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Sawkill : Omnibus

Page 23

by Fitzgerald, Matt

  “Help me make sense of him Chris.” The President said leaning back in his chair with his hands locked behind his head.

  “Two scenarios the way I see it. One, he has an amazingly good cover and he is a deep, deep operative, or he is just some guy.”

  “Just some guy?” The president asked. “You are telling me that “just some guy” got from central New Jersey to central Mass in two days, rescued his family and their entourage and made it here safe? Then he helps us rescue her again from trained assassins? He killed that guy in the church basement with one clean stab right down the base of the neck. It looked like a professional hit for Christ’s sake.

  Horrigan raised his hands above his head.

  “Want to know what I really think?”

  “Yes Chris, that’s why I’ve brought you here. I want to know what you think about this guy.”

  “I think he is a riser.” Horrigan said.

  “A riser?”

  “Yes, a riser. He seems to plod through life accepting what has been given to him. He has a wife, two kids, and a goddamn beige Volvo. I read his jacket. He spends way too much time on Facebook and Twitter. He collects e-books and bootlegged concerts. He has a completely boring blog that I’m sure he thinks is witty and relevant. Up until this outbreak he seemed to be as much of a zombie as the creatures.”

  “I still don’t understand what a riser is.” The President said.

  “Haven’t you seen Fight Club? All that about this generation being the middle children and having no purpose or place. No great war or depression.”

  “Chris, what the hell are you talking about?”

  “Jessie Brewster is a smart, resourceful man that had no practical application for his talent. Like I said, he had no conflict so he was happy to slog along getting by in life. But now… now he was forced to rise. He’s driven and quick on his feet. He muscled his way through every obstacle. He all but willed things to go his way. Had I not Pearl Harbored him outside The Nook, he would have taken out eight of them in a whack. His only goal was to get his wife to safety.”

  The President looked at Horrigan sharply. He didn’t realize how intelligent the man was before this conversation.

  “Jessie seems like a man that has figured out his worth a little later in life than most, and I think what he has found has suited him.” Horrigan said.

  “Do we trust him?” The President asked.

  “I think we do, sir.”

  “I think so too.” The president said.

  The two men sat silent for a while.

  “I want you and Booth to go to Portland with him.” The President said.


  “Because I want you to protect him. He wants to stock that island of his. Help him do that.”

  “Sir, that seems like a risk.”

  “It is, but he took a hell of a risk for us, and he may be willing to take more risks for us if he sees we are willing to return the favor.”

  “Are we recruiting him?”

  “I didn’t say that. If he is the riser you say he is, he could be very useful if the other shoe was ever to drop.” The President said.

  “I understand sir, but should I leave you?”

  “Yes, it’s the ultimate show of support. Don’t be naïve about this. The world may be in chaos, but society still exists. It’s men like Jessie that the masses will rally around, not us with our secrets and our failure to stop all this from happening. We want him on our side, not as an opponent.

  “I understand sir. I will keep him safe.”

  Chapter 29 – I’ll Drink To Your Leg

  With goodbyes said and hugs given and tears cried, the four men climbed into the dingy and Patrick started to row towards the Island Home. The two secret service men the president assigned them, Horrigan and Booth, were waiting aboard. Mauri and Abby stood at the water’s edge watching them go as Michael, Shawn and Rebecca played in the sand behind them. Jessie looked back…Mauri raised her hand and Jessie returned the gesture. It had been an awful fight last night after the discussion on the way back from the church. Jessie knew Mauri was upset, but he didn’t expect the venom.

  “You said we would never be apart again, and now here we go again. Me deserted on an island with three kids and Abby while you go off on a goddamn treasure hunt. Why don’t you stay here with them and I’ll go. Oh I forgot I’m just here to cook and clean and nanny, you’re friends with the Goddamn President!”

  “Mauri.” Jessie had said.

  “Don’t fucking Mauri me Jessie. You go play. I’ll have your dirty fucking socks clean and folded for you when you get back.”

