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Ravenhold: Magic Forged: A Dark Academy Romance (Ravenhold Supernatural Reform Academy Book 2)

Page 12

by LJ Swallow

  But then they’re insane to think they can take down the academy and then the Confederacy who arrive.

  “Eloise. Head to the classroom. I want to stop the girls following,” I say quietly.

  Zeke glances over and nods. “Talking to them is pointless, but we can’t have them follow us.”

  “What are you saying?” Kai calls out.

  “That talking to you is pointless. If you want me to join in, tell me your full plans.” Zeke side-eyes me. Delaying tactics.

  Eloise stays silent and braced for attack; the shifter girls continue to whisper between themselves. I grit my teeth in frustration. We don’t need this right now. “Eloise. Go. I’ll be with you in less than a minute,” I whisper.

  Giving my hand a quick squeeze, Eloise turns and heads in the opposite direction towards the classrooms. I tip my chin at the girls who begin to move after her.

  “Try me,” I growl.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I’m bewildered by the chaos as I rush towards the classroom before anybody else appears. I’m not worried that the girls will pursue me, but what if news about the shifters spreads and unsympathetic guards and staff appear?

  Nobody waits in the hallway to the classrooms—nor does anybody follow me. I reach Francesca’s door and glance around one last time before trying the door handle.

  The door opens into a room lit by Francesca’s large candles which cast enough light to see everything. As I step through, I adjust my eyes to the light and count the occupants.

  Dorian. Ivan.

  And Oriana, with a blood-covered hand.

  At least she’s upright and doesn’t have Dorian attached to her neck—or Ivan attached anywhere else. She sits cross-legged on the floor, her eyes fixed on Ivan beside her, and presses an index finger into the centre of her palm. Dorian stands over them both, arms crossed.

  “Nice of you to join us, Eloise,” says Ivan without looking up.

  “What’s happening?” I ask. “Why are you bleeding, Oriana?”

  “Ivan knows Blackwood magic,” she whispers as if somebody might hear. “He’s teaching us.”

  I frown at Dorian. “Didn’t Ivan teach you Blackwood magic?”

  “I don’t ‘do’ spells,” he says in an offhand way. “I wasn’t taught them since vamps raised me to be the wonderful person I am today.”

  “And I’m teaching him.” Ivan pats the floor beside him. “Sit. I can teach you too.”

  “Dorian told me, and I don’t believe that you know their spells. Your family doesn’t have the Blackwood grimoire—if they did, they’d demonstrate their new magic.”

  He scratches his head. “I’m friends with a Blackwood. Quite an important one, actually. Technically, he’s Dorian’s brother.”

  Dorian growls. “I’m no Blackwood.”

  “Yes. Witches don’t kill each other,” I say to Dorian tersely.

  “You are still such a naive little girl, Eloise,” says Ivan. “If you want to grow into those abilities, you need us. Dorian and I.”

  “Tell me again,” interrupts Oriana. “Where do I cut next?”

  Bile rises. “What?”

  Ivan smiles and reaches over to pat Oriana’s leg, before leaning in for a languid kiss that turns my stomach further. As he does, he dips his finger into her palm and when he pulls away, he runs a bloodied finger from her forehead to her chin.

  Oriana doesn’t respond and I snap my head around to look at Dorian. Witch blood. Is it affecting him? “Ivan. What are you doing?” he asks.

  “This is disgusting! Oriana, come with me. Now.” I stride across the room and grab her uncut hand in an attempt to pull her upright.

  “No! I want to learn the magic. To get the fuck out of here.” She snatches her hand away.

  “Is that what he told you?” I ask and give a harsh laugh. “Nobody is powerful enough to bypass the wards and get out of Ravenhold.”

  “You two are.” Ivan waves something at me and a knife blade flashes. “With some help.”

  I stay close to Oriana, ready to snatch the knife off him.

  “I didn’t take Eloise’s blood,” says Dorian flatly.

  Ivan stiffens. “What? Why not?”

  “You never mentioned you intended to do that!” I shout at him. “I knew this was all a trick.” I swallow and look at him. “The others will be here soon.”

  “Why not?’ repeats Ivan and stands. “You’re capable!”

