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Shamefully Broken: A Dark Romance

Page 9

by Loki Renard

  Elliot knew what he was doing. He was taking the long way, soothing her into a state where her bottom would accept the enema nozzle. That didn’t make it any less effective. Mason knew how to make her body respond as he wanted it to, and as much as she didn’t want the enema, she knew it was inevitable. When he next brought the nozzle to her bottom, it slipped in much more easily, the first fraction of an inch finding almost casual entrance to her anus. From there it began to press deeper, the muscle of her bottom giving way to allow the hard plastic to take inch after inch. Inside her, it felt even thicker and longer than it looked. The greasy lubricant may have made its passage easier, but it didn’t make the thing itself any smaller. As Mason settled the instrument into its final place, Elliot was forced to come to terms with the fact that though she had never allowed anyone to put anything there, now she was lying over his thighs waiting to be filled like a water bottle.

  “Good girl,” Mason praised. “Now, you’re going to feel the solution as it goes in…”

  He must have twisted something, opened something… she didn’t know the precise mechanism of action, but she certainly felt the flow as it began. She covered her face with her hands as the water began to trickle inside her. It was slow and warm, not unpleasant, but a very strange sensation. It went on for several long minutes, Mason holding the tube inside her as she was increasingly filled.

  “Why are you doing this, Mason?”

  “Sir,” he reminded her. “Because you have three holes, and I intend to make full use of you.”

  She blushed furiously. “You’re perverted,” she complained. “And twisted… and…”

  “I’m all that and more,” he agreed, tapping her cheek lightly with his free hand. “But you will call me sir regardless, or you will suffer the consequences.”

  “You’re perverted, sir,” she said with a little gasp as he twisted the nozzle slowly inside her bottom. The lubrication made it move smoothly, but it still caused sensations to ripple through her. Was an enema supposed to feel good? She didn’t know, but she did know that her toes were starting to curl and she was starting to quiver in places below the nozzle. Places still bereft of that elusive orgasm.

  As if sensing her thoughts, or perhaps seeing her desire, Mason’s free hand began to stroke her thighs, and then up the sensitive tract of skin toward her pussy. She felt his fingers near her lower lips, then slide away again, teasing her. It was a very effective distraction from the thick intrusion in her bottom as she was slowly but steadily filled. She found herself holding her breath, staying perfectly still except for an increased parting of her thighs as she tried to urge him to touch her there, where she so needed to be touched.

  It took forever for his fingers to finally reach her sex, but when they did, the gentle stroking motion along the very outside of her labia made her let out a moan of pure pleasure. Her inner walls began to clench in anticipation, their greedy motion making her bottom tighten around the nozzle probing her depths. He was making it all better, and he was making it all much worse.

  She began to squirm, her lower belly starting to feel full as the liquid began to build up inside. His finger found her clit and rubbed the wet little nub in quick little circles. Elliot gasped as he set off a sudden reaction, sending her toward orgasm with his skillful touch. The desire during the hours she had spent in erotic limbo rose quick and hard, pushing her toward climax almost instantly.

  “Oh, god, Mason… god…” she moaned and squirmed. The nozzle was going to slip out of her bottom, she was certain of it. The more she tightened her bottom to try to keep it in, the more she felt it sliding away. Her orgasm was so close she could feel every nerve in her body preparing to unleash.

  “Come,” he commanded, slipping his finger inside her soaking wet pussy hole. “Come for me now.”

  Her body obeyed him instantly, her cunt clenching around his fingers as he plunged a second one inside her, his thumb working her clit hard. With the nozzle in her bottom, his fingers in her pussy, her clit grinding against his thumb, she came hard, screaming his name, her body bucking over his thighs. She had never been so humiliated, and she had never come so hard. He pushed her through it, drawing it out by plundering her sex with his fingers, twisting and thrusting them inside her, holding the nozzle deep in her bottom as she writhed and wailed and finally lay still over his lap, the orgasm receding from every part of her like the tide going out.

  “Mason…” She mumbled his name, embarrassed.


  “I really gotta go to the toilet.”

  She could hear the smirk in his voice as he let her up.

  “So go.”

  There was no time for humility or propriety. The enema water had done its job. She raced for the toilet, sat down, and felt it all rushing from her. He was still sitting on the bath, watching her with about the same reaction as he might watch a puppy doing its business.

  “Good girl,” he praised when she was done. “Now come here and let me clean you up.”

  Blushing so furiously her face had become its own heat source, she flushed and went back over to him. He took her back over his thighs, a small mercy given that she didn’t have to look at him in this position.

  She felt him spreading her cheeks again and then she felt the cool touch of wet wipes against her bottom. She was sure she was clean anyway, but still, having him wash her there in that most intimate of places brought her submission to a new level.

  “Now,” he said, sounding satisfied. “You’re ready.”

  “Ready for what?” She whimpered the question. He had plans for her bottom; that much was obvious.

  He held something down so she could see it in the palm of his hand. It was a silvery looking thing, shaped in a teardrop sort of fashion. The tip of it was small and rounded, but it quickly swelled out to a larger rounded region, which then tapered to a little neck attached to a wider base. When he moved the plug in his fingers, she saw that the base was covered in what looked like one large diamond.

