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Jezebel's Destiny

Page 14

by D. R. Rosier

  She was led to a dressing room, there was about 20 minutes left before she was on. There was a makeup artist there looking very nervous. She tried to smile and put the woman at ease, didn’t work. She just sat still and got through it. She almost giggled though. It was like they didn’t trust a Demon or something? Well it was either laugh about it or cry. She refused to cry.

  She knew this would not be easy. In fact the she was almost sure the interview would hit her hard and doubted what she had to say would be easily accepted. She would have to deal with questions on Demons, not just announce Angels and watch the sun shine. She wasn’t even sure if she could prove what she came on to say. After all it would just be her word against thousands of years of history and religion.

  She had been working through some of the objections in her mind all morning and finally came up with something she hoped would be concrete. She communicated with Daniel and told him her crazy ass idea. She just hoped she got enough volunteers to actually pull it off as he spread the word.

  She wouldn’t order it done, she just hoped by the time Patricia and Katrina found out it would be too late for them to try and stop. There would be no way to hide, ever again, if her plan was carried out.


  Talia Malloy was getting ready for the interview of her life. She was a little nervous. She was about to talk to a woman that killed 20 demons without breaking a sweat. Demon, she still couldn’t credit the idea in her head, despite seeing it. She had watched the unedited version of the tape more times than she could count.

  She watched as her producer left. She wondered at the request of Jezebel, but her producer decided it was worth doing. They had trucks out with reporters to two of the locations specified, only on the word of Jezebel Andrews that it would be worth their while.

  She considered the bottle of scotch in her draw and dismissed it. Still, her orders from the producer were quite clear. But when did it become a good idea to badger someone that could negligently turn you to dust. She looked in the mirror quick. Her people had done a good job as usual. Her long blonde hair was wavy. At 30 her face was still beautiful, not one line on it, but it had the maturity of age surrounding it that was absent in her youth.

  She took a deep breath and went to the one on one interview studio. They had wanted to do a panel but Jezebel refused, likely knew how that would turn out. Badly for Jezebel. So they were doing a one on one interview in the studio with two lounge chairs, kind of looked like an average living room.

  She walked in and sat down across from miss Andrews, her first impression of the young woman was Jezebel was very attractive. She also thought Jezebel looked entirely too normal, it was frightening in a way, she was just so… Innocuous looking.

  She said, “Hello miss Andrews, I’m Talia Malloy and I’ll be doing your interview today, may I call you Jezebel?”

  She smiled back automatically and nodded when Jezebel smiled at her and said in a sweet voice, “Please do, can I call you Talia?”

  So far so good, still alive and all that.

  Talia said, “This interview is not live, just you and I, are you ready to go?”

  Jezebel nodded and then said, “You have the option of going live though, correct?”

  Strange question she thought, why does she want to? She nodded at Jezebel and decided it was time to get to it.

  She said, “So you have seen the footage, can you tell me what you were feeling and what was going on there?”

  Jezebel replied, “Frustrated, sad. I defended myself though, obviously. I am in a… Unique position. A Demon that was a friend of theirs was killed in part because of my actions, he had broken the law. It’s a long story.”

  Long story? She would take that bet. She took a deep breath and asked a probably obvious question, but one that needed asking.

  She asked, “Jezebel, are you not in fact a Demon yourself?”

  Jezebel slowly nodded then she said, “I am half demon.”

  Half demon? Are Demons breeding with humans? That’s alarming.

  She asked and couldn’t quite get the fear out of her voice, “You are half human?”

  Jezebel replied, “No, I am half Angel, although there are half humans as well. We are not so different as you would think. Angels and Demons are from different realities. We have warred in the past, but currently are comfortable with each other. At least here on earth. We are not from heaven or hell, we are from different dimensions.

  “We have fought part of that war here on Earth in the distant past. That is why you know of us. But what you think you know is wrong.”

  Talia knew she should have had a shot before she came out here. She couldn’t see any tells or signs of deception, but half Angel?

  Talia asked, “So you are saying you are a half Demon and half Angel. That you are races much like humans? Can you prove that? According to most religions Demons are fallen Angels, so in a way that makes you an angel too right? Plus, the rumor is they lie a lot.”

  Jezebel sighed. Then she started glowing white. “This probably won’t convince you but Demons don’t cast a light aura at all. Remember the video too, one of the Demons that attacked me called me a half breed. Insulting, but accurate.

  “I came on here to show Demons are pretty much just people too, and to help prove that I decided to come clean about the Angel part of it as well. Something needed to be done, there has been so much death since the news came out. All of it human caused by humans, it bothers me more than I can say.

  “In fact however, there is a decided amount of good things about it along with any downside. Now that we are revealed we have no reason to hide what we can do. Did you know both Demons and Angels can control fire? A number of them at least can, not all, but enough. Can you imagine instead of a big expensive fire truck and putting lives on the line if a Demon simply glanced at a structure and snuffed the fire?”

  Damn, it was right there in her drawer. Why didn’t she take a shot?