  “That’s how you see this?” Jessie asked.

  “How else should I see this?” Mauri said.

  “Gee, I don’t know. Maybe I don’t want you to go back to the main land and back into danger. Maybe I don’t think the others will be on their A game thinking they have to worry about you.”

  “That’s bullshit, they don’t have to...” Mauri started.

  “I know that, but they don’t. They see a woman and it’s in them to protect women. It’s an honorable trait you know.” Jessie said getting angry.

  Mauri started to tear up. Jessie felt he came this far, why not lay it out.

  “And maybe I don’t think I could do as good a job with the boys if something happened to you.”

  Mauri opened her mouth to talk and Jessie raised his palm to her. She was offended, Jessie could see it in her eyes, but did not speak.

  “And I don’t think I could handle losing you as well as you could handle losing me.” He said, and dropped his eyes to the floor.

  “Jessie.” She said and could say no more.

  “I’m home less than half the time. You are the one that keeps things going. You said it yourself, when I’m home I screw up the routine. If you were gone, our entire life would be one giant screwed up routine. When one of them gets hurt they cry for you, when they wake up in the middle of the night they call for you. The word ‘mother’ is God on the lips and minds of children.” Jessie said.

  “You are an asshole if you think you are going to end this discussion with a movie quote.” Mauri said.

  But the fight was over, they both knew it. After a while they took a shower together, made love, and slept entwined in each other’s arms.

  “Are you coming?” Patrick asked from the deck of the boat.

  “Sorry, I was spaced.” Jessie said and climbed up.

  “Don’t worry pal, we will be back in forty eight hours, and you have folded socks to look forward to.” Patrick said and winked at Jessie.

  Jessie just stared at the big guy.

  “Thin walls.” Patrick said and shrugged.

  Jessie shook his head and headed for the pilothouse.

  Charlie had the GPS running and a course plotted. It would take them a little under nine hours to arrive at their destination. While at the facility on No Man’s Land Jessie had used the WIFI to check the generator inventory of several Home Depot and Lowes locations near the coast. He found eleven of the type he was looking for at the Portland, Maine Home Depot. He had no way of knowing if they were still there, but knowing they were at some point was the best he could do. In addition to the generators, he had a list of things they needed, including heavy winter clothes, sleeping bags, boots, medicine, and as much food and gasoline as they could find and load in their short window of opportunity. Jessie estimated they had eight hours on the ground based on the President’s information. That would give them an additional eight to get back to the safe zone. There was some padding in the time, but Jessie felt eight hours was enough time for six men to get what they needed, as long as the place wasn’t FUBAR. According to the president’s intelligence, Portland was infested, but the biggest readings were in the downtown area, and at the Maine Mall.

  “I made a list of stuff myself.” Charlie said and produced a crumpled up piece of paper from his back pocket. “I want a bottle of Johnny Walker Black, some LL Bean Thermal jeans and an
iPod that holds a million songs.”

  “Practical.” Patrick said.

  “Says the man that has a MacBook Pro on his wish list.” Charlie said.

  “Within two square miles there is a Home Depot, an LL Bean, a Best Buy, a Sears and two hundred little stores. I’m sure we will all have a chance to get things like that after we satisfy the main list.” Jessie said.

  “Staying warm and staying fed is the priority.” Charlie said. “But I wouldn’t mind staying warm with some James McMurtry on the stereo.”

  “We have orders.” Agent Horrigan said. “I don’t think they include hitting the liquor store.”

  “They don’t include hitting you either, but I haven’t ruled that out entirely.” Charlie said.

  Horrigan took a step towards the brothers.

  “Alright.” Jessie said stepping between them. “Charlie, they are here to help us.”

  “They should have helped before those people died.” Charlie said.

  “We didn’t know.” Booth said. “We were underground once the jets started bombing. We didn’t know anything was going on until we heard them blow up the tank treads.”

  “Why were you hiding?” Charlie asked.