  “Is that real?”

  “You’re not imagining things,” he rumbled. “It’s real.”

  “I mean the stone,” she squirmed.

  “Oh, yes, and it’s flawless. Only the very best for my girl’s bottom.”

  He was denying her any adornment like clothing, but bejeweling her ass. She would have dwelt more on the irony of it all if she had been in any emotional position to do so—and if he wasn’t already pressing the cool tip of the plug to her bottom. It wasn’t intolerably large, only a couple of inches long and perhaps a couple of inches around at its very widest point, but it didn’t need to be. The enema had loosened her up and so the plug slipped in neatly and without discomfort, settling against her anus.

  “You’ll wear this plug for as long as I decide,” he said, tapping the base of it so it moved just a little inside her freshly cleaned bottom. “I hope it will be a reminder to you to behave yourself.”

  It was a reminder of something—mostly how perverted Mason was, and how far he was prepared to go to control her.

  Squirming over his lap, the remnants of orgasm fast fading from her body, she felt sensitive and small. “Is it my turn yet?”

  “What do you mean?” He sounded amused as he rubbed his hand over her cheeks.

  She wanted to negotiate, but that was difficult to do with a diamond in her butt and practically all her dignity having been flushed away. Still, she had to do it. She was going through all of this humiliation for a reason.

  “I did it all,” she said. “Everything you told me. Now it’s time for you to keep your side of the bargain. I want to see him. And not over the phone or something like that. I want to see him in person.”

  Mason patted her bottom and eased her from his thighs, settling her into a kneeling position on the bathroom floor. “I’ll see what I can do. For now, you go back in the cage. Hands and knees, my toy. I want to see that pretty plug as you go.”

  She pouted, but he got his way. She crawled the distance from
the bathroom to the cage, her bottom high, the plug displayed in all its glory. Every crawled step was an embarrassment, a reminder of how far she’d fallen. Even her name seemed foreign now. Toy, that fit her better. Toys had their bottoms cleaned and plugged, toys slept in cages, toys came when their masters took them over their knees and toyed with their eager little clits until they came.

  It was almost a relief to crawl inside the cage. She’d loathed it on sight, but now it was a refuge, her little space.

  “Get some rest,” he said. “I’ll be back to see you when I know something.”

  With that, he closed the door and left her alone. Elliot laid down, curled up on her side and closed her eyes. She could feel the plug as an ever present force in her bottom, a strange intrusion, and yet not an entirely unpleasant one. It was stimulating the back wall of her pussy, leaving her with a low level of arousal that comforted her as she dozed off into a nap.

  Chapter Four

  “Wakey wakey.”

  When Elliot opened her eyes again, Mason was standing at the door of the cage, a light silk dress in his hand.

  “Put this on,” he said. “We’re going to see Aiden.”

  “Really?” Elliot squeaked with glee.

  She was on her feet in an instant. He handed her the dress through the bars and she pulled it on before he let her out. She scurried to the bathroom and made herself presentable, as far as Mason would allow. He’d confiscated her purse entirely and did not seem to intend on giving it back. The lack of cosmetics was a real bitch, but she could at least brush her hair.

  “I wish you’d let me have a little mascara, just some blush…”

  “You don’t need them,” he said. “You’re beautiful without being made up like you’re trying to prove you’re something you’re not. Makeup ages you. It always has.”

  “Well, it’s expected,” she said, glancing at herself in the mirror. If she had been made up, her eyes would be popping between dark lashes, her lips plumped up by the application of liner and lipstick. She would have looked sophisticated and powerful. Without makeup she just looked like, well, her. “If I went out looking like this at home, people would think I was ill. There would be stories run in newspapers.”

  “You’re beautiful,” Mason rumbled from the doorway. The gruff compliment made her blush. If she had been wearing foundation, concealer, and blusher, it would have been hidden beneath those faux colors, but with her bare skin on display, the rush of heat to her face was utterly obvious to both of them and only served to make her squirm more. He was laying her bare in every way possible, not allowing her to hide in even the simplest of ways. It was so unfair, and she thought she might love him for it.

  “Uhm, Mav?” She looked at him under her lashes. “When do we take the plug thing out?”

  “When I say so,” he said. “Now come on. Let’s go see Aiden.”

  She blushed even more furiously. “Mason, I can’t go see Aiden with this in my butt.”

  “Why not? Do you usually show your brother your anus?”

  “Well, no, of course not,” she giggled. “But, I’ll know.”

  “Then that’s all that matters,” he said, holding out his hand. “Come on. Let’s go see the troublemaker.”

  She took his hand and he led her through the house to the garage. To her disappointment, they walked right past the Maserati and instead went to a big unbadged SUV-type behemoth that was far too clunky looking for her liking.

  “We can’t take the car we took last time?”

  “Not on this trip,” he said, opening the passenger side door for her. “Get in.”

