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Lens of Time: Book 05 - Star Rover-The Worst of Time

Page 7

by Saxon Andrew

  Dat saw the large Master was barely able to control his bobbing. It looked like a giant spider bouncing up and down on eight of its ten arms. Dat turned and walked to the end of the street gathering his strength. He turned and bowed. The Master looked at one of the others and it raised one of its arms and after a moment dropped it. Dat turned and ran.

  The chase was now at twenty minutes and Dat knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. He pulled up the coordinates of Gresha’s home and saw it was a quarter of a mile away. He made three turns and each time the Master gained ground. The squeals were deafening but as he made one last turn he yelled, “OPEN THE DOOR!” He sprinted ahead and just as he arrived the door flew open and he dove into the entrance as the door slammed behind him. The Master had closed in and was moving at full speed when it hit the door and crashed it out of the opening and into the room. It pushed Gresha on top of him with the door landing on top of both of them.

  Dat rolled over and saw the Huge Master standing in the doorway. The Other Masters had joined it and were surrounding the opening. Gresha’s father stood at the back of the room holding his wife and they all knew they were moments from death. Suddenly the Master started bobbing and shaking. Soon the others joined him and all of them looked like they were standing during an earthquake.

  “You think I’m going to coming in and feed on you.”

  Dat looked at Gresha seeing her fear and turned back to the Master, “It is what you do.”

  “Ordinarily, I would do just that but you have earned another day. I haven’t enjoyed myself this much in more rotations than I can remember. We will do this again after I prepare myself for another chase. Three nights after the full moon I will return and we’ll try this again.”

  Dat shook his head, “You really don’t need to do that. I was incredibly stupid. You are much more than I ever thought and only luck allowed me to survive. I admit that you are the most deadly of all creatures.”

  “I’ll consider that when I catch you but you will run again.”

  Dat thought furiously and said, “If I escape, will that be our last run?”

  The creature stared at Dat and began bobbing, “You know just how to make it entertaining. Yes, and I’ll not allow any of those on my ship to harm you if you survive as long as we are here. I’ll even tell you when we leave. Of course my replacement will not honor any of my agreements.”

  Dat stared at the Master, “You really don’t expect me to escape?”

  “I’ve never had to run like this. It’s something I need to work on. However, no, you will not escape again.”

  Gresha’s father said, “Will we be allowed to witness this event?”

  The Master squealed his laughter, “Of course. I want you to see my victory. You may do it from the roofs. They will be off limits to us during this event. No one will be harmed that one night.” The Masters turned and walked away all of them bobbing their excitement. Their hoots and squeals could be heard all the way up to the moment they boarded their shuttle and closed the port.

  Chapter Six

  Gresha’s father lifted the door off them and Gresha rolled over, sat up on her knees, and slapped Dat so hard that his head spun. “What was that for?”

  “We could have both died! Never risk your life to save another from a Master!” Dat rubbed his cheek and Gresha wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. Dat stared at her and she said, “That’s for saving my life.”

  Dat looked at her father with a stunned expression and he shrugged, “Don’t try to understand. I gave up years ago.” He extended his hand and helped Dat stand up. Dat’s legs cramped and he was helped to a chair. Dat was rubbing his calf muscles and Gresha knelt down and began massaging them. The huge man said, “My name is Grest. I suppose you know my daughter, Gresha. This is my wife, Kyley; now who the heck are you?”

  Dat sighed and tried to decide what to do. “Give me a moment.” Dat linked to his ship, “I thought you were going to seek authorization to save me?”

  “No one could make up their minds so your orders stood. They’re still arguing about it.”

  “Tell them I survived.”

  “I did, now they’re fussing about not making a decision quickly enough.”

  Dat shook his head as the three watched him. He decided to open the conversation where the others could hear it, “Stein, how did that shuttle get here without being seen?”

  The three in the room looked at each other wondering who he was talking to. They sat down when they heard, “It jumped in just above atmosphere and that was the first time we detected it.”

  “I guess the jump track was too small.”

  “It was.”

  “Stand by and we’ll discuss what to do next.”

  “There won’t be much discussion. Fleet has decided to pull you out now.”

  “And if that causes this planet to be burned?”

  There was a long pause and then they heard, “Hang on. I’ll find out.”

  Gresha continued rubbing his legs and stared at Dat, “What did you just do?”

  “I spoke with my ship.”

  “Are you talking about a spaceship?”

  “I am.”

  Gresh shook his head, “You’re not from this planet?”

  “No, I’m actually not from this galaxy.”

  Gresha put her hand to her mouth and said, “I kissed an alien?”

  Dat shook his head, “It wasn’t that bad.”

