional” attitude. She wanted to reach over and slug that perfect jaw.

  He remained silent as the Ferris wheel began moving again, taking them down. Kayla could’ve cried with relief. It was slow going because the car kept stopping to let others get off.

  Finally he spoke. “I believe you. I saw what happened to the refreshment stand. Ganymede, I assume. He’s good at long-distance destruction. Sparkle wouldn’t have to send you over to blow something up.” He lapsed back into silence.

  This opened a whole new train of thought for her. If Sparkle wasn’t responsible, then who? She remembered the shape-shifters who’d attacked Will. Not Sparkle’s style either. “Have you considered that your boss might have other enemies out there?” She shrugged. “Just a thought. I mean, it’s tough to believe because I know he must be such a lovable guy.”

  For just a moment, those sensual lips tipped up in a smile, and then it was gone. She glanced away and realized they’d reached the pier. She wasn’t going to lie, it felt great to step out onto something firm. Kayla thought of the explosive. If Grim hadn’t discovered it, she might have rained down in pieces. Not a comforting thought.

  Kayla expected Will to abandon her for Grim, who was standing a short distance away speaking to a woman with curly black hair. From what Kayla could see, the woman was beautiful. “Who’s the woman talking to your security chief?”

  Will glanced at the woman. “That’s Trjegul. She’s part of our security team.”

  That meant Will worked with her nightly. Kayla nodded. Who had a name like that? “Good to know.” She refused to acknowledge a small possessive voice whispering, “Mine.” Wasn’t going to happen. Will was the enemy. And if what she was beginning to suspect was true, he was the enemy with a capital E.

  Will looked anxious to join Grim, but Kayla wasn’t quite finished with him.

  “What should we do about the ship we saw?” She hated her sense of relief when the woman with the unpronounceable name walked away from Grim and disappeared in the crowd.

  “I’ll call the police, and they’ll contact the Coast Guard. But I’d bet they already know.” He stared silently at the Gulf for a moment before looking back at her. “If what we saw was real, it means there’s something out there we need to pay attention to.”

  “No kidding.” She hesitated. “Who are you?” Kayla shook her head as he opened his mouth to answer her. “Truth. You have the same color eyes as Grim and Eric. I think that’s important. If you won’t give me an answer then I’ll ask Sparkle. I’m betting she’d know. Oh, and I’ve noticed how much authority you seem to have around here. So . . .”

  Kayla hoped she wasn’t making a mistake by confronting him. She wouldn’t want to take a one-way trip into the Gulf on Kel’s back.

  He stared at her with those mesmerizing eyes so long that she almost began to fidget. Dad had taught her that showing nervousness in front of a predator could be a death sentence. And she had lots of living to do.

  Finally, he nodded. “I’m Thorn Mackenzie. I own this pier.”

  “A vampire?” Kayla knew she sounded calm, but in her head scenes from every vampire movie she’d ever seen played in gory detail.

  He narrowed his eyes. “How’d you know?”

  “I was there when Eric told Sparkle he’d be working for you. He said your last name, and I knew it meant something to her. When I asked Sparkle about it, she said you were a vampire.” Could things get any worse? Would he drag her into a dark place and drain her dry. Don’t be such a drama queen. “I appreciate your honesty.” Time to make a dign
ified exit. She glanced at her watch. “Oops, guess I’d better go. Getting late.” She knew her grin had Ohmigod-I’m-talking-to-a-freaking-vampire stamped all over it.

  “Wait just a minute.” He reached out and gripped her hand.

  And even knowing what she now knew, Kayla’s body reacted with joyous shouts of, “He’s touching me.” Stupid body.

  “I’ve been honest, so how about a little reciprocity. Who are you?”

  Her churning thoughts and stomach were in sync. What to tell him?

  He looked impatient at her silence. “Are you here to sabotage Nirvana?”

  “No.” Surprised, Kayla realized she had told him the truth. It would break her father’s heart to know she wasn’t following in his shady footsteps, but she wouldn’t be raining down destruction on Thorn Mackenzie’s beautiful head.

  “Spying?” He speared her with his hard stare.

  “Keeping my eyes open.” She needed to elaborate a little on that. “Sparkle wants to know what’s going on over here.” She shrugged. “So I’ll be keeping her in the loop.”

