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Lens of Time: Book 05 - Star Rover-The Worst of Time

Page 14

by Saxon Andrew

  The Hive Master looked at the leader of the Horde and nodded. Jill said, “I want to know if a large enemy force arrives at any of your planets. I have the coordinates of your capitals and that is where I believe they will strike first. Notify me if any show up.”

  “We will Admiral. Thank you for your support.”

  “Get your older ships out to the edge of the disruption around your planets. Your Rovers should be used to jump to any planet that’s under attack. Let’s try to make them back off.”

  The two leaders disappeared from her display. Jill pressed the main frequency for her fleet, “The eight hundred ships that have been training with Captain Arvolo will come and link in their command systems to my ship. We are now in a state of war and I want to make sure you understand that if you deviate, even slightly, from the instructions I send you, you will be court-martialed and imprisoned. Is that clear!?!” Jill waited for the message to sink in and said, “You have your coordinates for the position you are to take around my ship; now get moving.”

  Captain Cokerman appeared on her display, “What about the rest of us, Admiral?”

  “I’m assigning you seven thousand Rovers and you need to use them the best way you can. They are accustomed to acting independently so I would highly recommend that you give them an objective and allow them to just do their thing. I’m going to go in first and try to soften up any large attack and you can follow up and do what damage you can. Captains Wilson and West, you will also take command of six thousand Rovers and do the same thing. Now get your units organized and be prepared to go where you’re needed.”

  All three Senior Captains said, “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  Captain Gibbons arrived at the capital planet of the Remist and spread out the three thousand Rovers into a long line. “Take out the warships around the planet.” His communication panel activated and he heard, “Why are you violating our space?”

  “Your ships were destroyed attempting to sneak in on Earth. We’re here to make sure you don’t send any more.”

  “Wait a moment; let’s talk about this.”

  “Talk all you want, no one’s listening.”

  The three thousand Rovers skipped in and thousands of warships began exploding. Ten thousand managed to jump away but the burning hulks left behind were a brutal message to anyone dumb enough to attack the human’s planet. Gibbons looked at his display and saw Captain Kune, “Have you completed your assignment?”

  “I’ve destroyed the bulk of their ships at their capital.”

  “I’ve done the same thing. I’ve just received a message from fleet that says they need us at two Moet planets that are located close to the edge of our galaxy. Ships are moving in from the edge of disrupted space and we need to go now if we’re going to catch them. I’ve put one of the coordinates on your panel.”

  “I wonder if it was like this for our ancestors.”

  “It was probably worse. This is what comes from being in a Navy family. Good luck, Gibbs.”

  “You, too.”

  The three thousand Rovers disappeared and twenty thousand warships that waited on them to leave jumped in right behind them to attack the now weakened planet. Billions were dying in M87. It was going to get worse…much worse.

  • • •

  Jill had dispatched ships forty times during the first six days of the civil war. Each time the invaders were repulsed. She fought her fleet while she struggled with the death of her mother. She learned the details and felt an equal measure of sorrow and shame. Leigh Ann had run to save herself. Somehow, she was not surprised. She forced herself to focus and put her grief away for another time. Now was not it. She read the messages being sent by fleet and knew that trouble was about to raise its head. The major players in the giant galaxy had started picking sides and were getting organized. Small disorganized attacks were ending and now would come the real danger. The most recent notification from Fleet said that two of the major players had decided to work together to eliminate the Hive and Horde. They weren’t willing to go after each other with such a strong force still active. She knew her twenty thousand ships were not going to be enough to stop a major attack.

  “Are you having fun yet?”


  “I’ve seen the report from Fleet and I’ve brought a few party favors for any guests that might show up.”

  “How many?”

  “I have a million and a half Rovers in green space waiting for any major attack that might occur.”

  “How do you want to handle this, Sir?”

  “We intercepted a message that said the Hive would be targeted first. I suspect this planet will be their target. I want to make sure they commit to an attack so I am not going to use my Rovers until they move inside disrupted space. You need to keep their attention on your fleet and draw them inside the outer edge of the disruption perimeter.”

  “I’ll hit them and withdraw. I’ll do it as many times as necessary.”

  “Jill, I hate placing your fleet in this danger but if they see our numbers, they’ll withdraw and attack elsewhere. We need to cut down their numbers here.”

  “It’s alright, Jon. We’ll do what’s needed.”

  Jill saw the display go dark and heard, “Jill, I have a massive signature moving through green space toward us.”

  “Thanks, Jack. Notify all ships to go to battle stations and to form up on us.”

  The twenty thousand ships rushed in and formed four lines of five thousand ships in each line. Jill hit her communicator, “We will fire into the front ranks of the incoming ships and fall back. We’ll continue this process until ordered differently. Dress up your lines and God Speed.”

  Captain Kune had arrived two hours earlier from fighting off an attack on a Moet Planet and watched the incoming feed from his scanners. He saw millions of ships emerge into normal space. He shook his head and knew this is what his ancestors had faced a thousand years earlier. They had survived and he was determined that he would as well. It was the most frightening and exhilarating experience he had ever had. The rush was incredible.

