The Fidelity World: Fated (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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I wasn’t at all sure how to take his comment, but I suspected it had to do with what was very clearly an age gap between us. It was apparent that he was at least ten years younger than me, and I was sure that he was disappointed. As I studied his chiseled jawline, I got swept up in the blue of his eyes. They reminded me of the water in Greece, the perfect royal shade.
“I’m not what you expected?” I asked, mildly ruffled by his good looks coupled with his comment. If he was expecting some young thing, then this was going to be a rough year.
“You’re not,” he said, almost wistfully.
“Explain,” I requested brusquely, still a bit put off by his comment.
He shook his head, literally, not figuratively, and leaned back in his seat, smiling. “You’re absolutely stunning, Elise. I don’t know what I expected, but I didn’t expect for you to be breathtaking.”
I felt my mouth fall open in confusion, and I was left speechless. Realizing I needed to acknowledge his compliment, I stammered, but managed to let a “Thank you” leave my lips. Stunned, I nervously smoothed my hair back, tightening my ponytail at the base of my neck gently. Thankfully, the server popped up to save me from stuttering like a fool.
“I’ll have what he is having.” I pointed at the drink he’d ordered before I arrived. It appeared to be a vodka soda or something similar that I could sip on.
“Oh, I’m having club soda with lime,” he interrupted. “I didn’t want to be under the influence of any kind when we met for the first time, and truthfully, I’m not much of a drinker. The occasional scotch or whiskey here and there, but mostly just in social situations.”
Well, it seemed that Karen Flores was right. We did have things in common right out of the gate. After telling the server I’d still be having the same, she departed, leaving us to choose food, although I had no appetite with my nerves. The pit in my stomach from my anxiety over the initial meeting was replaced with a buzzing left from our handshake. He was ridiculously good-looking, like a model for romance novels. I started to imagine what he looked like under that beautiful suit he had on; it was clear he worked out.
“I know that this is kind of weird, meeting like this, but I’d like to make a proposition,” he offered gently.
“And what is that?”
“I think that we should just be ourselves. Our real selves. We’ve got an entire year ahead of us, and I want to know you. All of you. I want to know what made you start your company, how you did it on your own, and if it makes you happy. I’d like to know what makes you smile.”
His honesty and candor were not only refreshing, but they were sexy as hell. With his looks, if he kept talking like that, I was going to have to wipe up the pool of drool that was surely about to fall from my lips. The suggestion that we be ourselves, while wonderful, was remarkably difficult for me to digest, mostly because I was afraid. Remembering that was the whole point of all of this, I grinned.
“I think you’re right.” I paused, reflecting on how to confess how I was feeling. I let out a rather loud sigh, and leaned forward, garnering his full attention, which I think I had anyway. “I’m a bit nervous and apprehensive about this arrangement, and while we both know the nature of the agreement, I am not interested in making you feel beholden to me, and you do not have to pay me compliments as a part of it.” I feared that he was laying it on thick in an effort to show me that I was the queen bee or something. At the end of the day, while I was paying for his companionship, I didn’t want either of us to feel cheap.
He reached his hand across the table, pulling mine into his. Rubbing the pad of his thumb along my palm, he let out a slight chuckle. “You have no idea how amazing you are. I can see it in your face.” He met my eyes with his, continuing to gently trace my palm. Heat developed in every spot he touched, clouding my thoughts because what I heard next was borderline unbelievable. “I’m planning to spend the next year, and who knows how long after that, showing you how wonderfully lucky I am to have been matched with you. In fact, I intend to make you forget how we found ourselves together in the first place, because clearly it was destined to be.”
I pulled my hand away, growing uncomfortable with how forward he was. There was no way, in the ten minutes we’d been sitting there together, he could have surmised he would feel that way, or that there was anything more to this arrangement thus far, than two people who’d just met. If I was amazing, it could only be because I had an obscene amount of money to pay for something like this agreement. It was beyond my comprehension that there could be anything more to it than that.
