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Jezebel's Destiny

Page 21

by D. R. Rosier

  They reassembled in the council room, it was time for questions. She took a deep breath and waited. She knew she didn’t really get a say, but she would give her opinion on things.

  Katrina asked, “To me it’s obvious, we must get this out to all the Angels and allow them to remove the chains of slavery placed forty thousand years ago. But what do we do then? How do we keep them in line or govern them?”

  Jezebel sighed, “I have thought about that a lot. Without controlling their baser instincts, especially with physical lust coming back and jealousy there will be issues. I know I would prefer to not have Angel’s in charge at all at the world government level. I would instead propose that we mix with the human governments. Request they create positions for us to help govern and also to help keep things under control, such as positions in special police squads or the FBI like in America.

  “It will be very hard to stay separate anyway, now that the humans know about us, once things calm down the governments of the world will want to know. Am I a US citizen or part of a separate government? Are you Katrina a citizen of Japan? I just don’t see the humans keeping our governing separate, they will want a say and we will want a say in theirs as well. Combining seems to be a solution.”

  She shrugged, “Obviously it’s not a perfect idea for some places, but I have been thinking more as Arch of North America and I believe it will work there fine. I don’t imagine Japan would have a problem with it either. It will be the dictators in the world that will cause us issues. Of course, the Angels there can just move…”

  Katrina nodded slowly, “I see what you mean, short term it doesn’t matter, but long term if we don’t combine it will make the humans… Nervous. We might as well move on it sooner than later.”

  Jezebel was shocked at the agreement but wasn’t going to argue. She waited and it was uncomfortable. No one else seemed to have any questions. Of course, she had just told them this council should be disbanded and all Arches should work with their host countries. That was probably enough of the radical ideas for one day.

  Patricia said, “I hate the idea, but I can’t think of anything better and I hate it but you’re right.”

  She waited but Penny held her tongue.

  She said, “I suggest we ask the Witches to help us distribute this and that it remain… Under their guard just in case some of the other Arches think it’s a bad idea and are reluctant to give up their power over others… I am not sure when or if we could get more of it.”

  That was a half truth, while true literally it wasn’t in spirit. Sandy could already duplicate the DNA changes with her magic. She didn’t want anyone to know that though, it was just a precaution and a way to identify the trouble makers if kept secret. She knew she wasn’t on the council anymore, but old habits die hard.


  The Witches were happy to help with this. They were all horrified by what had been done to the Angels. Really anything unnatural bothers Witches and this type of manipulation sat close to the top. Sandy was on another mission however. They had decided to give Ambriela one more shot at surrendering before they rolled over the remaining Army.

  The humans had been hard at work as well digging out low or no tech solutions from left over ordinance from WWII. Sandy knew they planned an attack to launch soon, not that she was using the president’s hair or anything, as that would be so wrong…

  She was surrounded by a pretty tight gravity shield as she walked toward the camp, the swords may be able to cut through anything but when it hit her shield it would feel like they were trying to lift the sword against 50 g’s or so. It just wouldn’t happen. She would need a recharge after this, maybe Jezebel and she could go to a strip club or something, the old memories made her smile.

  Eventually she got them to go get Ambriela, she didn’t look happy about it. Sandy quickly laid out what Jezebel did in the other dimension and that they were going to be free of the DNA manipulations in a month. It fairly went downhill from there.

  Ambriela snorted, “You expect me to believe she gave up power over a whole planet? And she is setting them free of her power here too? I don’t believe it. We are done here, leave.”

  Sandy shrugged, “I would advise you to go home and turn yourself over to the new government. If you stay here you and all your troops will die. Soon.”

  Sandy opened a portal and stepped through, ignoring the sputtering Angel. This had been a waste of time and power for her.


  Daniel was watching the television. It seemed the humans truly wouldn’t be left out. The reporter was going on and on about how they had fixed the old world war II bombers so they would once again fill the sky.

  Everything worked on levers and manual aiming. There simply was no electronics on those old behemoths. They also found and checked out a number of bombs that were simply set up to explode at impact, a simple internal switch, again no electronics involved.

  Of course he knew that they were a lot harder to aim, without precision electronic targeting it was back to carpet bombing style. For some reason the Angel’s had not taken out their spy satellites. The Americans were actually transmitting an overhead view of this attack to the public.

  He guessed the Angels wouldn’t bother because humans couldn’t really do much with them, except watch, and the last of the invaders weren’t exactly hiding. He could imagine the looks on their faces as they pointed their arms at these bombs. They would expect a small crater and dust when they hit the earth disarmed, and get large explosions instead.

  He couldn’t really see that close up, but he could see the camp running around and fleeing in a panic as explosions went off all around them. Some of the stupid bombs however hit a target and he could see well enough to know Ambriela’s soldiers were dying, quite a few of them in fact.

  By the end of the night they were reporting almost a third of the remaining enemy was dead. That was quite a good start.