  “Because protecting the President of The United States is the number one priority for my team.” Booth said. “If he dies who is going to lead us? He is the last symbol of order we have left. After the bombings we will get him to the west coast, where he can start assembling the new government.”

  “Let it go Charlie.” Jessie said.

  “I ain’t letting nothing go. Why are they even with us?” Charlie asked.

  “We are here because the President feels he is in your debt, and this is the favor Mr. Brewster asked for.” Horrigan said.

  “Jessie?” Charlie asked.

  “Yes Charlie, he is right. We need them to help us. Their bunker is stocked, but it’s theirs. When I asked for provisions to help us out he told me no, but he would give me these two to help us get our own.” Jessie said.

  Charlie waved his hand at the agents and let it go, although he wasn’t sure if he could trust these men.

  “What is the plan Mr. Brewster?” Horrigan asked.

  “Once we see the harbor and decide if it’s viable, we need to split into three teams. Kenny and I will get the generators and gas. Patrick and Charlie, you guys get food and water. There is a BJ’s Wholesale right here.” Jessie said pointing to a red dot he made on a printed out Google Map.

  “What about clothes? They have some at BJ’s.” Charlie said.

  “Cheap shit. I’d rather have stuff from LL Bean, rated for the cold and all.” Jessie said.

  “Gotcha.” Charlie said.

  “Canned goods. Chef Boyardee, Spaghetti Os, canned veggies, mac and cheese, granola bars, processed stuff with long expiration dates. No bread, no chips, no fruit. Get water and Gatorade. Lots of water.” Jessie said.

  “We can handle that.” Charlie said.

  “You two are clothes, boots and supplies. There is an LL Bean and a Cabela’s. Get sleeping bags for below freezing, thermal socks, underwear, gloves, flashlights, crank radios, hats, hand warmers, rain coats and anything else you think will come in handy.” Jessie said to the two secret service agents.

  “Weapons?” Horrigan asked.

  “We have ten M16 machine guns and three dozen hand guns, so I’d say no.” Jessie said, then thought about it for a second.

  “You know what, yes. Anything you have time for once the essentials are covered. Maybe some long blades? Do they have anything like that?” Jessie asked.

  “We can check.” Horrigan said.

  “And make sure whatever you get for clothes you get in children’s sizes as well. Write this down.” Jessie said and waited.

  Horrigan produced a pad and pen from the inside pocket of his jacket.

  “Size 3T, size 4 Boys, size 4 Girls.” Jessie said. “Got it?”

  “Got it. You want Power Rangers, or G.I. Joe on their jammies” Horrigan asked.

  Jessie didn’t answer.

  “Don’t forget 2X for my fat ass.” Patrick added. “Footed ones.”

  “Patrick and Charlie will be up front in the Jeep and will keep it when we split. I’m hoping the Home Depot has those rent by the hour trucks, if they do we can use that for the generators, and if they have more than one we should be all set for transportation. If they don’t, we will see what we have for options.”

  Jessie sat thinking for a few. Everyone waited on his next instruction.

  “Does everyone have a watch?” Jessie asked.

  Everyone nodded.

  “Alright, we have eight hours on land, then its anchor up. Try to get the main items back to the boat ASAP and we can make secondary trips for more stuff if it’s safe.” Jessie said.

  “I hope your boss is right about the bombing order.” Charlie said nodding towards the agents.

  “New York, Philadelphia, Boston, DC, Pittsburgh, Northern Jersey, and Baltimore are day zero targets. Portland, Albany, Providence, Hartford, and such are secondary wave targets. We have seen the document a hundred times.” Horrigan said.

  “Then we have eight hours to go shopping and four to get back. We stay safe and stay smart we should be alright. But know this, anyone gets bit, they get left behind. Dead or alive, they get left. Understood?”

  They all nodded.

  “Who wants to drive for a bit, I gotta shit.” Patrick asked,

  “I got it.” Horrigan said.

  “You can drive this thing?” Patrick asked.

