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The Dirty Hotel King: A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance

Page 12

by Cassandra Dee

  I pushed Rosy back onto the bed and kissed her passionately on her mouth, then down to her pussy.

  She cried softly as I sucked on her sensitive spots, writhing with pleasure.

  “You’re the man.”

  I gently choked her, kissing her once more.

  “Say it again,” I growled, squeezing her neck harder.

  “You’re the man!” Rosy cried, gasping for air.

  I took her in my arms and kissed her softer. She rested her head on my chest, her ear right next to heartbeat.

  Leaning back, I let my body rest.

  I was warm and intoxicated as Rosy’s beautiful body started to fall asleep on me. I held her tightly against my chest, caressing her curls.

  “I can’t wait to fuck you again,” I whispered into her hair. Rosy stirred slightly, lifting her head off my chest.

  “My holes are all yours.” Her head fell back onto my chest, and she drifted off the sleep.

  I rubbed her soft skin as I tried to sleep. My cock was slightly hard, but all I could think of was what an amazing day it had been.

  My pulse was still racing from the rush of excitement that Rosy gave me.

  I closed my tired eyes and tightened my arms around Rosy’s soft, sleeping body.

  I had no idea what time it was, but I couldn’t have cared less. The day seemed to slip away so quickly whenever I fucked Rosy.

  I kissed her earlobe as my body became limp and weak. Sleep was approaching, and I looked forward to passing out with Rosy in my arms.

  The next day would bring new things, but most importantly, it would still have her.

  Chapter 11


  Everything was starting to go so well with Steele after the first week, but now things seemed to be going in the other direction.

  I wasn’t sure if it was something I did, or if I should’ve tried harder to make him feel happy, but he had become so cold and distant.

  It started the morning after I fixed him a bath. The night had went so well, and when we fucked I felt high in the best way. The best part wasn’t the sex though. It was connecting with him.

  Seeing Steele so vulnerable was surprising. It was both comforting and shocking, and it was hard to keep from wishing that he would never close up again. My heart had never been so full. Before now, I’d never really known what it was to love.

  I hated the word love, but it kept creeping up when I was with him. And now that he’d become so distant, I was feeling crushed.

  It wasn’t even gradual. He stopped talking to me with emotional connection. Our conversations grew short and shorter, and he even avoided eye contact.

  The following morning he had wanted to fuck after I finished cooking breakfast. I had spent a lot of effort cooking breakfast, and it was stunning that he didn’t seem to care. It had been so easy before – every time I’d cooked, Steele had loved it.

  But not today.

  I’d made heart shaped pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. I was excited when I brought it to him, but he ate in silence. He didn’t look pleased or smile at me like he usually did.

  I was nervous he wasn’t impressed.

  “Is it alright?” I asked as sweat dripped down my forehead.

  “Yes,” Steele said curtly.

  His answer was short and lacked any emotion whatsoever. He looked at the newspaper as usual and avoided all eye contact. I had just begun to walk out of the bedroom when he grabbed me by the arm.

  My heart raced. Maybe this weird behavior was all an act?

  “Are you ready to fuck me?” I playfully questioned.

  Steele grunted and stood up, pulling my pants down. He fucked me in the ass. The sex was incredible, as usual, but it wasn’t the same.

  It felt so mechanic, and not passionate like before. When I came, he immediately pulled out and the picked up the plate from the tray.

  “Go wash these.” He held out the plate without looking at me.

  “Okay,” I said reluctantly. I quickly pulled up my pants and took the plate, limping away to the kitchen.

  After that morning, Steele only spent time in his office. He’d come out occasionally for meals, but he’d eat quickly and never finish what I served. We only fucked once more, and that was after dinner.

  That was how things were for the following two days. His cold behavior was worrisome and hurtful. What could make a man go cold like that, so fast? What had I done to change the way he felt about me?

  One afternoon, I couldn’t take it anymore. Steele was out fishing and I felt that I would go crazy if I didn’t get an answer soon.

  I stormed out of the cabin and stomped down to where Steele was fishing. He didn’t look up as I approached with my arms crossed over my massive chest.

  A week ago, I would have been shocked to see him fishing. I’d thought Steele the white collar type, through and through. But now I knew better – I was slowly learning lots of things about Steele.