  Gresha smiled, “No, it wasn’t.”

  Gresh blew out a breath, “What are you doing here?”

  “I’ve decided to be open and honest with you but you must agree that whatever I tell you stays with just you and will not be repeated to anyone else.”

  Kyley said, “The Elders will have questions.”

  Gresha shook her head, “This doesn’t concern them. Tell us what’s you’re doing here.”

  Dat looked at Kyley and then turned back to Gresh, “My galaxy was invaded more than a thousand years ago and the war was brutal. Trillions died before it ended. My home world was destroyed and more planets died in the ensuing war. We eventually prevailed and we swore to never be caught by surprise again. I am what’s called a Rover and those like me go out in the universe seeing if there are other species exist that could be a danger to my species. I found this galaxy and discovered what you call the Masters. They are making preparations to expand out of this galaxy. I’m here attempting to determine if they could be a danger to my people. Your species has the same physical appearance as mine and I landed to see what I could learn.”

  “If that’s true, the last thing you would want to do is reveal yourself. You made a mistake saving Gresha.”


  “I’m really thankful he did but it doesn’t make sense.”

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t have gotten involved but I’ve come to know Gresha during my time here and something just wouldn’t allow me to see her die if I could stop it.”

  “When have you been watching me? I’ve not seen you. I’ve never seen you.”

  Dat stared at her for a moment and activated the Dark Matter Field. He disappeared and Gresha let out a small scream. He turned it off and said, “I can avoid being seen.”

  If the three had any doubts about Dat being an alien, the demonstration removed them. “What have you learned?”

  Dat turned to Gresh, “The Masters are genetically bound to be predators. They cannot stop themselves from seeking out and killing other species.”

  “Does that mean you’re going to attack them?”

  “I don’t see any other way to prevent their spreading out into the universe.”

  “Then you need to leave.”

  Gresha looked at her father and said, “If he does, we’ll all die.”

  “The price would be worth it to remove this scourge.”


  “Yes, Stein.”

  “Fleet says you will decide on what to do. They don’t think you’ll be
as effective if you have the death of billions on your conscience. I tend to agree with them.”

  Dat slowly nodded and looked at Gresha and then Gresh, “Then I am going to have to outrun that Master again.”

  Kyley walked over and looked at Dat, “How close was it this time?”

  “He would have had me in another ten feet.”

  “Then you need to leave and burn these devils out of existence. I hate this life of fear I’m forced to bear. I’m sick of seeing those I love eaten by those monsters.”

  Gresh and Gresha looked at her and saw the first spark of life in her eyes for a very long time. Dat looked at Kyley, “First, I run.”

  Kyley sighed and turned to Gresh, “How do we explain him to the Elders?”

  Gresha tilted her head, “Don’t we have relatives in Dismal?”

  Gresh looked at Gresha and thought for a moment, “Alright, this is how we’ll do it. You made the trip overland from Dismal. You didn’t care if you lived or died because your entire family was taken by the Masters. You came here to find your relatives and arrived with the Masters. You saw Gresha being held and you decided that you didn’t care if you lived or died so you took that risk.”

  “What if they question him about Dismal?”

  The three turned back to Kyley and Dat said, “I’ll tell them I don’t remember anything other than my family’s screams. I’ll even insist I don’t remember what happened tonight.”

  The three looked at each other and Gresh put his lips together and slowly nodded, “This might just work.”

  Gresha said, “Just stay with me and act stupid.”

  Gresh rolled his eyes, “You have seven days until the full moon. The Masters will return three days later. You don’t have long to prepare.”

  Dat shook his head, tried to stand up, and fell to the floor. Gresh lifted him with one hand by the back of his shirt and carried him to a bed. Dat fell asleep with the three talking about what had happened.

  • • •

  Dat awoke the next morning and found all of his clothes had been washed, folded, and put on a chair next to the bed. He wondered how he had been undressed. He looked around and quickly dressed. He went out into the main room and found Gresha filling a plate with food, “You were really tired.”

  Dat smiled, “Yes, I guess I was.”

  “The Elders want to speak with you as soon as you finish eating.”

  “Is that good?”

  “Act stupid and I’ll interpret.”

  Dat stared at her, “Uhhh…what does stupid look like.”

  “Just act like you don’t know what’s going on.”

  “That should be easy because I don’t.”

  “There ya go.”

  Dat finished eating and Kyley came over and cleared the table. Gresha took his hand and led him out the door. The sun hit him in the eyes and he was shocked to see the entire community standing outside. His shocked expression was exactly what Gresha hoped for and she said, “Now you’re scaring him. Back off and show some respect.”

  The crowd moved back, leaving the Elders at the front. “What do you think you were doing last night?”