  Talia thought for a minute and said, “I admit to being intrigued at the possibilities, but many will say a demon is just a fallen Angel, they can appear beautiful and glow to deceive people into serving evil. How would you answer that, can you prove what you are?”

  Jezebel replied, “You tell me, what an Angel can do that a Demon can never accomplish?”

  Talia was stumped. Jezebel obviously had something in mind. She didn’t like to be led by someone she was interviewing. Let alone be the one answering the questions. She was supposed to be leading Jezebel, not the other way around. She had lost the direction the interview was taking from the start as she didn’t see the Angel subject coming.

  Then she remembered the news trucks that were requested and where they were sent. She gasped and her eyes went wide as she put that together with Jezebel’s question.

  Jezebel said softly and calmly, “You really should go live, you’re going to miss the scoop. It’s happening right now, all across North America. From Alaska to Mexico. So tell me Talia, do you believe what I told you about Angels and Demons yet? Of the now even more obvious benefits to knowing each other and working together to make a stronger world?”

  Talia started to speak into her microphone very quickly. They needed to go live and to do it now. She told her producer to move his slow ass and make it happen. They started playing the interview, short though it was from the beginning live as they contacted the news vans and got the feed going. She and Jezebel just sat there waiting for the field reports to come in.

  She honestly couldn’t think of a thing to say or ask which never happened before over her career. When the interview caught up she pulled herself together and introduced the field reporter who took it from there.

  “This is Bill Loehen here with breaking news. Behind me you can see an ordinary hospital. But what isn’t ordinary is it has been overrun with people from all walks of life. Police, fire fighters, Lawyers, plumbers, the list goes on. I think I even saw a councilman walk by.”

  Bill’s voice fade
d to the back of her mind as she watched the screen as the live footage streamed in. The cameras followed a group of diverse individuals as they swept though the ER, glowing white and touching every patient. Then they moved up to the first floor and swept through all the rooms before moving on to the next.

  Slowly over the next 2 hours every hospital in America was emptied of the sick and injured as Angels from all walks of human life healed them. Talia was in shock by the enormity of it but she knew one thing. The world would never be the same again…

  Chapter 11

  Sandy looked around at the place they ended up. It wasn’t pretty but it would do. She could have stayed, but without Jezebel she had no desire to be on the council. Not to mention Natalie and Daniel, her other mates had fled as well. Right now there was no Witch on the council, and who knows if another would join, after all she had been voted in by default, simply for not showing up at the meeting.

  The council had been furious, and although Jezebel’s Angels across North America trusted her to lead, Arches all over the world had objected to her unilateral actions in outing their race. Although they could not remove her as Arch of North America, she was voted off the council by most other Arches. The reason they were hidden was because they expected to be hunted.

  Losing protection or not, they were never in danger from the humans until Jezebel had freed them. Would the Angels fight for the freedom they had gained so cheaply from another? She just didn’t know.

  The council itself had been moved to Jamaica, so right now all three mansions were empty. There were only two Angels now so a third would be voted in soon. She was worried about Jezebel, all the good she had done with her actions could be wiped out if the other Arches refused to help humans at all like the ones in North America were doing.

  She just hoped things would work out, so many things to go wrong when the three races started mixing for the first time. Not to mention the humans still don’t know about Elves or Weres. Between the negative humans and the stubborn Angels she could feel disaster coming.


  “MMmm, right there baby. Fuck me!”

  Penny had forgiven Alanzo and they were once again lovers in more than name. It truly wasn’t his fault and once her anger had cooled she started to feel guilty about how she was treating him. Or perhaps not treating him is the right way to say it. She was in heaven right now and glad she hadn’t thrown out the rings after all.

  His cock felt so good between her legs. She had them wrapped them around his torso so he could drive in deeper, their hot sweaty bodies slapping together as he had her pinned deliciously against the wall. She felt so good supported by his strong arms, his hands holding her up by and squeezing her ass. He bounced her on his manhood while pushing up into her drawing a pant from her slightly spread lips with each harsh stroke.

  The warm wet friction was overwhelming to her senses, her core started to coil tighter as he impaled her over and over. She loved the feel of her walls tightening around his hot pole. She had her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his face into her generous cleavage as her D cups rubbed the sides of his face as she bounced.

  She gasped as he sucked in and bit a nipple while driving up into her center at a furious pace. They had been experimenting lately and as her rise came close to her peak she whispered to him.

  “Now love, now.”

  Their souls entwined and spiraled into pure ecstasy. They could no longer feel their bodies at all, just the sensations of transcendent pleasure. She was in pure bliss for what felt like forever in a single moment. They took a small taste of that ultimate pleasure back down with them to their minds and bodies.

  “OH GOD YES!” she screamed.

  The flavor of ecstasy as they rejoined their awareness to their bodies pushed her over the ledge into an intense physical orgasm. She felt his cock expand within her and shoot ropes of cum into her contracting and milking wet molten core. When she was able to move again she pulled him in for a devouring kiss. She could still feel her tingling pleasure filled center milking his seed into her welcoming molten core.