  He was more of the rugged type. The kind of man that liked to chop wood and hunt. He wasn't the typical rich man. He didn’t mind getting his hands dirty, and I really liked that about him.

  But that wasn’t the most important thing right now. I had to know why he was cutting himself off from me.

  “Steele?” I finally mustered up the courage to say.

  “What?” Steele shot back.

  “Do you wanna go for a hike in the woods?” I asked timidly. Maybe a hike could loosen him up.

  “No,” Steele growled. “And you can’t go either. I don’t feel like having to go find you when you get lost.”

  His remark stung, but I let it go.

  “Is everything alright? Maybe I can give you a massage?” I started to massage his shoulders, but he just shrugged me off.

  I was completely bewildered. What was going on?

  “I’m fine.” Steele goes back to fishing and ignoring me.

  I staggered back, fighting back tears. I couldn’t figure out what was going on, but it made me feel so unwanted.

  Everything had been going so well. The sex was amazing, and I felt like we had a real connection. But now that Steele was distant and cold, I had no idea where we stood.

  I could feel my sadness taking over. My dad used to do the exact same thing. He’d have moments where he’d be so kind and sweet, but then his mood would become so cold.

  He’d push me away, even though all I wanted was to be affectionate. Steele had started to do the same thing. I felt stupid for believing that something had grown between us.

  I walked back to the cabin and sat in the grass. The woods were a few feet away, and they seemed oddly inviting. I peeked back down at Steele – he was still in the same position, it didn’t look as if he’d moved at all.

  I felt defiance rising within me. Maybe Steele was tired of the good, sweet girl role. Maybe he wanted someone who was bad. Maybe I was boring him. After all, I was eighteen and he was forty-five.

  Maybe it was time I stopped being a naïve little girl.

  I was too young and inexperienced, and he wanted a girl who could blow his mind. I stood up quickly and frowned at the cabin. I was going to make Steele talk to me, even if it meant going against his wishes.

  I ran back inside the cabin and grabbed my sneakers and hoodie. Peeking out of the back door, I took one more look at Steele. Sure enough, he still hadn’t moved. He hadn’t even looked at me.

  I took off running towards the woods at full speed. My heart raced as I finally made it to the dark trees. Looking back once more, I noticed Steele had turned around, possibly looking for me.

  With my heart fluttering nervously, I disappeared into the dark woods. It was time for Steele to see the bad girl in me.

  Chapter 12


  I knew distancing myself from Rosy was wrong, but I of all people knew how dangerous it was falling for someone. I didn’t have the time, or the luxury, of falling in love. As a hotel magnate, I had one thing to worry about.

  And that was Th
e Grand.

  Still, I felt like shit. Rosy was clearly hurt – it was so frustrating! Had she forgotten that this was merely a transaction, a month bought by me?

  I decided to go speak to her. Maybe if all the cards were on the table, she’d understand why it was impossible for us to be close.

  But when I returned to the cabin, there was a note pinned to the fridge.

  “Went for a run in the woods. Be back later!”

  Anger rose in me as I read her girlish, bubbly handwriting. I couldn’t believe Rosy had gone against my wishes. I was furious! I knew for a fact that she didn’t know anything about the woods. She was from the city after all.

  I raced outside and started calling out Rosy’s name, hoping she’d come out from hiding. But I was met with the silence of the woods. My only option was going to find her.

  I ran back into the cabin to grab my hiking boots, then dashed to the woods. I jogged through the woods calling Rosy’s name over and over. By this time, it was still light out so I figured I could find her quickly.

  But after maybe an hour of hiking, I realized that I was losing light. The sun was slowly disappearing, and my anger turned into worry.

  If I had never acted so distant, she would’ve never felt the need to run away. Why was she being defiant? Was she trying to piss me off?

  “Rosy!” I cried out, this time in frantic desperation. I couldn’t believe I had let this happen. I abandoned my sweet girl, and now she was in danger.

  Hiking could be dangerous for beginners. My first time hiking I had slipped down a mountain halfway, and broke my leg. The pain was unbearable, but thankfully my buddy Kevin had been there to help me.

  Rosy was all alone, though. And it was all my fault.

  “Rosy!” I called out again. My voice echoed through the woods, making me feel small. Where was she? There was hardly any sun left, and my heart was pounding. I had to find her even if it killed me.

