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Kingdoms Away 1: Jorian Cluster Archives

Page 13

by S. V. Brown

  Behind closed doors, he was abusive and malicious. No outsider had ever suspected him of being anything but a selfish and arrogant man at his worst. That was until the time he turned her idea down of offering land in Erus as a reward. It was the first time he had outwardly shown any of his malice that only she and Ed saw. She had held her breath, hoping that someone may begin to suspect.

  Most had simply passed over the incident, saying he was simply having a “bad day.”

  She had groaned in frustration.

  After that event she wondered at his motivation for not wanting to offer land. Unbeknownst to him, it was one of many times she was thankful that he thought her an idiot, but she had been training as a Guardar. She had received her qualifications and began training others in special techniques. He never even questioned the changes of her body as layers of fat became lean and muscular. When he was home he was very demanding sexually and she had found being fitter an advantage in this arena. She was way past the stage of enjoyment and fulfilled her obligations whilst planning his demise.

  Not only was she now a trainer of her own elite guards, but she had completed the Sovereignty studies. No one questioned it and instead applauded her prudence when starting the course, nor did anyone mention within his hearing. Most felt she should have completed the course a long time ago and did not understand why he was against her being a Bi-Sovereign.

  It was due to these studies and investigating into Trimadorians SpyNet that she began to see another Joiran Cluster. One that was not so shiny. Dangerously, she began her own discreet enquiries into his dealings. Only those trusted and known to her helped her. It began the day after that council meeting.

  Why did he not want her to share sovereignty? Why did he not want to offer land? Those two questions were added to a list of others from over the years. Now she was investigating into past activities. It was getting difficult to juggle everything around. As recommended by her trusted Guardars, she had an escape plan. They had even practiced the plan until it ran smoothly. There was no point in an emergency plan full of problems when an actual emergency would present its own set of exertions.

  She ran her hand through her soft, sandy-colored hair; it was still slightly waving with the moisture of the season. Many had called her beautiful, which she had laughed at, as she had always been frustrated with her looks. Almost all her family were tall, blond and athletic. They were the horse masters of Dragon’s Eye. Her father was the Port Master of the space port that had been named after a rock formation on a plateau close to the plains. It was in a shape of a dragon’s head and a large section looked like an eye. Erianna’s father had taken his small daughter up to the plateau and they had gazed along the formation.

  “See, Erianna, there’s the shape of the dragon’s head, and there’s the eye.”

  A young Erianna struggled to see the beast in the mottled rocks. She couldn’t make out the head but she thought she could work out the eye.

  “Are there really dragons, Papa?”

  “No, pet, but there are flying reptiles on a number of dinosaur planets that look like the fantasy dragons of Earth.”

  “Fantasy? You mean they’re not real?”

  “That’s right. Just like that new show you watch, what’s it called?”

  “Agnus and the Bear.”

  “Agnus is based on something real but the differences make it fantasy.”

  “If dragons aren’t real then how do we know the rock,” she pointed, “looks like a dragon’s eye?”

  “Pet, the eye is over there, see now?”

  Just like her dad, always pointing out her mistakes in that voice she hated so much. She had felt embarrassed but her father hadn’t noticed and continued to try and make her see. The problem was the more he went on the more she got flustered. In the end, she had just nodded. Many years later, she had returned and hovered over the rock formation in her new airvehicle Colt. She could now see the dragon and its eye. It looked rather spectacular and had found out that the only way to see the shape was to hover above, and this was the first time she had realized her father wasn’t perfect.

  Erianna remembered that moment of realization and her father’s reactions when she had parked the vehicle in his garage. He had interrogated her about where she had been, using that belligerent voice she hated so much. It was the same condescending voice her husband used on her in front of others. For a long time she had believed herself to be deserving of it, but a kindly man pointed out to her that no one needed to be subjected to that treatment. She had puzzled over that comment and when she went to seek him out again, she discovered he had been sent off planet.

  She sipped her cooler coffee, enjoying the sweetness sitting on the bottom. Even now she couldn’t rid herself of her sweet tooth and so had to work harder physically to accommodate such luxuries. Both of her parents were tall and blond, and her brothers and sisters were tall and blond. She was small and had sandy hair just like her uncle Thomis. Ed followed her gene pattern and was small with sandy hair. He had the larger bone structure of his father and green eyes of her uncle Thomis.

  Erianna put the cup down and swiveled back to face her cluttered desk. After shuffling a few things around, she found the mock-ups of the Eventus and completed her final check. It was time to go to the press and release news of the discovery and the Trimadorian treachery. A summarized version of the punishment was publicized, along with the changes of command.

  The restrictions on Trimador would now hamper her own investigations. But she had received some good news. Ard, her contact, was now the attaché to one Admiral Tzand. She had met Ard when he was beginning his career in engineering. Her husband had allowed her to go off Erus since he had pressing business in the Moth system. Of course, no one knew he had withheld permission in the past or had the means to keep her quiet.