  “That was even better than last time love,” she whispered into his ear.

  After getting cleaned up in the shower together they got to work. Penny was far from Jezebel’s number one fan. She had however done a lot of soul searching and some hard practical research lately. She had felt horribly guilty for her part in Demons being discovered by the humans. If she hadn’t followed that emails suggestions, if she hadn’t been so angry, it may not have happened at all.

  What she had found out about Jezebel had put things in a certain perspective for her. Without her anger she was seeing things a little more clearly. She was pretty sure whoever had used her anger and manipulated her attack against Jezebel was on the council. At least Jezebel fought her inner Succubus and was actually horrified by what she had done.

  Not so for the person that manipulated her into doing something to forward an agenda, that person was a cold hearted bitch who used her pain. She really hated being used.

  She had been shocked a few days ago when Angels were exposed on purpose by Jezebel. She had held judgment however to wait for the results while most other Arches lost their cool and just reacted. She was holding the latest report in her hand and was slightly surprised by it. She actually felt a little bit of that admiration for the Demon bitch come back.

  Parts of the world were still a mess, but in America, and other places where Angels had gone to help and clean out hospitals, the riots had stopped. Her idea had actually worked. Of course, the ass who manipulated her used this latest thing to get Jezebel off the council.

  That’s when Penny had the stirrings of an idea. She would throw her hat in the ring for that empty council position and see what she could do about the evil manipulating bitch that had pushed Penny to cross a line. She really hated to be used.


  Gabriel looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like a man of middle age, for 6,000 years he had led his people. He had not slowed down one bit. In fact he was probably much stronger than he had ever been before.

  When the humans last approached the understanding to cross dimensions they were a brutal species. He had invaded as a young Angel before they could fully understand it and tried his hardest to wipe out all signs of their civilization. He, Uriel, and Ambriela together had put the humans back in the Stone Age. There was somewhat of a mess as the Demons had tried to take advantage of the situation, but they were beat back as well.

  He knew of the danger, that again they would reach understanding to develop the technology to cross dimensions, as the Angels had so long ago. So he with the help of Uriel and Ambriela had set up Angels there to keep watch, making sure they were weaker and unable to reach the strength that he and the others held. To maintain control of them and thereby keep an eye on the humans, they could not be allowed to become a threat again.

  He also had them keep down the population of the Demons there as a precaution. Demons were not to be trusted, no more than humans. He just regrets the fact they couldn’t blow them back to the Stone Age as well. Their home dimension was too well defended.

  That’s why he could hardly believe his ears earlier at the reports his spy had delivered just an hour ago. He had sent a spy, as was standard after giving out orders, to report on how things had gone. Not only did the spy discover the orders were ignored, but that their power had been neutralized. And worse, by someone powerful enough to supplant them should she wish too.

  His face twisted into a scowl. She was an abomination. A mixing of races that gave her the power none on Earth should be capable of. All she required to take them was a small piece of technology to pass her command power through the dimensions, the humans didn’t have it yet, but it wouldn’t take them much longer. Not more than 500 years or so.

  This would not stand. He would not allow Humans to become a danger. Now that the watchers that he left behind have actually not only ignor
ed orders but done the opposite of what was commanded. Those fools are joining forces with the humans and he knew the threat had to be eliminated.

  He telepathically ordered his AI to open a quantum frequency to both Uriel and Ambriela.

  “We are going to war again my friends. There is someone more powerful than us on Earth. The danger to us is great if we wait too long. We need to have all plans mapped out and all orders given before we invade. I will go to the vaults and pull a quantum scrambler, we must leave it on until she dies or she could steal our troops, so be thorough in your plans and contingencies.

  “We must not fail.”

  Chapter 12

  They were in Vegas… Hiding. Jezebel sighed. She missed the club, and college. She had however taken drastic measures and revealed the existence of Angels. Despite this helping she knew most of the Arches were angry, perhaps angry enough to have her killed. Daniel, Sandy and Natalie had talked her into this rash move.

  Despite her actions having positive results, only Europe and Russia have followed North America’s example and started helping the populations. In those three areas things had calmed down. Governments and citizens have started to see the benefits of living together.

  On the other side Central America, South America, East Asia, Central Asia, Western Asia, Africa, Taiwan, Japan, Australia and various island chains were still having rioting. Hunting Demons and Angels had become the direction they were taking because the Arches refused to follow her lead. It made her sick to think of it, all those people dying, and for what? Because they were too proud to see the mistake they were making?

  It wasn’t the human’s fault at all. After all what would anyone do if they see Angels coming out and healing in three major areas of the world, but not in their country? She knew she would be paranoid too, maybe even find and attempt to destroy the Angels. Damn Arches.

  She had been fighting hard with herself about passing down orders. Screw free will if so many people needed to die. She just couldn’t do it though. Things would have to settle down now for those areas naturally. She had done the best she could, she couldn’t save the stupid and blind. Those Arches were refusing to bow to reality.


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