  “He wouldn’t dare.” I glare at Dorian. “I’m too strong for him, Ivan.”

  Ivan steps towards me. “Bullshit. You want his power too. Something else stopped you.” He drags a bloodied hand through his hair. “Was it the fucking shifter and mid?”

  “No,” I retort. “They don’t follow me everywhere. I don’t understand why Oriana is involved,” I say and watch as she idly finger-paints blood runes on the floor.

  “Entertainment.” Ivan waves a hand to one side. “Oriana told me that she came to Ravenhold at sixteen, and because of her role in the academy fire a couple of years ago, she’s facing life at Nighthold.”

  Oriana sighs. “Usually I deal with the situation, but the more I talk to Ivan, the worse I feel about my future. I’m not sure I could cope.”

  Blood ices in my veins as I eye Ivan’s knife. “What do you mean, Oriana?”

  Dorian growls beside me. “Just tell me the fucking spell. If Eloise wants to stay, that’s her dumb choice.”

  “No!” Ivan half-shouts. “Eloise comes with us.”

  “Now I’ve seen what you’re doing to Oriana, I’d rather stay here than go anywhere with you.” I wave a hand around. “Where’s the magic portal?” I ask sarcastically. “Invisibility spell to magic us onto a boat?”

  Ivan moves closer and I stumble back. Why the hell isn’t Dorian stopping him?

  “Blackwood magic. Blood magic.” He moistens his lips.

  “You couldn’t use Blackwood magic!” I retort. “It’s too strong for any other bloodline.”


  I look back to Oriana.

  “I’m learning, but Dorian has the magic fuel I need. He’s too damn stubborn to accept his witch side and needs my help to escape.” Ivan tips his head. “Oriana, sweetheart, stand.”

  Two bloodied handprints appear on the floor as she pushes herself upright.

  “Dorian,” I mumble. “What the fuck is Ivan doing?”

  “Oriana’s mental state declined recently.” Ivan pulls a mock sad face. “Look at what she’s done.”

  I don’t understand anything that’s happening here until Ivan nods at Oriana. She unbuttons her black shirt and I’m relieved she chooses to wear crop tops beneath her clothes before he humiliates her.

  “You arsehole!” I shout at Ivan. “Stop controlling her.”

  “Eloise.” Dorian’s voice is low. “Look at Oriana.”

  My focus switches to my friend and what I think are small, red scars become clearer as I look closer. These aren’t scars, but one day they will be. Over a dozen words are cut into her skin, across her stomach and torso—the same word.


  “What the fuck did you do!” I shriek and launch myself at him.

  He sidesteps and backs off with a wary eye on Dorian.

  “I did this, not Ivan,” she says and looks down as she touches the cuts.

  “Why?” I push my fingers into my hair.

  “Oriana’s mental state really isn’t good. She’s obsessed with me. Honestly, I should worry what she might do if I teach her more magic.”

  “No! You made her mutilate herself! I’ve seen you do this before.” As I step towards him, he hands the knife to Oriana.

  “What do you mean?” asks Dorian.

  I spin around. “You wouldn’t listen when I told you what a sick, twisted bastard he is. Ivan uses mind control and forces people to do disgusting things to themselves, and to him.”

  “People like you?” Dorian asks and his eyes narrow.

  “No! Ivan t
ried but...” I place my hands over my eyes as the images Ivan taunted me with reappear.

  “You call me sick and twisted?” Ivan chokes a laugh. “This guy tortured and killed your uncle. He’s killed more people than I have.”

  “More?” I falter. “How many people have you killed, Ivan?”

  “Technically, none, since they kill themselves,” he replies. “To be honest, bleeding out isn’t the method of suicide I’d prefer. Bullet to the head. Jumping from a roof.”

  Dorian breaks his stupor and crosses the room to seize Ivan’s shirt. “What does that mean? Do you know something about Samuel?”

  Ivan merely smirks.

  “I’ll fucking hurt you,” snarls Dorian.

  “But I’m your chance of getting out.”

  “Fuck that!” he snaps. “Eloise.”

  I shake at the horrors I can see around me as I look between the others in the room.

