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Tempt The Playboy

Page 6

by Natasha Madison

  “Yes, but it’s cut up into a beautiful flower and shapes.” She smiles at me, shaking her head.

  “What if I just want it cut up, is that cheaper?” I ask, smiling at her.

  “Sir, if price is an issue, perhaps you would like to downsize and get a more affordable basket.”

  I grab my wallet out of my jacket pocket. “That’s fine,” I say, pulling out my card. “How long will it take?”

  “It should be ready in fifteen minutes,” she says, going back into what I’m sure is the fruit dungeon.

  I pull my phone out, seeing a text from Kaleigh.

  We still on for tonight?

  I smile as I answer her back.

  You want me to serve my favorite dish, damn straight we are still on for tonight.

  Perfect, she answers right away.

  I should be home in about thirty minutes, so why don’t you come by in an hour? Oh, and come with an appetite.

  Oh, I plan on it. I’m famished.

  My cock springs up to a semi attention, thinking about her lips on me.

  “Here you go, sir,” Tracy says, coming out with a bouquet that is so big I can’t see her face.

  “Holy shit,” I say, taking it in. “Did you put all three in one?” I ask, grabbing it from her while she laughs.

  “No. The other two are coming right up.” She turns to go into the back. “Would you like to come back in and get the other two?” She points to the door.

  I walk out, putting the basket in the back of the car, but it doesn’t fit on the floor.

  “No wonder it cost the price of a small island. I took all their fruit,” I say as I set it on the backseat, placing the seat belt around it. The thought of me having to brake suddenly and then the fruit flying everywhere is much more than I care to clean up. By the time I pull out of the parking lot, I have three baskets all buckled up in the back. “Thank fuck I didn’t buy a two-seater,” I say to myself while I make my way home. It takes four trips to get everything into the house. “Fuck, the bag.” I smack my head, thinking about the bag of chocolate sauce and whipped cream I picked up on the way home.

  I walk into the living room. It’s a total bachelor pad. The walls are painted white, with the big brown leather couches dressing up the room. A huge screen television is hanging on the wall right above the fireplace that I had installed after I bought the place. I place it on the table in the living room. “This looks like a place to serve dick, right?” I talk to the walls. I move the couches away from each other. I slap my hand and run to the closet in my office, grabbing a big black bag. “I knew there was a reason I bought this,” I tell myself. Walking back into the living room, I make space in front of the fireplace where I take out a white fur rug. “Oh, yeah, I’d serve cock on this thing,” I say, walking into the kitchen to the cupboard where I have the sex candles stored.

  I’m a guy. I don’t need candles in my house, at any time. So I take them out when I’m having sex. I have no idea why women love this shit, but I’m not one to ask questions.

  I place the candles strategically around the room, then close the shades around the house. “No reason to give my neighbors another view of my dick,” I say, checking my watch. Twenty minutes to spare.

  I run upstairs, undressing and throwing my shit in the laundry basket in my walk-in closet. I fix my bed in my room, just in case we end up in here. The room is in a light gray, making the dark royal blue covers pop, or at least that is what my decorator said when she handed me the bill. She fucked me that day, figuratively. The dark brown oak bed frame is almost fit for a king. I smile at myself. Fuck that, I am a king.

  Walking into my white marble bathroom, I turn the knob on the shower that is always set on the same temperature. The rain shower starts right away. I wash and make sure the cock is well groomed. I run my hand through my hair as soon as I walk out of the shower and towel dry myself off.

  I grab my satin purple robe that’s hanging behind the door. “No reason to dress up more than I need to be.”

  Making my way downstairs, I see she should be here any minute, so I light all the candles. Now everything fucking glows. I’m about to pick up the remote to put on some music when I hear the doorbell ring. I smile to myself, opening my robe and looking down at my dick. “Show time, buddy.” I cup myself while I tie the sash again.

  Opening the door, I take her in. Fuck, she’s beautiful. She has nothing on her face, except lip gloss. No fake eyelashes, no caked on makeup, nothing but her natural glow. Her blue eyes shine bright.