  “Sure. I had to learn how so I could drive the goddamn duck tour boat the President wanted to take in Boston during the campaign.” Horrigan said.

  “Well, good then. Drive awhile. I’m gonna go make us some grub, who’s coming?”

  Jessie, Kenny and Charlie followed Patrick out of the pilothouse and into the enclosed café area on the main deck while the two agents remained together driving the boat. Patrick found some cheese in the fridge and gave it a sniff.

  “The sniffer says it’s good to go.”

  The Bread showed no mold so he set to making grilled cheese sandwiches on the industrial grill.

  “You think those boys are alright?” Charlie asked.

  “ I think they have an agenda.” Jessie said. “The President wants an eyewitness view of an American city. They will probably do what we asked, but they will also be doing recon at the same time.”

  “What if they just bail?” Patrick asked and flipped a sandwich.

  “I’ve built enough time into our plan to get everything ourselves if they flake.” Jessie said.

  “Well, well, well. Look at this.” Patrick said holding a stick of butter in one hand and a bottle of single malt in the other.

  “Oooo. Is that Land-O-Lakes or I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter?” Charlie asked smiling.

  “Hardy har har.” Patrick said and went about finding something to pour drinks into.

  Ten minutes later the four men were sitting around a café table with four grilled cheese sandwiches each and red Solo cups half full of the whisky.

  Patrick raised his cup to toast.

  “What should we toast to?”

  Kenny smiled.

  “What?” Patrick asked.

  “Nothing.” Kenny said still smiling.

  “You want to share, pal?” Charlie said.

  “It’s nothing, we are just on a boat in the water near Martha’s Vineyard.” Kenny said and cleared his throat.

  “And?” Patrick asked not understanding.

  “You got any scars?” Kenny asked.

  Jessie laughed.

  “What the fuck is so funny?” Patrick asked starting to get upset and not being in on whatever joke this was.

  Jessie picked up his cup and touched it to Kenny’s.

  “I’ll drink to your leg.” Jessie said in his best Robert Shaw.

  “I’ll drink to your leg.” Kenny returned and laughed.

  Patrick flapped his hands at t
he two laughing fools and it made them laugh harder.

  “Shouldn’t we sing a song now?” Jessie asked and cleared his throat.

  Before he could start to sing Kenny put his hand up to stop him.

  “I’ve got one.” He said and thought for a second before beginning.

  “Farewell and adieu to you flesh eating zombies.

  Farewell and adieu to you eaters of brains.

  For we’ve received orders how to kill you with headshots.

  For nevermore shall you bite us again.”

  Jessie and Kenny burst into fresh laugher and high-fived. Patrick and Charlie were smiling as well, more at the excitement Jessie and Kenny had than in understanding of this entire exchange.

  The four men spent most of the trip in the boat’s café area talking about the plan and making wish lists of extravagant items they would like to seek out. They discussed what hot celebrities might look like in their zombie state, and what fictional character they wished they had with them now. Kenny fought hard for Ash of “Evil Dead” fame but the other three agreed Superman would be the obvious choice. They took turns checking on the agents driving the boat. Patrick made them a stack of grilled cheese and brought them a bottle of Cherry Coke.

  By the time Portland harbor was in site they had their “plan B” all worked out in the event of the agents not sticking to the script. Although he didn’t say anything to the others, Jessie had also worked out “plan C.” This consisted of what was necessary if anything was to happen to Charlie and Patrick. He made his mental list of the absolute must haves if he was to be the only one returning to Mauri and his family.

  Chapter 30 - Portland

  They stopped the boat a thousand yards offshore and used the industrial binoculars to survey the situation.

  “Fuck me, Freddy.” Patrick said and handed Jessie the binoculars.

  Jessie looked and took a deep breath.

  “Bring us closer. Five hundred more yards.”

  Portland Harbor was overrun with the living dead. The thickest concentration any of them had seen. Jessie panned to the right and down and saw what was attracting them to this place.


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