  Sitting with a plug in her bottom was quite a challenge, especially when he started the car and its powerful engine rumbled throughout the vehicle, making her plug vibrate too. She let out a little gasp and pushed her hands between her thighs. Mav’s dark smirk only made it worse as he revved the engine, increasing the frequency of the vibrations.

  “This isn’t fair,” she whimpered as her nipples hardened beneath the silk.

  “It’s not, is it,” he commiserated, reversing the vehicle out of the garage and turning them toward the road.

  Elliot was thrilled to be on her way to see Aiden. She couldn’t wait. Finally, everything she was going through with Mason was going to pay off. It would be worth having this damn plug in her butt, making her quiver in a distracting way. It would be worth sleeping in a cage. It would be worth being slave to this devastatingly dark and brilliant man who made her question everything she knew.

  They were soon on the highway, headed for… well, she didn’t know where, but it was where he was and that was enough.

  As they were driving, she noticed that the car in front began to slow, even though they were in the fast lane.

  “Ugh,” she complained. “What is wrong with people?”

  Mason indicated to go around the car, but it moved in front of him again, mimicking his motions and as it did, two other dark vehicles flanked their car. Mason’s eyes flickered to the rearview mirror, confirming that there was one behind them as well.

  Mason gritted his teeth. “Get in the back,” he said. “Climb between the seats and lie down in the foot well. The doors are bulletproof. You’ll be safe.”

  “Safe?” The word immediately made her worried, but not as worried as ‘bulletproof.’ “Are we going to get shot at?”

  “Hopefully not,” he said. “Don’t worry, Elliot. Nobody is going to touch you.”

  The vehicle in front of them indicated right as the formation began to move off road, taking them with.

  “Mason, they’re going to…”

  “Don’t worry,” he repeated. “These are just bully tactics, making a scene. It’s all for show. We’re perfectly safe.”

  “Who are they?”

  “People you don’t need to know, and certainly don’t need to meet.”

  “Looks like I’m going to be meeting them though.”

  “Not if you get down and pull that cover over you.”

  “I’m not going to hide in the back with a blanket over me like some big screen TV you have to leave in the back seat,” she exclaimed. “I want to know who these people are. I want to know why they’re harassing us. I want…”

  “What I want is for you to do as you’re told,” he growled. “If I hear so much as a peep out of you, you’re going to be a very, very sorry girl.”

  She knew that threat in his tone, and she had a feeling that hostage situation or not, she’d regret it if she didn’t obey him. She crawled through the seats into the back of the car and pulled a heavy cover that had been lying on the back seat over her head. She couldn’t see anything now. Her senses were completely blocked, aside from the smell of a well detailed car.

  Not long after, they came to a halt. Mason got out of the car and left the door open. She squished around and peered out at events as they unfolded. Several men in dark suits got out of their vehicles and made their way toward Mason, who was standing next to the car.

  Their leader was a dark-haired man who looked about as menacing as a damp mop. He was in his fifties, she guessed, and spoke with an accent she couldn’t quite place. Middle Eastern? European? South African? Some curious blend of all of them?

  “You’ve been a hard man to find, Mason.”

  “I’ve been busy, Henry,” Mason growled. She could only see his back, but she had a fair idea of how he would look glowering at the gangsters who had waylaid them. “And I’m busy now, as it happens, so if we can make this a short meeting, gentlemen.”

  Henry looked around, apparently searching for signs of backup that didn’t seem to be there. “Don’t have your guards with you?”

  “I’m on a personal errand,” Mason said. “I don’t appreciate being kept from it.”

  “I’m sorry to say there’s been a problem with your payment.”

  He sounded almost apologetic, as if he was a bank teller calling up to question some charges. If not for the platoon of suited men around him, he would have b
een utterly at Mason’s mercy. Elliot found herself very curious about who he was. He was almost certainly a criminal, and he definitely had an organized look about him.

  “We know you’re hiding Aiden,” the man said.

  “I’m not hiding a thing,” Mason replied. “I’ve taken him out of play and I’ve paid his debts. That should be enough.”

  “Yeah, well, there’s debts and then there’s debts. I’ve got my money, but I’ve got a few more scores to settle with that little sonofabitch.”

  “You’re going to have to write those debts off,” Mason said. “Cost of doing business. I’ve paid every cent I’m going to pay.”

  “I don’t want money. I want flesh.”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  In the back of Mason’s car, Elliot’s temper was starting to boil. How dare these people hassle Mason and demand her brother’s blood? Who did they think they were? Perhaps they were dangerous, but as far Elliot was concerned, they were no better than schoolyard bullies cornering one target en masse.

  “I think you should reconsider, Mr. Malone. I don’t want to make your life unpleasant, you’ve been very generous, but…”

  “My generosity is at an end. I’m going to continue my business now. If you have any further desire to speak to me, make an appointment with my secretary, Ms. Fenway. I know she can be intimidating, but there’s no need to drive all the way into the forest to avoid her.”

  Elliot stifled a little snort. Mason spoke in mocking tones that showed that even though he was outnumbered and clearly being threatened, he was not at all intimidated.

  Henry smirked unpleasantly. “You should take this seriously, Mr. Malone.”


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