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Jezebel's Destiny

Page 19

by D. R. Rosier

  She straddled Daniel in his office chair and bent her head down to kiss and suck on his neck. Her breathing picked up as she ground herself against his growing hardness, her hot breath raising goose bumps on Daniel’s skin under her lips.

  She felt his hands removing her shirt so she lifted her arms up and he pulled it over then leaned his head into her generous cleavage while kneading her with his fingertips and brushing her nipples with his thumbs. She moaned softly into the top of his head then snaked her body down his as she sunk down onto the floor.

  She reached forward in anticipation as she opened up his pants, letting his hardening cock out, bouncing before her lust filled eyes. She had come to sex later in life but was definitely improving her skills. It helped a lot that she loved to pleasure Daniel on her knees. She wanted it in her mouth, she loved the intimate and submissive control of it, and made sure he knew it.

  Looking up into his eyes she took the head of his quickly stiffening manhood into her mouth and swirled her tongue on the tip paying special attention to the highly sensitive bottom. It finished hardening in moments as she sucked and licked his sensitive tip. It made a popping sound as she pulled her head back and it came out of her mouth.

  She licked a trail down to his balls, pushing his rock hard cock against his abdomen as she treated his balls to a tongue bath. Her pussy twitched at the taste of him and she slid a hand between her legs and teased herself with light brushes while licking back up his solid rod. When she reached the tip she sucked it back in and swirled pulling a low grunting moan out of him.

  She lowered her head slowly down his cock, her lips and tongue pleasuring his senses as he entered her warm wet mouth. She felt his large cock head poke at her throat and she relaxed the muscles the best she could as he popped in. She swallowed while continuing to suck but choked a little and had to back off before trying again.

  She sensed his closeness and backed off, teasing him. She was enjoying her position of power, the feel of his cock in her mouth and wanted to extend his pleasure all at the same time. She wasn’t ready for it to end so she paid attention to his balls, sucking in one then the other. When they unclenched she licked her way back up to the tip and claimed the precum on the tip.

  She moaned at his salty taste and wrapped her lips around the tip again. She went into a mini orgasm twiddling her own clit and just looked up at him while her body trembled, his tasty cock still just inside her mouth as she sucked hard through her own orgasm.

  She got to work then, having denied him enough she took him to his bliss, bobbing up and down his cock, ignoring the discomfort, proud of it even as she managed to swallow his cock head into her throat each time she bobbed down to take as much of it as she could. She felt him grab her hair as his cock swelled in her mouth.

  He held her still on his cock and she sucked and licked, trying to milk out his salty sticky cum into her waiting mouth. She moaned in pleasure at the feel and taste of it, but mostly how hot the thought was that she got him off, she loved giving him pleasure.

  She waited while he came down and then he picked her up and turned her around, bending her over the desk. She lifted her ass and arched her back in anticipation as she sensed him kneel down behind her. She moaned softly as his tongue made contact…


  Sandy felt Gabriel getting ready to attack them here outside of Moscow. Jezebel had been found by one of those scanning devices, and her plan or not, she hated it now that the time was here. She let everyone know it was time and they got ready, the four of them only would go out.

  She was still relieved about one thing though, the plan didn’t necessitate all the Angels dying, just Gabriel and Ambriela actually. She had learned that Gabriela had the device that suppressed the command power, and Gabriel held all the mass destruction weapons. Some kind of quantum bomb though she didn’t understand why all that destroyed matter didn’t result in a huge energy explosion.

  The third most important piece of information was really the key to this working though.

  The good thing of course is Stefan’s influence here over the military, turns out not to be such a bad thing after all to have right now. They were standing by and not interfering in this, hoping it could be solved by the Angels.

  If they could take out Gabriel and send his troops home, they would just have to get Ambriela before she could get more bombs. And that wouldn’t be easy for her to do either, they didn’t have a lot of them, and they weren’t lying around or in a corner store somewhere.

  They figured if they attacked Ambriela first, before they could win, find, and destroy the device Gabriel would have time to react and destroy more cities, or worse the planet. So they were going after Gabriel first. As to how they would get away with taking on Gabriel without risking the world? Well that was the third piece and something they already knew but didn’t think of using.

  The challenge of one Angel to another is inviolate. None would dare turn it down, and it took precedence even over war. So even if… Well Gabriel wouldn’t have a leg to stand on saying we attacked him, because really, we weren’t. The rest of us were just here to watch Jezebel challenge Gabriel for the right to rule. And if she won, well, the bombs and the Angels would technically belong to her.

  Either way the world would be safe. Sort of, if he won… Well all the Angels on earth’s side would be forced to change sides. She looked at Daniel and Natalie sadly for a moment, trying to imagine it. Then she shook off the thought, Jezebel just can’t lose, she can’t. It still seemed a bad idea though as she watched Jezebel step forward, wielding a sword and shouted out her challenge.


  Jezebel was nervous as she stepped forward, but also confident. She knew this wouldn’t be a simple fight against a foot soldier. Gabriel was seven thousand years old and had probably fought more hours than she has been living. However he was not familiar with the martial arts of humanity, and she was a master of 5 styles and had a passing familiarity with much more.