  Jill saw the massive fleet appear in front of her ranks and yelled, “Open fire on my mark and start falling back with my ship.”

  Jill stared at the massive fleet and Bucket said, “The scan shows that ships of our former allies in the First Galactic War are mingled in with the other ships.”

  Jill felt a moment of sorrow. The White Civilization had now turned against them. Their ships were among the most powerful in M87. The giant fleet rushed forward and Jill yelled, “Mark! Open fire!”

  The twenty thousand Rovers fired into the oncoming mass of ships and thousands began exploding. Millions of beams lanced out and began hitting the Rovers. Jill saw hundreds of her ships were overwhelmed by thousands of beams hitting them and exploded. She began moving away from the juggernaut and saw the numbers of enemy ships being killed was unbelievable. More than eight hundred thousand of the attackers had been destroyed but more than a million more were jumping in to join the battle. Jill continued to fire and slowly withdrew. She watched her ships paying a huge price as they fell back. Bucket announced, “We’ve passed the edge of disrupted space.” She picked up speed and saw the giant fleet stop at the edge of the disruption. Jill stopped withdrawing and fired into their ranks, continuing to destroy ships. The commander of the giant fleet must have made a decision as the giant fleet accelerated and rushed at the surviving Rovers. Jill ordered the survivors to turn and flee the oncoming mass of ships and the giant fleet surged forward at an even faster speed.

  In twenty minutes the last ships crossed the edge of disrupted space and Jon said, “Take them, now.”

  The million and half Rovers emerged into normal space and fell on the massive fleet from the rear like a pack of wolves attacking a grizzly. The Commander of the attackers saw his mistake and ordered a full retreat but the majority of his ships were twenty minutes inside disrupted space and none of his ships could match the speed a
nd power of a Rover.

  Jill saw Jon’s ships emerge and start attacking the enemy ships and she turned her ships around and released the Rovers to go after targets of opportunity. Ten million ships had come to attack the Hive. Less than six million survived the attempt. The message went out in M87. It was suicide to attack the Hive and Horde.

  Jill watched the enemy ships jump away and Jon said, “I have to leave; we still have ships jumping into the Milky Way. Call me if you need me.”

  “I thought you were supposed to call me for our next get together.”

  Jon smiled, “Oh yeah; it slipped my mind.”

  “Stay safe, Jon.”

  “I’m leaving enough ships to replace those you’ve lost. Try to take care of our Allies.” Jill saw him smile and the display went dark.

  “That’s one sharp officer.”

  “I know, Jack.”

  “Is there something we should know?”

  “Don’t be silly; you already know everything I do.”

  “Yeah, but you need to say it.”

  “You’re right, Jack.”

  “There, was that so hard?”

  “Shut up and check on the Horde’s capital.”

  “Nothing yet.”

  “Jump the fleet there. I want to make sure they didn’t plan an attack while we are busy here.”

  The twenty thousand ships jumped to the Horde capital in time to confront a million attackers that promptly jumped away when they arrived.

  “You must be getting psycho or something.”

  “It’s called psychic, Bucket.”

  “Same thing.”

  Jill laughed and began reading messages coming in from Fleet.

  • • •

  Kat looked at the casualty reports and sighed. Only three Union Planets had been hit and five cities were destroyed by nuclear blasts. More than fifty thousand Rovers had been killed when they faced odds that overwhelmed them. It could be worse. Normally this is where the President would call for peace and understanding, which would promptly be ignored. She thought about it and made a decision. She pressed her panel and said, “I am going to send a message to M87. Get all the scanners ready to broadcast it and then move them to another location.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  The two leaders of the failed attack on the Hive Civilization looked at each other on their communication panels. One said, “We have to go back and destroy them.”

  “We lost ten percent of our ships in this last attack. Do you know how many ships they have to use against us?”

  The leader struggled and said, “No, I don’t.” Suddenly their panels showed a human on their display.

  “Up to this moment, we have not attacked anything but the ships of those that have attacked our galaxy and our allies. That policy ends now. Any of you idiots that send ships into our galaxy or against the Horde and Hive Civilizations will have your planets destroyed starting with the capitals of your civilizations. If you think you can stop us, send a ship our way. We will not participate in this foolishness you’ve started and we promise to leave you in peace if you stop your aggression against us. We promise to not join any of the ones involved in this war and will attack anyone that asks for our support. We are not a danger to anyone that leaves us alone. Those that don’t will be destroyed. We keep our promises. You should read your history to see what awaits those of you that don’t listen.”

  The image faded and the two leaders looked at each other. “What do you think?”

  “I’ve read my history. If they promise not to attack us, they won’t.”

  “But we can’t leave such a powerful civilization behind us.”

  “You need to listen. They are no longer an issue. I don’t trust any civilization in our galaxy and that includes yours; however, the humans keep their promises. Have you ever heard of them breaking one?”

  The leader thought a moment and said, “No…they are known for their integrity.”