  “Oriana!” gasps out Ivan, but his cold eyes meet mine. “Don’t.”

  I spin back around to where Oriana holds the knife against her wrist, and she trembles as if fighting against an invisible force holding her hand. “I don’t want to.” She looks up at me, eyes wide and pupils dilated. “Do I want to die?”

  “Zeke!” I scream out and snatch hold of Oriana’s arm. The door bursts open behind me as I attempt to wrest the knife from her hand and push her to the floor.

  Zeke and Ethan stand in the doorway, but they don’t move, as glowing runes appear at their feet. Ivan laughs. “Nice triggering, guys.”

  “Get the fuck out, Eloise!” shouts Zeke, eyes wild.

  There’s a thud as Ivan hits the wall behind when Dorian half-throws him against the bricks. He advances on him, teeth bared. Ivan holds his hands up, palms out. “Don’t throw away your chance to reclaim who you are, Dorian. Not for the sake of dumb witches.”

  I stare in shock when Dorian hesitates.

  “Eloise. Come with us or Oriana will finish what she’s started,” says Ivan.

  I whirl around and Oriana sobs while holding the shaking knife close to her throat. I’m sickened by the sight of my friend covered in the bloodied graffiti that this sick fuck forced her to do to herself. I’ve no doubt Ivan could and would force Oriana take her own life.

  “I’ll come with you,” I say and move towards the runic circle Oriana painted. “Just let her leave.”

  I stare at Dorian with hatred that he’d agree to go with this guy and watches while Ivan blackmails me into joining them.

  “Sure thing. Give Eloise the knife, Oriana,” says Ivan.

  Relief and tears fill her eyes as she drops the blade from her throat. “You’ll be okay,” I cajole. “Pass me the knife.”

  The blade flashes and Oriana snatches my hand before I have time to move. I cry out as the knife slashes my palm.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to,” she says.

  No. I press my fingers into my bleeding palm and fury roars through me as Ivan laughs. “Time to leave, Eloise.” He stumbles as I lash out at him with my weak magic.

  “No. Oriana, come with—” Omigod. Oriana now holds the knife against her neck again and the tip catches the edge of her throat.

  Ivan shakes his head. “No. You come with me, if you want her to live. I knew you’d need persuasion.”

  I look wildly at Dorian and back to Ethan and Zeke in the doorway. What do I do?

  With a smirk, Ivan pulls another knife from his pocket and runs his tongue along his top lip as he nicks his fingers. “Dorian?”

  Do I sense a moment of hesitation? I can’t see what’s in Dorian’s eyes, because the bastard doesn’t look at me as he slashes at his hand.

  He lied. They both lied. Why the fuck did I ignore the others and believe somebody like Dorian Blackwood?

  Mouth pulled tight, I walk towards Ivan. He snatches my arm and the bones jar as I fall to my knees. “Good girl. Oriana will thank you. Ethan. Zeke. Help Oriana, will you?”

  The wards break and Zeke and Ethan stumble through. “You’re welcome to join us. You’ll need your blood, though.”

  He indicates the circle he holds my palm in and I look wildly at them as I choke a sob. Dorian, the traitorous bastard, does and says nothing, apart from place his hand beside mine.

  Pain roars through my head and the bleak world I live in turns black.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I swore I’d never again do anything without considering the consequences, but as Ivan and Dorian drag Eloise into that rune portal, I have no time to think.

  Neither does Ethan, because he snatches the knife from the trembling Oriana and slashes at his hand before throwing himself towards the circle. I grab the discarded knife and join him in adding blood to the mix. As if timing the spell precisely, Ivan chooses that moment to shout the final words of the spell he’s mumbling beneath his breath.

  I’ve spent time in trances, both chosen and forced, and possess a mind resilient to control, but the sudden and complete blackness when I place my hand between the blood runes overwhelms me. There’s no chance either me or Ethan can pull Eloise out of the circle. Eloise told me how Ethan can look and behave and there’s definitely an edge of animal to this guy now. Mids can’t shift, but depending on how ‘stuck’ they are impacts how visible their hybrid situation is.

  Ethan physically hides his mid side well, but now he’s angry and he’s let go of the humanity. I pity both Dorian and Ivan when we reach wherever the hell he’s taking Eloise.