  She had been both excited and full of worry. It was the first time Ed and she had been separated. Ed was excited as well and hid his worry well. He would be staying with the twins and their huge family. Only because Erianna knew them so well and that Ed would benefit from the atmosphere did she allow herself the luxury of burying the worry to allow the excitement to take over. She gave her Guardar strict instructions and left the planet on a ferian. She waved down at the decreasing size of her son and the twins. They were standing on the visitors’ balcony of the spaceport, Star Isle. They were waving as madly as she was, and she ignored the looks of well-travelled people. As they went higher the island grew smaller and the star shape became clearer. It was beautiful, and the planet was rich in plants and animals. It was why she had originally come to Erus. That and the fact the Elysians were said to have favored the oceans of Erus.

  The Guardar, sitting opposite, was also a close friend and grinned. “I read in the Media Archived documents once that the Earth royals were subdued and overly controlled.”

  “Stuffy, you mean.”

  “Some were.”

  “I feel sorry for them; the only reason why they were stuffy was because if they behaved like our royals it would be splashed all over the news.”

  “Well, in your case being a royal in charge of the most influential media offices in Erus prevents any wild allegations.”

  “Wild allegations, oh yes, let’s see, ‘Sovereign’s wife loses control as she madly waves at her son from the window of a ferian bound for Kimba in the Vespa system.’ I can’t see that making any news here, or on Earth. However, I heard some of the media would fabricate and sensationalize simple situations so perhaps the breaking words would be like this, ‘Inexperienced wife of Darcerus Sovereign discards dignity, which reflects badly on the economic climate of the upcoming Joiran Coalition’s new stance on Royal Etiquette.’ What do you think?”

  “No, that’s far too long, needs to be shorter and snappy.”

  “Immature wife of Sovereign lacks dignity.”


  “Why were you studying Archived Media?”

  “It was part of one of my minors. Borin
g.” He grinned at her again and scanned the other passengers.

  “I studied the topic as well but will tactfully refrain from my opinion for the very reasons we discussed above. I wonder why no one ever goes back to Earth?”

  “I’d rather go to the Black than to Earth. Besides, Earth has probably changed beyond recognition now. Rumors are it’s dead now. It’s what, well over two and a half thousand years since Renuen had been founded.”

  “That sounds about right. Why are you so chatty today?”

  “To keep you from worrying about your son,” a young Guardar sitting next to Erianna quipped.

  The dirty look the tactless Guardar received from Turim made Erianna hide a smile behind her hand. But the distraction had been spoilt now because, despite herself, her eyes were drawn back down to the jewel of a planet.

  Erianna made some important discoveries and contacts on Kimba. The young engineer had at first been reluctant to speak to her about anything aside from the Convectional Gravity Drive she had come to discuss. Her persistence paid off and she was able to gain his trust by providing him with some vital information for his investigations. Disappearances, it seemed in the Joiran Cluster, were few and always from new colony planets. The information she provided included detailed articles from other media sources on all planets. He provided her with information on her husband’s dealings. It was exactly what she needed and what she read she hated.

  On the trip home she considered that now she would continue to build her Death Portfolio, piecing together the life of a man she now realized she knew nothing about. She lived with a stranger, slept with him and pretended to be his devoted, docile wife. She gazed out the window once more, standing up and stretching. It had been no mistake she chose Media as her major; she knew from her studies what power that career could hold. How she longed for the day she could do what she really wanted. To be a Horse Master, like her mother and compete in the Conglomerate Games around the Cluster. This wasn’t the time to follow her dream. She had obligations to Ed. And now that she knew more about her repulsive husband she knew the threat to their lives were real.

  “Just leave.” The words were so simple and yet she still could not bring herself to do so. Why? Why? She then saw her Helmet of Kara, which she had placed in her office to help with combating the dangerous cycle of despair. Her fingers ran along the markings, remembering the good times, and so before despair could overshadow her completely she grabbed up the Eventus and strode out. It was no longer a matter of just her and Ed; it was a much greater issue which threatened the fabric of the Cluster’s society. Rot was spreading in the form of slavery and she had to find out how to stop it and who was responsible. Only the Trimadorian SpyNet could help her. Erianna had duties, and she had to be all she could be to help those without power, without control.

  Ed finished tidying up a chest he started. Juner worked beside him, having just completed another stool. Parax had gone home already, coming down with an autumn allergy. He hadn’t taken his medication as told to by his mother.

  “Is your mother picking you up today?”

  “Yep, she should be here soon.”

  Juner poked her pale blonde head out the door. “Hello, Mistress Varak. Been at the Eventus?”

  Ed grinned. Juner was as forward as a chipmunk.

  “Yes, it’s been a long day. Have you finished up?”

  The small woman came in to the workshop, smelling the wood scented air. Ed walked over and nodded to Juner.

  “See you in a couple of days. Tease Parax for me.”

  “Always do.” Came the lilted reply.

  They said their goodbyes and headed out.