  Rose was pissed. How the hell was Patricia supposed to take power if the command ability was taken away. If that bitch Jezebel was in front of her she would kill her right now. But she wasn’t. She would have to hire it done instead. All her plans were going up in smoke, how the hell was she supposed to plan for anything as outlandish as what happened?

  She wrote up a request for assassination and gave the sealed letter to a servant with instructions to mail it out immediately. That bitch needed to die, if only because her plans were ruined. She had no ideas either on how to rework it. Without command ability it would be virtually impossible to gain the power that she wanted. That she needed her Trisha to have in order to exploit it.

  She was still mulling it all over in her mind when Katrina and Penny walked into her room. She had no idea what this could be about so she smiled brightly at them.

  She asked, “What can I do for you councilors?”

  She watched as Penny just shook her head sadly, “You are one twisted bitch, do you know that?”

  Her jaw dropped open. “What are you talking about?”

  She watched as Penny held up her request to the Elves to kill Jezebel. Then she watched as Patricia came in with tears in her eyes. She jumped up and rushed them. The last thing she saw was Katrina’s fire coming for her…


  Jezebel was shocked by what she was hearing, as well as the hug she just got from Penny. Does this mean she doesn’t hate her anymore? She had been called down to the council and Sandy dropped her off. Apparently most of the bad things that have happened since Niklis have their root in Rose’s insane plan. It actually goes back a little further than that, Rose was behind the Witch and trying to get Gregor and Lydia killed as well. That also explains the bad Intel on that day.

  She just couldn’t credit the sweet Angel being that crazy, but all the proof was there before her. Patricia was inconsolable and wouldn’t take any visitors. This was just crappy on top of everything else.

  She sa
id, “Thank you, if you hadn’t figured it out I would be facing another death contract.”

  Penny nodded and said, “Can you forgive me for my part? I really didn’t see the whole demons being exposed thing happening. She manipulated my anger so well. I’m sorry.”

  She pulled Penny into another hug and said, “Of course, I understand how angry you were, I still regret what happened very much. I hope Patricia will come out of it, I’ll come back and visit soon.”

  She went back home then. Now they had lost two, one precious, to the enemy. The second being a good friend lost to some kind of sick insanity. What disturbed Jezebel was she had no idea if she was every truly a friend in the first place. She went to bed with heavy thoughts that night.

  Chapter 21

  Ambriela was screwed. That low tech attack had bypassed their ability to neutralize the enemy’s weapons and had taken its toll on her troops and equipment. Worse, her ability to stop the command power had been disrupted. Her only hope was the enemy didn’t figure that out. The device was destroyed.

  She had hopes though, the disruption was extremely painful. She didn’t think they would be checking for it. Going through that pain once was enough.

  She didn’t truly believe Jezebel had given up power, but either way she couldn’t return to the home dimension, they would surely kill her either way. Her only hope was the assassins she sent, if they could take out Jezebel surely she would be able to take over here.

  She refused to consider the possibility the command power was being removed at home or here. If that were true she would have no hope at all. She looked out over her new encampment. She had pulled back all her troops.

  They were currently being defended by this world’s pathetic technology. She had sent teams out to a local military base, perhaps it was anachronistic tech for her, but the ground to air missile emplacements would easily take out the low tech war planes, and she still had enough quantum disruption units to cover from anything else they could send.

  Still, unless the abomination was taken out she knew she couldn’t hold out for long.


  Jezebel inhaled deeply through her nose. She took in the smells of cigarettes, cigars, men covered in sweat from their work day, gaudy perfume and the strong smell of alcohol. Damn she had missed this place.

  With Daniel unable to soul share anymore she and Sandy had showed up at Tony’s. Although she missed the soul sharing a bit, nothing was like doing it this way for her succubus side. Tasting and feasting off the lust surrounding her. She was walking around a little moist.

  Tony had groveled appropriately in apology for his gaff in council, so they took a shift so Jezebel could fill up. Very few Angels had not taken the DNA reversal shot, her included, at least for now. She needed to wait a few more weeks until the other dimension had it taken care of, or else her commands would fail.

  Either way she had a smile on her face as she made her way through her tables taking drink orders. Small wispy connections with her succubus power connected to all the patrons as they took in the stage. She had filled up in the first hour, now she was feeding Sandy the power she was collecting as the Witch loaded up stones with power as the night continued.

  She grinned when Sandy had broken out her Angel costume, sometimes she wondered about her lover’s sense of humor. Either way she looked hot, white lacey bra and panties, wings coming out her back and a see through white gauze robe.

  She herself, well she was a blonde tonight as well. She had pulled out that persona because she was too well known. Famous across America now in fact, to her discomfort. First for the video, then the interview, then of course for being one of four that destroyed a third of the invading Angel’s armies. She knew if she hadn’t then she would distract from the purpose of the people being here, which wouldn’t do.

  She may have refused to hide from her enemies, but hiding from celebrity she was more than willing to do. Despite Sandy having been on the news for the destruction of the army no one there was putting it together. The video of that had been shot from a distance and it was really hard to tell who was there. For that reason Sandy didn’t need to hide. They would only recognize her because of her earlier exposure.