  Of course she had no knowledge of Angelic ones either, but she is pretty sure it will even out. At least, she hopes it will.

  “Gabriel! I challenge your right to rule. I call you a coward! Attacking us here out of fear. Not defense as you would have your slaves believe. Come forward and answer or quit the field and go home.”

  She watched the shocked faces, as the troops that were readying to attack immediately backed off and gave her room. They would do nothing until this challenge was decided. She took a deep breath and let everything go, concentrating on the present and leaving emotion behind.

  She watched as Gabriel stalked forward decked out in his armor and a sword.

  Gabriel said, “I answer your challenge and you will die.”

  She raised an eyebrow contemptuously and spat out, “This is a challenge, not war. Will we be only using steel? Or would you use your armor in a challenge against your rights and fitness to lead?”

  He growled and removed his armor. He even threw his sword to the side on the ground and glared back.

  Jezebel tossed her sword as well, back to her companions then squared off on Gabriel. She hoped she knew what she was doing. She was in the fight of her life here and now. She used her shape change ability to increase the mass of her muscles, to hopefully offset his strength advantage and she covered herself in a thin shield of fire.

  She waited for him to make the first move, her face and emotions a stone, hyper aware of all that was going on around her. He faced her the same way, but broke first. The fight started but neither moved as they went at each other with streams of fire. Jezebel handled her shields, blocking his fast moving and variable power fire streams.

  She was also returning the favor and could see his frustration grow at her control. Her ability to control so many channels of power unheard of in someone so young came courtesy of course from her time being a waitress. Juggling all of those feeding connections without showing it took concentration. She smiled at him with no feeling b
ehind it, trying to rattle him as she changed up her attack times and patterns.

  She noted he was keeping up with her attacks as well. He was just getting frustrated with his not getting through. So he rushed her, bringing the physical into it as well. She almost broke concentration and laughed, he was good. Much better than the guys she was taking out in the field, but not nearly at her ability for hand to hand fighting.

  She wondered at that, maybe with powers they never developed the intense physical fighting techniques that humans did. After all, it was all humans had to work with. She waited for her opportunity, and he did overextend, just by an inch or two.

  She snaked out her hand and caught his wrist, and then spinning into his outside broke his elbow with a palm strike and almost immediately snapped his knee after that with a simple stomp kick from the side. She watched as the pain overcame his concentration and he lost track of his shield and power. Her fire rushed in and engulfed the ancient Angel whose scream was cut short as he was burned into ash.

  She smiled and turned around, walking back to her mates. She was absolutely exhausted.


  Daniel sighed in relief. He had been on edge for hours. He was shocked at Gabriel’s fighting, the Angel had been an expert at manipulating fire of course, but his fighting was shockingly… Lacking. Arrogance maybe? He watched as the power was transferred from Gabriel to Gabriel’s second. Jezebel already being an Arch could not absorb more, though she was still in charge now.

  He watched as Jezebel got close, she looked tired, worn out. He also saw the sneer on the second’s face. The anger. Didn’t we just free them? Of course, maybe they all don’t feel that way. His mouth dropped open in disbelief as he watched the second charge Jezebel from behind. Jezebel didn’t react, her guard being down from thinking they won and the exhaustion from using all that life energy during the fight.

  He shouted, “Look out behind you!” at the same time he saw Natalie run forward.

  He watched in horror as Jezebel’s face showed nothing but confusion at his shout. She was turning but too slowly. As the second screamed and swung his sword at Jezebel, Natalie arrived and pushed Jezebel out of the way, then dove to the side. She wasn’t fast enough, all of this happened in a few seconds. He watched in numb disbelief as the sword bisected Natalie’s body…

  Chapter 18

  Sandy screamed.

  The second’s body was spread out, ripped apart. She could have stopped it, if she had been paying attention, if she had kept hold of her magic. She was so relieved Jezebel had won she had looked away and taken a deep breath. That was all the time it took. She heard Daniel’s shouted warning and looked up, and it was already done. There was nothing she could do. Natalie, her love, was broken, lying in two pieces on the ground.

  She was really tempted to kill some more of them, fuck the plan and fuck the planet. She couldn’t do that though, she would become the nightmare. It was hard to see, her eyes were drowning in tears. Why? She was watching the Angels who looked nervous. One of them stepped forward, his sword sheathed. He looked like a nervous five year old headed to the principal’s office.

  It would have been funny, if Natalie… She just watched as he went to Jezebel and bowed. If he even moved wrong she would make an example of him, a painful one.

  He said to Jezebel, “I am Tir. You are in command of us now. Although we have no specific orders to follow at the moment with Gabriel dead. I… I don’t know why the second did that, or the old one I should say. Outside of revenge that is, which I can’t relate to. Gabriel was our enslaver. What do you want us to do?”

  Sandy was livid and Jezebel looked like she was in shock. She growled, “Take your weapons of war and leave, do not come back!”