  Someone bumped into Thorn, and he murmured a curse before guiding Kayla toward the pier’s railing. Kayla hesitated.

  He smiled. “Don’t worry. I won’t heave you into the water for Kel.” He placed his arm across her shoulders and pulled her close. “I just wanted a little privacy to talk.”

  She didn’t think there was much to say now that they both understood the situation. That didn’t stop her from leaning into him, though. Who knew vampires had their own magnetic field?

  “Why don’t you quit, Kayla?” He kept his gaze on the Gulf as he spoke. “This thing between Sparkle and me will get messy. A human could get hurt.”

  She stiffened and drew away from him. “Is that a threat?”

  He glanced at her. “No. Just a fact. Each of us will be using nonhumans in this war, and they forget that humans are more fragile than them.”

  “Okay, so you just insulted me. I’m not helpless.” Unprepared, yes. Helpless, no. “My father signed a contract with Sparkle, and if I bail, she’ll sue Dad.”

  “Doesn’t he have anyone else to send?” He sounded sincerely interested.

  “I have two brothers, but Sparkle said she wanted me.”

  His slow sexy smile said he knew exactly why Sparkle had requested her. “Sparkle plays all the angles.”

  Kayla made a rude noise. “It won’t work. I’m not stupid enough to fraternize with the enemy.” Only she was. Stupid. And fraternizing.

  His smile widened. “Well, Kayla Stanley, feel free to visit anytime you want. Peek into corners and report back to Sparkle. But while you’re here, I’ll feel free to . . . fraternize. A lot.”

  Time to leave. His wicked grin was doing strange things to her equilibrium, and his promise terrified her at the same time it made her feel . . . No. It made her feel absolutely nothing.

  “But before you go . . .” He pulled her to him.

  And she allowed him to. His lips took hers and it was a complete claiming. Or as much of a claiming as he could manage while surrounded by hundreds of people.

  His mouth was a contradiction—firm but with a soft lower lip, a tongue that conquered and teased at the same time, and heat, so much heat that he warmed her all the way to her curled toes. And here she’d thought vampires were cold creatures. No, not creatures. Kayla knew she could never again think of them that way because now she had faces to put with a few—Thorn, Eric, Grim.

  When he broke the kiss, she was left gasping like a guppy that had flung itself from its fish tank. And like the guppy, she’d never be safe again. Then she looked at him and knew the danger was worth the risk.

  “Well, I’ll see you. Probably. Soon.” She almost ran from him. His soft laughter followed her as she fled the pier.

  Kayla managed to pull her tattered dignity around her once she entered the castle. First, she’d report to Sparkle and then she’d go to bed. She forced herself to go up to Sparkle’s suite and knock on the door. This meeting wouldn’t be pretty.

  It wasn’t.

  “You met Thorn Mackenzie?” Sparkle was in her wicked vampire dominatrix costume. She snapped her whip against the side of her boot.

  Kayla eyed the whip warily. “You’ve met him too. Remember the man on the table from last night?” At least Ganymede wasn’t here. She didn’t need any input from the cat.

  Sparkle’s eyes widened. “But he was human.”

  “He was wearing a blond wig and colored contacts. He has eyes the same shade of blue as Eric and Grim. And he said his name was Thorn Mackenzie.” And he is absolutely the sexiest being I’ve ever met.

  “Grim?” Sparkle’s eyes had grown wider, if possible.

  Kayla sighed. Now what had she said? “His chief of security is named Grim. Big guy, dark hair, incredible eyes?”

  Sparkle got that fixed look in her eyes, and Kayla wasn’t surprised when the door swung open and Ganymede padded into the room. He looked annoyed.

  “I was up sharing a pizza with Murmur. I love you, babe, but no one gets between me and my pizza unless there’s blood.”

  Sparkle glared at him and snapped her whip harder. “There soon might be lots of blood.”

  Ganymede’s expression turned cautious. “Guess I had enough pizza for one night. What’s up?”

  “Grim Mackenzie is working as Nirvana’s security chief.” She looked at Kayla. “What else did you learn?”

  “I guess Banan told you about the kelpie.”

  Sparkle nodded.