“You don’t even know me yet,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest, a signature self protection move. “I’m all for being ourselves, so let me let you in on a little secret. I had to pay for companionship. So, I wouldn’t be too sure this will be the most amazing year of your life. You could very well end up bored to tears, like I so often am. My life is full of meaningless friendships and pow-wows over drinks I don’t want to consume, so that I can do business with people in this city. Until two weeks ago, I ran every day, and I work a lot. I read novels to unwind. Sometimes I travel, but not usually for pleasure; there’s always some business aspect to it.” I was being a bitch, because his handsome looks and forward nature were overwhelming me. I felt as though I needed to protect myself from being any more vulnerable than I already was, and to ensure that I was looking out for myself.
“I know enough to know that we were put together because, whether either of us sees it yet or not, we are exactly what the other needs in their life. We may seem like strangers now, but you’ll see. You need to have some faith in the process, Elise. My intentions are honorable… for now.” He smirked, the sexiest smirk I’d ever seen. His alpha tendency of just telling me like it is, was a huge turn-on, and the wetness between my legs when he added ‘for now’ had me wanting to fan myself.
Trying to keep up my independent woman attitude, as difficult as it had become already, I replied, “You seem quite sure of all this.” I should have phrased it as a question, because what I really wanted to know was what made him so sure this was all kismet.
“I don’t think there’s any accidents. We both entered into this knowing that there was some serious uncertainty, but believing we’d find someone to share our time with, that would be the most likely person to understand, to relate, even to care. You can keep up the Miss Independent routine for as long as you want, but when you tire of it, and I can see that you’re already tired of it, we can be ourselves.” He leaned back, crossing his arms, and raising his eyebrows at me, awaiting my reply.
Well I’ll be damned, I thought. He called my bluff. And he was smoldering. It looked like I might just be in for more of an adventure than I’d anticipated. All I could do in reply, was soften my shoulders and let my lips curl into a grin.
Chapter Ten
After I manned up, and told that beautiful creature that I’d basically just wait it out until she was ready to drop the facade and be herself, her entire disposition changed. We laughed, and we talked for hours. Karen’s advice had lurked in the back of my mind, reminding me that part of my job was to be what Elise needed. Someone to count on. After we had dinner, and then coffee, we decided to go for a walk before calling it a night. Obviously it was my suggestion, and after having gotten to know her a bit, it was clear that she was the decision-maker in every aspect of life, and my summation was that she’d grown tired of it.
“Did you grow up in New York?” she asked me as we strolled down the street casually.
“I did. My parents still live upstate. I moved to the city a few years ago for work, but I visit for the holidays and stuff. My mom and dad like to come down and see shows now and again, and we’ll have dinner, that sort of thing when they do. What about you?”
“I’m a city girl. Always have been.” She shivered; the wind was picking up again, and it turned cold quickly. Elise wasn’t wearing a jacket, and she looked like she was freezing, so I took
mine off and wrapped it around her.
“Oh, I’m ok—” I stopped her before she could finish.
“Let me take care of you,” I demanded. Then, softly added, “At least just a little bit?” I had pulled her small frame square with mine so she’d meet my eyes.
Smiling, she nodded and simply replied, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” I teased her.
“You’d be surprised.” She rolled her eyes.
It was getting late, and most of the businesses had closed up for the night. We were standing by a little alcove that was the locked-up entrance to a small sewing shop. Taking her by the hands, I pulled her into the alcove, out of the wind, but also tight to me. Elise stiffened at first, until I held her as close as possible without squishing her, and kissed the top of her head. As her body began to soften into mine, I leaned back just a bit so I could look down at her. At six-foot-three, I towered over her. She couldn’t have been more than five-foot-four, and having my arms around her made me feel strong. My instinct was to protect her. From what, I wasn’t sure, but it felt like I needed to.