  Ed ran back into the workshop holding a fresh copy of Eventus.

  “Thanks.” She began to read while absently tidying up. Master Trent came in and growled at her. She laid down the paper on one of the many sturdy benches which he promptly sat on picking up the paper to read. After a few comments from the cheeky girl Master Trent read the article out loud:


  Trimador Rebellion

  It was announced today that the Trimadorians were responsible for the attack on the Cruise Ship Anamoth. They claimed the attack was a result of discovering the Saxe Genetics Council withholding information regarding hope to fight the Fourth Hostility, wanting to make a point that they would not tolerate secrets from the Council. SGC responded with threats regarding Trimador own SpyNet. The Joiran Coalition has set unprecedented action in mediating between the two by severing communication as a starting point.

  Along with two genetic samples a little girl had been kidnapped which caused quite a stir with the SGC, who had kept her identity secret up until now. The largest search ever conducted in the Joiran Cluster has been ongoing for years. The Joiran Coalition has met and is deciding on the course of action against the SGC and the Trimador Nest. See Page Four for full details on the corrective and disciplinary action.

  Serafina, the only female Reos to survive countless experiments, was to be the Ambassador for the Joirans and represent them to our protectors, the Elysians. The girl, Serafina, a genetic creation from the original Professor Reos, was to speak to the Elysians regarding invasion concerns. The Sharith threat is mounting, the Illudere are growing increasingly bold as the Fourth Hostility is on the way and gloom begins to wield its mighty power over the cluster as the Trimador Nest ruin a possible hope for Joiran kind. See Page Two for full details.

  Unexpected Benefits

  {[JOIRAN CLUSTER] [Science Vessel, Sordes] [Oriri]


  Robin began to cry after reading the Eventus.

  William paced up and down. “The fools!”

  Their private monitor came to life and William ran over to it, seeing Donaven’s name appear. He pressed on the “Open Comms” icon.

  “Donaven, have you seen—?”

  “Yes, but don’t despair. You have a friend it seems with clever intelligence.”

  William collapsed on the chair and Robin rushed over. He clasped her hand and said to Donaven, “I don’t understand.”

  “By opening up the entire affair the players in view and hidden lose some leverage. It will buy us … err, you precious time to find Serafina first.”

  They glanced at each other, coming to an understanding. William said, “Will you help us?”

  Donaven’s eyebrows raised and mouth popped open.

  Robin nodded and pleaded with him. “You’re the first to contact us. You’ve provided us invaluable help and leads. You understand how the game is played. We don’t.”

  A smile broke across the face, teeth white and contrasting with the dark lips and skin. “It would be my pleasure. Are you sure? I know my reputation precedes me.”

  Robin laughed as Donaven pretended to look forlorn. “Yes, we are sure.”

  “Thank you.”

  Donaven nodded, looking a little embarrassed. “No, thank you.” He became brusque, making eye contact with them both. “We need to meet. I have some further ideas. One of which is contacting Erianna of Erus.”

  Wildness Within

  {[AIS] [Aislant] [caves]


  Fin was filling in her Time Keeper when Thon came home late, trying to be sneaky.

  “You’re in trouble.” She told him dutifully, and he poked his tongue at her. “Where did you go? Out with Lyttenntto again, Thon?”

  The fact that Fin was using his infan name meant that no Ellri or maturas were around. Thon had been developing a new interest in a female. Even at his young age of fourteen, bonding would begin. There was no obligation to bond permanently, but misleading someone was a serious breach of law.

  He ignored her.

  “Oh well.” She exaggerated a sigh. “Don’t run to me when you get a spanking.”

  “I’ll spank you, little infan,” he said as he lunged at her, knowing she would drop the subject and be distracted. No one ever actually spanked another, but the term applied to dusting a rug so was
pretty insulting. Fin ran off, giggling.

  Over the years, Fin spent much of her time working on a bivouac, a small, warm, compact tent that would go well with her chosen profession. All Heikavians were required to learn the skills of survival, but anyone who came under the profession of Expedire also had to produce items that were tough and of high quality. She missed Thon now that he was out more, and at times she felt left out when he and their friends would go on mini journeys, something she could not join yet due to the cold and lack of practical experience. But as she became older her body was toughening up and able to fend off the relentless icy weather.

  Fin’s menagerie would often do something funny or get into a fight, which usually distracted her from her melancholy. She tackled her bivouac with the dedication of a master as she strove to make her bedding in an attempt to make sure she didn’t miss too much. She was determined to get out of the caves on her own and go on her own Expedire!

  Her fingers reached out from the warmth of her covers and touched the cloak folded carefully on the redwood table next to her bed, feeling the texture and thickness. She also wondered at how her life had turned out and could feel no regrets at the path it took. The Heikavian people were wonderful and gentle, and somewhere deep inside she felt its calming force ease the secret burdens she carried. The peace was like a deep well inside her, rising and falling, soothing and soft, countering a wildness she felt within.


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