  “I didn’t know I was having dinner with Hugh Hefner,” she jokes as she steps in, her blue sundress swaying around her legs. “Had I known, I might have put my bunny outfit on!” She leans in and kisses my cheek. Natural, effortless, perfect. The scent of citrus hits me. I wrap my hand around her waist, bringing her closer to me, chest to chest. “Next time I expect nothing less,” I tell her right before I bend to kiss her lips.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she says while I release my hold on her and reach out to hold her hand as I close the door. It’s a simple thing I’ve done a million times before, but it’s like I have this electric current that has just run through me.

  “I brought wine,” she says, grabbing her bag and pulling out a bottle of white wine. “I mean, I went with fruity. I could have asked the girl what she recommended to go with dick, but”—she shrugs her shoulders—“I winged it.”

  “Fuck me,” slips out of me. “I think I’m in love.”

  She throws her head back and laughs, her lean neck bare, nothing stopping me from leaning in and marking it.

  Chapter Eight


  Pulling up to the address Noah gave me, I take in the houses on the street. Most of them look the same. I pull the mirror down to take one last look at myself. I fluff my still damp hair. Thanks to yoga in the park with the kids, I needed to shower right before coming here. I grab my bag, pulling out my lip gloss and applying a coat. The butterflies in my stomach are something I’m not really used to. Go in, do this, scratch the itch, leave. It’s my motto.

  “Calm down there, big boy, I’m here for dinner and a good time.” I pull my hand from his once we get to the room with about a million candles. “You can burn down a house with this many candles.” I walk into the room, taking in the massive fruit baskets that are placed on the table. “Holy shit, this is a lot of fruit.”

  “Oh, and I have chocolate also!” he says, running into what I assume is the kitchen. “And whipped cream.” He comes back in with his hands full.

  I smile at him. “That’s sweet, but I’m vegan.” I walk to him when I see his smile disappear. It’s like I told him the tooth fairy doesn’t exist. I grab him by his waist. “Besides. I like my cock straight up.”

  His hands drop the containers, both landing with a thud. “Fuck me,” he says.

  “Actually,” I say as I reach between us for the sash, “I was hoping”—I pull on one piece while the silk falls from my hands—“that you’d be the one fucking me,” I say, pushing his robe open. And fuck me is right. Holy fucking me.

  If I could stand here and gape at him, I would, but I’m seducing him. I’m making this my bitch. But holy shit my mouth just lost all its feeling. My tongue’s suddenly feeling like it’s swelled up. Dry. So fucking dry. His chest is perfect, pecs a perfect shape, his abs defined but not too much, and his side abs…On. Fucking. Point. But nothing can prepare me for what I’m thinking is the most perfect cock in the world.

  It’s absofuckinglutely perfect. “Fuck me,” I finally say.

  “I’m happy I could accommodate you,” he says, opening the robe more to give me a full view of it, not that I need it. I’ve mentally taken a picture of it.

  Focus, Kaleigh, focus. Except the only thing I can seem to look at is his cock.

  “Now that you’ve seen mine, how about I see yours?” His words pull me out of my trance.

  “Is that right?” I ask him. “It’s like show and tell then?”

  “It’s only fair.”

  “That I can do,” I say, pulling the straps down my shoulders and watching the dress fall to the floor, pooling around my feet.

  “You aren’t wearing anything under your dress?” he hisses out.

  “You aren’t wearing anything under your robe?” I match his question.

  “Yes, but—” He stops talking when I walk to him, going straight to my knees.

  “Enough with this talk, I’m hungry.” It’s the last thing I say to him. The next thing I do is pull his cock head into my mouth. I moan as I taste his pre-cum on my tongue. I take him deeper into me now.

  His robe hits the floor around his feet and my knees. Pulling my mouth away from him, my hands grip him, moving up and down. “I really like your cock.” I smile at him.

  His eyes close halfway, his hips thrusting into my hand.