  Right when my hope was almost gone though, I heard the soft shrill cry of Rosy’s voice. It was so faint and distant, but the sound warmed my heart.



  “Help! I’m sinking!” Rosy’s voice called out. I frantically searched for the voice when I had finally found Rosy. She was sinking in some quicksand and desperately trying to pull herself out. As she clawed at the dirt and soil, she only sank further and further down.

  Horror took over me as I watched her sinking. She had a pink hoodie on, and dirt covering her face and arms. Tears were streaming down her face.

  “Rosy!” I raced over to her and grabbed onto her arms. She looked up, little bits of leaves falling down on her, and started to softly cry.

  “Steele! I’m so sorry! I just...wanted you to want me.” Rosy cried out. I felt so much disbelief.

  She did all of this because she felt I didn’t want her? Guilt washed over me like a waterfall.

  “Want you? Rosy what are you talking about?” I fumed as I tried to pull her out. Her feet were stuck, but I could feel her easing out.

  “You were being so cold to me! I tried talking to you, but you just brushed me off!” Rosy whimpered.

  My heart dropped. “Rosy, I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” I kept pulling her out, until finally, I had pulled her all the way out of the quicksand. Rosy was shivering as she laid on top of my chest. She cried softly.

  I wiped her tears away and rocked her back and forth. I couldn’t imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t heard her pleas for help.

  “I won’t run away again,” Rosy promised. I smoothed her hair down.

  “I won’t shut you out.” I held Rosy close to my chest for another moment before getting up. The sun completely gone, and it was pitch black.

  I hoisted Rosy over my shoulder and hurried back to the cabin. Even though it was summer, the nights were cold and Rosy needed to be back in the safe warmth of the cabin.

  When we finally reached the cabin, I kicked open the door and rushed inside. I threw Rosy on the couch and threw off my boots.

  I was happy Rosy was safe, but now that she was safe, I was starting to remember my anger. I didn’t like when people went against my word.

  “I thought I told you not to go venturing off in the woods,” I barked.

  “I wasn’t trying to upset you-“

  “Do you know what could’ve happened if I didn’t find you?! You could’ve died out there Rosy!”

  “Don’t you think I know that? I’m sorry, okay?” Rosy jumped up off the couch. She was still shivering, so I threw a blanket over her.

  “Your dad gave you to me, and it’s my responsibility to keep you safe out here.”

  “No, my dad sold me off to you, and just when I was feeling that things were perfect between us, you turned cold, and shut me out just like my dad!” Rosy’s face was red and her eyes filled with tears.

  “It wasn’t my intention to cut you out, Rosy.”

  “But you did. I just want to do all that I can to make you feel happy, yet I feel that I’m not enough and it makes me wonder why you even bought me.”

  I rushed over to Rosy and grabbed her by the waist.

  “Please, Rosy. I’ll admit that I shouldn’t have become distant. But you don’t know how hard it is for me.”

  “Hard? You’re a billionaire. I’m a poor girl who’s invisible to the world! What could possibly be hard for you?” Rosy yelped.

  “Admitting how I feel about you! That’s what’s hard for me!” I roared. Rosy fell quiet. I paced back and forth trying to gather my thoughts.

  “How do you feel about me?” Rosy asked quietly.

  “Like something never before. You’re amazing in so many different ways, and it blows my mind that you don’t even know it.”

  Rosy staggered backwards.

  “I have an idea. I care about you so much Steele, even though it’s only been a week.”

  I couldn’t stand it any longer. I needed her in my arms. I grabbed her into an embrace.

  I could hear her muffled cries on my chest as I held she close. I pulled her away and held her face in my hands.

  “I meant what I said when I was going to protect you. I’m not breaking my word.”

  Rosy reached up and ran her fingers through my hair. Her eyes were gleaming as a tear fell down her cheek.

  “It’s okay if you don’t want me in that way,” Rosy said in a whisper. “I just want to enjoy this month and never forget it.”

  I brushed away Rosy’s tears with my thumb.

  “I guess I should make dinner since we’re both starving.”

  “Rosy.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “You need to relax.”

  “I’d hate for the entire day to go by without a warm meal in your stomach,” Rosy said, ignoring me.


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