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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Seduction (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 1)

Page 55

by Audrey Storm

  “It sounds horrible though, I hate to think that you're going through that,” I said, and found myself reaching across the table to her hand. Our fingers linked together and I squeezed it tightly. My heart raced as our skin touched. I raised my eyes to look at her and found her looking back at me. My throat tightened and there was surely no doubt that there was something between us, but I dared not speak for fear of ruining the moment.

  I wished that it could last forever but that was impossible, and it was left to Lucy to shatter the silence. As she spoke she pulled her hand away, and I was filled with a stark feeling of emptiness inside, as if I had lost something completely vital to my existence.

  “Anyway, I'm sure you don't want to hear an old woman moaning about her love problems. Tell me something I don't know about you,” she asked. I thought about telling her that I loved her but I hadn't drunk enough wine for that, although I was sorely tempted and the words were ready to fly from my lips. Instead, I told her about my dreams of becoming a writer. Even though we had spent much time together I had never revealed that part of myself to her, and she squealed with delight when I told her. It felt good to talk about it again and we laughed as I recounted the letters of rejection I had received. She expressed sympathy and stroked my arm lightly, letting it linger there far longer than it should have. I didn't know whether I was more intoxicated by her or the wine but something was playing havoc with my senses and in that moment, when we were sitting opposite each other, I wanted her more than I had ever wanted anything else before.

  When she asked if she could read my manuscript I initially refused, but she pressed and I quickly found myself relenting.

  Chapter 9

  “So this is my place,” I said as we stumbled in, a little tipsy from the wine we had drunk, although by that point it was beginning to wear off.

  “I can't believe I've never been here before,” she said, and looked around with wide eyes, examining every room. I took a moment just looking at her. The moonlight came in as shafts through the window, and when she stepped into them it was like the heavens were shining an angelic beam on her. I walked up to her and led her up to my bedroom, which was where I kept my manuscripts.

  “Excuse the mess,” I said as we went into my room. I made a quick effort to tidy things up but she told me not to worry, and perched herself on the edge of the bed. I couldn't actually believe that she was in my room and I had to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.

  I went into the closet and pulled out my novel, then handed it to her. She began to turn over the pages and I cringed with embarrassment.

  “This is good!” she said, and I was surprised. I settled down beside her and remained sitting there in silence until she had finished the first chapter.

  “Well I don't know what those people were on about. This is really good, do you mind if I take this back with me when I go? I'd love to see how it ends.”

  “Oh she just-” I began, and was silenced by Lucy's finger on my lips.

  “Don't tell me, I want to see for myself,” she said, and I smiled sheepishly. She walked over to put the manuscript by the door, and I was afraid she was going to leave. But to my relief, she turned back and rejoined me on the bed.

  The mattress groaned under our weight and when she turned to face me I became lost in her eyes and her scent. I wondered if she could tell that my heart was beating for her and only for her, and I had no idea what would happen next but it felt like anything could happen, and I was determined to let it.

  She reached up and pushed back a few errant strands of hair. I leaned my face into her hands and closed my eyes, enjoying the comfort, enjoying my dreams coming true. When I opened my eyes her face was mere inches from mine and I gazed into her soulful eyes, totally in awe of her beauty.

  “There was another reason why there was tension in my marriage,” she said. “Wendy was jealous of you.”

  “Of me? But we never...”

  “No, we didn't, but she knew that I...that you were my type, and she knew that you had a crush on me.”

  “She did?” I said, my voice faltering, because if Wendy knew then evidently Lucy knew too, and I was just glad that the light was dim because I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. I looked away in shame.

  “Yes, but it's's a good thing,” she said, and then tilted my head up so that our eyes met again. Before I knew it her lips were upon mine and she had stolen a kiss from me. I looked in shock as she pulled back, and then hungrily leaned forward again. I had enjoyed one taste and my hunger was fierce. I pressed my lips against hers firmly and our arms wrapped around each other. Our curves melted together just as they had done in my fantasies and my mind was already in a daze as I thought about everything that awaited us. I felt all around her body, my hands squeezing her hips and the breath rushing through my mouth as I felt the places that had always been denied to me.

  We fell back on the bed and our hair fell about the sheets, her black mixing with my gold. Our hands were entwined and we uttered no words as our mouths were too busy kissing. I felt her tugging at my top and soon I was topless before her, she moved down my body and kissed my breasts, looking up at me as she did so. My hands were around her head, holding her, bracing myself against the pleasure that was coursing through my body. Her hands explored further down and reached beneath my skirt, scratching my inner thigh as she teased me, getting ever so close to the burning wetness and then pulling away at the last minute, making me moan with crazed anguish.

  My pussy twitched in anticipation of her touch but I had to wait a while longer as she moved back up to kiss me again, her hair fell all around me, enveloping me in a world of Lucy, and I was completely hers. She straddled me and leaned over me, cupping my head in her hands as she kissed me passionately. My own hands reached up and slipped off those thin straps. My eyes passed the mole as I watched the dress slip away from her curves, and I buried myself in her bosom, kissing on her nipples, feeling them harden against my lips.