  “I’ve heard from one of our adversaries that it has been estimated that they have more than forty million of those small ships.”

  “Can that be true?”

  “Do you want to find out? Let someone else take them on.”

  “Then that means we can now start our hostilities.”

  “It does.”

  “Do you really want to do that?”

  “Not really.”

  “Then what about having an armistice until this war sorts itself out and then we’ll look at whether or not we want to continue our fight.”

  “We certainly have a better chance of survival if we work together.”

  “Then together it is.”

  • • •

  The second Leader ended the communication and looked at his War Admiral staring at him, “What?”

  “Our ships are ready; does this agreement mean I should recall them?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Launch the attack.”

  The fleets fell on the planets of the first leader as the second Leader’s planets were being blasted by the first. The anger and mistrust had been building too long and fifty thousand planets were turned into rubble.

  • • •

  Kat looked at her panel and saw the war in M87 had begun in earnest. She knew that if her fleets were removed from the board in the civil war that those that were hesitant would strike. The numbers being killed were too high to count. But, there were no more attacks in the Milky Way or in the Hive and Horde’s territories. She knew that many bleeding heart historians would condemn her in the future but she didn’t care. There was a much more dangerous enemy to face and she might have acted differently in different circumstances. She smiled; Dat was right. The safety of those under her command was more important than policies that called for preventing loss of life. Safety before policy.

  Chapter Twelve

  “How are we going to get down to the planet?”

  “The hard way; Stein are you ready?”

  “I’m right where I need to be. You should take Gresha to the storage bay and get ready to leave. I’ve timed your arrival and you need to get moving.”

  Dat looked at himself in the mirror and said, “I’m glad I saved this outfit.”

  Gresha looked at her Academy Uniform and said, “Well, I left all my clothes when we departed. I’m sure my Father has not disposed of them.”


  “He misses me too much. I’m sure he’s kept them. You still haven’t answered my question. This ship doesn’t have a shuttle. How are we going down?”

  “We’re going to take the elevator.”

  Gresha raised an eyebrow and lowered her chin, “We’re taking the what?”

  “Come on; I’ll show you.” Dat took Gresha’s hand and led her to the storage bay. It was originally called a landing bay but the only thing small enough to land in it is was pigeons or chickens. Dat yelled, “Give us just a moment.”

  “Hurry up; just say when.”

  Dat walked over to the port and said, “I need you to put your arms around my neck and get as close as possible.”

  Gresha smiled, “You’re kidding, right?”


  “I’ve wanted to do this for the last hour.” Gresha put her arms around Dat’s neck and pulled herself so close Dat thought she could be a second skin.

  “Now, don’t let go.”

  “Why.” Suddenly Gresha saw a dark field appear around them and she recognized it as a dark matter force field. The inside of the field had a distinctive color. “How did you do that?”

  “My rings produce it. Alright, Stein, open it up.”

  Gresha saw the port open and the air in the small bay pushed them out as it blew out. Dat didn’t know how she could be any closer but somehow she pulled it off. The two ejected from the ship and headed toward the ship’s force field. Dat said, “When we cross the force field, we will be kicked out of green space into normal space above the planet. I’ll manipulate the field and start us dropping toward you
r community.”

  Gresha held Dat tight and felt her heart go into her throat when the planet suddenly appeared below them and they fell toward it. Dat controlled the thrust and directed them toward the ground. Gresha watched and saw her community as a small dot far below. “This is amazing.”

  “This is how I arrived the first time. I’m going to try to stop us just outside your quarters. I’ll stay between you and the street and you go in first. Come and get me when your parents calm down.”

  “Calm down?”

  “They don’t expect to ever see you again. This could be somewhat shocking.” Gresha nodded and watched as the community grew larger. It looked so small from high altitude. She glanced around and saw hundreds of communities scattered across the continent; so many suffering in the arms of the Masters. “Get ready.” Gresha saw the ground coming up quickly and nearly choked Dat. She heard him, saw his expression and quit squeezing his neck. They slowed and came down silently outside Gresha’s home just as the sun moved below the horizon. The streets were deserted. Gresha stepped away from Dat and knocked on the door. Her father opened the door slightly and saw Gresha. Gresha saw his shock and then his love as he threw the door open and pulled her inside. Dat waited outside looking around and after ten minutes he knocked. The door opened and Gresha’s face was red with embarrassment, “I’m sorry. I got caught up telling my parents all that has happened.” Dat pushed his lips together and shook his head. Gresh came up and snatched him off the street in a bear hug and walked into the room. After Gresha’s choking and Gresh’s hug; he didn’t know if he would ever breathe normally again. Gresha laughed and said, “Don’t hurt him, Father.” Gresh put him down and Dat collapsed in a chair. Darn these people are strong.

  • • •

  Dat discussed what they had discovered below the fields around the community. Gresh and Kyley listened and Dat was surprised that they didn’t show more amazement at the information. He decided to ask why, “You don’t appear to be surprised about this?”

  “We know that something is there. Whenever we dig deep enough, whatever it is we encounter, is too hard for us to break through.”


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