Raising a hand to lift her chin so she’d look at me, I watched her nervous smile turn serious. She knew what I was going to do, and as I gently pressed my lips to hers, she shuddered, as if startled. That didn’t stop me, though. I had to taste those pink lips that taunted me like sweet candy. Making out against a building in the city probably wasn’t the most romantic gesture a guy could offer a woman of her status, but she didn’t seem to complain, melting into me as I gently licked her bottom lip.
When her hands rose to my waist, her fingertips glided along my side, shooting chills through my core, igniting my cock. I’d been able to keep that in check all night, but then, with her tight body pressed to mine, I couldn’t help but to have a raging hard-on. Elise was smart, se,xy and successful. She didn’t need me at all. She wanted me. And that was fucking hot. I slid one hand down to her perfect ass, taking a nice handful, while raising my other to her exposed neck. She was so fucking sexy, I wanted to ravage her right there in the street, and when she slid her hands up my sides, I almost came on the spot. Her touch was intent, but gentle.
I knew she deserved more that to get felt up on the side of a filthy building, so I pulled away begrudgingly. Inspecting her face, she seemed disinclined to stop as well.
“You deserve more than a fuck against the wall in New York City,” I whispered. I wrapped my arms around her, resting my chin on top of her head as I pulled her close again.
“Are you sure?” she asked, letting out a giggle. I loved her little laugh. I could see that she didn’t do it often enough.
Laughing, I pulled away, scanning her face. She was cracking jokes about fucking in what equated to an alley. I was gonna fall for this woman. It was inevitable. Four hours with her, and I knew. She was fucking sassy, and oh, do I love sassy. And that ass. I couldn’t wait to see that ass, up close and personal. In a bed. In a bed. In a bed, I started to repeat to myself, to calm my cock down, who was clearly not ready to take things down a notch.
“I’m quite sure that the first time I have you won’t be on the side of a road, in downtown Manhattan. Let’s get you to your car where you can warm up. You’re freezing.” I wrapped my jacket around her more tightly, and put my arm around her as we walked back to where her driver was waiting with her town car.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For calling me out on my bullshit. It’s quite exhausting to be a strong independent woman who doesn’t need a man. Tonight, I felt like I could relax for the first time in I can’t remember how long.”
“Something tells me it won’t be the last time,” I teased her.
“I’m going to go ahead and admit that you’re probably right,” she laughed. Her laugh was genuine, and I could listen to it all day.
When we reached her car, she took off my jacket, handing it back.
“So, when do I get to see you again? We’re a couple now, so how about tomorrow? You said you’re working from home. I’ll take the day off, you can tell me what your schedule looks like, and where you want me to be, and all of that?” I suggested.
I figured I’d need to appease her need for certainty in some ways. One of which would be to go over her schedule with me, so I’d know when she wanted me to attend things with her, and that sort of thing. My real goal was to weasel my way into her place so I could get to know her more, and hopefully get my hands on her again.
“That would be good. I know this is all kind of strange for both of us, but I truly appreciate how fully you’ve invested yourself in this. It’s making it so much easier for me.” She seemed to want to say more, but I decided to send her home and not press the issue. My intent was to see her every day, and work myself into her life however she’d let me. I knew enough about her by the end of the night, that I was not only smitten, but just generally impressed with the woman she was. I’d use the word proud, but that implies some kind of ownership in my eyes. I hadn’t quite established that just yet, but I could see right then and there, she’d be mine by the end of the contract year.
“Elise, it has been my absolute pleasure tonight. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.” I took her hand, raising it to my lips for a light kiss, then helped her get into her car. “Send me your address, please, so I know where to come in the morning.”
“Thank you, Carter,” she smiled shyly as she settled into the backseat and I shut the door. I stood and watched the car pull away into the night, and a reminiscent thought caused me to let out an audible chuckle at myself. I felt exactly like I did in high school when I was into a girl. The warm sensation in your belly that raises up to your chest when you’re in close contact with your crush; that feeling. I was totally affected by her. In one night. The next year was going to be incredible.