  She moaned my name and I felt like I was in heaven. I looked up at her with utter happiness and surrender in my eyes, and in that moment she knew that I was hers. We kissed deeply again as she moved around behind me. Her hands massaged my breasts as she kissed and bit my lip and whispered in my ear, telling me how many times she had thought about me in the long recent months of frustration, how I was the only way she had been able to get herself off. It was music to my ears but I could barely hear her over the sound of my mind cracking. Her long fingers slid down the middle of my body as I pressed myself against her, feeling the comfort of her breasts behind me, her legs parting to keep me in position as she reached down and pushed her hand below my skirt, finding my pussy with no trouble at all.

  I gasped and my body convulsed as she found me, and then just as in my fantasy her fingers were inside me. My arms reached up to hold her and I craned my neck back, searching for her lips with my own so that I could kiss her. Her soft skin felt so good against my own, although we were burning together, and I wouldn't have been surprised had the bed exploded into flames.

  My hands fell down to grip her thighs and I felt her wince as I dug my nails into her, trying to brace myself against the powerful sensations that were occurring within me, that she was creating, and as I shuddered against her I reached down with my own hand and found her sweet warmth, and when I heard her moan with satisfaction I considered my life to have been complete. Our heads twisted and we kissed fervently as we brought each other closer and closer to that dangerous burst of electric energy.

  Through the orgasmic haze I glanced down at her hand as her fingers disappeared inside me and noticed that she had already removed her wedding ring. I smiled and leaned back against her, enjoying the way we throbbed together, feeling the rise and fall of our chests and the reverberations of our hearts and then the silent screams as we gripped each other tightly during climax.



  Rebound with the Ex

Rebound with the Ex

  Chapter 1

  I was sitting in my apartment with a tub of ice cream open on my lap, and even though it was wrapped in a tea towel I could still feel the coldness seeping into my bones, but at least I was feeling something. Outside I could hear cars roar along the road, and in the apartments around me I could hear the sounds of people talking but in my apartment there was only the sound of silence. Images flickered on the television screen but I didn't pay attention to them. Pretty people with perfect smiles and false problems. Every day they met someone knew and had another relationship and it all worked out fine for them because that was the nature of things, but for me that was a picture of a life that I would never have.

  I wasn't like them. I didn't have the perfect slim body. I liked food, and enjoyed eating. Was that so wrong? In this day and age it's like a sin, something you should be ashamed of. I never had any issues with my own body until other people started having issues with it. When I was at high school they would all stare at me in the shower and giggle, and then suddenly carrots would start turning up in my locker and bag at school. I thought it would get better as I grew older and moved through life but adults were just as cruel as children and I had to develop a thick skin. I pitied them really, that their lives were so small and meaningless that the only joy they could get was from the misery of others. But I was already different and not just because I was fat, but because I liked girls instead of boys, and the worst thing wasn't being teased or bullied at school, it was that Lucy was the one doing it all.

  Lucy was the first woman I loved, although I had to lover her from afar. She was bright-eyed and bubbly and everyone loved her, especially when she was ahead of everyone and her round breasts swelled and her hips started swaying in that mesmerizing way. Every head turned. I even caught the fathers of the students looking at her, wondering how such a girl could be so sexual. They looked at her hungrily, like wolves, as though she was just a piece of meat for them to salivate over but to me she was a queen. I lay awake at night dreaming of telling her my feelings and that she would return them, that she would tell me all the teasing and bullying was just an act and she only did it because she wanted to hide her true feelings...that she loved me too.

  When I found out that she was going out with Billy it broke my heart. The pain was a stabbing one and I didn't know how something that I couldn't see could feel so raw. I watched her and knew that I shouldn't love her because I meant nothing to her but I couldn't stop myself. The anguish of wanting something that I could never have was palpable, and my pillow was stained with my forlorn tears every night.

  Growing up as a big lesbian teenager wasn't fun, and my life seemed bleak, and as I let the ice cream slide down my throat I thought back to that time and chuckled dryly to myself. Even though that was ten years ago I still felt the same way, like I would always be wanting something that I couldn't have.

  I sighed as I drove the spoon into the soft, dark ice cream. I always went for chocolate with little bits of brownie in it, and this one even had swirls of golden caramel. As I scooped up a large mound of it I smiled at the soothing crush, and lifted it up, looking to see how long I could make the caramel stretch before it broke. When it finally lost its cohesion it fell and drizzled back down. I placed it in my mouth and closed my eyes, letting the sweet chocolate fill and comfort me.

  Then, I checked my cell to see if anyone had replied to my messages. Nothing. There was only one person that I hadn't tried to contact and that was because we'd spent the last week shouting down the phone to each other. All of my other friends were AWOL, and I felt so lonely that I could have cried. But my tears were all gone. I'd spent too much time crying over Lacey and now it felt like I didn't have anything left in me.