  Of course she hadn’t taken into account Ambriela’s desperation, or the fact that her being back in NY was advertized by the media. She didn’t know there were Angels looking for her, or that they had scanning devices locked onto her at that moment. The body she was shaped into not mattering to the technology at all.

  She had detected them of course with her power, in the alley. She thought it odd that two Angels were hanging out in the alley but had dismissed it. But then she felt a few more join them, then another two. After another small group joined they were up to ten. She felt the knowledge enter her mind, Sandy sending her a message. They would slip out the back together after her set.

  Keep the humans here safe, fight in the alley.

  Her eyes widened in alarm as she felt close to 50 Angels from a mile out all converging on her location, fast, in a closing circle. She made her way back to the bar and Tony. She had a couple of swords stashed behind the bar, just in case.

  She said, “Hand me a sword will you, we are about to have company.”

  She saw him wink at her and ignore her request. She was confused for a second, what was going on? Then she took a deep breath as the fifty Angels converged on the bar, she waited for them to break in, to fight for her life. But that didn’t happen at all. She watched, confused, as Daniel walked in front door and moved toward her.

  Daniel said, “Thanks for the call Tony. Those guys will be history in just a moment.”

  Her eyes widened as she understood. Command power or not, she was still Arch. She felt as those ten power signatures winked off her supernatural radar, the enemy being overwhelmed by the greater force. She had a hard time with this. She never wanted the responsibility, not really.

  But apparently they wanted and trusted her despite being free. Not only wanted and trusted her but would fight fiercely to protect her. She gave Daniel a long kiss only stopping when the cat calls started.

  She had tables to serve so she got to it…


  Ambriela took the news badly, her messenger lie dead before her and she knew she was losing it. She couldn’t stay here and she couldn’t go home. There was one more desperate act she could attempt. She called in her support staff.

  She said, “You must reprogram the Dimension portal equipment, find us a nice easy world we can temporarily retreat to or all will be lost. Do it now.”

  She knew this wouldn’t be a temporary retreat. They had lost here and at home. This would be her only chance to live however and she would reach for it. She would rebuild and perhaps in a few millennia they may return here and get their revenge.

  That is when she heard the screams.

  She looked quickly out of her tent and bowed her head in denial. Large bears, wolves and great cats were fighting besides Angels and Demons. Her troops were being slaughtered. She walked back into her office and picked up her personal dimensional device and turned it on. She had no choice but to flee home and hope for the best. She stepped through the portal… And into the arms of a security force.

  The Angel said, “We knew where you had your personal coordinates set, we knew you would try to escape. Welcome home, you are under arrest.”

  She swore this would not be the end of it.


  Jezebel walked into Daniel’s office. She needed to thoroughly thank him for last night. She closed and locked the door before untying and removing the robe. She watched the effect her red silk and lace teddy had on her lover as she swayed over to him. She knew he would be able to see her moist puffy center as it peeked through the crotch less entrance in her lingerie. She watched him push his chair back and undo his pants and take off his shirt as she watched.

  She licked her lips sultrily before she teasingly leaned in and brush
ed her lips against his drawing a moan from his mouth. She pushed him back and straddled his lap, kissing him passionately as she ground her warmth against his hardening manhood. He was making her feel so hot and sexy as he ran his hands along her soft silky skin. She teased his tip, grinding her hot puffy silken lips against it, holding it captive between her warmth and his hard abdomen.

  He groaned in need and squeezed her tight ass so she arched her back and rose higher to take him inside her. She slowly impaled herself on him while staring into his eyes. When he was buried to the hilt inside her she started to use the muscles in her center to pleasure him without actually moving. She captured him with her sultrily lust filled eyes that also burned brightly with love and adoration.

  She started to grind against his center, his hard cock hitting all the right places inside of her.

  She moaned out, “Oh Daniel, I love how you feel in me.”

  She started bouncing slowly on him, impaling her center over and over. She loved the feeling of his hot rod rubbing her inner walls as they conformed to and pleasured his cock. She started to speed up, getting lost in the feeling, and that was when she noticed as he caressed her back and squeezed her ass.

  He was not wearing one of Sandy’s rings at all.

  She wondered if that meant he was now viable, and the thought turned her on so much it caused her to contract around him hard. She started to bounce her body faster and harder on his length as he met her down thrusts with his upward swing, her body milking his cock hard.

  She whispered down to him, “Will you give me a baby?”

  He did not answer, or not exactly in words. She felt a strong surge of lust in response to her whisper and his manhood swelled within her, stretching her walls. She gasped as the coiling in her center burst into pleasure and raised her into bliss.

  She panted out, “Yes. Fill me, I love you Daniel.”

  Her undulating walls milked his baby batter as his manhood coated her inner core. They stared into one another’s eyes as they shared their rapture. Both of them were too high in ecstasy to speak or communicate what they were feeling in any other way. When she started to come down she kissed him softly, melting against his body and keeping him deep within her as they shared their love.


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