Chapter Eleven
The grin on my face almost made my cheeks hurt. I felt like a schoolgirl. I hadn’t crushed on a guy that much since college. Almost embarrassed, I avoided eye contact with James at first, because it quite evident at the end of the evening that I was on an actual date, and even though we were friends, I could hardly believe it myself.
“Did you have a good evening, Elise?” I finally looked up, catching his smile in the mirror.
“You know what, James? I really did. I had a lovely evening.”
“It’s nice to see you smile like that.”
“It feels good to smile this much,” I replied.
The rest of the car ride, we were silent, and I recounted the evening’s events in my head. Making out against that building was sexy and carnal, and I hadn’t felt that turned on in as long as I could remember. Deliberating over the moments put me back there, and I was sensing the warmth between my legs at the thought of his touch all over again. I sent him my address and he thanked me, letting me know he’d be over around nine in the morning, and finished his note by calling me beautiful.
It wasn’t that I didn’t feel pretty on any given day, I had self-confidence. I knew I was fit and attractive, but being called beautiful by such a handsome, intellectual man felt good. It made me feel feminine and sexy. If I felt like that for a whole year, it was going to be quite an amazing year indeed.
I went to bed shortly after I arrived home; my back had become a little stiff from being out and about. I was still recovering from the accident, and I wanted to get a good night’s sleep. The anticipation of our meeting again the next day—in my home, no less—made it difficult to rest.
The next morning, I woke up quite early, wanting to get a jump on my day before Carter arrived. I thought of him up until I fell asleep, and he was the first thought when I woke. In fact, I reached over to check my phone for any messages that may have come in overnight, and I had a ‘Good morning beautiful, can’t wait to see you’ text from him. It seems I wasn’t the only one who had the previous night on their mind. Grinning like a fool, I showered
and primped a bit. I wanted to be casual but attractive, and while we had business to discuss, after the night before, I was far more interested in seeing just how invested he was in this arrangement.
As it turns out, he was quite invested. When he rang at my door, about fifteen minutes early, I jumped with a start. I loved his promptness, and I was far more excited to see him than I realized. I’d chosen to wear my hair down, my long brown curls bouncing freely, and I went with jeans and a sweater. Perfectly appropriate “work from home” attire, when I wasn’t seeing any clients.
What I saw when I opened the door was a drop dead gorgeous man. His hair was perfectly done; he had a trendy haircut that was extremely flattering. A bit long on top, but short and neat otherwise. He was wearing sunglasses, and had a huge grin on his face. He leaned up against my doorway, with one arm raised in the doorframe. As my eyes lowered, I enjoyed every bit of ogling him. He wore a black leather jacket, a tight white t-shirt which showed off his abs, and had risen just above his jeans, revealing that V at his torso. Saliva pooled in my mouth, and I must have been staring longer than I thought, because he spoke up with a chuckle.
“Can I come in?” he asked, snapping me back to reality.
“Yes, yes, of course. Please.” I stepped aside for him to pass, but he stopped when he was practically on top of me.
Backing me against the still open door, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, “I thought about you all night, Elise.” His hand slid up my arm, sending chills through my body, as it continued making its way to my neck. I could feel his breath as he spoke, and without thinking, my hands made their way to the waist of his jeans.
“You did?” I whispered, running my fingers along the skin below his t-shirt.
I tilted my neck slightly, and he moved in closer, pressing his lips gently where my shoulder just peeked out of my sweater. “I did.” He began planting soft kisses along my neck, and if he weren’t holding me against the door, the weakness in my knees from his touch surely would have taken me down. I pulled myself to him, running my hands under his shirt as he licked and kissed his way up my shoulder and neck. I was certain I would pass out from the thrill of his touch.