  The audience in the television laughed but I couldn't see anything funny. I stared ahead with a blank look in my glassy eyes, watching the fictional characters have better lives than me. I was twenty-nine and I had nothing to show for my life. I was single, eating ice cream in a small apartment, and nobody wanted to be my friend.

  Chapter 2

  When the show ended the credits rolled and everyone looked happy. That was the thing about TV shows; they always had an ending. Life wasn't like that. You went through day after day in one long, endless string and everything was a chaotic mess. I used to think that everything happened for a reason, that somehow there was a plan for my life; but I soon came to realize that was just an exercise in vanity. There were six billion other souls in the world, why was I so special that there would have been a grand plan for me?

  Sometimes I still spared a passing though for Lucy and wondered where she was and what she had done with her life. I look back to that time and thought how different my life would have been if I had tried to talk to her or just tried something different. Perhaps she would have been intrigued. She must have thought about being with girls because every guy wanted her and it was all so easy to be with them but girls, they were mysterious and intriguing and she would have wanted to know, would have needed to know, and sometimes at night when I played with myself I thought about Lucy and how she was then, how I was then, all young and supple and tight and I would feel the most intense orgasms, but immediately afterwards I would lay back in bed and groan for I was aware of how alone I was.

  But that was another life and I was another person. And really the only person I wanted was Lacey, although I didn't really want Lacey, I just wanted that feeling I had when I was with Lacey, that safe feeling, like when I was wrapped in her arms there was nothing bad going on in the world and everything was going to be okay. I could still remember her smell and I wished that I couldn't because it was so easy to fall back into those memories of the two of us sitting up late at night, both of us had trouble sleeping, talking about nothing and everything. It never seemed like we would ever run out of things to talk about. I remember the first date we had, how we spoke for hours and time didn't seem to matter, and at the end of it all she said that she was afraid we had exhausted every topic. I just looked at her with her sparkling eyes and heart-shaped face and I knew that even if I had stare in silent adoration for the rest of my life I would have been happy to do so.

  Instead, I said that there were things we could do other than talk, and in a rare moment of bravery I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers, tasting the strawberry that was left from the lip gloss she had applied moments earlier. I could tell by the way the breath squeezed out of her mouth that I had taken her by surprise, but after the flicker of a second she reciprocated and the two of us were lost in a whirl of heady delight. After we broke apart we looked at each in awe. The kiss was so powerful that my entire body was trembling and all I wanted to do was kiss her forever.

  And just like that we were in a relationship. I loved her and her free-spirited ways. Everything was so easy with her and there was no doubt that we were together. Some of my other relationships had been rocky but with Lacey it was natural, and I was glad for that. We had a relationship that made everyone jealous. All of our friends commented on it.

  'You two are so great together, I wish I could find what you have.' They said, and it made me glow every time they mentioned it. But then things began to sour. Lacey started a new job and she was working all hours and when she was at home she barely had anytime to hang out. I would make plans and she would say that she couldn't because she was working, and I would say okay but deep inside my heart was breaking. I couldn't say anything because she had worked so hard to get to where she was that I didn't want to be a burden on her, but then when we went to parties and people said that same compliment I gave a polite smile and looked at the love of my life, because I knew that things weren't as perfect between us as they once were.

  Chapter 3

  I tried to talk to her about it but I hated rocking the boat because I was always afraid that I was in the wrong. That was a mistake I had made with a number of my exes, I let things bother me and fester inside me until it became too late and the issues were too
much and they made us explode. But Lacey wasn't like that usually; I could talk to her and be one with her. But it felt like she changed, that the job changed her. She was tired and stressed and the things we used to together I ended up doing alone. I could tell we were drifting apart and I wanted to save us but it felt like I was the only one that was trying.

  And then came the e-mails.

  It happened so innocuously. I was going to show her an interesting blog post I had read about the role of lesbians in popular culture and her laptop was closer than mine so I lifted the screen and she froze.

  “They don't mean anything,” she said. I furrowed my brow in confusion and I stared at her. The color drained from her face and she looked guilty. My insides spilled and I could feel something crawling over my skin, a fear of something that I didn't want to be true. One of the tabs was open on her e-mail. My throat ran dry and I almost didn't look at it, almost buried my head in the sand, and the stupid thing was that I probably wouldn't even have noticed had she not said anything. But she had. And I couldn't ignore that.

  I slowly moved the cursor to the e-mail tab and my eyes searched the screen. There were a number of messages from a woman named Rebecca, with pictures attached, laying on a bed with her hands draped over her body, tempting, teasing pictures, the kind that Lacey had always laughed at. But there were sitting on her laptop, the suggestive text of the e-mails was pushing and intimate, and when I read the replies my throat tightened again and I wanted to turn back time to just a few moments before so that I could live in the bliss of ignorance.

  The words were made up of little black letters on the screen yet they were burdened with such weight. I couldn't believe that Lacey was the author of these steamy, innuendo-laden messages. There was such freedom in the words—such passion—a far cry from the closed-off woman that I had known for the previous few months. I looked at her and pushed the laptop away, not wanting to read anymore. I had so many questions that I didn't know where to being. In the end I started with the obvious.


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