  Dat looked at the lead Elder and said, “I didn’t think.” After a pause he said, “I think.”

  The Elders saw his vacuous expression and sighed. The Leader said, “Why did you challenge the Master?” Dat said nothing but looked at Gresha. He continued to stare at her and they understood. He did it for Gresha. There were four more questions that obviously confused him, or it appeared they did as he looked at Gresha each time one was asked. The crowd finally broke up and moved away. Gresha took Dat by the arm and led him to the market. Dat noticed the farmer was not at his table as they walked down the hill. He looked at Gresha and she smiled, “It appears that whatever hit the farmer in the head resulted in his failure to get inside in time.” Dat furrowed his brow and knew that she knew he had been the one to hit the farmer. She nodded her head at the new male at the table, “This one’s family has been given the farmer’s fields. The Farmer’s son has been sent out into the wilderness. There were many who saw him tell his father the Masters were here. Their residence is now empty.”

  “Then I should move into it.”

  Gresha turned her head quickly, “Why would you want to do that?”

  “I know the community’s standards. You are a single female and you should not share quarters with a single male.”

  “My, you have been busy. However, we’re relatives so it’s really not an issue.”

  Dat stared at her, “And just how close a relative am I?”

  Gresha looked away and said, “One of the Elders knew our relatives in Dismal. He’s determined that we are first cousins.”

  Dat stared at her and shook his head, “Come on, Gresha. I know of ten couples that are second cousins.”

  Gresha sighed and said, “Yes but you need assistance. Besides, you and I both know we’re not the same species.” Dat snickered. Gresha stopped and looked at him, “What’s so funny?”

  “Our differences are not of a nature that would prevent us from developing an unhealthy attraction. You look exactly like a human female and though I know you’re not, that is what I see when I look at you. Knowing you’re different internally doesn’t stop me from seeing a beautiful female.”

  “Oh, you think I’m pretty?”

  “No, I think you’re beautiful and I want you to request the Elders to allow me to move into that residence.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “I am.”

  Gresha started showing her anger and said, “Have it your way. The Elders have already suggested you be moved there. It appears they agree with you.” Dat nodded and she said, “But only because they don’t know we’re different species. If they did they would be ok with it.”

  Dat lowered his eyebrows and looked through them at her, “Kinda like keeping a pet.”


  “Well, they don’t know.” Dat started walking toward the house and Gresha ran after him, “I’ll not fight you on this but I insist that I cook your meals.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “It’s the only way I can find balance for what you did for me.” Dat stopped and looked in her eyes. She was serious. She said, “You don’t know anything about how to prepare our foods and don’t tell me you took time to learn. You didn’t intend to stay here long.”

  Dat shook his head, “I have been living on berries.”

  “Those aren’t berries; they’re eggs.”

  “Of what?”

  “One of the flying insects; they’ll help your digestion.”

  “I wondered what was causing that.”

  Gresha laughed out loud and shook her head, “I’ll come down this afternoon and cook.”

  Dat took a deep breath and sighed, “Ok. I’ll see you later.” Dat walked away and Gresha stared at him. He was really nice to look at as well. Then she shivered; but he’s an alien. She watched him disappear into the house and sighed. He was probably right. They shouldn’t share a residence.

  • • •

  Dat went inside and hit the communicator, “Stein, how am I going to outrun that demon?”

  “You should have thought about that before you developed itchy feet.”

  “Not now, Stein.”

  “Jon has intercepted some of the enemy’s communications and they say they are unable to detect dark matter. If that’s true, you can use the rings to help.”


  “Your issues are running fast enough and not tiring out, right?”

  “Well, yes.”

  “What tires you is the weight you’re carrying when you run. You can adjust the dark field and have it cover the bottom of your shoes. Make it propel you forward when the bottom comes off the ground. If you set the repulsion at the right level, you should be able to run faster and even make faster turns. If you overdo it, they will know you’re using something technological.”

  Dat thought a
bout the idea and decided that he would start training that night. When Gresha came and fed him she was shocked at the idea of him being out at night, “Are you crazy?”

  “He said they won’t be back for ten days.”

  “And you trust them?”

  “He could have killed us at your home but didn’t. If I’m going to have to outrun him, I need to practice in the dark and learn my way around this community.”

  Gresha stared at him, shaking her head, “You’re probably right. That black curse was almost falling in love with you after the run.”

  Dat nodded, “He was excited.”

  “Well I don’t recommend giving it a hug.”

  “I’ll do all I can to heed your wisdom.”

  “Walk me home?”

  “Sure.” Dat opened the door for Gresha and she was impressed.

  “I could have opened it.”


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