  “It’s perfect,” I tell him as I suck him into my mouth again. This time his hands are in my hair, pulling it away from my face. My eyes look up, watching him watch me. I swallow him, my hand matching the rhythm of my mouth. His cock is getting harder than it was before, bigger also. My mouth leaves him while my hand continues. My fingers can’t even touch each other, his girth is that big. “I’m so going to fuck this,” I tell him as I lean in, twirling my tongue around one of his balls. “I’m going to ride this like it’s my last rodeo,” I tell him, taking him all the way into my mouth, almost gagging.

  His hands pull my hair, the pain shooting straight to my nipples that have been rubbing his legs. He holds my hair while his hips thrust into me, his cock going deeper, all the way down to the root. And I take him. “So fucking hot.” He thrusts into me. “Taking my cock down your throat.” His balls hit my chin. “I’m going to cum,” he says, trying to pull out of my mouth, but my hands fly to his perfect ass, pushing him into me and keeping him rooted there while I swallow whatever he has to give me.

  I don’t let him go till he’s done. His cock comes out of my mouth a second before he falls to his knees right in front of me.

  “You’ve seriously rocked my world. My knees gave out,” he says as he reaches out to me, grabbing the side of my neck with one hand. “Totally and fucking completely ruined me.”

  I smile while he pulls me to him.

  “You brought me to my knees,” he says right before his lips find mine.

  I inhale one last breath before his tongue invades my mouth. I think my heart stops beating or it’s beating so fast I can’t tell. His second hand grabs the other side of my neck as his tongue invades my mouth. Our tongues dance with each other while I try to continue to bring him to his knees. Turning my head to the right to deepen the kiss, my hand roams up his chest, to around his neck, my fingers finding their way into his hair. My nipples ache, tight, with just a kiss.

  His lips leave mine, kissing the side of my mouth. I’m breathless. “I thought I was going to shoot the minute your tongue touched my cock.” He kisses underneath my jaw, tracing out with his tongue, his hands now dropping from my neck, rubbing my shoulders, going down my arms and finally cupping my breasts.

  My head falls back, moaning out, while he rolls both nipples between his fingers. My breasts fit perfectly in his hands. His head bends as he takes one nipple into his mouth, sucking in so deep I almost lose it. I squeeze my legs together to get some friction.

  “Not yet, not even close to yet,” he tells me, paying attention to the other nipple.

  “If you don’t make me cum soon, I’m pushing you back on your porn rug and taking it,” I hiss out, my body filling with goose bumps.

  “Oh, I’m going to make you cum all right. Now lie back and show me that pussy.” He doesn’t have to ask me twice. I lie back, bend my knees to the side, and open myself to him.

  He rubs his hands together before he leans down and pulls my legs back and blows on my clit. My hips thrust up in hopes of getting something. “Greedy,” he says, finally licking me. My moan echoes off the walls.

  He licks right up to my clit, but stops right before he reaches it, blowing instead of licking.

  “Fuck,” I hiss out. “Noah.”

  “It’s coming back, girl. Patience,” he tells me, letting go of my thigh, his fingers rubbing me up and down to get wet. His tongue joins his finger inside me while he adds another one. I roll my hips, my clit pulsing, waiting for a touch. He licks up again. This time he lets the tip of his tongue slowly graze it, his fingers pumping into me.

  “I swear if you don’t do something soon,” I heave out. My hands come up to my breasts and I roll my nipples, making it almost worse since my whole core goes tight.

  When he licks up again, this time his teeth slowly nudge it. I roll my head from side to side in frustration, my hand going down my stomach.

  “If you touch yourself, I’ll fuck you till you can’t walk and I won’t make you come the whole time.” His voice is strong, and looking in his eyes, I know he isn’t playing.

  “Noah, please,” I pant out. His fingers feel like they are all over me. My hips thrust on his fingers that are now pumping in and out of me fast. “My clit,” I tell him, almost begging.

  “So tight, squeezing me,” he says and I’m so close to the edge I can taste it, almost reach it.

  I reach out with my hand to grip it and just like that he pulls his fingers out of me. I groan out my frustration as he turns me to my stomach, lifting my hips, and slamming into me.