  The awareness of my surroundings returns, and my cheek is pressed to cold stone. Nearby, Ivan stands beside Dorian, who steadies himself on the wall. Two expensive-looking cars are parked behind them.

  “That hurt my fucking head,” Dorian grumbles.

  “Uh. You’re out of Ravenhold. ‘Thanks’ would be nice,” Ivan retorts.

  As I sit, the surroundings sway. Eloise is by their feet, between them, and I try to move to her but my limbs won’t work.

  “Where are we?” I growl.

  “Eloise’s home. The garage.” Ivan crouches down to stroke her hair and fury flares through my blood but I still can’t move. He looks up and sticks his bottom lip out. “Aww, Zeke, can’t you stand?”

  “What the fuck did use on me?”

  “A simple spell for a simple race.” Ivan chuckles. “Your muscles are a little weak. The spell should wear off in half an hour.”

  Dorian points at Ethan who’s sprawled beside me, unconscious. “He’s not moving. Did you kill Ethan?

  “I might’ve used too much power on the mid, but that’s fine. He’ll survive.” Ivan’s eyes glint. “Did the bastard honestly think he’d get away with beating the crap out of me?”

  I shuffle backwards and use my weak arms to push myself to stand. “You let me and Ethan through your portal. Why?”

  “I need people who know the truth to send warnings into the world. Others need to know that Ravenhold is no longer inescapable.” Ivan tips his chin. “You can communicate to your shifter society that the Blackwoods are back and that they need to support us.”

  I rub my cut palm with a thumb. “My ‘shifter society’ sent me to Ravenhold, remember?”

  “Family did. It’s so sad how your parents treat you all.” He nods at the silent Dorian, who crouches beside Eloise. “Including yours.”

  I have no clue who he means—Blackwoods or Thornbrooks. This whole world is a mess. I hardly spent any time in human society and rarely stepped outside the Tigris world. The main shifter community called the one I lived in a cult. My father would laugh and argue what’s the difference between a shifter pack and what our community do?

  But there were differences.

  Painful ones.

  And Ethan? Did his family live on the edges too?

  “Dorian. Just fucking kill this witch and get us out of here,” I say.

  He looks at me impassively.

  “Dorian appreciates what I’ve done for him and he still needs my help,” says Ivan. “A little appreci
ation from you wouldn’t go amiss.”

  I pull a face at all his politeness and false superiority, because I don’t give a fuck who he is or what he says. This guy is on a short lifespan.

  “What help?” I snap at Dorian.

  “Eloise. You didn’t think I’d changed my mind about her blood, did you?” Dorian asks in his smooth tones.

  “You fucking—" I attempt to move but can’t, and Dorian sneers at me. “Why lie and say you care about her? You know what Ivan did! You’re handing her to the wolves.”

  “Oh, no. No shifters involved,” Ivan says with a snicker at his own joke.

  “Ivan knows not to cross me,” Dorian says.

  “And Dorian knows not to cross the Blackwoods.”

  I look to Dorian for a reaction. None.

  Why the fuck did I trust this guy?

  “Pick her up, Dorian,” says Ivan with a dismissive wave at Eloise.

  My mouth fills with acidic hatred as Dorian scoops Eloise into his arms. He supports her lolling head against his chest but doesn’t look at her face.

  “What the fuck, Dorian?” I shout out.

  “I’ll leave the garage door unlocked,” says Ivan. “As I said, shifters don’t bother us and the magic on this estate would be too much for you to handle.” He nods. “Evidently.”

  “Fuck you,” I growl.

  “I advise you to leave as soon as your ugly mid friend wakes. Go hide from the authorities. Whatever. You’re no longer my concern.” Ivan is absolutely fucking loving this. “Dorian. Come on.”

  I gawk at Dorian following Ivan’s orders. Either he has something over Dorian, or the hybrid is planning something, and Dorian can give Ivan more than the bloodied face that Ethan gave him.

  The garage door grinds as the roller drops down and blocks out the night. I move to run after them, but the fucking spell stops my legs working in enough time. I should listen to Ivan—attempting to pursue the pair into a house filled with witches is a bad idea.


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