  The Angel just stood there, waiting for Jezebel’s response. She saw him glance fearfully at her, but she was not in command, Jezebel was.

  Jezebel’s voice sounded dead, “Wait.”

  Wait for what? Sandy was pissed and it was taking all of her control not to turn into a monster. Plus she knew she would die if she did attack, after all without Jezebel and Daniel feeding her power she could probably take out a hundred or so before being overwhelmed?

  Sandy asked impatiently, “Wait for what?”

  Jezebel asked Tir, “If we send you home. Then go kill Ambriela and send them home. What would happen?”

  Tir looked confused as Sandy felt, but he said, “Well there would be a power struggle. Then whoever took over would probably just send us back, seeing you as a threat to their power. All it would do is delay things a bit.”

  She saw Jezebel nod slowly. Tir’s answer slowly sunk in through Sandy’s rage at Natalie’s death. It wouldn’t help in the long run, just delay the inevitable. Another invasion? What could they do about it though?

  Jezebel her voice still dead said, “We are going with you, gather all of the troops spread on this continent and wait here for us.”

  Sandy figured she was slow because of the grief. She just didn’t get that idea at all. Why would they go there?

  She watched Tir acknowledge the orders then went to break down camp. Then they took Natalie’s body and left to grieve, she could figure out the what and why of it later.


  Jezebel sighed. It was the only way they could end the cycle, tackle the source of the problem. Just winning this war was not enough. The last few days had been hard, every time someone walks in the door she expected to hear Natalie’s voice bringing her a report.

  They had a private funeral ceremony. Just the three of them. Sandy had covered the grave with flowers and created a smooth marble headstone from the surrounding dirt.

  They were all not at their best, but they had to move before Ambriela did something. She needed Ambriela, or more specifically, the command blocker, here in this world.

  They showed up at the Angel encampment, and it had grown. All the Angels in Asia had made their way up and were ready to go home. Most did not wish to fight, now that they had no controlling orders forcing them to do it.

  They opened a large portal and moved through. As soon as she got through to the other side she opened up her command ability. She was not as naïve as she used to be, but they needed to be free. So she ordered that they were to ignore all other command orders, except that they could not kill each other at all. A new government would have to be built through discussion and consensus, not who was strongest.

  Jezebel knew that was the biggest problem. The way things were set up with the command ability the strongest always won, and always feared they would lose that power to the next one born a little stronger. That’s why they attacked earth, for a possible threat. Trying to make an ally or peaceful trade wouldn’t occur to an overlord desperate to keep their authority.

  Of course, that initial order only stopped the cycle while she was still alive. They needed to find something else.

  She opened her eyes and looked around for the first time, and it looked like earth to her. Oh, the city looked like something out of sci-fi movie. But the grass, trees and everything else looked like earth. Almost like they were still there, just in a different dimension, or version of it. She looked up and gasped, there were three moons above. Ok, so not quite the same as her earth, but still similar.

  They all followed Tir to the capital. They took over Gabriel’s residence and started searching it. At the very least they needed to see a halfway stable interim government before they left. But they were looking for a way to make the peace more permanent. Jezebel had no illusions anymore about it, it would return to business as usual if she died.

  They needed to get some kind of treaty and trade going maybe? Even if they did backslide into power over thinking perhaps ten millennia of peaceful coexistence would make a difference? Assuming it lasted that long and she lived to her potential age that is. So they searched the databases, looking for the best way to do things.


  Ambriela was scared for the fi
rst time in as far back as she could remember. Both Uriel and Gabriel were dead. A third of the army was dead as well, the other third no longer under anyone’s control and back on their world. She had no weapons to back up Gabriel’s threats. He had taken the whole inventory with his part of the army.

  All she had left was the command disruption tech and that was limited in helpfulness. Really was there to only counter one person on the whole planet. She wondered if it was worth staying… Her second came in looking nervous.


  He swallowed and said, “They home dimension has been taken.”

  She sighed and shook her head. Their paranoia was leading to what they feared the most. She could either stay here and carve out a little kingdom, or she could go back home and fight. The latter she would be heavily outnumbered. She would think on this, maybe a small group to assassinate that bitch and send them through? If she didn’t sense them coming they wouldn’t get her orders…

  She would think on this, “Dismissed!”


  Daniel was beat. They had been going through data all day, only taking a few short breaks for food and drink and to recharge Jezebel. The guilt after the soul joining was overwhelming. The loss of Natalie tore him up after experiencing that moment of perfect ecstasy, where he had briefly forgotten. For that time only he and Jezebel existed.

  The search today had pretty much been a bust. It looks like this dimension has pretty much followed the dictator model for all of recorded history. Strangely they couldn’t find anything older than forty thousand years or so. Maybe they would have better luck tomorrow.

  He felt a little guilty, his libido was speaking up. He hadn’t been able to fall asleep and he had both Sandy and Jezebel snuggled up against his sides. They were warm, and soft, and kept rubbing their bodies up against him in their sleep. He decided the hell with it, they won’t mind if he wakes them up for a little while…


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