  “First time I make you come it’s on my cock.” He slams in me again, gripping my hips so hard and tight my knees lift off the floor. “I’m not going to last. You’re too tight,” he says. “Play with your clit now,” he adds, pounding into me.

  The sound of flesh slapping together fills the room while my hand finally plays with my clit, rubbing it from side to side. I hear screaming, moaning, and finally a roar as I come. I don’t know who is screaming or roaring more, me or Noah. But he doesn’t let up, pounding into me until my pussy is pulsing over him, until I don’t think I can breathe anymore. Until we both lie here, me on my stomach, him now on his back, my mouth dry, my eyes closed just a touch. I’ve never been fucked into almost unconsciousness, and fuck me if I want to go back for more.

  “I can’t move,” I tell him. “I do yoga for a living. I’m in a constant state of relaxation all the time, but this…” I smile, facing him, his eyes slowly closing.

  “I know,” he says. “I just need a moment and we can go for round two. I just…” He looks over at me. “You drained me.” He smiles at me.

  I watch him, waiting for his breathing to even out. I roll myself up, grabbing my dress and quietly slipping it on. I walk around, blowing out all the candles before picking up my purse. I look down at him, the discarded condom right next to him. He’s almost like one of those marble statues they have at the Louvre, perfectly sculpted except his penis is way nicer.

  Turning around, I pick up my shoes, putting them in my purse. I walk to the door, opening it as quietly as I can and closing it softly. I make it to my car and home.

  The house is dark as I unlock the door and walk upstairs. I see the light coming from under Lauren’s door, but I walk straight to my room instead. The night replays in my head over and over and over again. Sleep finally takes me sometime after 3 a.m., right after I hear the first bing.

  Chapter Nine


  My eyes suddenly flutter open. The room is in darkness. My body feels like it’s a damn gummy worm. I stretch my arms out to find Kaleigh, coming up empty. I rise up, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. I slowly climb to my feet. I walk to the kitchen to see if maybe she is there. After looking there and the bathroom on that floor, I make my way upstairs to my bedroom. Nothing. With my hands on my hips, I go see if maybe she is in the bathroom upstairs.

  “There is no way she took off,” I say to the room, because the truth is, deep down inside I know she bailed. I run back down the stairs, looking out to see that her car is long gone. Walking to the kitchen, I pick up my phone and send her a text. />
  Where are you?

  I toss the phone on the counter, walking to the fridge, opening it up, and grabbing the orange juice. After drinking from the container, I close the light and make my way upstairs, slipping into bed. I look up at the ceiling as I remember the night. It was beyond my wildest dreams. I’ve had sex so many times I can’t begin to count, but with Kaleigh it was like taking the roller coaster ride for the first time. The anticipation, your stomach dipping when it starts to climb, and then the scream when it finally plummets. Raising your hands in the air, letting the wind run through your hair. She knocked me on my ass. I swear. I couldn’t feel my knees and it’s a good thing that rug was there because I might have broken my kneecap. But why leave? I turn over, looking out the window. I mean, I’ve dipped and left before, sneaking out. Fuck, once I left my fucking shoes in the apartment and never went back. I don’t have time to think of anything else because sleep comes to take me. Waking three hours later, I roll over, shutting off the alarm.

  My morning routine is much the same: run, shower, shave, leave. Walking downstairs, I pick up the discarded condom, tossing it in the garbage can. I go back, picking up the chocolate and whipped cream, tossing them out also. I check my phone to see if I got any messages and nothing. My message was delivered, but nothing about it being read. I shake my head, grabbing the fruit baskets and buckling them in the car.

  Once I arrive at the office, I get out and call over the parking assistant, asking him to have the three fruit baskets delivered to the floor. Once I toss him my keys, my phone beeps in my pocket. I pull it out and see it’s from Kaleigh.

  Had to get home. Had fun. Let’s catch up soon!

  Did she just blow me off? I throw my head back and laugh. This is going to be fun.

  Yup, catching you is exactly what I look forward to doing. Have a great day, beautiful.

  “Take that,” I say out loud in the elevator while the three other people I don’t know look over at me.

  When I get to my floor I walk out and see Tara, the receptionist.


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