  “I went on the Ferris wheel.” For some reason, Kayla didn’t want to admit she’d ridden it with Thorn. She wasn’t sure if that was to protect Thorn or her. Maybe both of them. “Talk about amazing. It took me right up into the sky, or at least that’s how it seemed. When I looked down, the pier was just a dot of light below. I could see all of Galveston.”

  “He must be using Eric and Klepoth to create illusions.” Ganymede pinned his ears back and hissed.

  “Did you manage to do any damage?” Sparkle looked hopeful.

  “No, but someone else almost did. One of Nirvana’s people discovered an explosive device at the base of the Ferris wheel while I was on it. Luckily, someone was able to disarm it. I . . .” How to explain how she knew this? “I heard a little of what Thorn Mackenzie was saying to his security chief as I got off the ride, so I hung around and listened.”

  Sparkle’s shocked expression convinced Kayla she knew nothing about the attempt.

  Kayla glanced at Ganymede. “Thorn doesn’t suspect you because he knows you can blow things up without setting foot on the pier.”

  Ganymede looked like a furry puffer fish. “This Thorn guy respects my power. Smart. He realizes his existence hinges on keeping me in a good mood. Maybe he can improve my mood by sending me a few cases of chips and dip.”

  Since they were already on the subject of sabotage, maybe now was the time for Kayla to define her job description with Sparkle. Yes, Sparkle scared her, but the thought that this assignment could turn her into her father scared Kayla more.

  Kayla wasn’t going to lie about how she intended to do her job. If she was lucky, maybe Sparkle would fire her. No, that was a selfish wish because Dad would take the brunt of Sparkle’s anger.

  “Just so we’re clear, I’ve decided that I’m not the kind of person who makes a good saboteur. If that’s what you want, you need one of my brothers. I’ll spy for you, bring back any information I can get, but I won’t destroy property for you. Oh, and Thorn knows I work for you.” She held her breath waiting for the explosion.

  Sparkle speared her with a hard stare. “Did he catch you listening to his conversation? Did he kick you out and say he’d kill you if you ever came back?”

  “No.” Kayla decided not to tell Sparkle about Thorn’s challenge.

  Sparkle nodded. “We’re still in business.” She dismissed Kayla’s admission as she turned to Ganymede. “Grim is a problem. He has connections.”

  Kayla blinked.
What the . . . ? Why wasn’t Sparkle yelling, beating Kayla about the head with her whip, or making threats? That had been too easy.

  Then Kayla remembered something. “Have you heard anything about a ship disappearing out in the Gulf?”

  Sparkle looked annoyed at her interruption. “No. Why?”

  Kayla didn’t get a chance to explain because Sparkle’s cell phone rang. With an impatient huff, Sparkle answered it. A few minutes later, she put it away and stared at Kayla.

  “That was Holgarth. The news is spreading that a tanker went down just off the coast. The Coast Guard is on its way out there.”

  Sparkle picked up Ganymede and hurried to the window. She shut off the lights so they could see outside better. Kayla followed her to the window.

  From what they could see past Nirvana, boats and helicopters were headed toward where Kayla and Thorn had seen the boat disappear.

  Ganymede turned to look at Kayla from gleaming amber eyes. “What do you know about this?”

  “I was up at the top of the Ferris wheel when I spotted the lights from the ship. I could just make out its shape in the darkness.” Kayla hesitated, but then went on to describe what else she’d seen. “Right before it seemed to disappear, something massive rose up from the water. It looked as big as a small island. Then both the ship and the . . . thing vanished.”

  Sparkle and Ganymede looked at each other, and Kayla had the feeling they were having their own private conversation. Then Sparkle smiled at Kayla.

  “You must be tired. Why don’t you call it a night? You’ll need to be rested for tomorrow.”

  Kayla recognized a dismissal when she heard it. She didn’t waste any time hurrying to her room. But even after climbing into bed, her mind wouldn’t settle.

  She tried to focus on how she would spy without being obvious. Thorn didn’t seem to think of her as a threat. His mistake. As long as he didn’t ban her from his pier, she could get information for Sparkle. And if he did ban her, well, she could whip up a better disguise than his.

  What about the ship? Kayla couldn’t wrap her mind around that mystery. And she didn’t want to even think about the lives lost if it had gone down. You know it sank because you saw it disappear.


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